●•٠· KNOW THYSELF ·٠•● [Video]

Wonderful video!

I like your accent, brings nostalgia from my long time no seen German friends, but I'm looking forward to those subitles ;)
Great video, simple and to the point in a watchable timeframe. Well done, I look forward to the next one. :)
Great video, guys! I admire your creativity :flowers:

Balberon said:
The opening image was startling, like, what I imagine to be, a soul withering in starvation.

I agree. It was very powerful

I also shared it on FB :) Hope to see more from you.
Great job, in my view this video is what people need to be confronted with. This is what I would like to see appears on sott.net. The sleepers must awake, maybe this is the kind of shock that could trigger some to realize that nothing will change until they work to change them self. :clap: :rockon:
Re: ●•٠· KNOW THYSELF ·٠•● [Video]

Congratulations, I liked it a lot! However, because of the scary face at the beginning, I hestiate to post it on facebook to family and friends.
Fantastic. I really like how you've inserted quotes from a variety of people.

The only suggestion I might make is that the Salzmann quote may be a little long and confusing to the average viewer. Maybe a shorter segment of it would be better (e.g. the first part about lying to ourselves). Just a thought.

Otherwise, it's perfect IMO
The beginning is frightening, I had to skip it and if the video was not coming from you, I would have skip the video completely :cry:.

The second point is the length. Very too long for a non native English speaker like me. I think you should cut it in parts so it's less tiresome and if the listener go to the next part you know you have win.

Anyway you have done a big job !
Thanks everyone for the great feedback and support. I'm really glad you guys like it. :thup:

In regards to the "scary face", I found it's a great representation of the signs of times we're in as an expression for the "horror of the situation". We just put some layers of images over it that make the point even clearer. I'm sorry if it's not for the faint heart, but this is what is happening and has happened in our world, so there is no "fine brushing" it. War is war and it is ugly. I agree with what Laurentien said:
Laurentien said:
maybe this is the kind of shock that could trigger some to realize that nothing will change until they work to change them self.
I also think that there are even more horrible things happening that we are not aware of and certainly don't want to see.

The face is called "silent scream" and is from a beautiful and visually stunning movie called Baraka. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it!

Here's the clip where we got the face from:

The "silent scream" is from a Butoh dancer in a pantomime performance as reference to horror of WWII nuclear bombing in Japan

Btw, the closed captions are being worked on right now. ;)
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