Photos and videos of our amazing 2D residents

Ce paradisier mâle met au point une parade nuptiale avec toute son énergie afin de charmer cette femelle ! Mais rien n'y fait. Elle décide de le rejeter et de partir... La nature est parfois cruelle. Il s'est pourtant donné bien plus de mal que la plupart des hommes avec les femmes La prochaine fois peut-être...

This male bird of paradise develops a nuptial parade with all his energy in order to charm this female! But nothing helps. She decides to reject him and leave... Nature is sometimes cruel. Yet he went to much more trouble than most men with women. Maybe next time...

Voici comment une maman corrige le comportement agressif de son chiot envers un humain. C'est ça l'éducation ! Prenons-en de la graine...

Here's how a mom corrects her puppy's aggressive behavior towards a human. This is education! Let's take the seed...

Quelle merveille. Les chiens sont aussi savants a tous les niveaux qu'un Montaigne ou un Rousseau. Et quand je dis ça je le pense réellement. Ce n'est pas parce que quelqu'un écrit un livre qu'il est plus savant qu'un chien.

What a marvel. Dogs are as learned on every level as a Montaigne or a Rousseau. And when I say that, I really mean it. Just because someone writes a book doesn't make them any more knowledgeable than a dog.
"Even in the middle of the night, when I am dead tired, my human has to be protected!" :-)

Kind man & pigeons in Lisbon
18 January 2007

I just stumbled across some photos in my archive - which are from moments i held/hold dear - but sometimes forget the images (among the many) i have taken in the past.

The location was Lisbon. Praça de Rossio Square in Lisbon. This wide open beautiful space is really fascinating (especially if you love to observe people during their whereabouts). Me being from the cold cold North, suddenly enjoying mild (+15°C) January temperatures and sunshine... oooh, that was such a lovely, and for me unusual experience. I didn't travel to other countries before 2006.

While standing and observing people, i noticed a man from greater distance while he starting to feed the pigeons / doves. They noticed him too, of course... and started their little "battles" on the old man's hands at times. Moments later however, two of pigeons settled in a briefly into harmonic position, forming (sort of) a heart. I also sense the man's very gentle disposition while watching him... Such views do make a lasting impression (because it was rendered by a man with a gentle heart)

2007-01-18-12-54-08.jpg 2007-01-18-12-58-10.jpg2007-01-18-12-58-17.jpg

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Non ce n’est pas un Pokemon mais un petit poisson globe/poisson ballon (diodon) échoué sur une plage. Ils ont la particularité de se gonfler afin de paraître plus gros qu’ils ne sont réellement afin d’effrayer les potentiels prédateurs. Le fait qu’ils prennent l’apparance d’une boule, combiné à leurs petits épines qui recouvrent l’entièreté de leur corps, rend leur prise extrêment difficile pour les prédateurs. Le poisson ballon géant peut atteindre 1m20 de diamètre.

No it's not a Pokemon but a small puffer fish / puffer fish (diodon) washed up on a beach. They have the particularity of inflating in order to appear bigger than they really are in order to scare off potential predators. The fact that they take on the appearance of a ball, combined with their small spines that cover their entire body, makes their grip extremely difficult for predators. The giant puffer fish can reach 1m20 in diameter.

Les nudibranches (Nudibranchia) forment un ordre de mollusques gastéropodes.Ces animaux marins sont caractérisés par leur absence de coquille, d'où leur appellation fréquente de « limaces de mer », et leurs branchies nues, origine de leur nom.Il en existe une multitude de formes et de couleurs. Celle-ci est particulièrement belle !

Nudibranchs (Nudibranchia) are an order of gastropod molluscs.
These marine animals are characterized by their lack of a shell, hence their frequent name "sea slugs", and their bare gills, the origin of their name.
There are a multitude of shapes and colors. This one is particularly beautiful!


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