Photos and videos of our amazing 2D residents

Les orphelins dont nous prenons soin savent de première main que ce n'est pas comme ça qu'on tombe. C'est comme ça qu'on se relève. Chacun a sa propre histoire unique de sauvetage, de récupération et de résilience. Rencontrez les minuscules troncs qui ont trouvé refuge chez nous jusqu'à ce qu'ils puissent retourner dans la nature : For as little as €40 a year.

The orphans in our care know firsthand that it’s not how you fall. It’s how you get back up again. Each has their own unique story of rescue, recovery & resilience. Meet the tiny trunks who have found sanctuary with us until they can return to the wild: For as little as €40 a year.

Le crabe de cocotier
Les plus gros crabes terrestres de la planète peuvent soulever un poids de 28 kg, ce qui équivaudrait à un humain soulevant un cheval. Leurs pinces sont également assez puissantes pour briser des coquilles de noix de coco

The coconut crab
The largest land crabs on the planet can lift a weight of 28 kg, which would be equivalent to a human lifting a horse. Their claws are also powerful enough to crack coconut shells.

Un groupe de plongeurs a eu la chance de faire face au poisson ruban, un poisson osseux qui peut mesurer environ cinq mètres de long. Ce spécimen vit dans les abysses de l'océan et reste rarement observable en raison de la profondeur à laquelle il évolue.

A group of divers were lucky enough to come across the ribbon fish, a bony fish that can be around five meters long. This specimen lives in the abyss of the ocean and is rarely observable due to the depth at which it evolves.

Isn't this an Oar Fish? In many countries, they state that if one is seen or washes up on the shore or beach, it is a precursor for earthquakes. Not sure if that is true. They are indeed really beautiful and very long. A real unique creature.
19 Fabulous Cats That Cost A Fortune

At the end of the video the narrator's comment: Which of these cats would you like to get? Or maybe you prefer to adopt a furry from an animal shelter.
I like to look at lovely cats, especially the ones with two differently coloured eyes but my personal preference is for an ordinary, homeless moggy from an animal shelter. All of my cats over the years have been via this route and all have been delightful in their own special ways. Unusual cats are always being reported stolen or disappearing in the UK and probably elsewhere.
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