Pokemon Go.

More to add,

I also started to play Pokemon go now, FYI.

I play it inconspicuously however. I find that since the release, any time someone is walking around with their phone turned on and resting in their hand as they walk, that spectators tend to comment or spark conversation about the game.

That sort of forward invitation to start talking to me is irritating and disturbing to some degree, so I let the game run in my pocket and react to sound cues. This way people don't think I'm playing and I can be left alone by enthusiasts and hecklers alike.

But.. As mentioned earlier in this thread, it's a total fad! People will stop playing it in a month, the only thing blowing this up imho are click bait content blogs and 'news' outlets that use fluff content to black out current events that matter.
For those who perhaps missed it, I suggest reading this article on SOTT regarding the privacy notice of this "game". https://www.sott.net/article/322074-The-Pokemon-Go-app-is-doing-the-CIAs-dirty-work

I did wonder, if you have downloaded the App, if deleting it would really remove it, or maybe it stays embedded on the phone anyway? By agreeing to the privacy notice and hitting accept, you have given them free access to ALL the contents of your phone, allowed them to easily track you, and perhaps googles "eye in the sky" will snap a photo of you for their facial recognition software. Maybe iris scans too! It is very creepy. And if they discover something illegal, they reserve the right to notify local law enforcement and have you arrested. It won't be hard to find you, as you are carrying a tracking device! Just say no to Pokemon Go!
[quote author= Lilou]I did wonder, if you have downloaded the App, if deleting it would really remove it, or maybe it stays embedded on the phone anyway? By agreeing to the privacy notice and hitting accept, you have given them free access to ALL the contents of your phone, allowed them to easily track you, and perhaps googles "eye in the sky" will snap a photo of you for their facial recognition software. Maybe iris scans too! It is very creepy. And if they discover something illegal, they reserve the right to notify local law enforcement and have you arrested. It won't be hard to find you, as you are carrying a tracking device! Just say no to Pokemon Go! [/quote]

I think so to.

And who needs implantable chips when people willingly carry devices around that track and trace their actions wherever they go. And they don't object to it. In fact they are addicted to it.

I don't know if many of you noticed but the global police state is ushered in because the PTB know that they are setting up something so monstrous that people will resist it with force. Don't make yourself a easy target by downloading such apps. They are counting on it that you do. You might not feel the urge to do now. But someday and I suspect rather sooner than later apps like this will be used against the population in untold numbers.

I carry a phone with the functionality of something like this:


I wish them best of luck tracing that. lol
Lilou said:
For those who perhaps missed it, I suggest reading this article on SOTT regarding the privacy notice of this "game". https://www.sott.net/article/322074-The-Pokemon-Go-app-is-doing-the-CIAs-dirty-work

I did wonder, if you have downloaded the App, if deleting it would really remove it, or maybe it stays embedded on the phone anyway? By agreeing to the privacy notice and hitting accept, you have given them free access to ALL the contents of your phone

If apps left surveillance droppings, watch dogs would report it, as its very easy to monitor network traffic.

However, while the app is installed, much like the Facadebook app, all sorts of wonders can be accessed and due to end user agreements, they're allowed to access said wonders. I suspect that they can still run when you close the app too.

I have only witnessed the anomaly of background app activity by monitoring battery usage statistics that show which app takes the most power, and consciously not running the app to test my theory, Facadebook made a prominent effect on battery usage when I did this. Whether they fixed that issue I do not know, this event was prompted by my noticing serious battery drain after a major UI update back in 2014/15.
I just wonder by what method different pokemons end up where they do: random allocation, algorithmic or deliberate? If deliberate it would he the PTB's wet dream - harass those who stray outside the norm with hordes of mindless zombies invading their privacy, recording everything etc.

Also the timing of the 'boom' is maybe relevant, with US presidential nominations and elections a stone throw away. How better to get the desired results with least resistance when a whole nation of zombies hasn't got anything better to do than staring on a mobile screen and hunting virtual prey?

It might be a fad and fizz out soon, but it will have achieved its purpose by then, to further shut down critical faculties and push everyone deeper into dissociation and mind control.

Pokemon Go: Video shows moment rare Vaporeon appears in Central Park and all hell breaks loose Video

Getting Victimized By Theft And Assault
We have at least one report of a theft and assault of Pokemon-distracted pedestrians in San Francisco, which was a strong-arm theft of two teens' smartphone(s) Sunday in the Excelsior. SFPD has issued Pokémon Go safety tips, which deserve reading during those periods when your game’s servers have crashed.

As SFist noted this morning, “at least six other non-Pokémon-related cell phone thefts went down last weekend”. So these crimes are not unique to Pokémon Go players. That said, I played for three hours yesterday and cannot believe the number of ignorantly distracted behaviors in which I engaged just ‘cause I wanted that Staryu I didn’t have yet. Catching ‘em can wait, people — these are non-virtual monsters and they follow you around!

Congregating In Parks, Near Bodies Of Water :shock:
Just look at the Ocean Beach scene last night, courtesy @salmattos on Twitter. Looks like Rec & Parks just solved their bonfire problem!

Parks, especially those bordering water, are indeed hot spots for Pokemon catching. While my results differed from Curbed’s Where to Catch 99 Pokémon in San Francisco map, there is definitely a correlation between aquatic monster occurrence in places like the Ferry Building and Fisherman’s Wharf, and flocks of feathered flying monsters in high-altitude spots like Coit Tower.

Pokemon Go Claims First San Francisco Mugging Victims
by Eve Batey in New on Jul 13, 2016 10:15 am
Despite the best efforts of the San Francisco Police Department to encourage safety for Pokemon Go players, the game has reportedly claimed its SF first victims.

The LA Times reports that two teen siblings playing the game at around 8 p.m. Sunday were robbed of their phone on the 200 block of Burrows Street, near where the Excelsior meets the Portola district.

According to the LA Times, they "noticed a man watching them from across the street" but then "continued to play the game and suddenly noticed the same guy a few blocks later,” SFPD spokesperson Sergeant Michael Andraychak said.

The suspect approached them, took the phone, and “ran to a waiting car and fled,” Andraychak said.

The victims weren't injured, according to the SFPD, and the suspects remain at large.

This crime pattern is exactly the one warned of by Bayview Station Captain Raj Vaswani in the evening following the mugging, when he wrote that players should [sic throughout] "Know your surroundings and pay attention to where you are going/who is around you. Slow car paralleling a person on foot, might be a sign it’s a get-away car."

"If you get the sense you are being followed or set-up for a robbery, head to a lighted area with people around."

Speaking with CBS 5, SFPD spokesperson officer Grace Gatpandan confirmed the robbery, which appears to be the first of its kind in San Francisco.

It's worth noting however, that according to SFPD records at least six other non-Pokemon-related cell phone thefts went down last weekend, a good reminder that it's not necessarily Pokemon Go that's behind any alleged national crime waves.

Link For Links Within

How A Google April Fools' Joke Unleashed The Zombie Apocalypse

by Tyler Durden Jul 16, 2016 6:48 PM
Remember the "Google Maps Pokemon Challenge"? Probably not. It was a one time event that took place on April Fools day in 2014.

This is how Google explained it.


Dozens of wild Pokémon have taken up residence on streets, amidst forests and atop mountains throughout Google Maps.

To catch 'em all, grab your Poké Ball and the newest version of Google Maps for iPhone or Android. Then tap the search bar, "press start," and begin your quest.

And, follow Google Maps on Google+, Facebook or Twitter for hints and tips for the most dedicated trainers.

The ad in question:
Many laughed and quickly brushed it aside... but not Niantic Labs, a software development company founded in 2010 incidentally as one of Google's own internal startups. Niantic - which all the way back in 2012 was developing location-based mobile games - was spun off as an independent entity in September 2015 and less than a year later released Pokemon Go together with Ninentdo (quickly resulting in Nintendo becoming the most-traded stock in Japanese history).

And while we are delighted that Niantic CEO John Hanke has been unquestionably successful with his adaptation of an "April Fools" joke in the form of Pokemon Go, we are a little concerned that he has also unleashed the Zombie Apocalypse.

Dont believe us? This is what USA Today wrote today, when the sighting of a rare Pokemon made hundreds of New Yorkers into Central Park-stomping zombies.

On the one hand, this might be video evidence of people officially going insane. But, on the other hand, it’s also a Vaporeon, which are super rare Pokemon.

First, some quick Pokemon background: Eevees are cute little fox-type Pokemon that, unlike other Pokemon, can evolve in eight different directions. They only evolve once, and after they do, they can’t evolve any more.

What that means is that if you want to catch all the Pokemon, you have to either catch eight different Eevees and evolve them all in different ways — which is really tough to do — or you have to catch the other, rare evolutions when they do appear.

And, well, one appeared in Central Park late on Saturday night. A Vaporeon. Here’s what that one looks like.


Link For Videos


LetThemEatRand Jul 16, 2016 6:53 PM
Reading all of these articles about this videogame taking the world by storm, I can't help but think we're all living out the beginning of a bad sci-fi movie.

Kirk2NCC1701 LetThemEatRand Jul 16, 2016 7:17 PM
Bernays and Goebbels would be impressed.
Turn something into a Video Game, and you've stimulated the Pleasure centers of most Westerners (Japanese and Americans) to do almost anything.

Supafly LetThemEatRand Jul 16, 2016 8:42 PM
No, we're actually living out the first of three prequels to "The Matrix". Off to your shell now.

Normalcy Bias Jul 16, 2016 6:57 PM
I ask people that are playing this game what ultimate objective or reward is, and none of them have any idea.
It almost seems as if a form of mass mind control is being experimented with...
Ghost in the Machine Part 2: Big Brother is Bigger Than You Think

Pentagon Weaponizing Social Media to be Used as Targeting Telemetry
The film Children of Men from ten years ago, now seems eerily prescient as regards people disassociating in times of turmoil with these types of gizmos and games. See the following segment at about the 3.20 mark

"Alex, Take your pills...Alex...Alex?...ALEX!!!!"


Scarily close to today's reality I think :scared:.
Keit said:
Scottie said:
I think many people are desperate for relief from the "growing pains" the world is currently going through.

Indeed. But I also find it interesting that these are mostly young people (the ones who play Pokemon Go). What I wonder is how "older generations" deal with the increasing pressure? Or to be exact, what kind of distractions they use or are used against them in order to escape it? Unless they don't feel such a strong need to do it? If so, it just shows how bleak and dystopian will be the future of mankind. If Mother Nature won't reset the entire process before that, that is.

Maybe the invasion will come first ??????????????

Scarily close to today's reality I think :scared:

Of course it is because it was planned and experimented with years ahead.

I did wonder, if you have downloaded the App, if deleting it would really remove it, or maybe it stays embedded on the phone anyway? By agreeing to the privacy notice and hitting accept, you have given them free access to ALL the contents of your phone, allowed them to easily track you, and perhaps googles "eye in the sky" will snap a photo of you for their facial recognition software. Maybe iris scans too! It is very creepy. And if they discover something illegal, they reserve the right to notify local law enforcement and have you arrested. It won't be hard to find you, as you are carrying a tracking device! Just say no to Pokemon Go!

If they want your info they ll get it and probably already have it through your mail, fb, other social networks, etc... but now only want to make it legal with your consent so it can be used against you, if it will be necessary as are things going. Some already ask your phone number like amazon, fb already has photos of you for facial recognition, other social networks if you want to use it ask for phone number and access to your mail, etc.... It is a gradual process that is going from voluntary to obligatory consent if you want to use anymore your mail and other net services. It is an illusion you can escape clutches of control, luckily Nature has a different plan. Like Cs said it is comply or die, and as people get more scared, isolated from each other, selfish and distracted it will easily be implemented among certain major segment of population, others would have to get rid off. History is repeating.
Corvinus said:
If they want your info they ll get it and probably already have it through your mail, fb, other social networks, etc... but now only want to make it legal with your consent so it can be used against you, if it will be necessary as are things going. Some already ask your phone number like amazon, fb already has photos of you for facial recognition, other social networks if you want to use it ask for phone number and access to your mail, etc.... It is a gradual process that is going from voluntary to obligatory consent if you want to use anymore your mail and other net services. It is an illusion you can escape clutches of control, luckily Nature has a different plan. Like Cs said it is comply or die, and as people get more scared, isolated from each other, selfish and distracted it will easily be implemented among certain major segment of population, others would have to get rid off. History is repeating.

I agree

In fact I was under the impression that Facadebook was indirectly funded by CIA money. Can't find links to cite my claim, but I remember a YouTube PSA made in the 2000s more or less exposing this, that clearly didn't work in disuading acceptance.
This reminds me of a short film released last year, UNCANNY VALLEY.


In the slums of the future, virtual reality junkies satisfy their violent impulses in online entertainment. An expert player discovers that the line between games and reality is starting to fade away. 3DAR’s latest short film explores the frightening potential of our next technological revolution.

This film reminds me of how we're supposed to perceive our "helping" of other nations by altering our perception of reality.
More bread and circuses indeed and how sad that so many fall for it. It was disappointing to see a coworker of mine running around with his Pokemon Go game at work and talking about it excitedly. He's intelligent, good-hearted, relatively well informed generally and is doing really good work with the youth groups he's teaching. But those who fall for these distractions usually lack the context of the meaning and implications of what they're doing. It's considered "fun", harmless, and thus, as with so many other things, it's being normalized.

fabric said:
Puck said:
For myself it's just something fun to do while I walk the dog and encourages more dog-walking which in turn translates into sleepy puppy and me getting more work done at home. It's definitely an exercise for your awareness, at least the way I play. You can't walk around NYC staring at your phone, you'll hit someone, get hit by a car or biker or worse... so you have to pay attention.

Well, when I used to take my dog for a walk I really enjoyed the fresh air and just looking at my surroundings and paying attention to what doggie was doing. I dunno why someone would need something 'fun' to do - unless dog walking is a chore for them.

Agreed. Given that many hours of the day are spent in one's job and indoors in front of the computer, every opportunity to be outside could be consciously used instead - and especially when walking the doggie. Why even participate in something that's by design meant to have you dissociate mindlessly into la la land, wasting precious time, wasting your energy - and being spied upon on top of that?

Lilou said:
It is very creepy. And if they discover something illegal, they reserve the right to notify local law enforcement and have you arrested. It won't be hard to find you, as you are carrying a tracking device! Just say no to Pokemon Go!

Yes, it is creepy, and to play their games is a sure sign that the decision itself was made in a dissociated state, i.e. non-reflected. There are much better ways for relaxation via positive dissociation. Not only for yourself but for joining in to "sending the signal" for a better world via your personal actions.
This is like to be in a King's novel. It is horrible. It is making people like zombies. This is our future? It makes me feel sad and a little scary.

You have people hypnotized so you can do anything with them. Idiocraty.
The Pokemon stuff is totally crazy imo and many more people are not even a bit aware of their environment and are going now further south. I can imagine that maybe some people enter dangerous areas and get hurt for example (be it and if possible very old buildings). It is also reported that at the entrance of the concentration camp in Auschwitz a gas pokemon monster was placed. To me it also seems if two different realties are created or kind of a split reality for some people.


Beside that some weeks back a virtual sex exhibition in Tokyo needed to be closed because it was overrun by people.
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