I have spoken out against blaming the victim in comments to past VT articles esp re how much fluoridation Americans have been subjected to - we ARE & HAVE been duped on a level that is all but incomprehensible! But then, on the other hand, hasn't the persistent drum beat here been that going along w/ all this false perpetrated violence - esp in regards to condoning torture - is bringing all but certain cosmic cataclysmic destruction upon our planet? To wit, Laura's last article:
The great global change game: Our civilization is headed for the fate of the Bronze Age - destruction
[...] In fact, historical research has convinced me more today than ever that there is no good outcome for the human race if the present conditions continue along their defined trajectory. If human beings don't kill billions of other human beings rather soon, it seems the planet itself, or the cosmos, will do it for us.
OK - let's let THAT last sentence sink in for a moment ...
I have to admit, the 1st time I read it, it didn't penetrate my consciouness - it just sort of slid by. Now, I read it and I'm like, is Laura saying that to prevent cosmic cataclysm, it's going to be essential to exterminate billions of our fellow human beings?!!! Is that deserved/justified in the same sense that you're pointing to PCR's statement? One might be inclinded to think that Laura's statement is "way too much".