Normalcy Bias: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

Esote, have you read 1) Amazing Grace; 2) The Wave; 3) High Strangeness?? All of them in their entirety?

How about the recommended reading list in the Books section of the forum? How many of those can you tick off the list?

The point is, until you are up to speed, don't jump into the deep end of the pool.
Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

Laura said:
Notice this in particular: "Childhood anxiety and depression alter the way the amygdala connects to other regions of the brain. This finding may help explain how early life stress can lead to future emotional and behavioral issue..."

That explains in two sentences what is wrong with most of the planet's population and most particularly those that live in countries with abusive educational systems such as France...

And when you are brought up this way, you don't know anything different!!!!
No, your life experience aswell as everyone elses has come to reproduce that initial impaired reflection (of life in amygdala imprint). It seems hearing the voice of reason in recognizing and healing the instinctual damage would be the way out, but how to make it heard amidst the deffening consensus of normalcy bias.

It seems to be connected with the immobility response; In 'Waking the tiger' Peter Levine tells the story of a group of children abducted and imprisoned underground in a quarry. The kids were suffering from shock and were frozen and apathetic. Some were completely immobilized others that realized the situation would scream, but only one (Bob Barclay) would be able to act in coming up with a plan to dig themselves out of there. Levine offers that Bob was able to minimize the traumatic impact of the experience by remaining engaged in the task of freeing himself.

This supports the point made above:
The solution, according to Mikami, Ikeda, and other experts, is repetition on the part of those who can help, those who can see the danger better than you. If enough warnings are given and enough instructions are broadcast, then those things become the new normal, and you will spring into action.

Yet another good argument for the necessity of this network, helping people get and stay on their toes, remaining engaged in the task of freeing ourselves, and thus strengthening our chances of being helpfull in a traumatic crisis.


Finduilas495 said:
I did a first aid course at 18, but that was a long time ago and I don't remember a thing. Here, when you witness an accident and the ambulance isn't there yet, you are supposed to provide first aid, and I'd be afraid of doing more harm than good... Guess it's time to stop procrastinating again, it's really interesting how the mind works, because I feel a lot of inner resistance to the thought of taking this course.

Yeah I felt the same way about doing more harm than good at my course, especially how much pressure to apply on the rib cage in heart massage. I may be offered a course in a few months and will take it again even if it was only ½ a year since last course, but it would be helpfull in seeing more of ones projected feelings and immobility responses in the different scenarios trained aswell as getting more comfortable with the rigth ways to secure the wounded.
Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

Laura's quote:

* The connections between two specific areas of the brain -- the prefrontal cortex and the dorsal raphe nucleus -- may contribute to depression. Stimulating these circuits in rats had an antidepressant effect (Melissa Warden, PhD, abstract 306.15).

Here is an excellent paper regarding this topic and how it is applicable also to learned helplessness:


The crux is that the more control one has over a stressful event, the less likely it will end up in learned helplessness,behavioural depression, or PTSD.
Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

Laura said:
Esote, have you read 1) Amazing Grace; 2) The Wave; 3) High Strangeness?? All of them in their entirety?

How about the recommended reading list in the Books section of the forum? How many of those can you tick off the list?

The point is, until you are up to speed, don't jump into the deep end of the pool.

I didn't read everything yet, that's right. I'm willing to understand and will read more...
Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

Thanks for bringing this thread up. Interesting bit about normalcy bias as I am seeing these quite a bit, even in myself.

Just a few days ago, I was temp-working at the local university and was browsing through its main library on the top floor before going in for work. It's a Final Examination week and the library was filled with students. Suddenly, there was a fire alarm going off - nobody was told that this was to be a drill, not even the employees. No one made a move or looked around for other people to leave (there were some students still glued to the computers or their iPods). The alarms were being ignored. As I walk to the stairs, I saw one student waiting for the elevator and I told him to take the stairs (I was wearing "Staff" t-shirt), so he walk over to the stairs and I followed. Some students are still on the top floor when I left the building but they later left when the employees went up there to check the floors to escort the students out.
Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

Notice this in particular: "Childhood anxiety and depression alter the way the amygdala connects to other regions of the brain. This finding may help explain how early life stress can lead to future emotional and behavioral issue..."

That explains in two sentences what is wrong with most of the planet's population and most particularly those that live in countries with abusive educational systems such as France...

And when you are brought up this way, you don't know anything different!!!!
I hope this isn't totally off topic, but...

How is it possible, that someone who was raised in a very abusive atmosphere and went through some very disturbing behavioral and emotional self and family inflicted traumas through adolescence and young adulthood can end up here, among a group of highly intelligent folk, with the ability to at least partially understand the subject matter and fumble through the process of the work and trying to wake up, without even having graduated from high school?
Does this alteration of the brains connections with the amygdala always happen? and is it always to the detriment of the person? If one can get through multiple emotional/ physical traumas with the ability to look back and at least consider and attempt to view things objectively and try to figure out the "why" of these lessons. How else could these things be learned without the trauma?
Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

Laurelayn said:
How is it possible, that someone who was raised in a very abusive atmosphere and went through some very disturbing behavioral and emotional self and family inflicted traumas through adolescence and young adulthood can end up here, among a group of highly intelligent folk, with the ability to at least partially understand the subject matter and fumble through the process of the work and trying to wake up, without even having graduated from high school?

Interesting questions Laurelayn. I've got a foggy speculative image of the Souls learning curve speaking through genetics and the person intercepting the B influences, sharpening the disconnect between the perceived world and True existence (perhaps amplified and reflected in the struggle of the brain hemispheres) thus making the emotional calling stronger towards fusion of self, soul group and predestined learning experiences. I don't know, indeed how?

Laurelayn said:
Does this alteration of the brains connections with the amygdala always happen?

Again I'd like to simplisticly speculate; it appears to be the way we humans work, that we callibrate our body matrix (amygdala) with our energetic perception, imprinting to memory the way we utilize our emotional energy.

It seems possible to heal the physical imprints by reversing or redirecting the imprint by intense observation, application of meaning and release of trapped trauma energy.
For reference :Redirect: The surprising new science of psychological change and In An Unspoken Voice

Laurelayn said:
and is it always to the detriment of the person?

Well not if the trauma or bad imprint is healed and we learn from it, it can be a transformative experience, not just to a less impaired state but wiser and more able to help others too.

Laurelayn said:
If one can get through multiple emotional/ physical traumas with the ability to look back and at least consider and attempt to view things objectively and try to figure out the "why" of these lessons. How else could these things be learned without the trauma?

Well they say that a genius can learn from others mistakes, but I think that implies that the genius has had her own suffering to empathize from. Emotional intelligence requires a good deal of traumatic dealing, OSIT.
Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

Esote said:
Well, I'd like to have a better understanding with this thread:

I don't really hold to the statement that "Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet". As far as I can see, there are many actions here and there, mainly on small scales, but still quite a lot of people are doing something, giving a helping hand to altruistic projects, seeking truths (what about this forum?)...

Sure we need to get prepared to whatever comes and to know how our brain works. But is not trying to save oneself mostly kind of a selfish point of view?

I don't know about any non-abusive educational systems. But anywhere there are people who get beyond "not knowing anything different"...

Comments welcomed
Laura said:
Esote, have you read 1) Amazing Grace; 2) The Wave; 3) High Strangeness?? All of them in their entirety?

How about the recommended reading list in the Books section of the forum? How many of those can you tick off the list?

The point is, until you are up to speed, don't jump into the deep end of the pool.
Would anybody else be able to add a few hints about my remarks?
Because it takes some time to read everything and assimilate it!
And I guess the answers might be useful for those who didn't read everything yet...
Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

Esote said:
Esote said:
Well, I'd like to have a better understanding with this thread:

I don't really hold to the statement that "Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet". As far as I can see, there are many actions here and there, mainly on small scales, but still quite a lot of people are doing something, giving a helping hand to altruistic projects, seeking truths (what about this forum?)...

Sure we need to get prepared to whatever comes and to know how our brain works. But is not trying to save oneself mostly kind of a selfish point of view?

I don't know about any non-abusive educational systems. But anywhere there are people who get beyond "not knowing anything different"...

Comments welcomed
Laura said:
Esote, have you read 1) Amazing Grace; 2) The Wave; 3) High Strangeness?? All of them in their entirety?

How about the recommended reading list in the Books section of the forum? How many of those can you tick off the list?

The point is, until you are up to speed, don't jump into the deep end of the pool.
Would anybody else be able to add a few hints about my remarks?
Because it takes some time to read everything and assimilate it!
And I guess the answers might be useful for those who didn't read everything yet...

Estote, it basically boils down to what the line of force of this forum is all about, as well as the "work" that this school is trying to accomplish, which is to form a nuclei of awake people who have accomplished a process who can anchor a new frequency so that a qualitative frequency will be available to anchor the wave and insure a choice of which face- fire or paradise restored- will be beheld at the time of transition. One must be in a position to do that- it is not about survival for self, but for humanity that it is done, thus not service to self. In order to do that one must have knowledge of how the brain works, as well as many other things.

That being said, for what I just said to you to make sense, one must have the a reference point via the reading that Laura suggested.
Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

EmeraldHope said:
Estote, it basically boils down to what the line of force of this forum is all about, as well as the "work" that this school is trying to accomplish, which is to form a nuclei of awake people who have accomplished a process who can anchor a new frequency so that a qualitative frequency will be available to anchor the wave and insure a choice of which face- fire or paradise restored- will be beheld at the time of transition. One must be in a position to do that- it is not about survival for self, but for humanity that it is done, thus not service to self. In order to do that one must have knowledge of how the brain works, as well as many other things.

That being said, for what I just said to you to make sense, one must have the a reference point via the reading that Laura suggested.

Thank you EmeraldHope for your answer. It makes sense... I keep reading :)
Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

Esote said:
EmeraldHope said:
Estote, it basically boils down to what the line of force of this forum is all about, as well as the "work" that this school is trying to accomplish, which is to form a nuclei of awake people who have accomplished a process who can anchor a new frequency so that a qualitative frequency will be available to anchor the wave and insure a choice of which face- fire or paradise restored- will be beheld at the time of transition. One must be in a position to do that- it is not about survival for self, but for humanity that it is done, thus not service to self. In order to do that one must have knowledge of how the brain works, as well as many other things.

That being said, for what I just said to you to make sense, one must have the a reference point via the reading that Laura suggested.

Thank you EmeraldHope for your answer. It makes sense... I keep reading :)

You are welcome, although I will say that I feel that my answer to you is bordering on spoon feeding and I was not sure whether to answer you in that manner or not. If a moderator asks you a question or gives you a suggestion, it is usually a "clue" for you to follow to learn and connect dots.

edit- spelling
Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

To add to what EmeraldHope said, Esote, just being handed the answers to your question may give you knowledge, but it does not give you understanding. You cannot "grow" with just information, you have to understand that information in order to grow.

I have found that just being handed the answers to questions does nothing for my growth. But reading the recommended material, thinking about it making the necessary connections helps in rewiring the brain, understanding on a very deep level enables me to connect the dots, so to say. And sometimes it takes reading the material many times for something to "click". When this happens I can actually feel changes happening.

It is work to do this, yes, but then that is why it is called the Work.

You gain nothing by being hand-fed answers like giving candy to children.
Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

Nienna Eluch said:
You gain nothing by being hand-fed answers like giving candy to children.
Thank you Nienna Eluch for your reply.
I'm sure not waiting for hand-fed answers!
Understanding is what matters, and I feel the urge to keep Working to understand that information...
Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

Esote said:
Nienna Eluch said:
You gain nothing by being hand-fed answers like giving candy to children.
Thank you Nienna Eluch for your reply.
I'm sure not waiting for hand-fed answers!
Understanding is what matters, and I feel the urge to keep Working to understand that information...

But can you see, that you were asking or exactly that here when the hint was given by Laura, but that you wanted a shortcut from the 'work" that hint suggested?

Would anybody else be able to add a few hints about my remarks?Because it takes some time to read everything and assimilate it!And I guess the answers might be useful for those who didn't read everything yet...
Re: Why Nobody is Doing Anything About the State of the Planet

EmeraldHope said:
Esote said:
Nienna Eluch said:
You gain nothing by being hand-fed answers like giving candy to children.
Thank you Nienna Eluch for your reply.
I'm sure not waiting for hand-fed answers!
Understanding is what matters, and I feel the urge to keep Working to understand that information...

But can you see, that you were asking or exactly that here when the hint was given by Laura, but that you wanted a shortcut from the 'work" that hint suggested?

Would anybody else be able to add a few hints about my remarks?Because it takes some time to read everything and assimilate it!And I guess the answers might be useful for those who didn't read everything yet...

Well, I didn't look for a shortcut but only for clarification. Because of a few arguments in this thread which seemed to me kind of shortcuts themselves.
Now, if this clarification is best done through learning the C's material, because of its basic nature or so, let's go...
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