Looks like a fictional narrative to muddy the waters and vector some people and also possibly collect information on people. It could also be a scam setup where eventually a person that has bought into the narrative/story and joined the telegram etc is given instructions on how to change there status with some kind of payment and then at some point also provide personal information, such as home address, etc, and some kind of payment to get the antidote delivered.
Some one mentioned it reminds them of the Q stuff. Although I haven't followed too closely, it also reminds me of the Charlie Ward and Quantum Financial System (QFS) crappola, and just another flavor or brand similar in ways to the Corey Goode and Gaia.com stuff.
Yep. The Big Hook is the possibility of being added to their 'Schindler's List' of Sovereign individuals who may be given freedom of ownership and movement once the financial collapse occurs and the reset of the system is established. The 'classifications' of social credit scoring they propose are being programmed into the new system (Common Class, S stands for Sovereign Class, R stands for Restricted Class and Q stands for Quarantined Class) sounds entirely plausible to me, btw. And would, I think, to anyone who's been following the WEF agenda - making for part of the carrot on a stick.
Youtube site even has an audiobook version of the The Great Taking, which has been discussed in the Great Reset thread and other places. You can read about the Great Taking book (and watch the documentary) from these articles
here and
here. The gist of it is that the Great Reset, or Great Taking, has actually been in the planning stages for
decades and seems to shed new light on the C's statement of many years ago that
"...ownership will last a while longer." In any case, the analysis presented by the James Webb's Great Taking is assessed to be accurate and factual by a number of credible researchers.
At the same time, and relatively speaking, I would say that in the realm of 'high level' disinformation, psy-ops, and maybe even cosmic cointelpro, this Oculum Labs effort ranks pretty high up there in "quality", and seems fairly sophisticated as far as these things go. And, it almost goes without saying, seeks to derail individuals who are looking at much of the same types of information, and have some of the same perspectives and sensibilities,
as many of us here.
How does it do this? The sites connected to these efforts have a lot of information that directly (or indirectly) take our view of things (or similar), or makes some big correlations. On the Q-Anon phenomenon for instance, notice how Gideon, the head honcho, separates his efforts from those of Q's and manages to incorporate a semi-espionage narrative to illicit sympathy from the reader to boot:
Intel Drop #29 - The Cosmic Rules Are About To Change (Part 3) - JustPaste.it
Bill: How much trust did you have in them to start with?
Gideon: "It was a lot, and they are people in positions that would have access to classified programs like CSRQ. So their knowledge, to me, was reliable."
Bill: So what happened with them recently, are you still talking to them?
Gideon: "No. Not only have I cut ties, I have learned I was being played by them. I was being watched by them. I trusted the wrong people, but I am very thankful I did not allow their subversion to impact what we are doing.
For me, this is more of a personal let down, and it was the last glimmer of hope I had. They were always pressing upon me that the cabal was losing, and so on. Very much the same thing we hear from Q Anon. I was skeptical, but they actually gave me some hope."
Bill: What did they have to say about Q Anon? Did they talk about it?
Gideon: "They agreed with me it was a psy op. They did not support it at all. That is why their protestations that the cabal was losing were a bit more credible, it made me believe them more, because they were not pushing Q Anon so-called hopium, as it were."
Bill: Are they Sovereigns? They were working for the cabal this entire time?
Gideon: "I had the whistle blowers check on them last year, and they were Restricted or Quarantined class when they checked. We have since found out that was changed on purpose, to deceive us, or anyone who might have managed to find them in CSRQ. They are Sovereigns but not listed officially as such in CSRQ. So, you could say, they are double-agents. But when CSRQ comes online, they will be Sovereign."
Bill: So it was an operation from the start, a psy op against you?
Gideon: "I now believe that. I feel betrayed deeply by them. I never believed they could belong to the cabal, never. I knew them to be patriots, I knew them to be Christians, I knew them to have always spoke against the New World Order. They were very open about things, like 9/11 being an inside job. They understood the narratives, they knew how this was all playing out for years, but on this point, on CSRQ, they insisted that it would be stopped, specifically by the United States itself."
Notice the Q&A format of the information too. Look familiar?
Getting more esoteric, there's this bit about nano-particles being sprayed on the food supply and becoming a way from which people will get attachments:
Intel Drop #41 - The Planned Holocaust Of The Soul - Part 2 - JustPaste.it
Gideon: "The worst and most disturbing information I received is that the soul will not be allowed to leave the Earth realm upon death, and that the nano tech allows entities to attach themselves to souls. After death, you would find yourself being 'held' in the astral realm the cabal controls. So, they want control of your soul in this Earth realm and in the afterlife.
The cabal is also developing technology to keep people alive and living in our bodies for much longer, for hundreds of years. If this happens, people will be put into dense so-called '15 minute' cities and tightly controlled and hooked up to technology.
I was told the film by Stephen Spielberg called 'Ready Player One' shows the cabal's planned future for humanity, to some extent. So do many other dystopian TV shows. They want humans trapped and kept alive in this realm, and to ensure their souls are under the control for the cabal and cannot escape, cannot reach God."
Bill: But can't a person ask for God to save them? To free them from this nano-dust prison?
Gideon: "Yes, but they will not ask this, Bill, not by the time CSRQ is online. They will not ask this. That is our worry."
Bill: But won't people like those who read those Intel Drops ask for God's help? Many of them have very strong faith, and they'll resist it and seek God.
Gideon: "I have been told once the nano particles are activated, something will happen where people will not ask this, or seek God. The entities will be allowed in, and they will affect a person, and distort their soul connection that connects to the mind. The person who told me this has a story of their own, which I discussed with you."
Which reminded me of what we learned about one psycho-Guru's abuse of his followers using a substance he was selling to them:
We had another session the other night mainly to deal with some issues about directions and/or actions we need to take to preserve our work/safety in these increasingly trying times. Obviously, I can't publish that part of the exchange; wouldn't be much point in having a strategy that everyone...
Q: (L) Well, what about his product that he markets, this "Magneurol", that's supposed to make you super-psychic? Is there anything to that?
A: Sure... It makes you susceptible to microwave and other transmissions and your brain can literally light up like landing lights!
Q: (Simon) Landing lights... (L) Landing lights? Like something is going to land there?
A: You got it!
Q: (Simon) Does it make people identifiable to 4D or some alien race or species or...?
A: That is not the main purpose. It attracts those entities that seek certain "experiences." {Part of answer deleted which refers specifically to Eric Pepin.}
Q: (L) In other words, say earth-bound spirits "land" on these people or connect to them because of this Magneurol and induce them to seek out or desire or want the kinds of activities that Pepin promotes behind the scenes? Is that what you're suggesting?
A: Pretty much.
So "Gideon" and his crew also get quite "esoteric" and include a big "spiritual" component to their "intel drops".
If you read further (which I don't reccomend), you'll even learn that all of Gideon's efforts are being supported and inspired by "Gideon's" "Guide" -
an angel. And its through this angel that "Gideon" learned of a deal God made with Satan, but Satan didn't keep to his end of the bargain, and that's why we're in the mess we're in. There was nothing in that part of the "intel drop" that suggested that he was even being metaphoric about the deal between God and Satan either; he was being literal.
So I just think that this CBDCintel/ We are Sovereign project is a case of information being accurate or entirely possible (in some places) because it serves their purposes. And takes a tone and level of presentation and creative writing that will, unfortunately, make for an attractive source of information among some. We've certainly seen this sort of thing before, only much more word salady.