Obama special statement - Osama bin Laden 'dead'...

With what the C's have told us in the last session, I see another goal to the announcement: THE DISRUPTION OF THE FREQUENCY.

Words 'Oussama', 'dead', 'September 11', etc are unlimited repeated on medias. The brainwashing is absolutely intense even if you hear very little the news. Videos of 11/9 are broadcasted again, you have specials show along the days, etc.. It's like a booster injection just 10 years later the first dose.

So I think it's very important to not listen the radio and not watching the TV actually.

So, what seems to be of major importance is not in avoiding what comes through our senses, but seeing the difference between what is negative and what is positive and not accepting anything that is negative as positive. Doing this is in itself a 'positive' thing it seems.

The way I understand it for the moment is the see through the whole scam this OBL is and following the evolution of the story to become aware to the different possibilities for and plans by the PTB. In my understanding it does not mean to open oneself up to constant bombarding of propaganda. Once the story is known and what the effects are, no need to hear it over and over again. I for sure am not able to be aware at all time of what the propaganda is causing in me, so I prefer not to expose me too much to it. I follow the story, but no need to doing more then that, not knowing what weak spot in my defences is being hit, without me being aware of it. Hope this makes sense.
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
The way I understand it for the moment is the see through the whole scam this OBL is and following the evolution of the story to become aware to the different possibilities for and plans by the PTB. In my understanding it does not mean to open oneself up to constant bombarding of propaganda. Once the story is known and what the effects are, no need to hear it over and over again. I for sure am not able to be aware at all time of what the propaganda is causing in me, so I prefer not to expose me too much to it. I follow the story, but no need to doing more then that, not knowing what weak spot in my defences is being hit, without me being aware of it. Hope this makes sense.

Read their(ptb) propaganda to know what they are up to, but don't study(or "swim" in) it. Is that what You meant?
Read their(ptb) propaganda to know what they are up to, but don't study(or "swim" in) it. Is that what You meant?

Or drown in it. Swimming in murky waters without the proper tools can be dangerous. Swimming to far without the network too. Sharks (psychopaths) seek to isolate and go for the weaker ones.
T.C. said:
Another thing is, if they were able to capture Saddam Hussein alive and give him a trial, why couldn't they bin Laden alive? If the Seals are such a crack team of specialists, and had intelligence that bin Laden was in this location, surely they have the capability to do this (I'm thinking tranquillizers, tazers).

Wouldn't a capture and trial of bin Laden have been far more valuable than this stupid story they've put out? So, he's already dead.

One reason, they didn't have a convincing enough Osama double.

Richard S said:
Ellipse said:
With what the C's have told us in the last session, I see another goal to the announcement: THE DISRUPTION OF THE FREQUENCY.

Words 'Oussama', 'dead', 'September 11', etc are unlimited repeated on medias. The brainwashing is absolutely intense even if you hear very little the news. Videos of 11/9 are broadcasted again, you have specials show along the days, etc.. It's like a booster injection just 10 years later the first dose.

So I think it's very important to not listen the radio and not watching the TV actually.

Hi Ellipse,
I think you have misinterpreted what the C's were actually telling us. Some snips from the session: (bold and underline mine for emphasis)

Ok, I have a series of questions that have been written out here. The first one is; why have we all been feeling so inflamed/low on energy/depressed/irritable for the last two weeks?
A: Cosmic changes in process. Each person experiences this differently according to genetics and environment. Recall previous sufferings preparatory to DNA boosts? All must keep vigilant about diet and psychic hygiene during this time as there are also external factors that seek to block the natural process.

Q: (Burma Jones) What do they mean by “psychic hygiene”?
A: Being careful about what you allow into your ”field”.
Q: (L) In what sense?
A: All senses.
Q: (L) What do you mean “all senses”?
A: Seeing, hearing, speaking, and so on

A: We have more in mind. Take care with interacting with negative energies.
Q: (L) Well that’s kinda like creating your own reality, isn’t it?
A: Not what we mean… Keep your guard up and do not allow negative energies to slip by… such as believing lies… listening to negative music while thinking it is positive…watching negative movies and thinking it is negligible. It is extremely important to not lie to the self. One can listen or watch many things as long as the truth of the orientation is known, acknowledged, and understood. Clear?
Q: (L) So, in other words: awareness. Calling a spade a spade and not allowing something negative to enter you and believing it is positive. You can see it, perceive it and acknowledge it but not allow it to influence you. Because obviously, you cannot shut off your perceptions of the world, but you can control how it affects you. So, don’t let it inside, thinking it’s something that it’s not.
(Belibaste) So, see it as it is. If it is negative, see it as negative.
(L) Yeah, and they’re saying to focus on truth in order for changes to manifest in you that are positive. That is, “positive” can mean acknowledging that something is negative because it is truth.
Q: (Galatea) Choose the seeds you wish to water.
(L) Is that basically what we’re talking about here?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) But I would say that everybody needs a panoramic retro-mirror.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) because that stuff sneaks up behind you and it gets in your blind spot.

So, what seems to be of major importance is not in avoiding what comes through our senses, but seeing the difference between what is negative and what is positive and not accepting anything that is negative as positive. Doing this is in itself a 'positive' thing it seems.

I don't know in which country you live Richard S, but here, in France, if you listen to the news, you hear the word OB Laden at least two times per minute. Today (Wednesday), this is the hight probability of a bomb attack over Europe which is hammered.

I don't think that to be conscious of all these lies is enough to be protected because of the particular hight level of propaganda at this particular moment. I think reading newspapers or articles on Internet is OK but not listen the radio or watching the TV. I think there's something else, some subconscious mind programming very strong with the flux of information. It would be interesting to know the level of Haarp at the moment. Someone have posted a link, somewhere in the forum, about a site where we can see it.

Once again, I don't think you need to watch the news on TV to be informed.

Perhaps this is a question of person too. Personally I consider myself too weak to not be influenced so this is my feeling. More, I don't see any advantage to watch all this circus on the TV or listen to it on the radio. I think that if you can't, actually, go without the TV or the radio, this is that you're hooked and that your predator find excuses to prevent you to remove the hook.
I don't know in which country you live Richard S, but here, in France, if you listen to the news, you hear the word OB Laden at least two times per minute. Today (Wednesday), this is the hight probability of a bomb attack over Europe which is hammered.

I live in the US, and here, it is probably even heard more often than elsewhere. But, what we should remember is that what the C's tell us is about 'everything', and not just the Obama caper.

I don't think that to be conscious of all these lies is enough to be protected because of the particular hight level of propaganda at this particular moment.

Why not? According to what the C's say, what is necessary to is to be conscious of what is negative and just not accept it as positive. Nothing more.

I think reading newspapers or articles on Internet is OK but not listen the radio or watching the TV.

It seems to make little difference where the lies and propaganda are coming from. We just need to reject them from any source.

Once again, I don't think you need to watch the news on TV to be informed.

That's true, and mostly what I use the TV for is weather reports, and certainly not to think I am being "informed". But what you actually said in your post was: "So I think it's very important to not listen the radio and not watching the TV actually.". This is always good advice because of the continuous propaganda and mind-control coming out of our TVs and radios. The thing is that most of us can not completely avoid these things because they are everywhere. There are radio stations and TVs playing in stores and TVs in the airports. Whatever lies and propaganda we overhear from any source we need to understand as 'negative' and not allow into our psyche as 'truth'.

Perhaps this is a question of person too. Personally I consider myself too weak to not be influenced so this is my feeling. More, I don't see any advantage to watch all this circus on the TV or listen to it on the radio. I think that if you can't, actually, go without the TV or the radio, this is that you're hooked and that your predator find excuses to prevent you to remove the hook.

Well, I do my best to avoid 'wallowing in the dirt' too. However, there are times when I have read at some of the defamers sites to see what it is they are spouting, and there are other sites and people we have investigated over the years which spout lies and propaganda as their main course. I think that each time we reject these things it makes us a bit stronger and more able to see the negativity. The point being, I think, that it is not so much what comes into our perception, but what we do with it, which converts what is negative to positive for us - simply for seeing what it is.
These kind of events have also their cosmic contraparts. Maybe it is above Obama and Osama thing. If we see the time frame, we have giant storms, a royal wedding, and other more or less visible events. It is clear that there is a massive brainwashing through TV and media, especially through hypnotic induction (repeated messages etc.). And it is not impossible to thing to some beaming too. With what's happening below, what's happening below?
In addition to the Al Jazeera video posted on SOTT, I found another lengthy interview with a local resident who also does not believe it was Osama in the compound:

Qasim told me that every morning the mothers and their children would leave the house a 1987 red Suzuki van. "I'm not sure if they went to school or some other place," he said.

He insisted, however, that he never saw Osama bin Laden, adding: "I don't believe he was there."
two articles from Yahoo news.

"Obama says he won't release bin Laden death photo"
So... pictures were taken and Obama has seen them...but they won't be released...not sure what to think. i thought they would go the route, saying that no photos were taken. Instead they will flat out not give them to the public! I can't believe it. It is more plausible perhaps though--that they say pictures were taken, and the government has seen them, gives the official story credibility.

Also, 9/11 is in the news just found it interesting...probably related to the recent events is why they choose to run the story now?
"The Students with Bush on 9/11: The Interrupted Reading" _http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20110504/us_time/08599206932700
Argentinian´s analyst Adrian Salbuchi speak about "the nine Osama´s lifes", and more.
Osama was reported as dead by nine times, and not by foolish people...Nine, is that one we are speaking. Ten minutes long


ADMIN NOTE: corrected spelling of analyst.
I'm seeing a more incredulous reaction with this event. I don't know if the "printer cartridge bomb" event prepped people to also not believe this, but it seems that not as many reputable sources are buying the "Death of Osama" story as I had imagined would.
Meager1 said:
Not to distract from the thread, but isn`t there some bible section that speaks of a hated leader being killed and everyone partying in the streets about it. Then it says he "arises" and defeats them all, or something to that effect?

Can`t remember where I read that though.

I don't want to distract from the thread either, but the passage I reckon you're thinking of is Revelation 11:3-13. But this refers to "two witnesses".

The principle of everybody rejoicing, and then being struck by disaster (in this case an earthquake) might yet be valid though. Who knows?
So if they are not going to release the photos of dead OBL, anyone know if we will at least get to see photos of his dialysis machine? ;)

Another really disturbing trend I have noticed in both the MSM and various internet sites is the equation of anyone questioning this story with all the birth certificate distraction nonsense. On C-SPAN's Washington Journal call-in show the morning after the announcement, a good portion of the callers from different political backgrounds were questioning many aspects of the story. Then they cut from viewer call-ins to lengthy, pointless phone conversations with the awful Joe Lieberman and CIA spook Michael Hayden. Now, all over the place there is this conflation of the issues as in "people want to see the death certificate", framing the issue as though OBL is still on the loose and Obama is faking this because he is not a patriotic enough 'murican to have actually pulled it off.
From http://www.sott.net/articles/show/228077-White-House-Struggles-to-Get-Story-Right-on-Raid

Killing Osama bin Laden was a big victory for the U.S., but how exactly the raid went down is another story - and another, and another.

Over two days, the White House has offered contradictory versions of events, including misidentifying which of bin Laden's sons was killed and wrongly saying bin Laden's wife died in gunfire, as it tries to sort through what the president's press secretary called the "fog of combat" and produce an accurate account.

Press Secretary Jay Carney said Tuesday that officials were trying to get information out as quickly as possible about the complex event witnessed by just a handful of people, and the story line was being corrected.

"We provided a great deal of information with great haste in order to inform you. ... And obviously some of the information was, came in piece by piece and is being reviewed and updated and elaborated on," Carney said.

Make me think of this hypothesis: Obama and the crew around him is not alone at the handling. Agenda imposed by 4D in the background?
Osama bin Laden's daughter witnessed his death, says Pakistani official

Osama bin Laden's 12-year-old daughter watched as her father was shot dead by American special forces, a senior Pakistani intelligence official has told the Guardian.

The girl, who was found at the scene of the raid by Pakistani security services, is being cared for at a military hospital having been wounded in the attack. She has been questioned about the sequence of events during the raid last weekend.

The official said Pakistani intelligence services, who are holding 11 other survivors of the deadly raid on Bin Laden's Pakistani hiding place, would not allow their interrogation by US officials.

"That would occur only if there was written assent from their country of origin. We are yet to receive any request to my knowledge, but given the [critical] statements coming out of Washington and the fact that [the raid] was not an operation we were involved in, we would not accept," he said.

At least 10 people were left alive at the end of the attack, which saw Bin Laden killed in an upstairs room of the three-storey house where he had been living. Hamza, one of the al-Qaida leader's sons, was killed. His body was removed with that of his father by the assault teams.

The survivors include eight children and two adults, both women. One is Bin Laden's fifth wife, a 29-year-old Yemeni, Amal Ahmed Abdul Fatah who married the al-Qaida leader around 11 years ago in Afghanistan. The other is understood to be a Yemeni doctor in her 30s whose passport indicates that she arrived by legal means in the region sometime between 2000 and 2006, when the document expired.

The Pakistani official, from the main intelligence agency the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI), said that verification of the exact identity of the woman was continuing.

"We are not sure if she is a doctor, a nurse, a maid or what," he said.

The White House has so far not commented on the survivors or on reports that a second son of Bin Laden was captured during the raid.

Though mobile phones and computers seized in the compound are currently being examined by American specialists for any possible leads on forthcoming attacks or information on current fugitives, the women and children in Pakistani custody are potential sources of valuable intelligence.

On Tuesday, the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying that "the family members of Osama bin Laden [are] all in safe hands ... in the best possible facilities," and that "as per policy" the relatives would be handed over to their countries of origin.

This, however, may not be easy. One problem is their unclear legal status. The Saudi Arabian citizenship of the al-Qaida leader was withdrawn in 1994 following his violent criticism of the kingdom's royal family leaving the exact nationality of his children unclear. Two young sons of Bin Laden are believed to be among the survivors held by the Pakistanis.

It is also far from certain that either Yemen or Saudi Arabia would be willing to accept the repatriation of Bin Laden's family members or their friends. Nor is their identification a simple task. Some of the children found at the compound may be those of the two brothers killed in the raid, and may have Pakistani nationality. The youngest child found at the compound is two.

Local authorities arrived on the scene of the raid as American special forces were leaving. It is believed that the attackers originally planned to evacuate all those in the compound but the breakdown of a helicopter meant there was no space to take them.

Instead, only the bodies of Bin Laden and his son Hamza, who was in his early 20s, were taken to the aircraft carrier the USS Carl Vinson and buried at sea. Survivors were left with their hands fastened with plastic handcuffs, a second Pakistani official said, adding that initial communications with the survivors had been difficult as the Pakistani police and military arriving at the scene did not speak Arabic.

Four bodies are understood to have been recovered by Pakistani officials from the compound, including those of two brothers who have been reported to be behind the construction and management of the house. One is believed to be the crucial courier, Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, who inadvertently led the CIA to Bin Laden. A third body was that of one of the brother's wives. The other casualty is believed to be a guard who has yet to be identified or possibly a domestic servant.

Several of the survivors, including Bin Laden's wife, were injured in the 40-minute firefight that preceded the al-Qaida leader's death.

The White House have confirmed that Bin Laden's wife received a bullet wound in the calf during the assault.

Pakistani officials told the Guardian yesterday that Bin Laden's daughter, which various reports named as Safina, Safia or Ayesha yesterday, had been hit in the ankle in the moments before the American assault team reached the room where they found her father, and later passed out. The wound was possibly caused by fragments from a grenade thrown by the assault team as they attacked, one said.

The girl and her mother are believed to be at a high-security military hospital.

American press reports cited a US official saying Fatah had told Pakistani authorities that Bin Laden had lived in the complex, at least part of the time, since it was built in 2005. Yesterday, other reports from Pakistan contradicted that statement, saying survivors had told officials they had arrived five or six months ago.

White House press secretary Jay Carney confirmed earlier this week that she was "in the room with Bin Laden" when injured.

John Brennan, President Barack Obama's chief counter-terrorism adviser, had initially claimed Fatah was killed while "she was being used as a shield", but the White House later said that account was inaccurate.

US intelligence officials have also said Fatah, rather than Bin Laden's daughter, identified the al-Qaida leader's body.

Interesting there were so many survivors. Wonder when information will leak out on who really was killed.
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