Photos and videos of our amazing 2D residents

Unusual for a songbird (or passerine) this Eurasian dipper swims underwater searching for food (aquatic invertebrates, including mayfly nymphs and caddisfly larvae). It can also walk on the riverbed held down by the force of the current when it angles its wings against the flow.

I'm fortunate to have this stream (see below) at the end of my garden where dippers breed and their delightful warbling song starts in the Autumn.


The singing brings added charm to the sound of gurgling, bubbling water as it tumbles over the stones and rocks.

(Other dipper species around the world are also available. )
Fondation 30 Millions d'Amis


#Sauvetage - Des #pompiers de
ont sauvé ce chien qui risquait la noyade. Ils ont déployé la grande échelle pour descendre dans la baie et remonter l’animal, sain et sauf
Firefighters from
rescued this dog who was in danger of drowning. They deployed the large ladder to descend into the bay and pull the animal up, safe and sound

Des Hommes dignes de ce nom comme je les aime...
Men worthy of the name as I like them...
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