I have been wondering if the UFO disclosure buildup is also part of an attempt to overshadow the exposure of information about this horrifying reality... because this goes to the heart of the Agenda... I think the MSM will do all they can to focus on 'random weirdos' and drug cartels, crazy Satan worshippers rather than focusing on where these practices have emanated from and who / what is really behind them.
Also, I cannot help but feel that if people are distracted/overwhelmed by 'aliens' they will be focusing very much on their own wellbeing / obsession with this subject and whatever ensues. I could be super wrong about that, but I think the timing is 'interesting'.
I think the incredible bravery of all involved in liberating children / anyone from this kind of situation, as well as smashing these collectives is astounding, as well as all those willing to openly stand up and expose this in every way possible. You can see the terrible indescribable pain and deep conviction in their eyes, hear it in their voices and see it as blazing light emanating from the core of their Soul.
It has been asked on this forum 'where have all the heroes gone?'.
To me it is clear: they are busy working their backsides off, paying attention to the things others just brush off or find too confronting, taking responsibility for things others would prefer to ignore. They are risking their lives, following their own Soul guidance... just 'getting on with it'. They are not 'wanting credit' for what they are doing, they do it because they are naturally compelled through their own FRV / on a soul level to do something, to liberate anyone they can. To bring light and healing in some form to those that they are able to find. They speak out not because of ego, but because they know they have to validate and speak the truth of these events. No wonder the film company is called Angel. IMHO, these people are literally walking with Angels - and as Angels themselves - on some level.
They are working so hard just like the heroes at the core of this forum, who have been working their own backsides off all these years, to reveal the truth, getting to the heart of the issues that control our experience in this density, and working to create a way to share this information freely available for those seeking and develop a community that supports all who are blessed to arrive here.
As shattering as it is for a Souled being to discover these shocking truths revealed in The Sound of Freedom and the interviews such as the one with Jordan Peterson, it is positive to see this information is being exposed and encouraging to see that there has been such a strong response to it.
I think there are also a lot of people who will not ever want to see the film because they find this subject and many other issues connected to the truth of what is happening on this planet too confronting. They will not ever want their children / family members exposed to this information... a bit like: That's just terrible, but that would never happen here, or to us, so we don't need to focus on it. That only happens because of people involved in the dark web, drugs and creepy men who are mentally ill, and those children come from homes where people don't care about them, and because of poverty. We care about our kids and know how to protect them', that kind of thing. Sadly they have no idea how prevalent and widespread this is.
It happens because so many people are unwilling to see, hear or acknowledge the truth in any way...
let alone do something about it.
Knowledge Protects.