Pokemon Go.

Citation de: Laura le juillet 30, 2016, 08:07:27 am

No, you inferred things from my remarks that I never implied. The Cs made the predictions 20 years ago but said not to worry because it was not imminent THEN. As time passed, they gave more clues, including some time indicators.

IF the real "beginning of things" was 2014 and we are in the middle, sort of - I'm assuming - then we don't have another 15-20 years of this mess to go. Heck, I doubt that the planet could stand that much less the people.

I have not desired you angry, I just misunderstood, that's why my comment was more a question and not a statement because I asked "if I understood"
I am really sorry!
In future I would skip to ask about something I do not understand.
Again ... sorry !
bjorn said:
It makes me wonder how other High-Tech 3D STS societies across the universe deal with this tech. I mean what if you could place some kind of a neuron headset on your head which mentally launches you in a digital custom made dream world. Society would stop functioning if to many people get addicted to it. And I can imagine many would !! I suppose they have to regulate or even ban it all together.

Ofcourse for psychopaths, it would be the perfect tool to distract people.

Like everything I think new tech has pros and cons - depending on the intent of the maker and user. It was by accident that I stumbled across the VR goggle thing a couple of months ago and I only spent 10 minutes experiencing it in a new 'world'. That 10 minutes proved how dangerous this technology could be for civilization. It was almost like going into the Matrix and coming back out again - for the split second afterwards I caught myself in a 'huff and puff' that we're back and stuck in this reality of a world.

When flying as a nervous flyer on an airliner through turbulence in a thunderstorm - what's easier: facing the potential outcome and fear head on or pretending like it's not there and burying yourself in a movie on the inflight entertainment?
Christine said:
Citation de: Laura le juillet 30, 2016, 08:07:27 am

No, you inferred things from my remarks that I never implied. The Cs made the predictions 20 years ago but said not to worry because it was not imminent THEN. As time passed, they gave more clues, including some time indicators.

IF the real "beginning of things" was 2014 and we are in the middle, sort of - I'm assuming - then we don't have another 15-20 years of this mess to go. Heck, I doubt that the planet could stand that much less the people.

I have not desired you angry, I just misunderstood, that's why my comment was more a question and not a statement because I asked "if I understood"
I am really sorry!
In future I would skip to ask about something I do not understand.
Again ... sorry !

Christine, I didn't see anything in Laura's post that came across as angry at you. She was just making clear what she meant. And no one here wants you, or anyone else for that matter, to stop asking sincere questions. That's how we learn.

Now, something that you can learn from this :) is how you have misinterpreted Laura as being angry. To me, it seems to be a program you have from others (parents, siblings, people of authority, etc.) actually being angry with you asking questions. I have had to deal with this myself so it is familiar to me.

Nienna said:
Christine said:
Citation de: Laura le juillet 30, 2016, 08:07:27 am

No, you inferred things from my remarks that I never implied. The Cs made the predictions 20 years ago but said not to worry because it was not imminent THEN. As time passed, they gave more clues, including some time indicators.

IF the real "beginning of things" was 2014 and we are in the middle, sort of - I'm assuming - then we don't have another 15-20 years of this mess to go. Heck, I doubt that the planet could stand that much less the people.

I have not desired you angry, I just misunderstood, that's why my comment was more a question and not a statement because I asked "if I understood"
I am really sorry!
In future I would skip to ask about something I do not understand.
Again ... sorry !

Christine, I didn't see anything in Laura's post that came across as angry at you. She was just making clear what she meant. And no one here wants you, or anyone else for that matter, to stop asking sincere questions. That's how we learn.

Now, something that you can learn from this :) is how you have misinterpreted Laura as being angry. To me, it seems to be a program you have from others (parents, siblings, people of authority, etc.) actually being angry with you asking questions. I have had to deal with this myself so it is familiar to me.


When I read your comment I felt compassion and I had tears in my eyes. It is quite what it happened this morning with my son, he was angry and aggressive with me and I am, to some, responsible, I do not like it, it hurts me so ! When I read the comment of Laura I had the impression of feeling anger against me as my son.
thank you very much! :hug2:
Christine said:
When I read your comment I felt compassion and I had tears in my eyes. It is quite what it happened this morning with my son, he was angry and aggressive with me and I am, to some, responsible, I do not like it, it hurts me so ! When I read the comment of Laura I had the impression of feeling anger against me as my son.
thank you very much! :hug2:

Glad you were able to catch those things. I've found direct approaches helpful not only in having a clear message but also in seeing how they can bring various programs and issues to the surface. When you think about it, sugar coating things is often lacking in sincerity and not the most helpful in communication. And it is also part of normal and healthy human interaction that people can express dissatisfaction. This shouldn't be used as an excuse to say, 'Well! I'll go away and eat dirt!'. Facing those things while continuing to work on ourselves is a big part of the process.
Christine said:
When I read your comment I felt compassion and I had tears in my eyes. It is quite what it happened this morning with my son, he was angry and aggressive with me and I am, to some, responsible, I do not like it, it hurts me so ! When I read the comment of Laura I had the impression of feeling anger against me as my son.
thank you very much! :hug2:

I'm glad it helped, Christine. :hug: Now you know what to look for if it happens again. And, if you are anything like me, it can happen again. Next time, wait before replying, see why you are reacting that way and if what was being said was really as you thought it was.
bjorn said:
Which is normally a quiet neighborhood, out of nowwhere. Hordes of zombies :lol: :scared:

Apparently some rare Pokemon was roaming in that area


Seeing kids playing this mindless game i can understand nor that i encourage them to engage in such sort of games or any other types of video games, but seeing adults playing it also, i have no words, it's just sad... :shock:
Andre' said:
bjorn said:
Which is normally a quiet neighborhood, out of nowwhere. Hordes of zombies :lol: :scared:

Apparently some rare Pokemon was roaming in that area


Seeing kids playing this mindless game i can understand nor that i encourage them to engage in such sort of games or any other types of video games, but seeing adults playing it also, i have no words, it's just sad... :shock:

Yeah, kids playing the game is somewhat understandable since they don't have the faculties to know how destructive and toxic this, and pretty much all other video games for that matter, game is for their mind/body/spirit. Though their parents really should know better.

But seeing adults playing it and running around like this.. As you said Andre it really is just sad..
A Jay said:
Yeah, kids playing the game is somewhat understandable since they don't have the faculties to know how destructive and toxic this, and pretty much all other video games for that matter, game is for their mind/body/spirit. Though their parents really should know better.

But seeing adults playing it and running around like this.. As you said Andre it really is just sad..

If anyone has no appreciation of mind/body/spirit then no matter what their age they'll be lost. I think this game and technology for anyone who may have been 50-50 on swaying to a more spiritual or deeper side will now be lost forever.
[quote author= MikeJoseph82]If anyone has no appreciation of mind/body/spirit then no matter what their age they'll be lost. I think this game and technology for anyone who may have been 50-50 on swaying to a more spiritual or deeper side will now be lost forever.[/quote]

Well put,

And it's a really a sign of the times, how hollow and empty humanity has become. Some of those adults were even running !! Can't let that Pokemon escape of course. You think they would run for other things in daily life? They better be carefull, they can get blisters if they run to much chasing Pokemon. Just sad indeed .. :(
Oliver Stone Warns Moviegoers: Beware of Your Phones, 'This Will Be Our Undoing
(updated 00:27 05.08.2016)
Oliver Stone, director of the upcoming film Snowden, will deliver a dark warning to moviegoers at the start of the movie: turn your phone off, and keep it off.

In an ominous one-minute clip, Stone appears in a decadent den with a smartphone in his hand. He discusses the benefits of the technology, compete with a cut to cute cats, before warning that users are giving all their information to “them.”

"That's not all it does," Stone says as the tone of the PSA intensifies. "It allows certain parties to track your every move every time you make a call or send a text. We are giving them access. The information you've put out into the world voluntarily is enough to burn your life to the ground. This will be our undoing."

Stone then looks into the camera and states,
"Do the rest of the people in the audience a big favor: turn off your phone during the movie."

A narrator then jumps in with a disclaimer that, “Oliver Stone’s views are not necessarily that of this theater, or its owners, you’re welcome to turn your phone back on after the movie.”

In a statement to Ars Technica, PR firm Submersive Media, acting on behalf of the film's production company Open Road Films, added that Stone would like people to turn their phones off permanently.

"Oliver Stone would like you to shut off your cell phone during the movie, and then shut it off forever,” the statement reads.

Speaking in San Diego at Comic-Con last month, Stone also spoke out against Google and Pokemon GO, calling the wildly popular game
“a new level of invasion.”
“I’m hearing about it too, it’s a new level of invasion. Once the government had been hounded by Snowden, of course the corporations went into encryption, because they had to for survival, right? But the search for profits is enormous here. Nobody has ever seen, in the history of the world, something like Google, ever,” Stone told the crowd. “It’s the biggest, new, fastest-growing business ever, and they have invested huge amounts of money into what surveillance is, which is data-mining.”

Pokemon Go, mobile game from Nintendo
© Sputnik/ Alexandr Kryazhev
Oliver Stone Lashes Out at Pokemon Go at Comic-Con

The Oscar-winning director warned that, by using technology, governments can manipulate behavior, creating “robot” societies under totalitarian regimes.

“They’re data-mining every person in this room for information as to what you’re buying, what you like, and above all, your behaviour. Pokémon GO kicks into that. But this is everywhere. It’s what some people call surveillance capitalism. It’s the newest stage. It’s not for profit in the beginning, but it becomes for profit in the end,” the director continued. “It manipulates your behavior. It has happened already quite a bit on the internet, but you’ll see it everywhere—you'll see a new form of, frankly, a robot society, where they will know how you want to behave and they will make the mockup that matches how you behave and feed you. It’s what they call totalitarianism.”

Snowden will be released in theaters in the US on September 16.

A Jay said:
But seeing adults playing it and running around like this.. As you said Andre it really is just sad..

Just this morning, my boss and other co-workers were tenaciously upset that they couldn't find any creatures in their offices.

Sad, indeed.
Zadius Sky said:
A Jay said:
But seeing adults playing it and running around like this.. As you said Andre it really is just sad..

Just this morning, my boss and other co-workers were tenaciously upset that they couldn't find any creatures in their offices.

Sad, indeed.

This game seems to be spreading like a pest. Some time ago (before this thread was started) I noticed that many people of different age in the train (I'm a daily commuter) stare in their phones and it looked like sort of a navigation app for me. Now I know what it was. Recently I also saw one of my co-workers "playing" it. :cry:

19 November 1994 said:
A: It overpowered them the same way your computers will overpower you.
[quote author= Zadius Sky]Just this morning, my boss and other co-workers were tenaciously upset that they couldn't find any creatures in their offices.

Sad, indeed.[/quote]

They should place all Pokemon near an active volcano. See what happens :rolleyes:
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