Olympic games in Paris (2024)

Was a reply to Nienna , but eh , something went wrong/right , ok , (IMO) so in a larger sense sts overlords only seek self, so their plans as we can perceive them are traps for consciousness. Vax's or anything else.
Thanks Ricardo....ok that makes sense now, yes. For the unaware, this was a trap, for the aware, this was the honing of our awareness at a pivotal time.
I haven't watched that, but I'm not sure I understand you here. If I have to get past "the vomit and woke thing" to appreciate something, hmm, no thanks. Rarely, maybe. But in the case of the Olympics freak show, I just don't see anything "worth it". And it doesn't have to do with being a Christian or not.

Again, sorry, I'm not sure I follow you. Are you saying it was just lazy work at play here?
Only checking the promo "poster" of that movie and description blurb, had me wondering how long i'd hold before using a vomit bag.
I have not watched the full opening ceremony, but I am noticing the huge difference in those that are reacting to this French opening ceremony to that of the 2012 opening Ceremony in London. This undeniably, struck a discord with a lot more people than what I encountered in 2012. That is showing me that the awakening process is progressing well. I am on the whole an optimist. I see this an "n your face" wake up call. This is supposed to be the meeting of all the worlds best athletes, who have trained so hard for this and put their heart and souls into it, for themselves, their country and to inspire as they have no doubt been inspired by the athletes that have come before them. The best of the best, showing what you can achieve with dedication, hard work and the belief in your self and what you can achieve. For me, from the few, chaotic clips that I have seen, it just felt tacky and disrespectful, considering that many of the athletes do the sign of the cross before they compete. This is like a direct slap in the face to them. The OG belongs to the athletes, for without them there would be no games. Looking back at the stunning show stopping creative displays from past opening ceremonies, it is clear how much those still with the pulling power (for now) have degraded everything that the majority hold dear. I stand positive in the fact that it serves a purpose!
For me the ultimate..dangerous symbol of the night was the flag.. upsidedown
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To my knowledge when raising a flag upsidedown means having hostile intentions / declaring war.
When entering ports in countries where I had doubts about their flag I consulted a nautical publication to make sure not to make a mistake; and to be construed as stated above.
This was the trigger. A painting. Even though I am not a Christian, a painting is there to be interpreted. I have nothing to say about that. I have to say about the quality of the interpretation (regardless of the Christianity I do not "possess"), and about the purpose, which takes advantage of the lazy Work of those who should do it in the first place and fall into stupid and manipolative traps. Ihmo.
What do you mean by the trigger?
I haven't watched that, but I'm not sure I understand you here. If I have to get past "the vomit and woke thing" to appreciate something, hmm, no thanks. Rarely, maybe. But in the case of the Olympics freak show, I just don't see anything "worth it". And it doesn't have to do with being a Christian or not.
Like an exorcism from the mainstream

Again, sorry, I'm not sure I follow you. Are you saying it was just lazy work at play here?
yes, I see a lot of people falling into the trap.
In any case, I have no negative intent. I'm just a node in the network, even a fairly lonely one, and it's often difficult. I realize this with a smile :-)
It does feel a bit like the overly complex "opening ceremonies" of recent years, and particularly the present Games, have taken away from the original spirit and people of the Games....the athletes. I am sure these will be the last Olympic Games and they have been tainted by crassness to say the least.
I disagree that she’s small fry. She brought with her a style that appealed to those looking for their ‘uniqueness’ and opened the flood gates for boundless weirdness in self expression, taking over from her almost spent predecessor, Madonna, who got everyone comfortable with sex and perversion. When you have a worldwide reach with (what to me appears to be) an obvious agenda to influence people the way they do I wouldn’t doubt that it is all part of a master plan to lead people astray. Deep level punctuator…. ? What would qualify for being labelled as that then?
Do you put Sargon the Great on the same level as Lady Gaga or Madonna?
Toxic content emotionally reacted.
Well said, in my opinion.
Remember, it’s all about 4th Density Service to self, and they are “feeding on our pain, disgust, and fear”, all of our negative emotions.
Behind the curtain and at the core of this “over the top” perverse spectacle, are the 3rd Density STS degenerate planners.
Remember what we’ve learned here. Don’t feed the monsters!

Perhaps reading this short essay might be helpful to some, perhaps a reminder to reorient and step out of the loop?
It’s written by a young man named Logan Hart.
He has gained a bit of influence in the Health and wellness community, and he councils young rudderless men and women with advice on several platforms regarding polarities between men and women.

So, for what it’s worth, here’s his response:

“Show me on this doll where the Olympics hurt you. 😂🤣

Seriously though. I don't post just to be controversial. I take no joy in cruelty.

It's actually an act of deep care. I put myself in the crossfire of scrutiny and backlash, because i serve the truth, not your comfort.

People need their cages rattled.
Mind control is everywhere.
Your triggers are a gift, an opportunity to self reflect and calibrate.

They point to your wounds, to your pain points.
These are the entry points for mind control programs to take hold.
If i can trigger you, so can other people who s actually do have malicious intentions.
You're too easily manipulated.
Regardless of your personal political or religious beliefs.
They are trolling.

Riling you up and sewing division and conflict.

It's an energy harvesting ritual.
And people are falling for it, hook, line, and sinker.
TV is trash!
The Olympics are bread and circus, put on by the "elites" to distract the masses!
This is nothing new.

Imagine if everyone just stopped watching.
Or completely ignored their mockery.
Then what?
This whole outrage is inconsequential, yet my feed is saturated with it.

Reminds me of the obsessive Rorschaching of the "creepy red British guy that probably has demons in it."
So f@cking what!?
There are so many more productive ways to spend your time and energy.
Stop being so easily played and manipulated by these people.

Stop giving them your energy.
This very real spiritual war has NOTHING to do with Jesus vs the devil.
Anyone believing that is not awake, you're getting duped.
They own your ass.
End rant.”

Logan Hart
Well said, in my opinion.
Remember, it’s all about 4th Density Service to self, and they are “feeding on our pain, disgust, and fear”, all of our negative emotions.
Behind the curtain and at the core of this “over the top” perverse spectacle, are the 3rd Density STS degenerate planners.
Remember what we’ve learned here. Don’t feed the monsters!

Perhaps reading this short essay might be helpful to some, perhaps a reminder to reorient and step out of the loop?
It’s written by a young man named Logan Hart.
He has gained a bit of influence in the Health and wellness community, and he councils young rudderless men and women with advice on several platforms regarding polarities between men and women.

So, for what it’s worth, here’s his response:

“Show me on this doll where the Olympics hurt you. 😂🤣

Seriously though. I don't post just to be controversial. I take no joy in cruelty.

It's actually an act of deep care. I put myself in the crossfire of scrutiny and backlash, because i serve the truth, not your comfort.

People need their cages rattled.
Mind control is everywhere.
Your triggers are a gift, an opportunity to self reflect and calibrate.

They point to your wounds, to your pain points.
These are the entry points for mind control programs to take hold.
If i can trigger you, so can other people who s actually do have malicious intentions.
You're too easily manipulated.
Regardless of your personal political or religious beliefs.
They are trolling.

Riling you up and sewing division and conflict.

It's an energy harvesting ritual.
And people are falling for it, hook, line, and sinker.
TV is trash!
The Olympics are bread and circus, put on by the "elites" to distract the masses!
This is nothing new.

Imagine if everyone just stopped watching.
Or completely ignored their mockery.
Then what?
This whole outrage is inconsequential, yet my feed is saturated with it.

Reminds me of the obsessive Rorschaching of the "creepy red British guy that probably has demons in it."
So f@cking what!?
There are so many more productive ways to spend your time and energy.
Stop being so easily played and manipulated by these people.

Stop giving them your energy.
This very real spiritual war has NOTHING to do with Jesus vs the devil.
Anyone believing that is not awake, you're getting duped.
They own your ass.
End rant.”

Logan Hart
I agree with most of what Logan said there. Thank you for posting this. I also believe many in this group were able to take note of the happenings and discuss the symbolism without being emotionally triggered. I also think it is important know what is going on & not stick our heads in the sand (not claiming that was your point).
Do you put Sargon the Great on the same level as Lady Gaga or Madonna?
May be, depends on the influence and the level of ‘punctuation’ the person had on the populace. I don’t know what makes someone a deep level punctuator, I assume it’s how they shape the populace, as in how punctuation shapes a sentence or block of writing… I would guess Sargon the great would have almost zero punctuation capacity over a heap of LBQ wxyz minded wokies of this day and age.
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