Pokemon Go.

[quote author= c.a.]Pokemon Go: Video shows moment rare Vaporeon appears in Central Park and all hell breaks loose[/quote]

I can urge everyone to see the following video. We're doomed :(


Now that games are integrated in real-life through augmented reality. We get a proper sense of the inner landscape of many people and this is what it looks like.

And many more games of this kind are yet to follow. This is just the beginning.
From yesterday's session:

A: Those who live in dreams give off the STS signature and allow anchoring of 4D negative energies.

The pokemon Go social phenomenon is a symptom of a larger problem. As if the zombie phenomenon of people attached all day long to their phones was not enough, this is just a step further toward a more digitized reality. From a certain point of view, it looks funny to have to chase little robots or whatever these pokemon are through augmented reality, but augmented reality (or altered reality) will not stop there. I predict that in a few years there would be "apps" to redecorate your room for example in a more immersive fashion. Would people live in their real room or in a simulated room? That looks like a matrix within a matrix, more disconnection from reality.

The pokemon thing in itself is certainly a fad, and just a precursor to other things to come. However, the question that I haven't seen addressed so far is the worrying facility with which one automatically succumbs to a fad, without apparently considering the active decision not to follow it.
[quote author= mkrnhr]I predict that in a few years there would be "apps" to redecorate your room for example in a more immersive fashion. Would people live in their real room or in a simulated room? That looks like a matrix within a matrix, more disconnection from reality.[/quote]

Not just simulated rooms but I get it. Augmented reality can turn real-life into a fantasy world. It's not just on your phone. It can be done through 'Google glass', high-tech contact lenses or other means.

People can literally life their dreams, you can choose what kind of imagination theme you want to experience and augmented reality offers a infinity set of options. How to better distract people from reality than to offer them another :(
bjorn said:
[quote author= mkrnhr]I predict that in a few years there would be "apps" to redecorate your room for example in a more immersive fashion. Would people live in their real room or in a simulated room? That looks like a matrix within a matrix, more disconnection from reality.

Not just simulated rooms but I get it. Augmented reality can turn real-life into a fantasy world. It's not just on your phone. It can be done through 'Google glass', high-tech contact lenses or other means.

People can literally life their dreams, you can choose what kind of imagination theme you want to experience and augmented reality offers a infinity set of options. How to better distract people from reality than to offer them another :(

yes, the alternate reality room was just an example. The whole environment can be turned into a fake world, and people will love it.
Gawan said:
.To me it also seems if two different realties are created or kind of a split reality for some people.

You think that there might be some 411 missing in the possible future?

Or the ability of this game that promotes daydreaming given the current session. There are many sessions that connect so many dots of where is going, and what this activity would or could possibly facilitate.

Just Saying...... :whistle:

Published on Jul 6, 2016

Now's your chance to discover and capture the Pokémon all around you—so put your shoes on, step outside, and explore the world (illusion) with Pokémon GO.

Are you playing yet?!? Pokemon GO creatures are all over the Richmond District
Posted on July 12, 2016 by Sarah B

The app is free for both iPhone and Android, and there are in-app purchases for things like “lures” which you can drop at a location to entice other gamers to come visit a particular location.

Speaking of gamers, you’re sure to notice even more people than usual walking heads down, staring at their phones. The game gets big points from us for actually encouraging people to GET OUTSIDE AND WALK AROUND, but as the SFPD has already warned, watch where you’re going!

And if you’re REALLY getting into it, you might want to join up with the 4,500 people who are planning to hunt Pokemon en masse on Wednesday.

Curbed San Fransisco CA.
Pokémon GO has taken over the city (and beyond) since its release last week.
The mobile game by San Francisco's own Niantic Labs
(an offshoot of Google, in cooperation with Nintendo and the Pokémon Company) brings the 20-year-old game franchise's enduring concept of capturing adorable monsters into the real world, so to speak, with a camera app that allows players to spot and catch Pokémon on the city streets around them.

(Which, yes has led to a few injuries. Please catch responsibly.)

augmented reality
game (for iOS and Android) encourages urban exploration, as new critters pop up in different neighborhoods. Other than a few obvious trends, such as aquatic Pokemon's proclivity for water, fans are still debating how territorial the virtual varmints actually are.

But if you just plain can't find the perfect mon for your pokécollection, checking the block where at least one other lucky local trainer found what you're looking for couldn't hurt. Here are 99 reported catches from tipsters and social media users over the weekend.

Have you nabbed something not yet on our list? Tell us what and where, and we'll add it. (But pics or it never happened.)

Pokémon Go shows that Nintendo's franchises are way bigger than its
hardware [The Verge]

Niantic, Inc.
Founder John Hanke


John Hanke is an entrepreneur. He currently runs Niantic Labs, a company which explores experimental mobile, social, and local applications such as Ingress and 'Pokémon Go'. Prior to joining Google, Hanke founded and was CEO at Keyhole, Inc.. Google acquired Keyhole in 2004, at which point Keyhole's flagship product was renamed to Google Earth.[1] After Keyhole's acquisition,
Hanke spent several years as Vice President of Product Management for Google's "Geo" division (Google Earth, Google Maps, Local, StreetView, SketchUp, and Panoramio).

Hanke grew up in Cross Plains, Texas. He received his bachelor's degree (Plan II Honors) from the University of Texas, Austin. While a student at UT he chaired the Distinguished Speakers Committee and brought speakers Jeane Kirkpatrick, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Dith Pran, and others to lecture on campus. He received his MBA from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley in 1996. Prior to business school, he worked in foreign affairs for the US Government in Washington, DC, and Myanmar. Upon Graduation, he subsequently helped start two successful entertainment software companies, Archetype Interactive and Big Network[citation needed]. John Hanke also worked on one of the early MMOs called Meridian 59.[1]
Meridian 59


a great circle of the earth passing through the poles and any given point on the earth's surface.
the half of such a circle included between the poles.
Astronomy. the great circle of the celestial sphere that passes through its poles and the observer's zenith.
a point or period of highest development, greatest prosperity, or the like.
(in acupuncture) any of the pathways in the body along which vital energy flows.
It sure is kinda crazy. Did you hear about the story of a guy playing the game while his wife was giving birth? Sad... _http://mashable.com/2016/07/08/man-catches-pokemon-during-childbirth/#4u5f6Op4gSqj

I'm guessing that after some time its popularity will fade, but something else will most probably take its place.
Lilou said:
For those who perhaps missed it, I suggest reading this article on SOTT regarding the privacy notice of this "game". https://www.sott.net/article/322074-The-Pokemon-Go-app-is-doing-the-CIAs-dirty-work

I do not follow the English version SOTT (obviously I should). This is what I wanted to draw attention. Since it is covered, I return to my favorite way of thinking and speculation about energy.

Games are virtual, but they play an actual physical people, with their real emotions and energy.

Almost 20 years follow the influence of video games in my family (brother, mother, my children).
"Running away" from reality, or in other words, every free moment (when you do what is most necessary for life, or what the environment demands to be made) is dedicated to the video game.
Attention is drawn to the maximum with the virtual reality environment. The creation of zombies (physical manifestation) is not new, it lasts for years, are now only "released on the street" and we need to ask why.
As every coin has two stops, so from this can be drawn both good and bad. Good side is, perhaps, what all these players, boredom themselves, with their display and headphones, meet physically on the streets and trying to communicate (so do not cram the phone in your pocket and avoid face your mirror).

There is also an emotional appearance.
All games are more - less some form of struggle and conflict. Would be the winner. There are tasks to be done at all costs and so on. After all these procedures are some thoughts (intentions) and the consequent emotions. The intention is that a defeat/kill, individually or entire peoples, anger, a sense of inferiority if one fails, the fear of loss/die and so on.
My mother, who is a lifetime spent in contact with nature and animals, which deeply respects life, in the virtual world is the real Terminator, a killing machine.
But her intentions and emotions are not in the virtual world, they radiate right here and now.
Imagine now thousands and thousands of people around the world to emit, kill, destroy, defeat....

Is it a coincidence that the last 20 years has increased violence and aggression, reduced empathy and compassion? Is it possible that this has nothing to do with each other?

We all carry within us "little Hitler" and if there is outside help (resonance vibration) that "little Hitler" becomes more powerful and requires more attention and involvement to be tame.

Imagine now that you are a being that feeds on a specific energy. Imagine that this is the kind of energy behind: fear, anger, hatred, aggression, depression....
From an economic point of view it is more cost-effective;

1. Physical confront beings, cause the necessary emotions, and therefore desirable energy (wars, or other aggression, mental and physical). But it results in physical destruction and reduction of herds.

2. Virtual cause desirable energy, a herd remains whole. "The wolf is fed and the goat remained whole."
I went out to pick up some supplies in town, and in the twenty minutes I was there I estimate that one fifth of the people walking around were engaged in this Pokemon thing.

That's a lot of people!

Sure, it was a quiet Sunday afternoon, so one would expect a higher percentage of folks to be out following leisure pursuits. But still.., the number surprised me. These kinds of news stories I find I treat as reports from "out there" in the rest of the world. It's different when it's walking around you in the flesh.

There's a particular way of using a smart phone that stands out from "normal". The user is following a constantly updating map that they can't look away from for long. They look at reality, compare with the digital overlay version, and repeat. It results in a recognizable pattern which makes them stand out from other pedestrians.

It feels weird! -All those people, not knowing each other, but all collectively engaged in a networked activity.., responding together to stimuli nobody but other players are aware of? It's not like other famous fads, like the hoola-hoop or those fold-up scooters, or a popular hair style. -Even people who are not involved with those things could see and parse the same environmental signals.

I suppose... Walkmans created a kind of invisible dissociation field; but even a non-user knew what was going on. Music or talk radio. Or books on tape. Some kind of personal interaction with media. -But seeing schools of people react to invisible stimuli is a different thing. -I suspect it must serve to activate a kind of low-level survival instinct anxiety in those not plugged in. "Wolves? Where?"

Anyway, it felt vaguely like I was in one of those Body Snatcher films. Surreal. I'm glad it was only 1/5th of the pedestrian traffic!

A few of them seemed a little self conscious. -One guy struck me as perhaps being in that predicament of wanting to show support to a partner who was deeply involved, but really would have rather been doing something else.

Well, I hope this fad settles down after everybody who is going to exhausts their curiosity. It's unnerving to be around.
Kika said:
Games are virtual, but they play an actual physical people, with their real emotions and energy.

Almost 20 years follow the influence of video games in my family (brother, mother, my children).
"Running away" from reality, or in other words, every free moment (when you do what is most necessary for life, or what the environment demands to be made) is dedicated to the video game.
Attention is drawn to the maximum with the virtual reality environment. The creation of zombies (physical manifestation) is not new, it lasts for years, are now only "released on the street" and we need to ask why.

That's a good observation.
mkrnhr said:
From yesterday's session:

A: Those who live in dreams give off the STS signature and allow anchoring of 4D negative energies.

The pokemon Go social phenomenon is a symptom of a larger problem. As if the zombie phenomenon of people attached all day long to their phones was not enough, this is just a step further toward a more digitized reality. From a certain point of view, it looks funny to have to chase little robots or whatever these pokemon are through augmented reality, but augmented reality (or altered reality) will not stop there. I predict that in a few years there would be "apps" to redecorate your room for example in a more immersive fashion. Would people live in their real room or in a simulated room? That looks like a matrix within a matrix, more disconnection from reality.

The pokemon thing in itself is certainly a fad, and just a precursor to other things to come. However, the question that I haven't seen addressed so far is the worrying facility with which one automatically succumbs to a fad, without apparently considering the active decision not to follow it.

Pokémon Go Crashes After Hacker Attack, Sending Millions Into PokéPanic
Jul 17, 2016 11:10 am
Pokémon Go players had to go back to interacting with a Pokémon-free world for several hours Saturday after hackers took the mega-popular game out of commission. As ABC 7 reports, this all happened the same day that the game launched in 26 new countries, and the hack occurred shortly after this launch. The attack caused the game to freeze, or prevented players from accessing it altogether.
KEEM Verified account
Breaking @PoodleCorp sets plans to DDOS #PokemonGO Lizard Squad Flashbacks #DramaAlert

A group identifying itself as PoodleCorp took credit for the distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attack and warned that a bigger attack was on its way. The UK Independent reports that PoodleCorp tweeted about the attack, and a user claiming to be a leader of the group said "Just was a lil test, we will do something on a larger scale soon."

The game has now been downloaded over 10 million times across the US and Europe, making it one of the most popular games ever created despite only having launched 10 days ago.

Blue color links within the article:
I wondered about the draw if this game too, and maybe it's the fact so many are already disconnected - from our environment, from others and ourselves, from a higher spiritual connection / purpose too. Something like this comes along and because so many yearn for real connection, but are switched off and can't feel it, don't know it's possible, where look or how, get hooked by the most engaging substitute for them at the time. They might feel like they have a sense of greater agency in their environment, roaming outside and accomplishing "feats" but it's not real, this environment is manufactured. They might feel like they have a stronger bond with more people, a feeling of a shared experience, a community that cares and regards them, but this community is designed to fracture as quickly as it came together, till the next substitute. They might feel like they gain a sense of mastery, and can marvel at their inventory of defeated monsters, but their personal demons wouldn't be any weaker, if not stronger. It's literally a program developed by others, a prescribed way to behave with little opportunity to find authenticity and connection. The result is likely to drive more away from a greater purpose to life. But in the end the further we roam from reality the harder it shakes us, at least that's how it's been for me. I'm no stranger to seeking substitutes for real connection either, I actually get it but I also get that it leads no where too.
Well, this one interesting topic! Without taking away from any of the perspectives and comments already expressed. I just have to say I think this is probably not just a game but one more tool of psychological manipulation that passes for an innocuous leisure time distraction and means of dissociation.

The SOTT article mentioned by Lilou and the video mentioned by c.a.

https://youtu.be/8lGZIrpZKio were enough for me to decide how I view the phenomena.

To end on a bittersweet note if we haven't thought about Greenbaum maybe we should reconsider:

Session 22 July 2012
A: If you are animal by nature, or simply addicted to getting your
energy from others, that is merely the ultimate expression of same.
Q: (L) Charming. (Andromeda) Eating somebody's face?! (L) Well…
Ugh... Okay, what about this crazy shooting? Now the weird thing
about this shooting is that it happened in Aurora, Colorado. It was at
a movie about Batman, and part of the title of the movie was the
word "Knight". It was committed by somebody getting their PhD in
neuroscience. So four of those items have direct relations to things
that are close to our work. So, it got our attention. Perhaps it was
just to get our attention to get a question about it, but it just really is
totally and completely weird.
A: We believe we have already mentioned "Greenbaum
programming"? Yes? {Which is, essentially MKUltra.}

Q: (L) Yeah. (Belibaste) So the coincidences are just coincidences, or
there's something more? (L) So, are those elements coincidence?
A: A sign for all! Joy is coming!
I used to play some of the earlier pokemon games when I was younger. I've even played an online version of it for a few days during relapses earlier this year. I end up quitting for the same reason I quit competitive online games so fast - because I stop enjoying myself very quickly when I lose too much. Electronic gaming is not something I can do moderately, since it activates too many programs related to boredom, isolation, and aggression. I will be staying out of this fray.

In general terms it's sad to see so many people being taken by this game and dissociating while outside, including friends and family members. On a more personal note it's aggravating to have to open social media and see a full 20% of the posts be about pokemon, talking about pokemon, making fun of people playing pokemon, et cetera. It's like an alcoholic in remission having to read posts about how wonderful all these new microbreweries in the neighborhood are.

From the recent C session July 16 2016:

A: Such [work- and aim-sabotaging] energies stalk like hungry wolves looking for a way in.

Q: (Pierre) And they found a way in.

(L) Okay, what is our particular weakness?

A: Those who live in dreams give off the STS signature and allow anchoring of 4D negative energies.

Q: (L) Well, I suppose we know that "living in dreams" is dissociating... Is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) It's not just dissociating. "Living in dreams" would also be believing in lies, not taking stock of the facts, and preferring instead an imaginary world.

A: Yes


A: Wishful thinking loses.

This also ties into how certain types of media we consume can be harmful to us, including movies, music, even probably pathological artwork. Also, from April 9 2016:

A: Cosmic changes in process. Each person experiences this differently according to genetics and environment. Recall previous sufferings preparatory to DNA boosts? All must keep vigilant about diet and psychic hygiene during this time as there are also external factors that seek to block the natural process.

Q: (L) Does this have anything to do with our super-moon dance?

A: Indeed. And recall that the universe is about balance. After each period of suffering there is always joy.

Q: (Burma Jones) What do they mean by “psychic hygiene”?

A: Being careful about what you allow into your ”field”.

Q: (L) In what sense?

A: All senses.

Q: (L) What do you mean “all senses”?

A: Seeing, hearing, speaking, and so on

[Ark describes a vehicular encounter with a negative driver]

A: We have more in mind. Take care with interacting with negative energies.

Q: (L) Well that’s kinda like creating your own reality, isn’t it?

A: Not what we mean… Keep your guard up and do not allow negative energies to slip by… such as believing lies… listening to negative music while thinking it is positive…watching negative movies and thinking it is negligible. It is extremely important to not lie to the self. One can listen or watch many things as long as the truth of the orientation is known, acknowledged, and understood. Clear?

For those who may rely on the italicized portion of the above quote to justify dissociative behavior, I wish to bring up a quote from Gurdjieff:
If you already know what is wrong and do it, you commit a sin that is difficult to redress.

(in retrospect this was a way longer post than I intended to make, but FWIW that's just how I feel.)
[quote author= whitecoast]It's like an alcoholic in remission having to read posts about how wonderful all these new microbreweries in the neighborhood are.[/quote]

This world already feels like a permanent graveyard shift. Seeing masses of people glued to their phone chasing imaginary creatures ain't helping.

Since my phone is a potato I suppose I will have less common things to talk about with people in the future. Since augmented reality is the new reality. But whatever, having the title of pokemonmaster myself I got nothing to proof to all those noobs anyhow.

Whenever I find more Pokemon video madness I share it here. I think it's fitting with the world going to hell and all that.
bjorn said:
[quote author= whitecoast]It's like an alcoholic in remission having to read posts about how wonderful all these new microbreweries in the neighborhood are.

This world already feels like a permanent graveyard shift. Seeing masses of people glued to their phone chasing imaginary creatures ain't helping.

Since my phone is a potato I suppose I will have less common things to talk about with people in the future. Since augmented reality is the new reality. But whatever, having the title of pokemonmaster myself I got nothing to proof to all those noobs anyhow.

Whenever I find more Pokemon video madness I share it here. I think it's fitting with the world going to hell and all that.


"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"


Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Military intelligence analysts face the monumental and escalating task of analyzing massive volumes of complex data from multiple, diverse sources such as physical sensors, human contacts and contextual databases. These analysts consume and process information from all available sources to provide mission-relevant, timely insights to commanders. To enhance this largely manual process, analysts require more effective and efficient means to receive, correlate, analyze, report and share intelligence.

Military intelligence analysts face the monumental and escalating task of analyzing massive volumes of complex data from multiple, diverse sources such as physical sensors, human contacts and contextual databases. These analysts consume and process information from all available sources to provide mission-relevant, timely insights to commanders. To enhance this largely manual process, analysts require more effective and efficient means to receive, correlate, analyze, report and share intelligence.

DARPA initiated the Insight program to address the need for new tools and automation to enhance analyst capabilities and performance. Insight aims to create an adaptable, integrated system for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) information to augment intelligence analysts’ support of time-sensitive operations on the battlefield.

The system would receive, index and store incoming data from multiple sources. It would then analyze and correlate that information, and request and share other relevant information with analysts and data providers. Insight's automated backend processing capabilities would include behavioral learning and prediction algorithms to help analysts discover and identify potential threats and explore hypotheses about those threats’ potential activities.

The program envisions numerous benefits, including:

An integrated system that operates across intelligence systems
Optimized automation of lower-level analytical tasks that frees analysts to focus on more sophisticated information collection and analysis
Mission- and sensor-agnostic capabilities across dynamically changing missions and theaters of operation
An open, standards-based, plug-and-play architecture that enables rapid integration of existing and nascent ISR technologies and sources
Tools and automation to increase analyst efficiency and effectiveness
An intuitive, multi-user interface that would enhance understanding, collaboration and timely decision-making

The program is developing these capabilities and technologies in the context of realistic operational scenarios both in physical test environments with live sensors and training units, and in virtual test environments with simulated sensors, information sources and models of operational scenarios. In addition, the program has established a repository of collected, simulated and processed data generated from both physical and virtual tests. The repository’s multi-modality, high-fidelity data sets provide an unparalleled resource for hundreds of ISR researchers across government, industry and academia.

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