The Living Force
Arrivé à la retraite, Eugène a commencé à recueillir des #Chiens sans abris. Pris alors d'une incroyable passion, il a décidé de construire un petit train destiné à les promener tous les jours et par ailleurs, à faire de la publicité à son activité, permettant l'adoption de nombreux chiens. Un génie, et un homme bien...
Retired, Eugene started collecting homeless #dogs. Taken then by an incredible passion, he decided to build a small train intended to walk them every day and moreover, to advertise his activity, allowing the adoption of many dogs. A genius, and a good man...
Retired, Eugene started collecting homeless #dogs. Taken then by an incredible passion, he decided to build a small train intended to walk them every day and moreover, to advertise his activity, allowing the adoption of many dogs. A genius, and a good man...