New Show: MindMatters (RIP Truth Perspective)

Really enjoyed the show. So much information to fit into the time allotted with a calm summation at the end. Plunging to the depths of what is really planned can be destabilising but taking into account the amounts of wishful thinking attached to their plans, we can have hope.

Thank you very much.
Watched this last night - another great show. BTW - Ennio, I appreciated your comments about how you had read so much about the 'Great Reset' that you assumed you had heard it all, but that Michael's book changed your mind. Apparently the in-depth knowledge gained from the book tells a much bigger story than most of us know. So - guess i will be reading this book as well. Have to admit after reading so many articles, I rather thought the same thing!

Almost 4 years ago Sott published this article about the Green New Deal and particularly how it was being implemented in the US through highly organized and supposedly grassroots "Climate Action Plan" meetings throughout many major cities. What left me gobsmacked was just how developed, widespread, methodical and pervasive these propaganda meetings were by then already. A lot of it attributed to the UN's Agenda 21 personnell and planning. What the artcle doesn't mention is anything related to the WEF, the Great Reset, their "Young Global Leaders" type groups and their churning out of thousands of acolytes throughout the world. And it just seems to me that many of the individuals organizing and promoting these "Climate Action Plan" meetings had to have come from Herr Schwab's Globalist hive drone factories. So yeah, reading Rectenwald has certainly filled in some gaps in knowledge of these organizations, and just how things have gotten as far as they have.
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Just for the record I received that this morning from : The Battlefield and the Bazaar

I’ll wait.

If you’re like most people, you’re drawing a complete blank. There’s a good chance that you didn’t even know that there were seven heavenly virtues. I’ve posed this question many times over the last year or so, both in personal conversation and on a couple of podcast appearances, such as my interview on
Harrison Koehli and L.P. Koch‘s excellent MindMatters several months ago, and during a panel discussion a few days back with the rest of the Deimos Station crew on the RealFemSapiens podcast, which you can see here if you’re so inclined:
...What the artcle doesn't mention is anything related to the WEF, the Great Reset, their "Young Global Leaders" type groups and their churning out of thousands of acolytes throughout the world. And it just seems to me that many of the individuals organizing and promoting these "Climate Action Plan" meetings had to have come from Herr Schwab's Globalist hive drone factories. So yeah, reading Rectenwald has certainly filled in some gaps in knowledge of these organizations, and just how things have gotten as far as they have.

What the article also does not mention, although it leads off with Rio De Janeiro, Brazil (1992), is a very deep player, Maurice Strong - friend/mentor to Herr nose-Schwab and a Rockefeller man through and through.

As said in the article (by F. William Engdahl) from Brazil in 92, Strong states the WEF playbook back then:

"It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class — involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing — are not sustainable." (emphasis added)

Strong was a Calgary, Alberta oil boy (in the land of the Blue-eyed sheiks) who later was appointed to be the CEO of Petro-Canada by Justin's daddy, then off to head up the UN climate arm and then to Brazil in 92, the WEF always in the background, and the IPCC to help settle the science. Busy guy.

Can't really think of anyone who's hands were more influential in the downward spiral we find ourselves in, although far from being alone.
We had a great discussion on the implications of ChatGPT, AI, and related technologies, with Joe Allen - who's been looking at these developments quite deeply for a number of years now. Given his on-going research into this topic and how things only seem to be progressing I have a feeling we'll be asking him to be on the show again in the not-too-distant future. He was a great guest and the insights he shared probably couldn't be timelier.

MindMatters: ChatGPT and the Heralds of AI's Subjugation of Humanity - with Joe Allen

In just a short time, programs like ChatGPT and other chat bots have burst on the societal scene to the delight, fascination and enthrallment of millions. Individuals can now interact with a language program that is seemingly conversant on numerous subjects and provides "answers" via virtual brains. But this new powerful technology begs many more questions: What are these programs really, and how do they fit in with the development of AI? Where does anthropomorphic projection fit in as people become increasingly involved with them? Are these bots a first major step towards a transhuman reality? And can these technologies actually be forming the basis or entryway to a new type of technoreligion?

This week on Mindmatters we get to discuss these issues with Joe Allen, author of the Substack blog Singularity Weekly. After extensive research into this and related subject matter, Joe's nuanced analysis tells us that yes, we need to be paying serious attention to where all this has brought us, and where things are very likely going. Given how powerful and even seductive the use of these technologies are, he also suggests what may be the healthiest attitude or approach to interacting with them going forward. As if the world hasn't devolved into enough insanity there is, in fact, a new pathologizing influence to contend with. And we, 'legacy humans', ignore its profound influences at our own peril.

We had a great discussion on the implications of ChatGPT, AI, and related technologies, with Joe Allen - who's been looking at these developments quite deeply for a number of years now.

That was a heavy show to contemplate, and thanks to Joe for speaking on the subject and for the four of you asking questions.

Suppose, Achilles heel-wise, a predictive barrier (lol on Joe's predictive hesitancy), or more so a possibility, might simply be humankinds ability to hold onto the infrastructure that allows these systems to operate. It would not take much from 'out there' for AI dreams and reality to collapse.

If not for that, though, it will not be easy on many going forward to adjust and adapt.
Hey all, for the life of me I can't remember the title of an old show that focused on the relationship between diet and weird phenomenon, paranormal experiences, poltergeist stuff, abductions, etc. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Doesn't ring a bell...

I found it, it was an episode from the old Health & Wellness show. I was starting to think I had invented it in my mind...

Our latest offering...

MindMatters: Knee-deep in the Weird: Science, the Paranormal, and Popular Belief

After some brief comments on classical worldviews, natural law, populism, the genesis of leftist and postmodern thought, and the history of ideas, we settle on today's topic of topics: the paranormal. What societal structures exist (in academia, the media, the marketplace, etc.) that make the paranormal both in demand as a subject worth learning about - and yet deeply suppressed as something to take seriously in "official culture". What does the Church and orthodox materialist science have to say about the acceptance of the so-called supernatural? And how do we come to know anything even remotely objective about such a topic when the rigor and open-mindedness required to study it is so lacking in officialdom? Join us for this fascinating discussion!

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