Political Ponerology - New Edition (Now Available!)

Looks like it was only removed on Germany and Netherlands. Here are the Amazon links for each country: US, UK, FR, ES, IT, PL, SE, JP, CA, AU. (And DE, NL.)

Amazon in the Netherlands isn't really Dutch, there aren't any warehouses for example (all in Germany). Which is why I think it has been removed from the Dutch amazon as well.
So I checked bol.com (largest online retailer in the Netherlands). The book is still available and also sold by a reseller. However no bookcover is shown (also on the reselling website, no bookcover). The 2nd edition does have a bookcover though...
Amazon in the Netherlands isn't really Dutch, there aren't any warehouses for example (all in Germany). Which is why I think it has been removed from the Dutch amazon as well.
So I checked bol.com (largest online retailer in the Netherlands). The book is still available and also sold by a reseller. However no bookcover is shown (also on the reselling website, no bookcover). The 2nd edition does have a bookcover though...

Yes. On top of that I suspect that the dutchman have probably a similar rule against displaying that symbol, although probably not as strictly applied as in germany. Same could be true for Austria.
Yes. On top of that I suspect that the dutchman have probably a similar rule against displaying that symbol, although probably not as strictly applied as in germany. Same could be true for Austria.
OK, I did some more research on this.

In 1995 the Supreme Court states: "No symbol (even the swastika) is on itself not prosecutable. When used (the symbol) a national-socialistic ideology has to be conveyed."

In 2017 they tried to convict a guy from Pegida who wore a t-shirt at a demo with the swastika in a garbarge can. The mayor had issued a ban on all symbols (IS flags as well) and of course he was arrested.

When he arrived at the court wearing the same shirt, he was escorted out again. In the end though, prosecution wrote to him "that wearing a symbol while not supporting nationalistic socialism, did not fall under the discrimination law". His trial has been indefinitely suspended

Also on militaria fairs, Nazi items are legally being sold and bought. In 2021 there was a scandal not because of the swastika (yet controversial), but about a worn star of david with personal details about the wearer. After this got out, the organizer banned these kind of personal items. In contrary to German fairs where everything has to be covered up (as far as I am aware of).

So basically it is not outlawed to use the swastika as a symbol. So back to the absent bookcover image, there are a couple of options left (IMO):
1. it takes too much effort (money) to add the cover,
2. it might be a preventative measure, so nobody in advance can complain about it
3. no image means a worse algorithm so only specific search terms will find the book
4. some copywright issues with the owner of the bookcover
Harrison has a recent Substack article titled:

Psychopathy at Nuremberg​

If not read, people may find this really interesting, especially as it introduces (aside from Lobaczewski) Gustave M. Gilbert, who wrote The Psychology of Dictatorship and directly studied Hermann Göring by interviews and notes. Another psychiatrist mentioned in the article was Douglas M. Kelley.

In a later book read by David Irving titled Göring A Biography, Kelley seemed to have also been a go-between - between Göring and his family, taking and bringing letters while at Nuremberg (which are reproduced). Irving also cites Kelley "Dr. Douglas M. Kelley, the junior prison psychiatrist" dotting on Göring, as with some of Hermann's American spellbinded, or they were something else, such as Lieutenant Jack G. Wheelis (who may have provided Göring with his fatale dose - Wheelis died in 1954), or it was Dr. Ludwig Pflücker, or both or neither.

Of Kelley in the citations:
Kelley: As a result of petty jealousies that arose between Kelley and his superior officer, Gustave M. Gilbert, Kelley left Nuremberg “under a cloud,” and published a book based on Gilbert’s consultation notes, Cells in Nuremberg. The author has relied on Gilbert’s original notes (in the R. H. Jackson Papers)

So, Kelley looked to have been doing some note plagiarizing on the side to create his book (that is from just this citation so do not know, however if there was a "cloud" there was a cloud).

As for the four above (Gilbert, Kelley, Wheelis and Pflücker) primarily at Nuremberg, Irvine via Gilbert makes some observations that had not been read before or were contained in the Psychology of Dictatorship, so this was interesting in light of the article by Harrison.

Pg. 715
After Ley’s suicide, Andrus redoubled the security precautions. Göring was repeatedly strip-searched, his private effects were picked through zealously, and he was often moved without warning to a different cell. Asked by Andrus to report, the new psychiatrist Dr. Gustave M. Gilbert assured the commandant that Göring was a very low suicide risk. At 138, Göring’s I.Q. was inferior only to Hjalmar Schacht’s (143) and Arthur SeyssInquart’s (141). In fact, Göring’s morale was so high that he was likely to prove their most troublesome defendant. When Gilbert remarked that the German public now openly regretted that the attempt on Hitler’s life had failed, Göring roared at him. “Never mind what the people say now! I know what they said before! I know how they cheered when the going was good.”

In the trial, Göring is basically the number one Nazi left, and he has an big audience (least the German people who were not in a good way). During sentencing, with exception of a few top brass, Göring had it in for many who were betrayers (many were pathocrats saving their own skin), he would say, such as Hjalmar Schacht (who he never liked) - Schacht walked away and years later started a new bank, go figure. The Russians were not pleased, but the British seemed to be okay with it.

Pg. 736
Die, yes - but not by the hangman’s hand. Göring let it be known to Jackson that if guaranteed a firing squad he would give the prosecution some real dirt on Schacht.
Pg. 750
Not a flicker of emotion had crossed Göring’s brow. But when Biddle now announced Schacht’s acquittal, he slammed down his earphones in disgust.

From Citations:

Schacht, Hjalmar:
Account Settled (London, 1948)
-------------: Memoirs published in Revue (Munich, No. 45, 1953)
-------------: 76 Jahre meines Lebens (Bad Wörishofen, 1953)
-------------: Wie eine Demokratie stirbt (1968)

Note: While the lens is easy to look at Göring and so many others, there are indeed the pathocrats who may fly under the radar, such as a Schacht - these are the underbelly builders, not unlike some at the WEF or within banking concerns or other captains of industry. Many such as Schacht are discussed in books on I.G. Farben or arms merchants going back centuries. They are in the background, and they may not string wires in the camps or directly produce vaccines, yet they make them possible and help create the conditions for their use.

The actions of [pathocracy] affect an entire society, starting with the leaders and infiltrating every town, business, and institution. The pathological social structure gradually covers the entire country creating a "new class" within that nation. This privileged class [of pathocrats] feels permanently threatened by the "others", i.e. by the majority of normal people. Neither do the pathocrats entertain any illusions about their personal fate should there be a return to the system of normal man.
- Andrew M. Lobaczewski

See also Hermann Goering, amiable psychopath by Gilbert


With a good deal of new material the author of Nuremberg Diary tells the life history of the number 2 Nazi, showing consistency from early childhood in the development of Goering's peculiar psychopathy. Constitution played its part in his abilities and sadistic, aggressive leadership, but lack of feeling for others was due in part to the cold Prussian home life. Fed on Teutonic legend and Junker militarism, he believed deeply in loyalty to the Kaiser, military chivalry, military aristocracy, and German superiority. Peaceful or democratic people were repulsive to him. Never able to take punishment or to benefit from disapproval, he was completely self-centered. The Nazi party provided opportunity for military power, loyalty to an absolute Führer, sadistic excitement, revenge against enemies, and unlimited financial gain. He was shocked to realize that other Nazis were so unchivalrous as to wipe out populations of women and children. (He overlooked the similar effects of his Luftwaffe raids.) When rebuffed, he early learned to escape in phantasy, illness, or drug addiction. Play acting as an amiable nobleman served his phantasy needs. At Nuremberg he gave a fine performance, but the final indignities spoiled his heroic pose. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved)
I got a copy of the new edition for Xmas and started reading it yesterday after seeing JP’s tweet quoting the book.

I just wanted to say @Approaching Infinity that your introduction is absolutely wonderful. It really fleshes out many aspects of the origins of the book and of Lobaczewski’s experiences that weren’t covered in detail in original, though I appreciate that such an introduction could only come as the result of a further 15 years of study and hard work on your part.

It reads beautifully and brought a tear to my eye by the end of it. Thank you SO MUCH for everything you do and have done, for taking the baton of the field of ponerology and running with it. Anyone and everyone who benefits from the knowledge gained from reading the book will be forever indebted to you.
The printed book has a typo on page 273.
taken care of by the secret police with their sophisticated system of degrading terror.3 as objects of appropriately organized harassment campaigns.


The only piece of the puzzle that Lobaczewski was missing regarding psychopaths was the 4D influence/manipulation of them, which is normal due to that hiperdimensional reality is hard if not almost impossible to prove in scientific terms, at least with known methods.
I wonder if the book might have been different had there been a knowledge of 4D STS using psychopaths. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me that psychopaths are of below average intelligence and yet they keep coming into power and keep staying in power. It makes more sense to me that psychopaths ruin everything quickly due to their below average intelligence, so that as an example they wouldn't have been able to maintain the Soviet Union for 70 years. On the other hand, it makes a lot of sense that 4D STS direct short-sighted psychopaths and simply discard psychopaths who no longer are useful to 4D STS. It makes more sense to me that below average intelligence psychopaths know which books to remove from the libraries because 4D STS gives them a list.
The printed book has a typo on page 273.


I wonder if the book might have been different had there been a knowledge of 4D STS using psychopaths. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me that psychopaths are of below average intelligence and yet they keep coming into power and keep staying in power. It makes more sense to me that psychopaths ruin everything quickly due to their below average intelligence, so that as an example they wouldn't have been able to maintain the Soviet Union for 70 years. On the other hand, it makes a lot of sense that 4D STS direct short-sighted psychopaths and simply discard psychopaths who no longer are useful to 4D STS. It makes more sense to me that below average intelligence psychopaths know which books to remove from the libraries because 4D STS gives them a list.

Well, first of all, regardless of whether there are hyperdimentional overlords pulling the psychopaths’ strings, no pathocracy lasts forever. There are always psychopaths, but individual pathocracies rise and fall.

Secondly, if a primary ponerogenic union (a pathological group started by a psychopath) try to get into power, the society of normal people identify their ‘different’ and ‘sick’ worldview and ideology and they don’t get into power. It’s the secondary ponerogenic union that becomes a full-blown, long-lasting pathocracy, because the psychopath who comes into power does so in a system that is masked by an ostensibly virtuous ideology, which was created by more intelligent pathological types like shizoids and characteropaths. These pathocracies already have enough competent people running the important, day-to-day aspects of society, but the culture is weakened enough due to its downward trajectory on the hysteroidal cycle for people to not understand what is happening.

So in that case, the pathocracy does develop, and lasts. But again, it eventually fails.
Well, first of all, regardless of whether there are hyperdimentional overlords pulling the psychopaths’ strings, no pathocracy lasts forever. There are always psychopaths, but individual pathocracies rise and fall.

Secondly, if a primary ponerogenic union (a pathological group started by a psychopath) try to get into power, the society of normal people identify their ‘different’ and ‘sick’ worldview and ideology and they don’t get into power. It’s the secondary ponerogenic union that becomes a full-blown, long-lasting pathocracy, because the psychopath who comes into power does so in a system that is masked by an ostensibly virtuous ideology, which was created by more intelligent pathological types like shizoids and characteropaths. These pathocracies already have enough competent people running the important, day-to-day aspects of society, but the culture is weakened enough due to its downward trajectory on the hysteroidal cycle for people to not understand what is happening.

So in that case, the pathocracy does develop, and lasts. But again, it eventually fails.
It's a nice story on its own. But combine it with something like None Dare Call It Conspiracy, and it is easier to see how it is not merely natural and spontaneous, but something planned and long term and transnational, something beyond the abilities of below average intelligence psychopaths.

4D STS probably thinks they have 100% odds of success instead of 99.9999%.
It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me that psychopaths are of below average intelligence and yet they keep coming into power and keep staying in power.
On average just means on average. There are still intelligent psychopaths. Just as, while men are taller than women on average, there are still tall women. Think of it like two overlapping bell curves:


Also, intelligence doesn't always correlate with success. Lobaczewski has a word for this: "upward socio-occupational adjustment." That's when incompetent people "fail upward."
Lobaczewski made the mistake of casting his lot with monotheism, and separating science from religion, as if the problem was a purely human problem and not a transdensity problem.
He was a religious man, who wrote a scientific book on evil. He was open to theological realities and explanations, but left them to experts in those fields to elucidate and make the connections with ponerology. As for monotheism:
A: ... And, remember, there is only one "God," and that the creator includes all that is created and vice versa!
Q: (L) Is there only one ultimate creator of the universe

A: All is one. And one is all.
Lobaczewski doesn't delve deeply into his religious beliefs, but the things he does write are at least compatible with the Cs' conception of cosmic monotheism.
I wonder if the book might have been different had there been a knowledge of 4D STS using psychopaths. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me that psychopaths are of below average intelligence and yet they keep coming into power and keep staying in power. It makes more sense to me that psychopaths ruin everything quickly due to their below average intelligence, so that as an example they wouldn't have been able to maintain the Soviet Union for 70 years. On the other hand, it makes a lot of sense that 4D STS direct short-sighted psychopaths and simply discard psychopaths who no longer are useful to 4D STS. It makes more sense to me that below average intelligence psychopaths know which books to remove from the libraries because 4D STS gives them a list.
combine it with something like None Dare Call It Conspiracy, and it is easier to see how it is not merely natural and spontaneous, but something planned and long term and transnational, something beyond the abilities of below average intelligence psychopaths.
(L) I think what happens is that there are just OPs and they get utilized, they get downloaded. Is that it? I mean, when we're thinking about really negative individuals on earth, are we talking about basically OPs that get downloaded by 4D STS, which can't go any higher than 4D?

A: Yes
This is the missing piece, isn't it? 4D STS direct download into psychopaths and other OPs. Otherwise, psychopaths are not smart enough to know which books to remove from the libraries and carry out long term, transnational plans.
I was thinking I should amend my previous statements. This book is vital and necessary in explaining the corruption of groups and the rise to power of psychopaths across all countries. The frontiers of the book which need further exploration are questions such as how 4D STS uses psychopaths and what is the role to normal people who intentionally choose evil such as whether they are interchangeable with psychopaths or have a different role.
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