Olympic games in Paris (2024)

May be, depends on the influence and the level of ‘punctuation’ the person had on the populace. I don’t know what makes someone a deep level punctuator, I assume it’s how they shape the populace, as in how punctuation shapes a sentence or block of writing… I would guess Sargon the great would have almost zero punctuation capacity over a heap of LBQ wxyz minded wokies of this day and age.
The difference I see is Lady Gaga or Madonna will be forget soon and by no mean considered as personalities who shaped the world. They serve the plan for sure but they do not rule in any way.
Iron Dimon burst into a completely "iron" text about the Olympics. I agree with him in some ways, but, as they say, there are questions.
Why is this figure talking only about the IOC? Aren't all other "international" organizations worthy of such an assessment? Maybe it's because of the balanced view of a serious politician? This does not follow at all from this text. There is no balanced view here, but there is an obvious boundary.
The reason for the reluctance of excessive generalizations, in my opinion, is completely different. If you start to generalize, you can "inadvertently" come to the conclusion that Dimon himself sits at the very top of such a structure. It is exactly such a structure, as he described -"this is an organization of fat-faced officials that has become fat-faced and got fed up with bribes," and Iron Dimon does not need such a conclusion at all.
Medvedev: It's time to break everything to hell

The Olympics in Paris have become a "disgrace of pure water", the Olympic movement needs to be broken and created anew on transparent sporting principles, said Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

"This is got me! And the question is not about the ugly organization of Games by froglikes, accompanied by bravura exclamations of Vive la France by Macron, who is mortally bored with everyone, or even about the horde of freaks and transvestites at the table blasphemously depicting the “Last Supper”.

The Olympic Games died long before that. Now this corpse is decomposing fetidly in a mud-brown, nasty, smelly river.

I will share, as they say, first-hand, my personal ideas about the leadership of the Olympic movement.

Everything is as always and everything is very simple: This is an organization of fat-faced officials who, out of nowhere, declared themselves nothing less than a world government. Athletic, is for sure.

I have attended many receptions, as ex officio. There are dancing so—called partners who consider themselves masters, but in fact faceless corrupt officials, for whom the prison is crying. And there are also a lot of pompous, important heads of international federations with glasses of expensive champagne and sparkling eyes.

And the essence of this "Olympic sports" movement is endless parties, whispering, cutting money, hints, alliances and other criminal rubbish.

But who are they, who do these overworked muzzles represent? No one and no one! And the story of trading in someone's urine and other excrement is a disgrace to the organization. There is nothing in this activity of WADA , or the dog knows what to call this shobla, not a grain of honesty and decency. It's just a sewer, a sewer in which they try to drown unwanted countries like Russia.

Sport has become a big business. It seems that the time has come to break everything in this criminal organization to hell and rebuild the organization anew — on clean, transparent sporting principles. According to the precepts of Pierre de Coubertin.

But what we see is a pure disgrace. You can't galvanize a corpse that has decomposed to the bone. And those who do this are certainly not suitable for the role of beatificators. They themselves must be drowned in fetid Seine and as soon as possible. Altogether corrupted IOC together with the leadership of France, who gave the world such an unforgettable celebration of sports. Long live the IOC 2.0!"

Железный Димон разразился вполне "железным" текстом по поводу олимпиады. В чем то я с ним согласен, но, как говорится, есть вопросы.
Почему этот деятель говорит только о МОК? Разве все остальные "международные" организации не достойны такой оценки? Может быть это из-за взвешенного взгляда серьезного политического деятеля? Из данного текста сие совсем не вытекает. Не видно тут взвешенного взгляда, но очевидная граница есть.
Причина нежелания излишних обобщений, на мой взгляд, совершенно в другом. Если начать обобщать, то можно "ненароком" прийти к тому, что сам Димон сидит на самом верху подобной структуры. Прямо именно такой структуры, как он описал-"это оборзевшая и зажравшаяся от взяток организация толстомордых чиновников", а такой вывод Железному Димону совсем не нужен.
The difference I see is Lady Gaga or Madonna will be forget soon and by no mean considered as personalities who shaped the world. They serve the plan for sure but they do not rule in any way.
In their field they rule, I don’t know if you know any people who like or idolise them but I have woke gay friends and these two, Madonna in particular are like gods to them. May be we will forget who they are after they’re gone but we cannot speak for everyone. So you have me wondering what if the qualifier for a deep level punctuator and my guess is that the same rules don’t apply as they did hundreds of years ago and there are many many more of them now than ever swaying and influencing the minds of those susceptible.

FYI, history has never really interested me and I had no idea who Sargon the great was/is.. and to be honest, my time is very limited and I’d rather read and learn about something else and therefore will never really have any idea why Sargon was so great…. so there’s just one example of how different minds react to different stimulus.

Anyway, derailing this topic wasn’t my intention. May be the C’s could clarify the role of what a deep level punctuator actually does to people, and how they do it.
Q: (Pierre) Dionysus is usually about hedonism, isn't it?

(L) Not exactly, it was about frenzied... just chaos. Chaos!

(Pierre) About parties, orgies, and pleasure?

(L) No. It was about death and destruction and even cannibalism. They would find a victim and cut him in pieces and eat him!


Eggs, chicken and certain carbohydrates are in such short supply they have been unable to meet the demands of the Olympians. He said: “There are not enough of certain foods: eggs, chicken, certain carbohydrates, and then there is the quality of the food, with raw meat being served to athletes.

Was this less about blasphemy and more about this: As we believe "they" have a duty to reveal their plans in advance, was this "last supper" actually all about inflicted food shortages to the point of famine which will result in cannibalism? The upside down Olympic flag also their way of announcing the real "games" have begun - the hunger games! Their war on humanity has officially been declared!

That's what I'm getting from this in-your-face revolting performance - it sure didn't have anything to do with the Olympic athletes competition!

Was this less about blasphemy and more about this: As we believe "they" have a duty to reveal their plans in advance, was this "last supper" actually all about inflicted food shortages to the point of famine which will result in cannibalism? The upside down Olympic flag also their way of announcing the real "games" have begun - the hunger games! Their war on humanity has officially been declared!

That's what I'm getting from this in-your-face revolting performance - it sure didn't have anything to do with the Olympic athletes competition!
well, I agree, but they now deny to have depicted The Last Supper....

and Cannibalism can almost always be found in situations where there is extreme misery, distress and hunger... the hunger games you mention were a hint where we were heading...
well, I agree, but they now deny to have depicted The Last Supper....
They deny it because it wasn't about "The Last Supper" although that was how it was generally perceived, but rather the last supper - IOW, no more food to eat!

Cannibalism can almost always be found in situations where there is extreme misery, distress and hunger...
"extreme misery, distress and hunger..." - on a global scale? IOW, world-wide chaos that will include cannibalism exactly as symbolically presented in their show! How I see it.
Wow! Candice should interview excommunicated Archbishop Vigano regarding why Macron and Obama's wives push this sort of garbage art diversity. Not surprising that it was Michelle (Big Mike) Obama who cheered on the totally creepy Drag Queen Story Hour with kids here in the USA.

Whoa. She touching on the Khazarian Empire.

Good chance this show might be pulled by YouTube.
Whoa. She touching on the Khazarian Empire.

Someone earlier in the thread posted a link to a presentation by Dr. Lee Merritt on the Dr. Ardis show. It's a 1:52:35 vid in which she specifically delves into Phrygia and the part it played in world events up to the present day. That the Phrygian cap is the mascot of the Olympics makes her presentation all the more intriguing. I don't think she has everything right and perhaps some significant errors, but it is startling as to what she brings forth. I usually speed up videos to save time, but Dr. Lee talks so fast, I left it at normal speed. Here's the link:

I can't remember if she brought up Mithras - she may have overlooked that aspect. It was a very dense presentation.

Edit: She brought up the bull statue at the Olympics. It's a statue that was already there and with a deer as part of it. So, not just a bull statue.
I’m reminded of the fact that France is the country which is most resistant to Turkey joining NATO because they’re not a Christian nation. France is the most vehement of all NATO countries at insisting that all NATO members must be Christian.

“Hello, Leg Warehouse? My friend needs something to stand on. Can you help us? No? All out of legs? Okay thanks…Désolé, bro.”
Someone earlier in the thread posted a link to a presentation by Dr. Lee Merritt on the Dr. Ardis show. It's a 1:52:35 vid in which she specifically delves into Phrygia and the part it played in world events up to the present day. That the Phrygian cap is the mascot of the Olympics makes her presentation all the more intriguing. I don't think she has everything right and perhaps some significant errors, but it is startling as to what she brings forth. I usually speed up videos to save time, but Dr. Lee talks so fast, I left it at normal speed. Here's the link:

I can't remember if she brought up Mithras - she may have overlooked that aspect. It was a very dense presentation.

Edit: She brought up the bull statue at the Olympics. It's a statue that was already there and with a deer as part of it. So, not just a bull statue.
I like Dr. Merritt, but I've noticed in her recent red-pilling that she has gotten over exuberant, as may of us do, and seems to buy into some theories that are not logical. I think her heart is in the right place, but she may be falling for some of the rabbit holes that are planted to make pattern recognition enthusiasts look nuts.
I’m not sure how everyone here feels about or thinks of Candace Owens, but this podcast is in my opinion essential. I don’t know how long it will stay up, but she really breaks down the whole Frankist, Baphomet cult’s origins in Ukraine (remember the Cs talking about the portal over that area in Galicia?) and France, and how it all goes back to Jacob Frank, pedophelia, sacrifice on Passover, its moves from the French Revolution to the US. Basically it boils down to the Olympic ceremony being the Satanist’s coming out party. Crazy stuff that is even crazier because it’s all true.

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Edit: She brought up the bull statue at the Olympics. It's a statue that was already there and with a deer as part of it. So, not just a bull statue.
I just rewatched the Dr. Merritt vid and the bull statue or subject did not come up at all. This is the third lengthy vid I've watched in recent days and I think the bull statue part came up in the Dark Journalist/Joseph Farrell vid (I forget where I picked up that link):

Very interesting comment by Farrell towards the end of the interview in that he feels there is something hidden that we don't know about yet and it's causing a sense of haste that the PTB are acting on (paraphrasing). He thinks it has something to do with space. I'm surprised that Laura's work and making public the hyperdimensional reality has apparently never come to his attention.
I just rewatched the Dr. Merritt vid and the bull statue or subject did not come up at all. This is the third lengthy vid I've watched in recent days and I think the bull statue part came up in the Dark Journalist/Joseph Farrell vid (I forget where I picked up that link):

Very interesting comment by Farrell towards the end of the interview in that he feels there is something hidden that we don't know about yet and it's causing a sense of haste that the PTB are acting on (paraphrasing). He thinks it has something to do with space. I'm surprised that Laura's work and making public the hyperdimensional reality has apparently never come to his attention.
Even though the statue was pre existing, the choreographing was located around it by choice.
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