"Pizzagate" Explodes

maryd said:
c.a. I listened to the SOTT radio show re Seth Rich, thank you for the link !!

Rhiannon, Thanks for the comment, I know George Webb self-films & I expect movement when he is in the car, that is just efficient use of time. But, standing still, he could easily pick a spot with a means of support. He is not new at this. And thanks for the idea to just listen, I am a visual learner , so I prefer to watch. Good point.
I hope to be wrong, I will continue to observe.

Angelburst, Thank you for your comment & kind words!! It is hard to know if Webbs explanation of this as a *school play* is honest... or a fabrication.
Having watched him for a while, I am not convinced that he has not been controlled. I remain suspicious, but open.

I think, the first time C.a. Posted a link to Webb's video, it was around "95" or so and I tried to search back to the beginning when it all started, only to find out most of them have been scrubbed from the internet. Even though Webb has repeated the information that was in earlier video's, I still get the feeling "I'm missing something" from the earlier stages. It's like walking into the middle of something and not having a proper foundation - to build an information base on. It took some searching to figure out "who George Webb was" and what lead up to this robust investigation?


A career techie who happened to stumble across a drug operation run by local law enforcement about ten years ago, Webb attempted to report what he knew to the proper authorities, as any conscientious member of a community would. However, the unsuspecting Webb discovered that by doing so he became the target of systematic low-grade harassment and intimidation. A few years later when the FBI began setting up Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) across the country under the auspices of current Deputy Attorney General Andrew McCabe, Webb’s hometown became a nexus of controversy when it initially refused the agency. Months of protest ensued and a young Somalian man was named as the mastermind behind a bomb plot. The circumstances, however, seemed to unveil an unsuccessful jihadist recruitment psy-op by U.S. ‘Intel,’ based on historical evidence of such activity reported by journalists and retired law enforcement officers, such as the late FBI Director Ted Gunderson. This also lined up directly with Webb’s now-personal experience. In a final turn of events, Ed Snowden’s groundbreaking leak of National Security Agency (NSA) documents drew Webb’s attention, but also an escalation of harassment for speaking out in support of Snowden. It was at this point in 2013 that Webb decided to commit himself full time to exposing corruption.

Webb’s current investigation began with the July 2016 Wikileaks release of John Podesta’s emails in which former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman is fingered as the whistleblower and of whom, Podesta remarks in one of his emails that he was ‘definitely for making an example of the suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.’ Knowing the scenario Braverman was likely to face as the source for a leak of such enormous consequence, Webb began digging deeper online into the former foundation CEO’s story. Over the coming months, Webb began piecing together a vast global network of elected and appointed officials, Federal, State and local law enforcement, and powerful corporate interests that collude to strip nations of their resources exploiting taxpayer funds to do so. His research details a strategy and action plan used by this network to destabilize then undermine governments to serve the interests of those who profit most from ongoing war and devastation. (Etc.)

And with Webb's video's - everyone is still looking for Eric Braverman and if he is still alive? But more than that, Webb has sparked my interest in information pertaining to the Clinton's and Gulen, both having a high profile presence in my local Community and State of Pa. His investigation has filled in some blanks and connected some dots in questionable activity that has surfaced here, in the past. With the investigation, on going and with all the twists and turns, I'm curious as to how all of this information is going to pan out and if anyone "will be made accountable" for their mis-deeds?
angelburst29 said:

A career techie who happened to stumble across a drug operation run by local law enforcement about ten years ago, Webb attempted to report what he knew to the proper authorities, as any conscientious member of a community would. However, the unsuspecting Webb discovered that by doing so he became the target of systematic low-grade harassment and intimidation. A few years later when the FBI began setting up Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) across the country under the auspices of current Deputy Attorney General Andrew McCabe, Webb’s hometown became a nexus of controversy when it initially refused the agency. Months of protest ensued and a young Somalian man was named as the mastermind behind a bomb plot. The circumstances, however, seemed to unveil an unsuccessful jihadist recruitment psy-op by U.S. ‘Intel,’ based on historical evidence of such activity reported by journalists and retired law enforcement officers, such as the late FBI Director Ted Gunderson. This also lined up directly with Webb’s now-personal experience. In a final turn of events, Ed Snowden’s groundbreaking leak of National Security Agency (NSA) documents drew Webb’s attention, but also an escalation of harassment for speaking out in support of Snowden. It was at this point in 2013 that Webb decided to commit himself full time to exposing corruption.

Webb’s current investigation began with the July 2016 Wikileaks release of John Podesta’s emails in which former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman is fingered as the whistleblower and of whom, Podesta remarks in one of his emails that he was ‘definitely for making an example of the suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.’ Knowing the scenario Braverman was likely to face as the source for a leak of such enormous consequence, Webb began digging deeper online into the former foundation CEO’s story. Over the coming months, Webb began piecing together a vast global network of elected and appointed officials, Federal, State and local law enforcement, and powerful corporate interests that collude to strip nations of their resources exploiting taxpayer funds to do so. His research details a strategy and action plan used by this network to destabilize then undermine governments to serve the interests of those who profit most from ongoing war and devastation. (Etc.)

And with Webb's video's - everyone is still looking for Eric Braverman and if he is still alive? But more than that, Webb has sparked my interest in information pertaining to the Clinton's and Gulen, both having a high profile presence in my local Community and State of Pa. His investigation has filled in some blanks and connected some dots in questionable activity that has surfaced here, in the past. With the investigation, on going and with all the twists and turns, I'm curious as to how all of this information is going to pan out and if anyone "will be made accountable" for their mis-deeds?

Thanks angelburst29 for digging into his background. I had asked myself as well, as to where, or how did he acquire his skills? And the drive to sort out this very complex jig saw puzzle.

Now i get it. He is just driven by personal ethics, and truth. The very dialog Kennedy demanded of all true investigative Journalist.

Courage—judgment—integrity—dedication—these are the historic qualities
First, were we truly men of courage—with the courage to stand up to one’s enemies—and the courage to stand up, when necessary, to one’s associates—the courage to resist public pressure, as well as private greed?

Secondly, were we truly men of judgment—with perceptive judgment of the future as well as the past—of our mistakes as well as the mistakes of others—with enough wisdom to know what we did not know and enough candor to admit it?

Third, were we truly men of integrity—men who never ran out on either the principles in which we believed or the men who believed in us—men whom neither financial gain nor political ambition could ever divert from the fulfillment of our sacred trust?

Finally, were we truly men of dedication—with an honor mortgaged to no single individual or group, and comprised of no private obligation or aim, but devoted solely to serving the public good and the national interest?
Jtucker said:
Seemingly any higher authority above this judge all the way up to the NY Attorney-General, did nothing to stop the obvious irregularities/possible illegal actions that Preska undertook. I think this type of legal action is key in allowing the "elite predators" in the pedo cabal (and others) never get serious sentences.

When an illegal action is taken by a judge, a complaint is brought against their ruling or writ (in highly technical terms that are not transparent to the average person) and no one up the food chain stops it. So it becomes "legal".

The sophistication of this convoluted system is so impressive. How could anyone fight this without the ability to pay a high end lawyer? It makes me wonder if the entire criminal legal system is just a conduit to create crimes at a high level with absolution while petty crime gets you the gulag in "The Tombs" or Rikers Island.

Yes, that would seem to be the case, (no pun intended). Check the hit list of Appointees and all the bosom buddies ............ :whistle:

Federal judges who have served the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (Southern District of New York 1992–2017)
The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York is one of 94 United States district courts. The Southern District is one of the most influential and active federal district courts in the United States, largely because of its jurisdiction over New York's major financial centers. When decisions of the court are appealed, they are appealed to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals based in Lower Manhattan at the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Federal Courthouse
Judge Born Home Appointed by
Judge Kevin Castel 1950 Jamaica, NY W. Bush

USA v. John Gotti, Jr. (2009)
In 2009, Judge Castel presided in the John "Junior" Gotti case on charges of conspiring and drug trafficking, under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1962(d).[5][6] This was the fourth trial of Gotti; the three previous trials ended with hung juries.[7]

On July 8, 2009 Judge Castel denied requests to throw out a racketeering indictment and grant bond to Gotti while he was awaiting trial in September of 2009. The motion was made as Gotti had health problems, including kidney stones. Attorneys for Gotti made the request due to complaints of the lack of attention towards the issue at the correctional facility.[7]

On December 1, 2009, Judge Castel declared a mistrial in the case of John "Junior" Gotti. This happened after a jury was deadlocked for eleven days in trying to reach a verdict. It was reported that the jury could not find unanimous consent in reaching a verdict.[8]

Why Did H.W. Bush Pardon The People Involved In Iran Contra?
‘Complicated sadness’: Seattle Mayor is accused of sexually abusing minors --
and it’s bringing everybody down

by Brett T.
May 23, 2017

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray is stepping down in light of allegations and a lawsuit alleging that he sexually abused minors and paid them for sex back in the ’80s.


New York Times Tweeted:
Sadness reigns in the LGBT community that once lauded Ed Murray, following the claims that he paid teens for sex

Readers Tweeted in response:
"Sadness"? How about disgust, revulsion, contempt for this scum? This article marginalized his victims.

He targeted the vulnerable; two in a group home, a foster child, two teen addicts living on the street. That's where sadness is due.

The accusations of paying minors for sex — which Murray denies — aren’t even mentioned until the sixth paragraph. Murray’s former foster son alleges Murray began sexually abusing him when he was 13. But what’s important here is just how sad everyone is.

The response you posted tells it all I suppose. It where humanity lives/dies.

Sadness"? How about disgust, revulsion, contempt for this scum? This article marginalized his victims.

He targeted the vulnerable; two in a group home, a foster child, two teen addicts living on the street. That's where sadness is due.

The accusations of paying minors for sex — which Murray denies — aren’t even mentioned until the sixth paragraph. Murray’s former foster son alleges Murray began sexually abusing him when he was 13. But what’s important here is just how sad everyone is.

Here is another David Zublick video on Seth Rich:

Published on May 22, 2017
BOMBSHELL! Seth Rich Murder Was A PizzaGate Mob Hit

On July 10, 2016, amidst the Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC being roiled by Wikileaks publications of DNC emails and John Podesta emails, Seth Rich, a DNC data analyst, was shot two times in the back, murdered. At the time, Wikileaks had made it abundantly clear that despite reports claiming the DNC and the Clinton campaign had been hacked, the information given to them came from a "leak," not a hack. After the murder, Wikileaks first offered a $20,000 reward and second, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was interviewed, spoke directly about the "risks" that leakers faced, then used Seth Rich's murder as an example of those risks. Was the murder of Seth Rich a PizzaGate "mob hit"? in this special report, David Zublick interviews Thomas Horan, who believes that the information Rich gave to Wikileaks contained evidence of email communications regarding the pedophile sex trafficking scandal that is rocking Washington, D.C. and the rest of the country, and that a contract was put out on his life for doing so. This scandal is a worldwide crime syndicate that will eventually bring down some very powerful people...people whose lust for power has put them in some compromising positions, which, when exposed, will rock the very foundation of our country But many have already lost their lives for getting too close to exposing these people. The truth about Seth Rich's murder is about to be unsealed!

Concerning the Seth Rich murder, the DNC was so concerned about "hacking" they refused to "let" (?) the FBI inspect their computer system. It's becoming impossible to keep track of all the corruption and treachery coming into view these days.

In case you missed it, I'll repost what I posted in the Trump thread
One step forward, two steps backward:

Fox News retracts murder investigation report about former DNC staffer Seth Rich


On the "bright" side, the Russian Embassy in the UK tweeted a picture of Seth Rich with a darkened image of Hillary for background, that read:

UK‏Verified account @RussianEmbassy May 19
#WikiLeaks informer Seth Rich murdered in US but MSM was so busy accusing Russian hackers to take notice.
Baltimore, MD — Baltimore police have found themselves in an awkward position as of late after a horrifying documentary from Netflix exposed a dark underground child sex ring involving the church, politicians, and cops. The series, titled, The Keepers, has forced the Baltimore police to set up an online submission form as people began to come forward after watching it.

Netflix Series Exposes Govt-Connected Child Sex Ring in Baltimore, Police Forced to Respond (3 videos at link)

While the series is on Netflix for the world’s entertainment, the harsh truth is that it really happened. After the church attempted to keep it quiet by paying off the victims under the table, the documentary has exposed these monsters to the world.

While the series is on Netflix for the world’s entertainment, the harsh truth is that it really happened. After the church attempted to keep it quiet by paying off the victims under the table, the documentary has exposed these monsters to the world.

The seven-part documentary series, which premiered on Friday, also covers the unsolved murder of one of the teachers, Sister Catherine Ann Cesnik. On Tuesday, enough former victims had seen the documentary that they began calling the Baltimore police department to report their abuse.

Baltimore Police have since made an online submission form available for those who would want to report any instances of sexual abuse related to the series.

“We have been contacted by victims from the past who want to report the sex offenses that occurred to them. The murder investigation related to this Netflix series was handled by the Baltimore County Police Department,” the website reads.

When Wehner confessed the abuse to Sister Cathy Cesnik, Cesnik became determined to put a stop to it. However, that is exactly what got her murdered.

As the Free Thought Project has previously pointed out, pedophilia among the elite is rampant. In instance after horrifying instance, the Free Thought Project continues to push these issues to the forefront — in spite of mainstream media claiming that talk of elite pedophilia is akin to tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theory.

The good news is that this paradigm seems to be shifting. As we reported in March, even some brave folks within the mainstream media have begun to report on this nightmarish reality.

In an exclusive interview seen by millions across the United States, Dr. Phil exposed the deadly secretive, and the highly organized world of elite pedophilia — with a former child sex slave going by the name of “Kendall” describing being literally born into, and growing up in, the world of elite sexual slavery.

Kendall explains that she was born to be a sex slave, as her parents intentionally had her for the trafficker she calls her “owner.” Kendall says that her parents sold her at birth to an elite pedophile ring that serviced some of the world’s power elite, describing her first memories as being passed around groups of rich and prominent men and women for them to “take turns” with her for sadistic sexual pleasure.

While Netflix and Dr. Phil have done a huge service to society by exposing this reality, we have a long way to go to end it. Pedophilia and child trafficking is a very real issue and those who attempt to discredit it and sweep it under the rug are either horribly incompetent or complicit.

This problem will not go away through ridicule and name calling. We must shine light into the darkness through refusing to be silenced. We must stand for those who are too scared to come forward and we must be the voice for the voiceless. Please share this story with your friends and family so that they may see the real horror of what goes on behind the well-connected political scenes in this country. Until enough people become aware, none of this will end.
JGeropoulas said:
Concerning the Seth Rich murder, the DNC was so concerned about "hacking" they refused to "let" (?) the FBI inspect their computer system. It's becoming impossible to keep track of all the corruption and treachery coming into view these days.

In case you missed it, I'll repost what I posted in the Trump thread
One step forward, two steps backward:

Fox News retracts murder investigation report about former DNC staffer Seth Rich


On the "bright" side, the Russian Embassy in the UK tweeted a picture of Seth Rich with a darkened image of Hillary for background, that read:

UK‏Verified account @RussianEmbassy May 19
#WikiLeaks informer Seth Rich murdered in US but MSM was so busy accusing Russian hackers to take notice.

I notice that the supposed media watchdog - "Media Matters" (another Soros funded organization) is the force behind Fox news retracting Hannity's story and trying to further suppress him by getting his advertisers to boycott him. Media Matters seems to be using the "excuse" - " despite the objections of the Rich family" which if you look closer to the connections of the "acting Rich family spokesperson" Brad Bauman and his DNC connections, my immediate thought is that they (Rich family) have been compromised, as well? Check out the second article and see how the connections lead straight up the DNC ladder?

Earlier in the day, Fox News retracted its story insinuating that the DNC staffer was murdered because he leaked emails to WikiLeaks.

Sean Hannity Backs Off Seth Rich Story "For Now" Out of Respect for His Family
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCaiWsKjJgA (7:49 min.)

Hannity has been aggressively pushing the Rich story on Fox News, his radio show and Twitter. Since Fox News' retraction on Tuesday, at first, Hannity remained committed to the story, before dialing things down on his 10 p.m. show.

Hannity's zeal in pursuing the story, despite the objections of Rich's family, has led to widespread condemnation, with particularly pointed criticism coming from media watchdog Media Matters.

"Hannity is a professional propagandist for President Donald Trump, as well as a bigot, a sexist, and a conspiracy theorist," Media Matters' website read on Tuesday followed by a list of several companies that advertise on Hannity's show, implying a call to boycott.

The retracted story on Fox News' website cited a private detective who speculated that the truth about Rich's murder was on Rich's computer. Rich was killed last summer in what authorities call a robbery gone wrong.

Though Fox News retracted the article, Hannity hasn't stopped reporting his original version of events through tweets about the "liberal effort to silence me" that read, "Mediamatters is trying to silence me, get me fired, pressure my advertising on radio & TV. Liberal Fascism."

The acting spokesperson for the Rich family, Brad Bauman, is connected to Democratic propaganda czar David Brock according online observers. The discovery is the latest in a long line of revelations showing deep Democratic National Committee (DNC) involvement in the Seth Rich case.

Pastorum Group Spokesperson In Seth Rich Case Tied To Democrat Propaganda Chief

The acting spokesperson for the Rich family, Brad Bauman, is connected to Democratic propaganda czar David Brock according online observers. The discovery is the latest in a long line of revelations showing deep Democratic National Committee (DNC) involvement in the Seth Rich case.

Earlier today, independent investigators discovered that Bauman runs a foundation in his name. The Bauman Foundation’s Board of Directors includes David Brock, the one time Republican operative who went on to become the founder of multiple DNC-affiliated propaganda outlets including Media Matters, Correct the Record and Shareblue. Brock’s ventures have been criticized by Democrats as causing more harm than good due to his heavy reliance upon online harassment and censorship. Disobedient Media has previously reported that Brock and his affiliated organizations have ties to the Chinese government, foreign special interests and organized crime. Brock’s ties to foreign interests may mean that he is in violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Act, 22 U.S.C. § 614. The Bauman Foundation’s Board also includes Deepak Bhargava, who acts as the executive director of the Center for Community Change for George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

Brock’s organizations have been active in harassing and attacking journalists looking into the Seth Rich story. Affiliates of Brock have taken to Change.org to attack companies advertising with Fox 5 DC. The boycott campaign is organized by Karl Frisch, a former senior fellow at propaganda group Media Matters for America who spent his time at the organization helping develop “long-term strategy to target Fox News as a political actor.” Media Matters has also targeted Fox News anchor Sean Hannity for discussing the case.

David Brock’s personal involvement with Brad Bauman only serves to intensify speculation about political interference in attempts to uncover answers concerning the death of Seth Rich. Disobedient Media has previously noted an August 2016 tweet from Wikileaks which revealed that Bauman is a crisis public relations consultant working with the Pastorum Group. A media release from the Pastorum Group reveals that Bauman previously worked for the DNC and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). The SEIU is the client of a group founded by Democratic operative Robert Creamer. In 2016, Creamer was implicated in footage obtained by journalist James O’Keefe which revealed that Creamer was engaging in voting fraud and violent disruption of political events, sometimes using his connections to unions who were as clients of his. Legal representatives sending cease and desist letters on behalf of the Rich family also have ties to the law firm at the center of the Whitewater controversy.

Brad Bauman has in the past week insisted that anyone who continued to push the story either had a “transparent political agenda,” or were a sociopath. But given the intense attacks which organizations tied to David Brock have engaged in against any journalists discussing the Rich case, Brock’s connections to Bauman intensifies questions about whether or not the DNC has become involved in the Seth Rich case out ulterior motives.

Sean Hannity - Not giving up at all. I'm working harder than ever to get to the truth the family wants and deserves.

Hannity and Judicial Watch Are Still in the Game, Drudge just Tweeted This! They Are SCARED! #SethRich (Tweets)

Mark Dice – “Why don’t Democrats want the murder of Seth Rich solved? It’s worrying they are attacking Sean Hannity for reporting on the investigation.”

President of Judicial Watch (JW) Tom Fitton says his organization is now investigating the murder. The Democrats insist that the DNC emails had been hacked by Russia or agents in collusion with Moscow.

Seth Rich Murder: Judicial Watch Files FOIA Requests with DC Police, Mayor’s Office, FBI (Video - tweets)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rIow4d-ows (0:55 min.)

According to Fitton, last week JW filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and the D.C. Mayor’s Office. JW also has a FOI request to the FBI about the alleged DNC hack. Fitton says:

“You can trust Judicial Watch to get to the bottom of this issue…and to get the documents directly so that you and the American people can figure out whether or not there needs to be a controversy about this tragic murder, or whether there’s something more than meets the eye.”
May 25, 2017 George Webb Day 214

Eric Braverman, Missing Former Clinton Foundation CEO, Sighted — Kind Of (January 18, 2017)
If He’s Not Missing, Where Is He?
Based on this announcement, it appears likely that Braverman is not missing or in hiding. But based on the fact that he has yet to respond publicly, speculation continues that he’s been told by someone — like the FBI — not to make any public statements or speak to anyone in the press or on social media.
In the 1950s criminal networks are believed to have become involved, with an eye on making a profit by selling babies to barren couples.

The Spanish Health Ministry and the Catholic Church have finally handed over documents relating to thousands of babies which were stolen from hospitals in Spain over many decades. A British MEP led a fact-finding mission after being alerted about a case from 1992.

Spanish Authorities Agree to Open Files on Thousands of Missing Babies

But the secret network of nuns, doctors and midwives is believed to have been operating the "ninos robados"(stolen babies) ring since the era of General Franco.

Jude Kirton-Darling, a Labour MEP for the North East of England, was alerted to the scandal by Ruth Appleby, 53, whose baby went missing after she gave birth in a hospital in La Coruna in 1992.

She was told her baby had died but she believes the child was actually handed over to a Spanish family.

Lawyers believe up to 300,000 babies were taken from their original parents and given to those deemed more deserving.

The practice began during the Franco era. The General, a devout Catholic who led a right-wing dictatorship in Spain between 1939 and his death in 1976, apparently give his blessing to the practice of taking children from mothers who were considered too young, too poor or of questionable political backgrounds and giving them to supporters of the regime who were unable to conceive naturally.

But the corrupt network of nuns and midwives apparently continued the practice long after the death of the Generalissimo, especially in certain regions like Galicia, where Franco was born.

In the 1950s criminal networks are believed to have become involved, with an eye on making a profit by selling babies to barren couples.

Ms. Kirton-Darling wrote on her Facebook page:

Over the last few days I've been leading a European Parliament mission to Madrid to address the scandal that thousands of babies are alleged to have been stolen at birth by hospital personnel (in many cases nuns). It has been an intense mission with meetings with the Spanish Ministry of Justice, Public Prosecutor, MPs, the Spanish Catholic Church & most importantly the victims themselves who petitioned the European Parliament including North Yorkshire Mum Ruth Appleby http://www.bbc.com/…/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-400066… There were some welcome steps forward to justice with the Church agreeing to open their archives & MPs supporting the idea of a committee of inquiry.

Yesterday all the people we met were deeply moved by events in Manchester & shared their solidarity. Very powerful.

Ms. Appleby said the admission by the Spanish authorities and the handing over of archive documents was great news:

"This meeting in Madrid feels like a bit of a turning point, it feels like there's real progress being made for the first time."

Ms. Appleby only realized the authorities in La Coruna had lied to her when she requested her baby's remains be exhumed in 2010 so she could be reburied in England. She noticed the body appeared to belong to a child rather than a newborn baby.

She reported her fears to the Spanish police but says she was brushed off and then petitioned the European Parliament.

Tweet: "A search for "stolen children" campaign launched from the Franco era"

"The commitment that we have had is that the Catholic Church is willing to work with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Justice to pool all of their archives so families will be able to search for documents they could not previously find." Ms, Kirton-Darling said.

There are some similarities with the "Disappeared" in Argentina, although in that case the babies that were adopted and given new identities were the children of left-wing parents who were tortured and murdered by the military junta between 1976 and 1983.

More than 50 former Argentine Navy officers are currently on trial for crimes, including child abduction. In that case 500 children were taken and given to Argentine military families, many of whom are still unaware of their true identities even today.

MPs in Spain recently voted to exhume Franco's body from a state-funded mausoleum in the Valley of the Fallen, west of Madrid. The conservative Spanish government has said it is "not a good idea" and "reopens old wounds."
Published on May 23, 2017
The Seth Rich bombshells that are being dropped now are earth shattering, and according to sources, there is absolute panic at the highest levels of the DNC in Washington.

World Net Daily investigative journalist Liz Crokin is breaking huge news regarding the Seth Rich murder investigation, or the complete lack thereof. Crokin has discovered that DC police failed to visit the last bar at which Seth Rich was seen alive - it appears that even the most cursory investigation has been avoided. According to Crokin, the bar owner told her no one showed up to interview him, or any one else, nor was he ever asked for any bar video surveillance that might have been recorded of Rich's final moments.

Additionally, Kim Dotcom has publicly confirmed that he KNOWS that Seth Rich WAS the DNC Wiki-leaker. Dotcom says he is willing to share everything he knows with US government officials IF they can guarantee his safe passage into and out of the United States.

Dotcom says, "I KNOW THAT SETH RICH WAS INVOLVED IN THE DNC LEAK, If my evidence is required to be given in the United States I would be prepared to do so if appropriate arrangements are made. I would need a guarantee from Special Counsel Mueller, on behalf of the United States, of safe passage from New Zealand to the United States and back."

I have to apologize for posting the Thomas Horan interview by David Zublick. I only listened to the first few minutes before posting and didn't realize the poor quality of the sound. There is so much background sound I can barely force myself to finish listening to it.

And Thomas Horan is being very vague and general so far in his descriptions. Nothing very BOMBSHELL to hear so far. I am a little over half way through it and it is so noisy you can barely hear the guy. David Zublick should have thought about it before releasing such a poor quality video/interview but then I should have also finished the whole thing before posting it.

The description of the video is much more interesting than the video. :(
The Duran
BREAKING: Twitter begins banning accounts that report the Seth Rich story
A few days ago The Duran ran a post on the latest developments in the Seth Rich story citing WND, and its revelation that none other than former DNC Chair Donna Brazile had been exposed as the high ranking Democrat official calling DC police to inquire about how far a Private Investigation into the murder of Seth Rich had progressed.

Now in a stunning WND exclusive, Twitter has suspended WND for its Seth Rich reporting…Deactivating their account over the story about Donna Brazile’s involvement.


The full spectrum paranoia being displayed by the liberal left and the Deep State with regards to anything “Seth Rich” will only server to strengthen speculation that this story runs much higher and much deeper than just a simple botched robbery.
Skipping Down
But that’s not really the point now is it? Perhaps the reason we can’t find the ‘rule’ that was violated is because Twitter doesn’t overtly publish their policy which demands the censoring all media which conflicts with their ‘progressive’ worldview.

Or maybe Twitter simply deemed the story to be ‘fake news’? If so, perhaps Twitter could share their evidence that negates the on-the-record quotes reported by WND. Or, maybe Twitter just assumed that an upstanding citizen like Brazile, a woman who destroyed her own integrity by sharing debate questions with Hillary’s campaign and subsequently lying about those actions on every media outlet in existence, would never do such a thing.

Moreover, if Twitter is now in the business of censoring ‘fake news’ then perhaps they can explain why our friends at CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post seem to be able to publish numerous ‘fake news’ stories, on a daily basis, without consequence? Remember that whole ‘Golden Showers’ dossier that CNN pumped relentlessly over Twitter that was subsequently debunked with very minimal efforts.

The underlines are Duran's emphasis
Rhiannon said:
Published on May 23, 2017
The Seth Rich bombshells that are being dropped now are earth shattering, and according to sources, there is absolute panic at the highest levels of the DNC in Washington.

I bet there is a lot of PANIC! Enough to start scrubbing the internet of anything related to Seth Rich like C.a. just reported.

After all the death "cover-up's" - I don't think it's going to be that easy to cover their tracts on this one? Someone really miscalculated, this time?

Last Fall, there was a report that a large stack of special working Visa's were missing from some Government office. I understand that there are several types of working Visa's but I don't remember the specifics of what was stolen? George Webb mentioned something about special visa's and how they were used to bring under age girls into the U.S. and Hawaii.

A report just came out, of a suspicious death of a Miami Federal prosecutor (37) found dead on the beach. He investigated Visa fraud.

Authorities in Florida are investigating the death of a Miami federal prosecutor and father of three after his body was found on a beach in Hollywood, Florida, on Wednesday.

Mystery ensues after federal prosecutor found dead in Florida

The body was identified by local police as Beranton Whisenant Jr., 37, and his cause of death is currently being investigated as a crime. Police say he suffered a head wound.

Whisenant worked in the major crimes unit of the U.S. Attorney's Office in Miami.

Whisenant had been working on visa and passport fraud cases, according to court documents. He also taught a paralegal program at the University of Miami.

The U.S. Attorney's office did not comment about the circumstances or cause of death, but Acting U.S. Attorney Benjamin G. Greenberg did say in a statement the office was "saddened" and "shocked" to learn of Whisenant's death.

“The U.S. Attorney’s Office family was deeply saddened and shocked to learn of Beranton’s death," Greenberg said. "He was a great lawyer and wonderful colleague, and we will miss him deeply. Our thoughts are with Beranton’s family and friends.”

Michael Feiler, a local lawyer says he knew Whisenant, told the Miami Herald, that “he was the epitome of a gentleman and possessed an exceptional legal mind.”
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