Olympic games in Paris (2024)

In Islam Jesus (or Isa) is respected as a prophet on par with prophet Muhammad. Of course Muhammad is respected as most significant for bringing the god's words.
According to Imran Hosein, one of the leading scholars in Quran, it is more than that (from min 30:17)

Part of the transcript:
we look forward to more of these gatherings where we can come together
and i can share with you what is in the quran i've only given you part of what is in the quran
and we can learn from you what is in the gospel and we can both prepare ourselves
for that day tomorrow when jesus will return
and when he returns he will be our supreme guide
he will be our supreme legal authority when he returns
but he will not be our
leader because we follow muhammad allah's blessing be upon him so
our leader will be the imam but when he returns he will be our supreme
guide he will teach us the quran as none can
teach because the lord god has taught him the quran
and he will be the supreme legal authority for his community
and for us and we pray that the lord god might help us
in our effort to bring these two community closer together thank you

Of course that the Muslim World is offended by this atrocity as well.
Many gay people are decent, many probably produced work of art, but somehow, their talent was enough and they didn't need to play the gay card😉.
Last Friday, people around the world must have thought "if this is the end result, we'll keep throwing them in jail". Even in the West, I'm sure we will see gay rights attacked, because now, being gay nearly equates to being in favor of pedophilia.

Very true and sad. They will be put in the same category if there is a backlash.
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Very true and sad. They will be put in the same category if there is a backlash.

Email from a Sott reader on that topic:

I’d like to remind readers that not all gays support the appalling agenda that many of the gays in powerful positions push. As for myself and after asking everyone about how they feel about the transgender agenda as well as drag for kids - not one person supported either and we believe it best that there be a divorce of every letter tagged to LGB and no other letters tagged on since no other « agenda » outside of same sex relationships benefit us. As far as parades go, it is being driven by younger 'just became adult' gays who are unfortunately being lied to and enraged by everything. I personally feel the LGB fight was won and only see the additional letters setting the gay community up for a backlash where we might lose our rights to marry, and discrimination protection.

As far as religion goes I feel that the world could use a little bit more of Jesus and God as I look around the world and see the crime and disregard for one another. Let us not get caught up in blanket finger pointing as there are bad people of every type in the world and those of us who want a better sane world should not be blind to allies unexpected. We are stronger as one than divided against those that actively try to destroy us.
Lady Gaga a ‘deep level punctuator‘? I'm not sure about that. I think she's small fry.
I disagree that she’s small fry. She brought with her a style that appealed to those looking for their ‘uniqueness’ and opened the flood gates for boundless weirdness in self expression, taking over from her almost spent predecessor, Madonna, who got everyone comfortable with sex and perversion. When you have a worldwide reach with (what to me appears to be) an obvious agenda to influence people the way they do I wouldn’t doubt that it is all part of a master plan to lead people astray. Deep level punctuator…. ? What would qualify for being labelled as that then?
I only pay attention to it this year because the Cs said "Disease X" would "probably" be released during the Paris Olympics.
Session 13 January 2024
(Gaby) Well, in Paris there will be the Olympic Games, huh?

(L) Yeah! They're gonna release it in the Olympic Games, is that it?

A: Probably. The timeline is accelerating.

Come to think of it, there is not-so-small silver lining to the virus being released during the Olympics. Remember when the Cs said that plans were already underway for another pandemic, but the C's revealing those plans led to those plans being abandoned to avoid drawing attention to this source?

Well, if they do release the virus during the Olympics that will be one heck of advertising for the C's. I'll plaster their prediction all over the internet for sure! :ninja::knitting:
What a horrible video about the Games. What a volcano has to do with the Olympic Games? And all the images about what is happening on the news, manifestations, police beating up demonstrators... it's all unbearable. Yes, the message is clear and we don't know what subliminal images they've put in the message either. Disgusting.
Hey Loreta...possibly Yellowstone which has become very active, or some other volcano erupting due to earthquakes in the Pacific area? Had heard a few predictions on this....but usually steer well clear of those as they are rarely accurate and I feel are more the personal timeline of the person doing the prediction or they are seeing an alternate collective timeline, which is totally plausible as there are infinite possibilities. Perhaps they were showing the volcano as they will be helping it along?
Or the C’s have saved the day yet again by making mention of it therefore, the virus won’t be released during the games. I also thought the whole ceremony charade seems to have backfired for the 3D masters and there may be some damage control in play, taking resources away from disease-planning. And, that this was another 4D influenced event, intending to accelerate resistance and hopefully, some “balance”.
In the current circumstances, it is strange that they were given accreditation at all. But now "normality" has been restored.
TASS employees were kicked out of the Olympics in Paris
The Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games in Paris has revoked the accreditation of four employees of the Russian state agency TASS. According to the agency itself, the reason for this was the decision of the French authorities, who referred to the French Internal Security Code.

This step caused a wide response, especially in light of the fact that earlier five employees of RIA Novosti were also not allowed to attend the Olympic Games. Paris justified its decision on suspicion of espionage by representatives of the Russian state media.

The Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games in Paris, acting in accordance with the instructions of the French authorities, confirmed that the accreditations of TASS employees had been canceled.
Сотрудников ТАСС выгнали с Олимпиады в Париже

В текущих условиях странно, что им вообще выдали аккредитацию. Но зато теперь "нормальность" восстановлена.
Maybe connected or not: On Friday, a couple of hours before the Olympic freak show started, I seemed to have noticed that there was a lot of radio interference going on in my car. The radio channels I normally listen to almost all had a very bad reception in my car with a lot of noise. And that seemed quite noticeable even though I was driving in different areas where I normally have pretty decent reception. That was happening in southwest Germany, so not very far away from Paris (but also not too close). It was so bad that I was wondering if my antenna on the car was damaged or something. Could just have been coincidence though or something totally unrelated to what is going on in Paris.
The Sun has been very active lately - we are approaching the Solar Maximum. Likely connected to the radio issue you observed that day.

Very true and sad. They will be put in the same category if there is a backlash.
Indeed. And I would hazard a guess that there are many transsexuals who also feel this way. What we are seeing with these "woke" degenerates is only a very small portion of the gay and transsexual community who detest what the "woke" crowd are doing. The "woke" crowd are pathological.
Session 13 January 2024

Come to think of it, there is not-so-small silver lining to the virus being released during the Olympics. Remember when the Cs said that plans were already underway for another pandemic, but the C's revealing those plans led to those plans being abandoned to avoid drawing attention to this source?

Well, if they do release the virus during the Olympics that will be one heck of advertising for the C's. I'll plaster their prediction all over the internet for sure! :ninja::knitting:
Talking about Virus X and going over the C19 and jabs scenario......I remember the C's speaking on this when asked about the souls who took the jabs and perished.....was this part of each of their soul plans and the C's effectively said no. I was always under the impression that a Soul has plans inplace that include getting killed in accidents and murders and so forth......all part of lessons/experiences.....so why is the C19 jabs different? Maybe I am missing something but I have still not been able to work out exactly what the C's meant. Perhaps there had to be enough souls going off planet due to the jabs and the effects of C19 on the immunocompromised or those with already existing medical issues. That way, there were enough people to make a case? Also running alongside that, would be that those that had lost family members, would demand answers, and naturally make the correlation to the jabs? Thus stirring a lot of people from their slumber. The plandemic definitely woke a tonne of people up! The whole lockdown forced a lot of folks to have the time to think about stuff...contemplate life and their own existence, probably throwing up scenarios in their minds that made them think far deeper than ever before. Facing your own extinction scenario, would make you see things more clearly and what they would have usually looked past, suddenly is in complete focus.

Malta was not affected by the lockdowns in the same way that say UK or USA were. I was working the whole time which I believe was much shorter a period than other countries, and the government had allowed certain stores to stay open, mine was one of them, so it was business as usual for me, except that we only let 5 people in at one time and had cordoned off the shop so that customers asked for what they wanted and we went and got it for them. It was exhausting for the staff and the customers were queuing in the sun poor things. If it were up to me, I would have put a temporary canopy up for them, it would have been the least we could do considering that all other businesses shut down unless they already had an online shop. Supermarkets stayed open, as did all DIY establishments. To be honest, I hardly noticed the lockdowns. Now..... that would all change if WHO had managed to get all the countries to sign the treaty that gave them he authority to take control in the next plandemic. That would have been brutal.

74% of Maltese citizens took at least the first roll-out of jabs. I have a theory that the vials that Malta ended up getting, must have either been placebos or were somehow not so immediately deadly...perhaps the ingredients of those vials ensured a slower death toll over the next few years, maybe geared more towards sterility? If the jabs had been so deadly, we would have heard about more people dropping dead and also healthy people suddenly being struck down with heart problems or paralysed. To be fair, the younger members of the population as well as children, were not in the category for getting the jabs. I was pressed to get it via a phone call supposedly from the Hospital here, I explained that due to the growing media coverage of the blood clots ensuing, I was not going to take it...and the woman kept saying to me, "so you are refusing?" and I said no I am not refusing I am declining for my own health, and agains she pressed me to answer, "so you are refusing?"...and at this point I thought something was up, so I asked her who she was and who she represented and she told me she was from the hospital, and I said to her that I had given her my answer and then said goodbye.

So with this theory of mine, I have not seen a dramatic change in peoples health here in Malta apart from the odd cancer and heart problems among those that I know. Perhaps it is happening but I am not hearing/aware of it. I don't watch any local TV as do not have a contract for it, and I don't listen to the local radio news anymore unless I am in my car.

How would I go about asking the C's in the next session, to perhaps expand on this to better understand what they meant. The people were lied to, and unfortunately, many believed that their own authorities were promoting the jabs for the preservation of life and gave the impression that the jabs were safe. So the lesson here would be about the trust of your country's government to give you the truth and have the highest interests for your health and welfare...in other words that they care (as they always give the impression that they do). So that would be the lesson loud and clear, so would that not be something that was factored in to their Soul plan as the rest of us would not be able to see these results if not for them!

Thoughts anyone?
I kept thinking about this satanic ceremony. The last supper of Jesus, which they blasphemed and insulted, these scoundrels simultaneously blasphemed and insulted the work of Leonardo da Vinci. They killed two birds with one stone. They're little terrorists, reminding me of Daesh when they bombed a great thousand-year-old statue of Buda, I think in Afghanistan, I'm not sure. We've seen this kind of terrorism against art, against beauty, how many times have they gone into museums and destroyed the great paintings of world history with paint? That's what they did during the ceremony, in front of the whole world. Shocking.

They laughed at beauty, they laughed at the artist Leonardo da Vinci. Poor Leonardo! He must be shaking in his grave.

It's not contempt, but they are using terror in their own way, because they are terrorists.

They want to establish a regime of terror because they are fanatics. It's not for nothing that they showed Marie-Antoinette beheaded. They are insinuating that a regime of terror is approaching.


« I was always under theimpression that a Soul has plans inplace that include getting killedin accidents and murders and so forth......all part oflessons/experiences.....so why is the C19 jabs different? »

Why did they do it? Because they hadthe choice to do it or not, as opposed to being killed in accidentsor murders, etc...
So if it was to part of their soul plans, then their planned. interaction with other members of their group, that would have been integral in their combined lessons, is now defunct? So there choice has affected many souls.
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