New songs just finished today!

Thanks! By flower power, I meant, yeah, 70’s prog for sure. (Couldn’t recall the right term) Nice structure diagram-very organized! I wonder if Logic has a looser randomized feel on the quantization of midi like they do with percussion? Whenever I go much past 1/8 notes things start to sound mechanical to me. (Unless it’s a washy sound to begin with) And yes, master mixing is a total voodoo art.
That was SPLENDIFOROUS!! 🌈🌈🌈 (is there such a word?) I LOVED IT!!
Really enjoyed the vocals, the harmonies and the journey this song takes me on, but also what it does to my heart while listening.
I am absolutely no expert on music so this might sound dumb but for a moment I almost expected Ian Anderson from Jethro Tull to emerge from Sherwood Forest and start singing, playing his flute and dancing around like a bit of loon 😂

Love the message - think we all need a continual reminder to be in the NOW, so many of us are rarely there. So glad to know that after everything you have been enduring, you have some energy and focus for doing what brings your soul real joy; it really brought joy to me too. Hope you find some real humans to cocreate with, get those chops back - maybe even get some fake big ole '70's chops' to match 😂. Hey not even chemo can take away our love of the 70's!

Big hugs to you Mike - you are doing an amazing job of dancing the dance and finding inspiring ways for your heart to stay in the creative flow. Keep inventing, never stop... tell Schrodingers cat to sod off / take a very long hike, and you just keep on livin and lovin in the NOW, beautiful brother. Now is all any of us ever have. Thanks for shining your light and sharing your gifts. 🥰
I wonder if Logic has a looser randomized feel on the quantization of midi like they do with percussion?
Finale has a feature they call "Human Playback". I’ve never had the need to quantize within Logic. I’ve noticed when I do editing in the Logic piano roll, trills and passages are randomized. For example; trills appear as a group of 16th notes mixed with 16th note triplet groups. Also, passages that have been slurred in Finale have an overlapping of the notes by very small increments. The overlap gives a sense of legato to the passage. I would ditch Logic in a heartbeat if Finale would become a full fledged DAW! As it is, there’s a mixer, only one slot for instrument effects, and three slots for master output.
That was SPLENDIFOROUS!! 🌈🌈🌈 (is there such a word?) I LOVED IT!!
Really enjoyed the vocals, the harmonies and the journey this song takes me on, but also what it does to my heart while listening.
I am absolutely no expert on music so this might sound dumb but for a moment I almost expected Ian Anderson from Jethro Tull to emerge from Sherwood Forest and start singing, playing his flute and dancing around like a bit of loon 😂

Love the message - think we all need a continual reminder to be in the NOW, so many of us are rarely there. So glad to know that after everything you have been enduring, you have some energy and focus for doing what brings your soul real joy; it really brought joy to me too. Hope you find some real humans to cocreate with, get those chops back - maybe even get some fake big ole '70's chops' to match 😂. Hey not even chemo can take away our love of the 70's!

Big hugs to you Mike - you are doing an amazing job of dancing the dance and finding inspiring ways for your heart to stay in the creative flow. Keep inventing, never stop... tell Schrodingers cat to sod off / take a very long hike, and you just keep on livin and lovin in the NOW, beautiful brother. Now is all any of us ever have. Thanks for shining your light and sharing your gifts. 🥰
Thank you for giving your time to listen! Ian Anderson has been an influence throughout the years. If anyone would be called a loon, ponder this… I chose to get two college degrees in, of all disciplines, music composition! 🤣

Back before Covid when I was working the cigar shop, I would put quotes, from the C’s, Laura, Gurdjieff, and others, on our chalk board. During this time, there was a young woman who would regularly come in to buy cigars for her father and husband. One day she inquired about the quotes and asked if I had anything to pass on to her that day. From where it came I’m not sure but I said to her; "no matter where you are and especially who you’re with, be there in that moment. When you’re with your kids be there; don’t ponder dinner or yesterdays meeting. When you’re alone with your husband be there; don’t be thinking about your kids or the laundry or tomorrow’s appointment. Just be there in that moment." I never gave it much thought afterwards until about a week later she came in and thanked me for changing her perspective on life. She explained how she began to recognize the importance of what we consider to be trivial events with those who are close to us, and how long lasting, time with her family had become.

To be honest, I’ve stopped looking for others to co-create with. I don’t have a budget to pay someone, and those who I have encountered are seeking to be the next "flavor of the month". Around my area, live original music doesn’t exist anymore but, there is a plethora of cover and tribute bands to be found. As for my chops; over the past few months I’ve been working with my Chapman Stick which I’ve pulled out of a very long hibernation. The guitar is now hibernating… The 70’s chops… 🤔 ain’t gonna happen! Two days growth makes my face itchy! 😂

Thank you for the kudos, thoughts, prayers, recognition, support and genuine love; from you and everyone else here! My experience over the past two years has been insightful, enlightening, awakening, transforming, and quite positive! I’m finding I can express all of that through composing. What I create is done for those like you, and I know the universe will continue to do its magic through me.

As for Schrödinger’s cat… I’m thinking of getting a quantum dog for that!

Howdy to all! Having finished chemotherapy in late April I’ve been catching up on undone projects, readings, and my composing. This new piece has taken about a month to complete. I often times, during the writing, and mixing process, have felt like I was being pushed away from finishing the project. I’m not sure if it was my own unconscious behaviors or if there was some STS interference going on due to the songs message. Anyway, I finally completed it! So, without further delay… I hope you all enjoy! P.S. the best rendition will be with a good sound system as I haven’t mastered it for portable devices.

I already loved the composition but I would love to hear you play a harpsichord. Cool as they said in the 60sl
Thank you for giving your time to listen! Ian Anderson has been an influence throughout the years. If anyone would be called a loon, ponder this… I chose to get two college degrees in, of all disciplines, music composition! 🤣

Back before Covid when I was working the cigar shop, I would put quotes, from the C’s, Laura, Gurdjieff, and others, on our chalk board. During this time, there was a young woman who would regularly come in to buy cigars for her father and husband. One day she inquired about the quotes and asked if I had anything to pass on to her that day. From where it came I’m not sure but I said to her; "no matter where you are and especially who you’re with, be there in that moment. When you’re with your kids be there; don’t ponder dinner or yesterdays meeting. When you’re alone with your husband be there; don’t be thinking about your kids or the laundry or tomorrow’s appointment. Just be there in that moment." I never gave it much thought afterwards until about a week later she came in and thanked me for changing her perspective on life. She explained how she began to recognize the importance of what we consider to be trivial events with those who are close to us, and how long lasting, time with her family had become.

To be honest, I’ve stopped looking for others to co-create with. I don’t have a budget to pay someone, and those who I have encountered are seeking to be the next "flavor of the month". Around my area, live original music doesn’t exist anymore but, there is a plethora of cover and tribute bands to be found. As for my chops; over the past few months I’ve been working with my Chapman Stick which I’ve pulled out of a very long hibernation. The guitar is now hibernating… The 70’s chops… 🤔 ain’t gonna happen! Two days growth makes my face itchy! 😂

Thank you for the kudos, thoughts, prayers, recognition, support and genuine love; from you and everyone else here! My experience over the past two years has been insightful, enlightening, awakening, transforming, and quite positive! I’m finding I can express all of that through composing. What I create is done for those like you, and I know the universe will continue to do its magic through me.

As for Schrödinger’s cat… I’m thinking of getting a quantum dog for that!

You, for me are splendiferously inspiring. Thank you for posting your music and comments. I am looking at this with a bit with predulousey but that is just how I am.
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