The Living Force
Les orphelins dont nous prenons soin savent de première main que ce n'est pas comme ça qu'on tombe. C'est comme ça qu'on se relève. Chacun a sa propre histoire unique de sauvetage, de récupération et de résilience. Rencontrez les minuscules troncs qui ont trouvé refuge chez nous jusqu'à ce qu'ils puissent retourner dans la nature : For as little as €40 a year.
The orphans in our care know firsthand that it’s not how you fall. It’s how you get back up again. Each has their own unique story of rescue, recovery & resilience. Meet the tiny trunks who have found sanctuary with us until they can return to the wild: For as little as €40 a year.
The orphans in our care know firsthand that it’s not how you fall. It’s how you get back up again. Each has their own unique story of rescue, recovery & resilience. Meet the tiny trunks who have found sanctuary with us until they can return to the wild: For as little as €40 a year.