New show: NewsReal with Joe & Niall

It really is a clown world. Look at this clown trying to create distance between Somalia and Yemen. The softball question - are the missing Navy Seals connected to the military operation in that area? No, Kirby says, it's related to routine operations to stop Iran supplying Yemen with weapons. That's two for one propaganda.

Delighted, though surprised, to learn that we provide relaxing afternoons! 😀

I would've thought it's unsettling to listen to a week's worth of 'Clown World' news condensed into two hours! 🤢
Well Niall, talking about our clown world is what me and my wife talk about most of the time. So, listening to you and Joe doesn’t take us out of our confort zone. We appreciate from both of you your insight and deep level of knowledge in the many subject that you discuss. It add new perspective an help deepening our understanding of this reality.
If What we are witnessing at the moment is unsettling, what will it be in the next few month and years to come. Like the CS said, it will get worse before it get better, we all can see it.
The CS told us to prepare psychologicaly and psychically for the upcoming event. Taking the position of an observer is what we are doing. Reality is what it is and we are not in position to change it, obviously, and again as the CS said, why would you want to change it anyway. There come a time after a major event where you need to push aside the initial emotional shock, come down to earth if I may say as to not obfuscate our thinking and observing potential. I guest we are there now, having gone trough processing the emotional aspect we can in a relaxed way observe critically and more objectively what is happening in our reality.
I would've thought it's unsettling to listen to a week's worth of 'Clown World' news condensed into two hours
This is why I love the program so much. Your laid back, droll and tongue in cheek presentation whilst relaying disturbing news and offering the audience a chance to see current events from another angle is superbly done. It works beautifully!
In latest Newsreal at 01h:38m you mention grains grown in Ukraine, how Russia may be acquiring those supremely fertile wheat-lands.

'Depends on what article you read in Hungary: Pro-Western or Pro-Russian newspaper. For example this one: the 34 000 inspections on grains from Ukraine only found GMO pollution in two cases..

Peachy.. :huh:

For example Canadian GMO lentils and Turkish probably GMO contaminated red lentils as well flooded Hungary, our grocery market sellers are proudly displaying them. Therefore I have to be careful to only order lentils from Russia and Russia only and the sticker must state that the lentils are coming from Russia: big sized ones. Hungarian lentils are usually smaller.

Interesting detail is that you can find entirely different not-lentil particles in Russian lentils, like some kind of whole wheat shaped weed - some kind of a cross between wheat and weed - but with longer dark antennae (on top), having the color of wild rice, which I wasn't able to identify on the net. So, no pics..

Canadian GMO lentils are perfectly colored, big all same size, as if they were clones and contain no contaminant-seeds: all of which is a STRONG WARNING SIGNAL!!
Members of this community and others paying attention to the alt-/media to see what is going on and collecting information for Newsreal or for their own famous channels, distance yourselves from Earth for a minute. In your mind fly out into space and observe what could be going on out there. Watch and analyze. Then from your vantage point on the outside, look down onto Earth again: and know, that what is going on on this planet now, I think, is a major softening up operation forced onto the population, making everybody gnash their teeth at each other. In Jesus' time they did the same. Persecutions, assassinations, wars achieved by forced division of races and ethnic groups. Now we are completing that full circle.

Argument #1: one side of the coin
This weakens Planetary Unity. Dangerously exhausting countries. Depleting stockpiles. Fully helping the Lizzies.
- Divide, so the Invaders can conquer easier?!

Argument #2: the other side of the coin
This million years old Lizard Tactic of weakening any targeted planet's population with wars and plagues is a two edged sword, I think.

1. Development of real fighters is happening now on the frontlines and they are accumulating critically important War Experience. Essentially one could argue that the Lizards are helping Earth Countries to train Elite War Veterans now. Just before the Invasion.

2. Stockpile depletion spurs military inventions - look at Russia, China, Iran, etc.. - , makes new technologies to pop up and countries start to manufacture more and better weapons that can hinder / bother even the highly advanced 10 million Nephilim Invasion Force. Any weapon that affects & works via gravity on this planet [bombs, missiles] can physically disturb Nephilim operations. Any electro-magnetic weapons, counter-drone radio-beam weapons messing up air ionization can hurt Lizzie ships and drones: the new "Chinese Infinite Range Laser" reverse-engineered from UFO tech
There was curiously also a recent Chinese Super Laser invention publication with the tidbit that they solved the short-range problem!
then the Russian new toys supported by reverse-engineered UFO-tech are now being built into their super-heavy drones and jets
Very interestingly the Russians just recently revealed the new Anti-Radar Cloaking ability of their latest jet, which they call Su-75 Checkmate prototype. Are they slowly sneaking in UFO-tech bits disguised as normal "military tech-advancement stages"?
all this, one could argue, actually unifies and strengthens Earth's Defense Forces. While the Lizzies making efforts to weaken The People, making them sick and die and become trans gender fluid impotents - there is a significant number of the population actually becoming aware they are being duped and they are resisting. The Lizzies, I think, are making these people stronger. Same how the Mighty US and their Western vassals wanted to sanction Russia to the grave. Now look at the the Mighty US and their Western vassals! Look at Russia!

Even if Terrans remain technologically on the "Neanderthal level", compared to 'million years old' Lizzie HyperDimensional Tech, remember that still we have seen that Lizzie drones, crashed alien saucers, de-cloaked alien motherships, etc.. are definitely disturbed by strong Atmospheric Ionization Anomalies and strong EM-disturbances. If the Lizzies took down even Dr. Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Guns from being proliferated and used everywhere on Earth, then you will begin to suspect that Lizzies have critical weaknesses too! In all their Hyperdimensional Glory they are not so invulnerable and mighty as they would like to appear!

1. Any enemy weakness - once recognized - can be exploited. Lizzies are Frenzied Feeders. If Food becomes aware it is being Eaten, then Food might decide that it wants to STOP BEING FOOD!
2. Once the enslaved population [this is us] becomes aware of the Alien Emperors and starts analyzing Lizzie Modus Operandi and start developing working strategies. We have excellent proof for this in case of the Lizzie-Modus Operandi quickly activated on the Skinwalker Ranch, where the Lizzies absolutely did NOT want the NID scientist to record anything that they could analyze later and ponder and reverse engineer = develop strategies to COUNTER the Window-Faller & Lizzie connected Skinwalker Phenomenon.

So You All keeping your fingers on the media-stream, watching Terran Geopolitics and analyzing it, you also will need to pay increasing attention to [accumulating signs of] EXOPOLITICS!
As the Lizzie Strategies will fail, I think, we will inevitably see more aggressive direct oppressive maneuvers arriving from the Outside. Exo-Planetary influences.

Once this heats up, once the Lizzies will suffer a high enough number of strategic failures, I think, they will start to intervene directly.

Our Allies in this War for The Souls have told us, there are even Good Guys, STO-aligned bases & communities / cities under the crust = inside this planet.

I don't think, The Good Guys will just stand by as the Lizard Overlords - I'm looking at You Mister Acquiim! - lose their patience and decide to come in and mow down the 8 billion Terran Sheeple bleating on the surface. There is going to be a Hyperdimensional War with the Celestial Host also appearing in the skies, [I guess] in full force! Remember Archangels Gabriel and Michael, right? I don't think their idea / myth was a joke.

So it is probable that as events heat up on the Blue Marble, we are looking at a start of an unveiling of a massive Hyperdimensional War where all the nobility, the elite lords on both sides will be announcing themselves and entering the fray!
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All the good tech goes to the SG, right? Even the Ra source (in the extracts) mentioned the sub light missiles etc in Northern Mexico... probably near those CIA/ISIS training camps etc. Hypersonic missile tech has been reported in the States for quite a few decades, but like most of these toys, they aren't allowed to play with them in public. Imagine the frustration in those circles.

As for the end of this 3dSTS realm/Purgatory, the question seems to be what happens to this planet or dimension upon graduation? Do any of the wanderers stick around for the first round/incarnation cycle as the SMC(chakra connection of the group on either side) commences? Do the minority SMC stay for a while then leave or leave immediately... does the planet, if a positive graduation, switch back to 'eden' or STO/right side of Tree of Life immediately or after the greater number of graduates determine their orientation? Is this dimension as a whole in an infinite loop/cycle or does this graduation lock in one side or the other?

It's been hinted before about Israel's role of 'sacrifice', suicide by its psycho rulers... similar to the puppet show in most Western capitals. It's been hinted about the cleansing needed across the planet... perhaps a virus to end the psychos genetic viability? Israel, and by association, the entire West, especially the States, has taken off its mask of sanity and seems hardwired for 'sacrifice'.... but doesn't that include the underground groups and the incoming Nefilim held in 'storage' until needed? What kind of life is that? If they were hardwired for STS, wouldn't they be level 4 by now? This seems like another aspect of the 4dSTS to 'lock' things in... that addition to info field of psychopaths ~50k years ago, the satelites to control the light incoming, the DNA manipulation... all attempts to lock things in... the fence aspect.

It seems we need a better explanation of what the rules of engagement are, especially upon graduation as the SMC is developed under duress it seems. All the rest is OWO and about to be taken down, or cleansed... Species extinction level event, right? Cue the 'dark' star et al. We have been told that we will be at a disadvantage due to the need to learn the ropes at the next level as the new students on campus, but do we even begin to understand what that campus entails and 'where' exactly, in terms of s/t, t/s, the Tree etc?

It seems the entirety of creation is the Creator looking to know itself, trying to find something new... if the RA group was any clue, it seems the last big thing was the 'veil', a marker for 'time'.. before and after. Star systems come and go, we all 'return to sender' on the chosen path of return, but the rest seems to be on autopilot, no? Always looking for that next marker in cosmic time. The human or Orion sector of our galaxy might be more crowded and 'vivid', but isn't it all pretty much the same thing, over and over again? Aren't the Lizzies in this same loop? Tunnel vision in STS might make it easier to forget or ignore the obvious, but doesn't it come back again and again to kick them in the proverbial 'ass'? How many turns of the wheel in this loop do they get before being pruned?

In a mixed harvest, certain things happen compared to a more sided harvest where the SMC is most likely to have already started to be setup and secured, to enhance defense against the other side, if for no other reason, as the body centric mind remains in play for quite some time and the 3d level is slowly turned off for a while. 1000yrs for the Adamics, then anther eon for the PreAdamics/OPs. All of this has been done before and repeatedly so, as the analogy of our lives being a film demonstrates.... and many of those films/slides in the projector tray are in the same position, even if all of them are 'works in progress' and subject to change... always looking for the next marker in time. Our Orion sector seems to need something to happen for it to change, it doesn't seem to be just us currently residing topside as the film comes to an end... all of ours all at once, collapsing the wave etc. Doesn't it seem like the crux of this situation is more geared towards the Dracos governing this planet? Arent' they the ones in need of change... to contest their 4d Orion competitors and be succesful? Is the loop intended to be infinite in duration? Or is it geared, since this dimensions inception, to be just for this realm border change? How does our loop factor into the Orion situation? Was it just the Dracos that setup this dimension or was it controlled/engineered by the Orion STS HQ? Perhaps along with others serving the same goal?

How does our current situation in endtimes within this loop reflect the entire Orion setup? Our homeland so to speak.
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