New Q&A video on YouTube

Here's the transcription for Skepticism in research:

I had considerable experience in researching the paranormal
when I came upon the UFO problem
and that of course, after studying it for a period of time
drove me to the realization
that there were, actually,
very few sources of real information
that were gonna, you know,
give me any answers or point me in the right direction
or give me a clue,
which is why I began the Cassipaean experiment,
but as I said, I began it with the experience of an exorcist,
which basically amounts to
don't believe anything any spirit tells you, ever.
Test it. And it's even on the bible:
Test the spirits, try the spirits
don't believe anything it's told you
and even if it makes the most sense
or they sound loving or, you know,
they talk about true love
or they tell you things that are supposedly obvious
like, you know, you should love your parents
or you shouldn't kill or
you should be a vegetarian
those things sound, ostensibly,
very noble and high sounding so
people make the automatic assumption
that that must be good
but what if they're telling you to be a vegetarian
because they want you to be, you know,
to have the right chemicals in your body
so they can eat you, you know.
So, I mean that's just
one of the things you need to think about.
So I just took the attitude that,
whatever they tell me, well,
it goes into the realm of ok, we'll see
Says who, we'll see.
And some things are still in that category.
They have not been proven,
they have not been disproven.
Some things have been evidence
of obvious corruption by people
who have attended the sessions because,
you know, something would come out
and I, a question would be asked and I knew
that somebody in the room had a
very definite and strong idea about that
and I could feel it because, you know,
I'm extremely psychically sensitive
and I could feel the emanations from this person
and I could feel it almost like a wave
moving the planchette or the pointer
as it moved on the board
as though that person's mental power
was answering the question the way
they wanted it to be
which is one of the reasons why
I don't have guests at my sessions anymore
because I want only people who have been
through the process of getting rid
of their assumptions and their illusions.
If they have done that, ok, you can be here
because how many people can really ask a question
completely openly, without any assumption
about what the answer's gonna be, not many.
So, I have a real attitude,
a real skeptical attitude,
even about everything I do myself,
you know, everything about, you know,
just because they tell me,
doesn't mean I'm gonna believe it.
Perceval said:
Everyone, please make an effort to view these short videos and vote them up and comment on them. If you don't have a youtube account, get one! so you can comment. And also, share them around on FB etc.

Thank you!

Just watched all the new additions - great presentation Laura and no easily task to conveyed by any means, but said they must be. Thanks to others behind the lens and microphones, too. :thup:
Parallax said:
Just watched all the new additions - great presentation Laura and no easily task to conveyed by any means, but said they must be. Thanks to others behind the lens and microphones, too. :thup:

Make that another thanks to all involved. :rockon:
Gandalf said:
Perceval said:
Everyone, please make an effort to view these short videos and vote them up and comment on them. If you don't have a youtube account, get one! so you can comment. And also, share them around on FB etc.

Thank you!

Yup, ditto, done!
Great videos Burma. Laura just being her honest self speaks volumes about her credibility.
I wish I could afford to go to Barcelona. Hope there'll be videos available.
Here's the transcript for the 9/11 video:

9/11 in the most practical sense
represents that moment in our history
when the big lie was foisted upon all of humanity in a global way -
and as I've already said, when you believe a lie,
you give your power away to the liars.
There are many other lies
that are being propagated in our world today
that people are believing and giving their power away thereby,
but 9/11 is the big one.
And it basically has amalgamated many human beings on the planet
who are really decent, good people who want to have a good life,
a peaceful life, they don't want wars, they don't want killing,
they want a future for their children.
It has amalgamated them, joined them, subsumed them
into the killing machine one way or another.
Because as long as you believe that lie, the killing goes on,
and as long as you are part of it,
you are part of the energy of attraction of negativity
that is going to bring on disaster on this planet.
The Q & A videos are fantastic. Great information in a concise and clear way. Thank you all involved. This is a great service to All.
Gandalf said:
Perceval said:
Everyone, please make an effort to view these short videos and vote them up and comment on them. If you don't have a youtube account, get one! so you can comment. And also, share them around on FB etc.

Thank you!


working on that now. thank you Laura and team--job well done!
Wow Amazing!! Really nicely done! 10/10.

I have seen acouple of Interviews of Laura and I have always wondered what all the rings she wears are for, do they have any significance? I think they are amazing, just wondering if they have a specific significance apart from beauty.
Not sure if this has been done already, but here is the transcript for the STO vs STS video:

Service to others and service to self.
In the grand scheme of things
these seem to be the most useful terms
to sort and order our understanding of reality.
And the reason I say that is because,
if you think back, if you reflect on reality
in a rational, logical way, and you think back
to the very beginning of things
and you think that everything is all one, ok.
Well just as with a cell, if you have just one cell,
that cell will divide into two.
So if you have just one, the first division,
and this is why numbers are important,
the first division is two. So you have two.
And those divisions, more or less of a necessity
must be on and off, yes and no, black and white,
good and evil or whatever, ok.
So you start out with that
and then you bring it down through
various levels of density and so forth
and we're here in our world
where all these things are mixed up.
So we're trying to sort things out
whether they are good or evil.
Well the ancient celtic idea of good and evil
was that there is good and there is evil
and there is the third force,
the specific situation
that determines which is which.
Because there are situations
where doing one thing is good
and there are other situations
where doing the same thing is evil, ok.
And the question becomes
service to others or service to self.
You can further define it in those terms.
There is another way of looking at it
which is what Gurdjieff described as, you know,
the issue of manipulation.
If you do anything towards another person
with the idea of covertly or secretly
manipulating that person to do something
that benefits you particularly or solely,
that is evil, that is service to self, ok.
But there are other situations where you can,
where it's necessary for you to not
be entirely direct with a person.
Gurdjieff tells a story in his book
Meetings with remarquable men
about taking ordinary sparrows and
painting them with dye to turn them
into little fake canaries
that he was then selling to the tourists
as canaries to make enough money
to support his group of adventurers
who were out there in Siberia somewhere
or Kazakhstan or Afghanistan
searching for the truth,ok.
So he was, in a sense, he was lying to people,
he was manipulating these people
to buy these canaries, these fake canaries.
Now, a lot of people have made
a lot of negative remarks about that,
but the fact is he had a goal that
was beyond himself which was to support,
you know he was in desperate times,
they didn't have food to eat,
they didn't have money to travel,
he was out in the middle of God knows where.
They had to get out of there
and they had to continue their search
because what he was trying to do
was for the benefit of all humanity.
So in this situation his little ruse,
his little game, whether it actually happened
or whether he was just telling a story
to make a point was for the benefit of others.
Therefore it was good even though
the immediate event, the interaction
with the particular individuals
could've been said to have been bad, ok.
So he was acting in a way
that served others not himself.
Of course, his survival was important
in order for his group to survive
in order for this work that
he was trying to do to survive.
So, in a sense, the service to others
was also helping him, he was an other
among, being served.
So, looking at situations
as to whether something serves yourself
or serves others is an important way
to look at our reality, but always remember
There is good and there is evil
and there is the specific situation,
the parameters that determine which is which.
I forgot to comment before, but I'd like to add my thanks to the team for the videos. I look forward to the rest if there are any more. :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

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