Olympic games in Paris (2024)

I don’t know if I missed someone talking about it or not, but isn’t it also more than a little grotesque that you would present an extremely overweight woman at front and center of the olympic opening ceremony? At the opening of the single most prominent sports event in the world where the most athletic people on the planet and in history meet and compete against eachother.
I have seen stills only of the debacle that the organisers have turned this ceremony into. I am going to pose a different perspective on this. I, like all of you guys, understand what this was for. What they have done is to create more division. My arms are not up in horror, because I have heard the testimonials of the children (now grown) who have been incarcerated in dungeons of the satanic elite, and have heard enough to make one want to go off planet and not finish this gig. That was probably the most difficult time in my life so far, when I had to reconcile these facts of what is happening to innocent children and people. This OG show, is their vain attempt to normalise it, and they have been doing this for years now, in the libraries with our children, and it is still going on. Now they feel desperate enough to put it on the world stage, belittling the one thing we have left that has always inspired young and old alike and created a feeling of world unity with all the nations competing.....Sport. It has been under attack recently with the transgender participants in sports, so division there again, and now, the OG, the bigger stage to showcase their agendas. I see it as a necessary wake up call for those last remaining sleepyheads. Considering that there is an imminent cosmic event coming, they had to go large or go home!

I have no opinion on another souls journey and what they do and don't do to get to their happy place. How can I? I cannot know what another is thinking or feeling to make them act this way nor what has led them to be presenting themselves in this way. All I know that Nature, is powerful and what we see in Nature is balance for the most part, but there is variation. My perspective is that they cannot help but be what they are under the reptilians influence. I feel that boycotting the games, only hurts the gifted and hardworking athletes that have worked so hard. However I also understand that boycotting would send a loud message. Personally, though, I still feel that the negative impact/intention of the start of the OG 2024 can be turned around with the positive feeling of love and respect for the athletes and the world of sport, by supporting them and cheering them on. We know that by standing together united in positivity and love, si the only thing that will bring down this Negative Reptilian Regime!
To my knowledge when raising a flag upsidedown means having hostile intentions / declaring war.
When entering ports in countries where I had doubts about their flag I consulted a nautical publication to make sure not to make a mistake; and to be construed as stated above.
Because a flag raised upside down has a meaning that surpasses and nullifies the main meaning of the flag, of what it represents, to become a call for attention, and to give a message to the receiver with a universal meaning. A flag raised upside down is an international call for help. It is a symbol of a request for help.

Historically, a flag raised upside down on top of a fortress meant a call for attention to friendly troops: help us! Likewise, a flag raised upside down, in a public square, in an unusual location, means that the area has been taken by enemy troops.

The case of the United States flag is somewhat particular: since according to the United States Flag Code, hanging the flag upside down is a sign that there is an extreme danger to life or property. If the flag is hung upside down, military personnel recognize it as a call for help.

The flag should never be displayed with the Union Jack (the blue star) down, except as a signal of extreme distress in cases of extreme danger to life or property.
A flag flown upside down is an international distress call.
RT news published
Traces of PLAGUE Found in Package Addressed to French Minister of Interior

A suspicious letter addressed to Gérald Darmanin was intercepted near Dijon earlier today, according to French media reports.

The letter contained black powder that initial analyses indicated tested positive for plague. However, the authorities clarified that it might be a 'false positive.'
I watched the early parts of the opening ceremony on-off, but stopped when the woke filth became increasingly apparent.

Vigilant Citizen summed it up well in his conclusion:

As this depraved ceremony progressed, the rain kept intensifying. It was as if God was attempting to extinguish the Olympic flame that had turned into a hellish fire. And, like everything satanic, the entire thing was steeped in lies. While it was said to be unifying, the ceremony was actually divisive. While it was said to be about love, it is actually about hate. White it was said to be about France’s glory, it is actually about its humiliation.

The occult elite appears intent on turning the entire world into Sodom and Gomorrah and the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics was a blatant celebration of this fact.
Email from a Sott reader on that topic:
Yes. And this is why it is so important to be mindful of the agendas and the external influences. The group spent an extraordinary amount of energy emphasising this point.

Say the ongoing solar eruptions supercharge the emotional reactions to triggering stimuli. Or that the triggers predominantly affect reaction machines with large authoritarian networks. Wouldn't that be an interesting can of worms to explore? 🤷
Here is Archbishop Vigano's statement directly. Remember, he is being ex-communicated by the current Pope, so I am not sure it is appropriate to call him the Catholic Church, since they would probably disavow his statements.
I think that Archbishop Vigano represents the Catholic Church more than they do.
To my knowledge when raising a flag upsidedown means having hostile intentions / declaring war.
Historically, flying the American flag upside down has been a sign of distress or extreme danger for the country or the individual flying it. This tradition dates back to the early days of the United States, when the flag’s inverted position was used to signal a dire emergency or crisis.

Now that is for the United States flag, but I would assume it is the same for other nations.
I’m not sure how everyone here feels about or thinks of Candace Owens, but this podcast is in my opinion essential. I don’t know how long it will stay up, but she really breaks down the whole Frankist, Baphomet cult’s origins in Ukraine (remember the Cs talking about the portal over that area in Galicia?) and France, and how it all goes back to Jacob Frank, pedophelia, sacrifice on Passover, its moves from the French Revolution to the US. Basically it boils down to the Olympic ceremony being the Satanist’s coming out party. Crazy stuff that is even crazier because it’s all true.


she mentions jacob frank


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I think that Archbishop Vigano represents the Catholic Church more than they do.

Historically, flying the American flag upside down has been a sign of distress or extreme danger for the country or the individual flying it. This tradition dates back to the early days of the United States, when the flag’s inverted position was used to signal a dire emergency or crisis.

Now that is for the United States flag, but I would assume it is the same for other nations.
100% Agree. Vigano is a truth teller. It's possible the upside-down Olympic Flag is a mocking of Justice Alito's wife & the J6'ers who displayed upside-down US flags recently, and from the perspective of the global elite narrative, the LGBTQ+ are in distress or danger for their lives (the political rhetoric). On another level, the "gods of Olympia" (4D STS?) may be signaling they are aware of wave balancing?
Thomas Jolly, the ceremony’s artistic director, also defended his work. “We wanted to talk about diversity. Diversity means being together. We wanted to include everybody,” he said.

Beware! This is absolutely wrong: it is reversed :
They did NOT want to include the greater part of (normal) people and especially NOT to include Christians. It's Not Being Together. And they know it. It's wanted.
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