Hi axj, it is just exercise but reflecting the problem. Problem is analogical to taxonomy in biology. To understand life on earth in scientific way taxonomy played some role in establishing analogies and differences and pave the way for more precise use of collected material.
A bit from other side but maybe this may show how I think:
In cybernetics for example - study of control - there are only two problems:
1. Cognitive problems - to know, to understand the reality
2. Decision problems - to change the reality
In cognitive problems there are three steps:
1. Exploration - what is there?
2. Definition / classification - how is it? similarities, differences, criteria of segregation
3. Explication - why and what for, what are relation to others, how it works
So coming back to which category would be "knowledge" it is question of definition/classification to category. It is not about word only. It is about the word relation to reality. Word "knwoledge" shows some abstract? or a real thing?
Yes Ricardo, is it a substance or being, existing independently from human or is it maybe relation of a human to reality?
How we understand reality/see reality is some function of our being.
But may we separate learning how to be from our language relation to reality. May we learn reality without language? How would we then convey anything? I am not able to use telepathy unfortunately.
For proper use of language each notion, word should be precise. How otherwise may we communicate?