Posture and energy

Oh yes, I know that feeling very well. I was VERY shy as a child and sometimes it seems like I still am at times. Even though I don't have to be. And I'm sure that I then also strike a crooked pose and supposedly "protect" myself.
But if you manage to overcome your inner bastard and consciously adopt a different pose and open up, then the people around you will also change and be more open. It's not always easy and requires effort, especially when there are more people around who already have this presence, but it is possible.

I think it happens in our heads that we make ourselves small even though it's not necessary. Because each of us has something inside ourselves that makes us special. Our essence. But sometimes it is the comparison with others or simply "a bad day" to make us forget about it.

Either way, it definitely helps to be aware of your own posture to make us feel better and this is definitely easier on some days than others. It helps to be aware of the things you have experienced and achieved in life. These thoughts combined with the exercises you described or generally doing sport, dancing or simply going for a walk and becoming aware of your posture can be very helpful.
T'ai Chi Ch'uan is one of the best exercises for standing with and realigning a straight back that I have ever found. fwiw
T'ai Chi Ch'uan is one of the best exercises for standing with and realigning a straight back that I have ever found. fwiw
Yes very much agree in qigong working on spinal alignment is crucial to well being and and energy flow
Movement is initiated around the lower dan tien (center of gravity), with the torso and limbs extensions of this point. Moving from the dan tien maximizes the power of any physical activity with less likelihood of injury. More muscles relax when movement is from the dan tien, requiring less effort. Qigong movement is slow and rhythmical, with the joints and tendons loose. To be completely relaxed in physical terms is to be soft in practice. Slow, rhythmical movements are one way to keep a relaxed state.

Alignment of the spine is most important, as if the head and neck are pulled upward by a string. The spine is the central pillar of balance for the entire torso and head. Stairway to Heaven is the qigong metaphor for the spine.

The truth is that most modern humans have bad posture and thus bad alignment. And it’s not just the older folks. The younger generation has bad posture too, largely because of cell phones. There’s even a condition now called “Text Neck”. You can guess what that looks like!

If qigong could only be practiced by people with perfect alignment, then none of us would qualify, myself included.

But so far through disciplined daily practice I have personnally gained much benefite and improved alignment of my spine !

Teachers who admonish against bad alignment aren’t wrong about the negative effects. Poor posture and poor alignment definitely block the flow of qi.I am sure any good chiropractor would agree.

Start where you are, and work with what you have. Whatever hand you’ve been dealt, qigong /tai chi ,alexander technique etc will significantly improve it.
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