Pokemon Go.

Nima said:
I don’t get it. I always thought Pokémon was some kids cartoon. Like sesame street.

But these are adults participating. :shock:

Programing complete I guess. :scared:

When (in my country) broadcast a series of cartoons Pokemon, my sons were children (3 and 4 years), they are now older teenagers (18 and 19). I think that is the case with others who are now involved in the Pokemon GO.
When I was 13 I participated in a Pokemon tournament and won. So yes, I carry the title pokemonmaster, not many do. But it isn't something I would place on my Personal data resume. Tho, I am starting the doubt because people of all ages are clearly under it's spell. It could work wonders for me.

At least they get outside now. :P But now people are falling of cliffs etc because they fail to pay attention to their surroundings. Maybe it's just a hype and it goes away.

I don't mind all the games. I do mind when it becomes a distraction to the things that truly matter.

Nobody seems to grow up anymore.

This article sums it up: https://www.sott.net/article/322209-Grow-up-Nine-ominous-signs-that-you-re-a-tool-of-the-entertainment-industrial-complex

Life isn't about having only fun. It's about doing the right things. At some point you need to realize that if you want to become an adult. Do the right things, take responsibility and you will be satisfied with your life. Don't take responsibility, do only what you find fun. And life will turn out miserable.

That's the secret formula to happenis. And it is a secret because you have to find that out yourself. I did at least. I wish someone could have told me in this ocean of electronic entertainment.
bjorn said:
When I was 13 I participated in a Pokemon tournament and won. So yes, I carry the title pokemonmaster, not many do. But it isn't something I would place on my Personal data resume. Tho, I am starting the doubt because people of all ages are clearly under it's spell. It could work wonders for me.

At least they get outside now. :P But now people are falling of cliffs etc because they fail to pay attention to their surroundings. Maybe it's just a hype and it goes away.

I don't mind all the games. I do mind when it becomes a distraction to the things that truly matter.

Nobody seems to grow up anymore.

This article sums it up: https://www.sott.net/article/322209-Grow-up-Nine-ominous-signs-that-you-re-a-tool-of-the-entertainment-industrial-complex

Life isn't about having only fun. It's about doing the right things. At some point you need to realize that if you want to become an adult. Do the right things, take responsibility and you will be satisfied with your life. Don't take responsibility, do only what you find fun. And life will turn out miserable.

That's the secret formula to happenis. And it is a secret because you have to find that out yourself. I did at least. I wish someone could have told me in this ocean of electronic entertainment.

I agree. I also love, love, love that typo. (I often stand in awe at just how smart and agile our subconscious selves can be).
More bread and circuses to distract and disarm the people, though this version is clearly the most insidious and distracting yet: it allows full access to a person's phone, their movements, their credit-cards and habits. People have died already playing this utter foolishness, and no one can do squat because they signed a waiver before they gave up their money, time, attention and life.

This really makes me sad.
For myself it's just something fun to do while I walk the dog and encourages more dog-walking which in turn translates into sleepy puppy and me getting more work done at home. It's definitely an exercise for your awareness, at least the way I play. You can't walk around NYC staring at your phone, you'll hit someone, get hit by a car or biker or worse... so you have to pay attention.

The horror stories coming out of it are more of a result of people losing their ability to think critically than the game itself. Gee wiz, should I just keep walking in this direction without looking where I'm going? SURE! (those guys that fell off the bluff) or OMG I need to cross this highway to get that pokemon, I guess I should just run for it! (girl who got hit crossing a highway while hunting) or Hmm should I go into that unlit sketchy park at night by myself? Duh! There's pokemon to be caught! (people that get mugged playing)... etc.

I think a lot of the doomsaying is a little overblown, the world was going to hell in a handbasket well before PG came out.
[quote author= Puck]I think a lot of the doomsaying is a little overblown, the world was going to hell in a handbasket well before PG came out.[/quote]

I don't know. I invested 411 hours to gather and train my party.

As I see it, the world is going to Hell because people are putting their time and energy elsewhere than where it is needed.

411 hours is btw nothing when you compare that to the average time World of Wacraft players for example invest. Which are not hours, but whole months or more. That is the new normal.

At some day people are going to ask themselves. Where was I when the second holocaust was going full steam? The Germans said after ww2. Wir haben est nicht gewust ( We didn’t know ) What is this generation going to say? I was playing pokemon Go? I was playing computer games. I was drowning myself into entertainment when millions of families where being exterminated?
Puck said:
caught! (people that get mugged playing)... etc.

I think a lot of the doomsaying is a little overblown, the world was going to hell in a handbasket well before PG came out.

I saw a man in the middle of the highway yesterday and lots of people on the side of streets yesterday with their phone in their faces. I felt a feeling of dread watching them walk around like zombies. It sure did impart a feeling of doom to me.
bjorn said:


''There’s a group of idiots outside my house trying to get into my back yard cuz apparently there’s a scyther in my back yard… ***Pokemon go… ''

What to do when that happens? Approuch them with a baseball bat and yell to leave scyther alone?

Just imagine if you have a legendary type Pokemon in your garden. You never have peace again.

I live in a rural area and one of my husbands friends stopped by the other night and caught one of those things by our gate. I am so grossed out by this grown man playing this ridiculous game and taking pics for the CIA of our private land. My husband and I have already talked about putting up signs that poke players trespassing will be shot and composted. We already have problems with people trespassing and I sure as heck do not want to deal with people trying to catch imaginary play toys taking pictures for the big brother. Grrrr...........
[quote author= bjorn]At some day people are going to ask themselves. Where was I when the second holocaust was going full steam? The Germans said after ww2. Wir haben est nicht gewust ( We didn’t know ) What is this generation going to say? I was playing pokemon Go? I was playing computer games. I was drowning myself into entertainment when millions of families where being exterminated?[/quote]

This could also be phrased differently. ''Where was I when the second holocaust was being prepared.''

[quote author= Horseofadifferentcolor]My husband and I have already talked about putting up signs that poke players trespassing will be shot and composted.[/quote]

Haha :D

[quote author= Horseofadifferentcolor]I felt a feeling of dread watching them walk around like zombies. It sure did impart a feeling of doom to me. [/quote]

Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future." - Cassiopaeans, 09-28-02
I agree that the game is a huge tool for dissociation and ignoring reality, and it's shocking how people are getting injured, trespassing, etc. just to possess more Pokemon. I was tempted to try the game because I used to play the original games a lot as a kid, but if I were to become addicted to the game, I'd never want to get off my phone. If it weren't for knowing about the dangers of cell phone radiation, I probably would have gotten sucked into this mess, too.
Puck said:
For myself it's just something fun to do while I walk the dog and encourages more dog-walking which in turn translates into sleepy puppy and me getting more work done at home. It's definitely an exercise for your awareness, at least the way I play. You can't walk around NYC staring at your phone, you'll hit someone, get hit by a car or biker or worse... so you have to pay attention.

Well, when I used to take my dog for a walk I really enjoyed the fresh air and just looking at my surroundings and paying attention to what doggie was doing. I dunno why someone would need something 'fun' to do - unless dog walking is a chore for them.

I have a few games on my phone, but I rarely play them. When I'm in line or waiting around for something, I usually just end up reading SoTT articles to kill time. Although occasionally I'd play sudoku or puzzle game. Walking around trying to find pokemon seems rather mindless to me.
This game can actually encourage people to go exploring. They could find many interesting things about their town/city/neighborhood that way. Like a modern version of treasure hunting. If only they have a degree of awareness... For those people, how they use this game now, it might save their lives someday. Who knows.

But many chose to shut it all out instead, and trust the judgement of a machine.

It all happened before, just in a different form. People were already getting themselves injured because of GPS maps in a phone app. Not thinking when the app tells them to go "straight" or "turn left", then hitting a car or ending up in a lake, because "there was supposed to be a road there". If those people are so quick to put all their judgement away in favor of some phone app without a mind or will of its own, is it really a surprise that the world is the way it is?
So, of course, if a new app that uses GPS appears, and it's a game this time, people will misuse it, abuse it, and get harmed by it. Then some will even sue the game creator's, because nobody told them they should pay attention!

And then, after several weeks, or months, people will forget about it all, and move on with a new hype. Because that's literally all they care about in their life.

Keit said:
What I wonder is how "older generations" deal with the increasing pressure? Or to be exact, what kind of distractions they use or are used against them in order to escape it?
The principle appears to be the same regardless of generation: they return to their childhood. It's the medium that changes (of course, children can't return to something that didn't end yet, so they will pick up whatever is around them at that time).

Just like it was described in Defying Hitler, when, the more the Nazis rose to power, the stronger the pressure on the society was, the higher the demand on books about "blissful and innocent childhood in the countryside" became (i think it's mentioned in one of the older SotT shows).

An example: i think you know the situation in Poland, that the conservative party took power. A big portion of their supporters (if not the majority), and their leaders, are people that lived most of their lives in a soviet Poland.
So, what is the conservative party's response to the increasing madness in the world? They take over the state TV broadcaster, and immediately all soviet-era TV series, plus the soviet-era rhetoric (but with new words and reversed enemies - then the US, now Russia) return. Younger generations stop watching it and the station's ratings have record lows, but the older generations are relieved, because they are back in "good old times", and the world is "finally back to normal".
The irony here is: the conservative party, and its supporters, constantly spew hate on communists and how evil the soviets were, but it doesn't prevent them from thinking about those times with nostalgia. But childhood is childhood.

Of course, i'm generalizing here to prove a point. :P It doesn't work this way for everyone, but the trend definitely exists.
Generator said:
More bread and circuses to distract and disarm the people, though this version is clearly the most insidious and distracting yet: it allows full access to a person's phone, their movements, their credit-cards and habits. People have died already playing this utter foolishness, and no one can do squat because they signed a waiver before they gave up their money, time, attention and life.

This really makes me sad.

So, more crafty insidious powerful force is taken form as fun game.
And lots people been irresponsible to fight off it's temptation and even surrender one's own life's privilege, and don't care theirs privacy being taken away.

Its like give up one's own power.
Same as sold one's own soul.

This really makes me sad too.
Hi Ho

I've played Pokemon Go's predecessor, Ingress, which basically utilizes an over lay of the city and sets color coded factions against one another to gain control of towers.

Pokemon go basically uses ingress"s engine and the towers have become poke gyms.

I played the game (Pokemon) on game boy back when I was a teenager, the fighting is your typical RPG turn based duel. It's that nostalgia which is attracting us 30 something 'adults'.

Basically, this is a clone in a way, of ingress, mixed with elements from the gameboy version from back in the day.

The only concern I have is that niantec and partners have this activity data, and can also manipulate walking routes as the game features land marks where you can go to pick up loot, creating pre molded intel factors for my millennial demographic, one example is I'm now seeing more foot traffic up a near by block that features a landmark, people walking with their heads down eager to catch a creature.

I wouldn't say this is creating acceptance for augmented reality myself - that acceptance was already here, what is changed is that more people are leaving their homes, not for themselves, but for the progress of their status in a virtual environment! When really, they should have been this active for their health! That's the madness that bothers me about this.

It feels like in a way, a certain layer of our consciousness is being compressed into a moderated microcosm, a continuation of MMORPG avatarism, a sort of idolatry toward virtual materialism.
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