(L) Alright, the $64,001 question, what
happened to Flight 77?
A: It was landed and now resides, in part, in fourth
Q: (L) What do mean "in part," how can it be in part?
A: As we have mentioned before, certain bases have
this property due to direct interaction with denizens
of that realm.
Q: (L) And they talked about bases that have levels
underground. (A) Well, 'in part' can mean mechanical
part or the human part. (L) Also, once they talked
about bi-density beings that can move back and forth
between 3rd and 4th density. So, exactly what do
you mean by this 'in part?'
A: Let us just say that the "human" part now resides
at 5th density.
Q: (L) Well, the soul is what goes to 5th density.
So that means that the bodies are still - well,
somewhere. Did they later use parts of these bodies
to produce evidence at the crash site of 'remains?'
A: Parts is the correct word. Do you think that any of
them could be "allowed" to survive?
Q: (A) I have a technical question because if it landed
somewhere, question is, whether the standard military
surveying satellites, or whatever it is, know the place,
or it disappeared completely before landing from
normal satellite, or rather military, observation?
A: It landed in the normal way.
Q: (A) Okay, then that means the military, and
perhaps also the White House, knows that it landed
and knows that...
A: White House knows little of what transpires in any