Ouvrages recommandés - Recommended books

Un lecteur nous a envoyé le lien vers une traduction de Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life

La voici : http://www.relation-aide.com/dos_description.php?id=38&cat=4

Etant donné le manque de livres en français sur les enfants de parents narcissiques, je pense que c'est une lecture qui vaut bien la peine.

A reader sent us a link to the translation of Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life

Here it is: http://www.relation-aide.com/dos_description.php?id=38&cat=4

Given the lack of French books about children of narcissists, I think that this is a text worth reading.

Juste au cas où et puisque le lien http://www.relation-aide.com/dos_description.php?id=38&cat= ne semble pas pointer vers quoique ce soit de spécifique concernant le livre, je viens de voir qu'il a été traduit en français (2019) : Parents toxiques - Comment échapper à leur emprise

Just in case and as the link http://www.relation-aide.com/dos_description.php?id=38&cat=4 does not seem point to anything specific about the book, I've just seen that it is has been translated in French (2019): Parents toxiques - Comment échapper à leur emprise
Since the recommanded readings of the FOTCM Statements of Principles have been updated, here are a new list of books available in French (some may have already been mentionned here, sorry for the duplications, if any)

Brandon, SGF - Jésus et les Zélotes : recherche sur le facteur politique dans le christianisme primitif
Nodet, Etienne & Taylor, Justin – Essai sur les origines du christianisme : une secte éclatée
Sand, Shlomo – Comment le peuple juif fut inventé : de la Bible au sionisme
Shahak, Israel – Histoire juive, religion juive : le poids de trois millénaires
Bloch, Marc – Apologie pour l'histoire ou Métier d'historien
Browning, Christopher R – Des hommes ordinaires : le 101e bataillon de réserve de la police allemande et la solution finale en Pologne
Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis – La cité antique
Parenti, Michael – L'assassinat de Jules César : une histoire populaire de l'ancienne Rome
Solženicyn, Aleksandr Isaevič – L'Archipel du Goulag : 1918-1956 : essai d'investigation littéraire
Kelleher, Colm A – La science confrontée à l'inexpliqué sur un ranch isolé de l'Utah
Berlinski, David – Dieu n'est pas mort : la science n'explique pas tout
Broughton, Richard S – Parapsychologie : une science controversée
Kean, Leslie – Survivre à la mort : une journaliste enquête sur les preuves de l'après-vie
McTaggart, Lynne – Le champ unifié
Nagel, Thomas – L'esprit et le cosmos : pourquoi la conception matérialiste néo-darwinienne de la nature est très probablement fausse
Sheldrake, Rupert – Réenchanter la science
Tucker, Jim B – Une vie avant la vie : 40 ans d'études scientifiques sur des cas de réincarnation d'enfants
Tucker, Jim B – Histoires extraordinaires : des enfants se souviennent de leurs vies antérieures
Becker, Gavin de – La peur qui vous sauve : comment reconnaître et prévenir la violence
Covey, Stephen R – Les 7 habitudes de ceux qui réalisent tout ce qu'ils entreprennent
Damasio, Antonio R – L'ordre étrange des choses : la vie, les sentiments et la fabrique de la culture
Heller, Laurence – Guérir les traumatismes du développement
Kahneman, Daniel – Système 1, système 2 : les deux vitesses de la pensée
Levine, Peter A – Guérir par-delà les mots : comment le corps dissipe le traumatisme et restaure le bien-être
Noll, Richard – Jung, le Christ aryen : les secrets d'une vie
Peterson, Jordan B – 12 règles pour une vie : un antidote au chaos
Ressler, Robert K – Chasseur de tueurs
Guyénot Laurent, Du yahvisme au sionisme
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Since the recommanded readings of the FOTCM Statements of Principles have been updated, here are a new list of books available in French (some may have already been mentionned here, sorry for the duplications, if any)
Thank you Maat for this list. I believe that you can add this one :
Guyénot Laurent, Du yahvisme au sionisme
(éd. Kontre-Kulture, 399 p., 25 €)
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Since the recommanded readings of the FOTCM Statements of Principles have been updated, here are a new list of books available in French (some may have already been mentionned here, sorry for the duplications, if any).
Traduction : puisque les lectures recommandées de la Déclaration de Principes du FOTCM ont été mises à jour, voici une nouvelle liste de livres disponibles en français (certains peuvent avoir déjà été mentionnés ici, désolé pour les doublons, s'il y en a).

For those among you who don't know where to find the original recommanded readings list (in English), extract from the first post of this thread :
Pour celles/ceux d'entre vous qui ne savent pas où trouver la liste originale, extrait de la première contribution à ce fil :
Here is a list of books in French, which are translations or equivalent of the recommended books in English (Link for the Guide to the Recommended Books and related material and resources )
Hello @Abats
I was searching the Book " Parents toxiques - Comment échapper à leur emprise " and I find it at this web adress in PDF in french
I hope this will help !
Well, not really. Your intent is probably noble, but your message may be clumsy.
Downloading copyrighted text is probably illegal for most of us, and the forum rules forbid discussing here about illegal things.

If you read the rule #2 of this forum :
Two: Please don't post messages about your illegal pastimes and habits. Cassiopaea.org does not wish to appear to condone such practices, for reasons that should be pretty obvious if a little common sense is applied. If you do post such stuff, expect it to be deleted immediately. It is also inadvisible to post about illegal pastimes from yesteryear, drug use for example, (unless you are disavowing all such usage). The reason is that by doing so you run the risk of attracting lurker "drug buddies", which you probably don't want to do.
(NB: I may be wrong in the interpretation of this rule.)
Bonjour Bastian,

Mon intention principale était de remplacer le lien brisé dans le post de Chu qui semblait contenir originellement la traduction française du livre ou une partie. Je viens de voir effectivement en utilisant wayback machine qu'une partie du texte tirée du livre était consultable en ligne et non sous format pdf, je pense que c'est l'erreur que j'ai commise, je vous prie de bien vouloir m'excuser, je n'avais pas l'intention d'enfreindre cette règle du forum.

Hello Bastian,

My main intention was to replace the broken link in Chu's post that originally seemed to contain the French translation of the book or part of it. I have just seen actually using wayback machine that part of the text from the book was available online and not in pdf format, I think this is the mistake I made, please excuse me, I did not intend to break this forum rule.
I just discovered that there is an autoedited french version of Secret teachings of All Ages by Manly Hall, but in 4 volumes with 2 translated up to date

Hello @Abats

Well, not really. Your intent is probably noble, but your message may be clumsy.
Downloading copyrighted text is probably illegal for most of us, and the forum rules forbid discussing here about illegal things.

If you read the rule #2 of this forum :

(NB: I may be wrong in the interpretation of this rule.)

It seems to me that the mistake was simply because when Chu posted the linked (that Abats has retrieved), the book was not translated in French at this time. Now it is (very recently) and is easily available.

But usually, if it's a book very hard to find, it's common here to share a pdf it there is one. And it's not considered as a "illegal habits". You're sometimes seems to me a little too "stickler", even if I don't doubt it's with a good intention. :-)
It seems to me that the mistake was simply because when Chu posted the linked (that Abats has retrieved), the book was not translated in French at this time. Now it is (very recently) and is easily available.

But usually, if it's a book very hard to find, it's common here to share a pdf it there is one. And it's not considered as a "illegal habits". You're sometimes seems to me a little too "stickler", even if I don't doubt it's with a good intention. :-)
Does it mean that if someone here doesn't find a book, we can't give him/her the pdf on the forum? or we can give but privately?
I ask because with this story of confinment and Post services are not enough reliant now, libraries are all closed, some online libraries don't take orders because corona bla blah, i have hard time to find some books.
For example, I can't get that french book : Pour en finir avec Pasteur, by Éric Ancelet (knowing that I 'm reluctant to am azone)
Does it mean that if someone here doesn't find a book, we can't give him/her the pdf on the forum? or we can give but privately?
I ask because with this story of confinment and Post services are not enough reliant now, libraries are all closed, some online libraries don't take orders because corona bla blah, i have hard time to find some books.
For example, I can't get that french book : Pour en finir avec Pasteur, by Éric Ancelet (knowing that I 'm reluctant to am azone)

It seems available here :
And they are still delivering :
Hi here,
One of my next plan is to fill my personal library.
I'll give priority to french books, even if english is +/- ok for me, it's sometimes hard to really understand all the meanings in english.

If I post here, it's because I was wondering about the fact that I do not see any book of René Guénon in the list of recommended books ? Also, the books of Luis Anza, the one named "La voie du sentir" is really wonderful. My uncle (who is also like my mentor) read all the books from Luis Anza, the last one is, as for Castaneda, the most interresting. At least, maybe I had to inform about it in order that some here read it then finally this could become a recommended book ?

On a more practical book, more targetted for people who really "begin" with spiritual matters, the books of Christophe Allain are also very interresting to read, it help anyone to open to other things than ... the world compartmentalized in ways that only science can explain - if you understand what I mean. Also, they are easy and fast to read. I mean, I would recommend them to young people, a way to open their mind to further more complicate books.
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Hello. Here are some good books in French on vaccines :
- Vaccinations, les vérités indésirables, de Michel Georget, éd. Dangles (2000, 2007, 2009, 2017)
- La bonne santé des enfants non vaccinés, de Françoise Berthou, éd. Jouvence (2010, 2013, 2015, 2019)
- Les 10 plus gros mensonges sur la vaccination, de Sylvie Simon, éd. Dangles (2005)
- la coll. Vaccins & société du Dr Michel de Lorgeril, éd. Chariot d'Or (2018-2021)

NB : I gave links on Amazon because it's practical to see buyers reviews, but please boycott this transnational megacompany which abuse its employees. I would recommend to buy the books in your local bookshops (while they stay open, in France), that you can find on this site :
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