About three weeks ago, I paid $30 for a package of two fairly large rib-eyes at Safeway. Each steak did me for two meals, and they were AAA beef, top grade. So, it works out to $7.50 per meal. Most burger outlets charge about the same, maybe even more, for a decent sized burger (eg Quarter Pounder or Papa Burger).I just paid $35 for two decent ribeye steaks. Steaks, not roasts. And I thought a four pack for $19 last year was getting pricey! Carry on…
So comparatively speaking, not a bad deal for a top grade piece of beef. It's been a loong time since I paid $19 fir a four pack of rib-eyes. In fact, I can't ever remember paying that little. But this is Canada, and everything tends to be more expensive here than stateside.