The Living Force
Les requins ont survécu aux cinq grandes extinctions massives. Ils sont sur terre depuis plus de 420 millions d'années. Cela les rend plus anciens que l'Humanité, le Mont Everest, les dinosaures et les arbres. Ils vivent sur terre depuis si longtemps qu'ils ont même survécu à la période où les océans ont perdu leur oxygène, le Crétacé. Ils se sont réfugiés dans des eaux extrêmement profondes et se sont adaptés. Certains d'entre eux ont même acquis la capacité de briller dans le noir. Ils sont un exemple parfait de l'adaptation du vivant.
Sharks have survived all five major mass extinctions. They have been on earth for over 420 million years. This makes them older than mankind, Mount Everest, dinosaurs and trees. They have lived on earth for so long that they even survived the period when the oceans lost their oxygen, the Cretaceous. They took refuge in extremely deep waters and adapted. Some of them have even gained the ability to glow in the dark. They are a perfect example of the adaptation of the living.
Et pour compléter : la population de requins a diminué de 90% entre 1950 et 2014. Merci l'Homme
And to complete: the shark population has decreased by 90% between 1950 and 2014. Thank you Man
Sharks have survived all five major mass extinctions. They have been on earth for over 420 million years. This makes them older than mankind, Mount Everest, dinosaurs and trees. They have lived on earth for so long that they even survived the period when the oceans lost their oxygen, the Cretaceous. They took refuge in extremely deep waters and adapted. Some of them have even gained the ability to glow in the dark. They are a perfect example of the adaptation of the living.
Et pour compléter : la population de requins a diminué de 90% entre 1950 et 2014. Merci l'Homme
And to complete: the shark population has decreased by 90% between 1950 and 2014. Thank you Man