Olympic games in Paris (2024)

I’m not sure how everyone here feels about or thinks of Candace Owens, but this podcast is in my opinion essential. I don’t know how long it will stay up, but she really breaks down the whole Frankist, Baphomet cult’s origins in Ukraine (remember the Cs talking about the portal over that area in Galicia?) and France, and how it all goes back to Jacob Frank, pedophelia, sacrifice on Passover, its moves from the French Revolution to the US. Basically it boils down to the Olympic ceremony being the Satanist’s coming out party. Crazy stuff that is even crazier because it’s all true.

There is actually a thread that was started for her back in 2019, her reports have featured here and there on different topics, some of us have also followed her career as she became prominent, joined the Daily Wire and then parted from them. I think continuation of her thread is warranted as she is a pretty good media source in general.
There is actually a thread that was started for her back in 2019, her reports have featured here and there on different topics, some of us have also followed her career as she became prominent, joined the Daily Wire and then parted from them. I think continuation of her thread is warranted as she is a pretty good media source in general.
Thanks for the heads up! I suppose it would be redundant to repost the above link there and revive it, but if anyone thinks it’s worthwhile, please do.🙏
well, I agree, but they now deny to have depicted The Last Supper....

I thought this was a great write-up. Posted on X:

Yes, the Olympic ceremony parodied The Last Supper. - Professor Mattias Desmet

'And it would be nice if the media admitted that'

"Firstly: the painting alluded to was not Bellini’s The Feast of the Gods, but rather The Feast of the Olympian Gods by Jan van Bijlert... Jan van Bijlert painted his Feast of the Olympian Gods around 1635, about a hundred and fifty years after Da Vinci painted The Last Supper. And Van Bijlert’s painting is clearly a pagan variant of Da Vinci’s painting. In other words: whether the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games directly mocked Da Vinci’s Last Supper or did so through a parodic imitation of Van Bijlert’s painting, it doesn’t matter, what happened at the opening ceremony was indeed mocking The Last Supper, and thus ethical and religious principles, particularly Christianity. Period.

The most remarkable thing, above all, is that the fact-checkers and woke enthusiasts indeed did not see that it was about the Last Supper. They even mocked those who did see it, claiming they were lost in illusions and delusions. The more someone is gripped by totalitarian thinking, the more he accuses those who think differently of madness. In itself, it remains one of the most remarkable effects of the phenomenon of mass formation: the enormous narrowing of perspective accompanied by a radical blindness to anything that does not align with one's own fanatical beliefs (and the aggressive attack of it).

It is not that the representatives of the dominant narrative are the only ones who fall prey to this. Fanatical conspiracy thinking essentially suffers from a similar problem. Those who break free from the grip of the dominant narrative, in a sense, wander unprotected in the world of the Real and often seek refuge in another illusion, or at the very least, another narrative that irresponsibly reduces reality to a simplistic story.

And I repeat: it’s not about whether there should be no sexual freedom in society or whether it should be forbidden to mock religious tenets, beliefs, or views. Every person has the right to a space where they can work through the peculiarities of their sexuality on their own authority and responsibility, if they so wish. And although I personally find mocking something that another person holds sacred tasteless, I do not think it should be forbidden.

What it is about, however, is that globalist institutions use symbolism, as seen at the opening ceremony of the Olympics and the Eurovision Song Contest, to situate their essence in mockery and perversion. That is precisely the function of a ceremony of a major social event: it represents what the essence of a society is, it represents the principles that support the social system. And that is certainly a good reason to protest and refuse to participate in the globalist ideology. More so: those who fail to protest, neglect an ethical duty."

I thought this was a great write-up. Posted on X:

Yes, the Olympic ceremony parodied The Last Supper. - Professor Mattias Desmet
Thanks for posting this. What a great analysis of Prof. Desmet.

Highlighting that this now has been a major social event, a major public representation of (visual) programming into perversity, seems to me vital to grasp. The build up of this underlaying parasitic current seems to become now explosively public. It feels like a public start sign/starting shot of another downhill race into further total disintegration. Its out there now for everybody to get infected, who is not aware.

All the images, like"the fat lady", the red beheaded lady, the obscene last supper trans party, will work their way into the ignorant mass mind, transmitting it's parasitic information: anything allowed, anything included...in our hell here.

Against this pure evil, IMO it is a moral duty to protest and re-align to the human-cosmic connection, the mandate of Heaven, the Devine will. I would not be able to grasp the importance of it, without the ongoing Work and efforts this forum. So grateful for that.
Slovakia’s deputy PM has withdrawn from the closing ceremony, claiming its opening ‘abused the beauty of sport’

excellent!!!! this is a perfect way of demonstrating one's opposition without offending anyone, saving your time for your family, reduce your planetary footprint and saving taxpayers money who cannot afford the luxury of an horridly expensive paris24 trip. as the french once said: in europe we have ideas = en france on a des idées...
I don't think this has been posted here. Some people are drawing attention to the gestures made by the child and the guy dressed in back: child decapitation. Geez...

this seems to be the intention. if so, "HOW DARE THEY!!!???" it is totally perverse and the perpetrators and actors should be castrated so as to add to the infinity of fluid genders. and be judged by a tribunal for inciting for murder.
this is infinitely worse than the testicles of the blue stroupf, which were contained in a slip.
and have we not seen an infinity of tight slips when watching 10m jumps??? has anybody been shocked then???
If there was a vomit emoji I would have just used it. This whole spectacle just makes me feel sick.
i agree. we need a few more emojis than those offered by facedebouc (in french) = fb from sugarheap.
i am missing
- the question mark = ?, what did you mean??? cyp explain?
- the thank you for posting something without me endorsing the signification of the post
- and more...
I’m reminded of the fact that France is the country which is most resistant to Turkey joining NATO because they’re not a Christian nation. France is the most vehement of all NATO countries at insisting that all NATO members must be Christian.

“Hello, Leg Warehouse? My friend needs something to stand on. Can you help us? No? All out of legs? Okay thanks…Désolé, bro.”

Turkey has been a member of NATO since 1952.
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