Photos and videos of our amazing 2D residents

Sadly #Proteo, the Mexican Army rescue dog who went to Turkey and helped to save 2 lives, died today in the fulfillment of his mission.

The Mexican Army presented this Wednesday Arkadas, a German shepherd puppy donated by the people of Turkey in gratitude for the humanitarian aid of the Government of Mexico after the earthquakes in the Eurasian country.

"Arkadas has been sent from Turkey to Mexico to honor the memory of the brave rescue dog named Proteo," Turkey's ambassador to Mexico, İlhan Kemal, said at a ceremony.

The three-month-old puppy, which arrived in Mexico last Tuesday, will be the successor of Proteo, a canine that died during rescue efforts following the earthquakes that struck Turkey last Feb. 6.

Arkadas whose meaning is "Friend" in Turkish was handed over to his handler, Military Police Corporal Carlos Villeda, who said that the training is a "great responsibility".
An amazing video of a leopard who is trying to attack a family of porcupines on a road.
Watch the babies. They are incredible. Amazing parents!

Un video démontrant un léopard déterminer à essayer de saisir un membre de cette famille de porcepics.
Regardez bien attentivement ce que les petits font! Simplement incroyable! Les parents sont très protectifs de leurs petits.

@Lukasz do you know by any chance what kind of birds these are? I really like them 😊

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Those are definitely Cedar Waxwings. Beautiful birds. They love eating berries in fall and winter.
I remember we had a Mountain Ash in our front yard. Every fall, they came in a group of about 8 to 10 birds and they gorged themselves on the berries. Funny thing, they also like Honey Suckle berries.
Aren't they gorgeous? Stunning!
MERCI Sorcière Solidaire...

THANK YOU Witch Solidarity...



Cette tortue est de race serpentine (Chelydra serpentina), très commune dans le Maryland (États-Unis). Elle vient de sortir de plus de 2 semaines d’hibernation en terre boueuse, dans un lac qui s’est asséché entre temps. Le poids de cette tortue est d’environ 6 kg ; .......

This turtle is of the serpentine race (Chelydra serpentina), very common in Maryland (United States). She has just come out of more than 2 weeks of hibernation in muddy ground, in a lake which has dried up in the meantime. The weight of this turtle is about 6 kg; .......

It's a french reportage from RT France, 10m - but images speak by themselves.
It's 2 guys who took their 4 house cats to make an outside trip, and visibly, all enjoyed it. Good idea, nice pictures :)
Translation of the title of the video : Two friends go hiking with their house cats

As long as there are no other predators to hurt those cats, it is definitely a good idea. Cats are sociable just like dogs. They love keeping company with their humans. They are part of the family, after all!

Ceci est une excellente idée pourvu que la location n'est pas contaminée par des prédateurs voraces aux chats. Les chats sont sociables et affectueux comme les chiens. Ils adorent être en compagnie de leurs humains! Après tout, ils font partie de la même famille!
Un colibri vient s'abreuver directement au jet d'eau d'un jardinier. Quelle chance de vivre un moment pareil !

A hummingbird comes to drink directly from a gardener's water jet. How lucky to live such a moment!

Voyant des vidéos de colibris, ceci me rappelle un évènement introduit par ma belle chatte Cuddles. Elle est de puis décédée. Un jour elle rentra dans la maison la bouche ouverte. Je trouvais ceci bizarre. Elle cherchait une place pour se cacher. Je l'ai poursuivie pour découvrir ce qui la tracassait. J'ai réalisé qu'elle avait quelque chose dans la gueule. Vous ne pouvez pas imaginer quoi: un tout petit colibri!
Vivement, le petit oiseau s'est mis à voler. J'ai rouvert la porte pour qu'il puisse se sauver et reprendre en main sa vie avec ma chatte en poursuite. Heureusement, elle n'a pas réussie! C'était la première fois de ma vie d'avoir été témoin de cette action par un chat! Histoire vraie!

Looking at all those videos depicting Hummingbirds, i have a short story to tell regarding my beautiful cat Cuddles. She has passed away since. One day, she insisted in coming in the house with her mouth almost opened. I thought this was a bizarre behavior on her part. I followed her around to find out what was going on. I realized she had something in her jaws: you could not have imagined it yourself: she had caught a hummingbird! Right away, the little fellow flew out and I promptly opened the door for him. Naturally, Cuddles wanted to catch it back, but to no avail. She did not succeed. This was the first time in my life that i have seen a cat catch a hummingbird!
This is a true story! I was amazed at her dexterity to even be able to catch such a fast flying bird! And a happy ending!:headbanger::hug2:
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