Prayers for my mother

My mom had a massive heart attack last year and it was a very scary time. Glad your mom is in stable condition. I don’t know how I would go about telling her about her hand. That’s kind of a kick in the teeth, to have a stroke and then lose your hand on top of it. That’s awful. Praying for you all.
It is awful. She knows now. But they pretty much told her and she refused the surgery then hour and a half later they did the surgery. My concern was why couldn't they at least hold off a little longer and let a psychologist at least talk to her. GRRRRR I think they need more people to just talk to those who are going through such things.
@Arreis13 you are in my prayers.

Every moment becomes important near her. You have this opportunity to be with your mother. With kindness and gentleness in mind, the words will come to you as you go along to talk to her about her health. It is better to tell her the truth with confidence than wait.

You can see yourself as a messenger who brings an important message that the other person needs to know. Although there will be a reaction, stay present by touching her, looking at her, and not arguing what she will say in her reaction. She will need to be listened to or have a "quiet" presence after hearing the details of her heart health and her hand.

Check to see if she has any other questions and if you don't have the answer to those questions, you reassure her and tell her that you will ask the doctor.

Ask her if she needs anything that might make her feel better. Sometimes we are surprised to hear the answer. Without asking for an explanation, you bring it to her if it is possible. We don't always know what's behind a spontaneous response.

Trust yourself. We are with you and the DCM.
Thank you. I appreciate you. 🤗🤗
Arreis, j'avais très peur de la réaction de votre Maman, quelle sera son sentiment quand elle sera devant le fait accompli...
J'ai beaucoup pensé à votre Maman...
Ma Maman suite à son cancer a dû subir un anus artificiel sans qu'elle ait été prévenue, je me souviens de sa terreur et de sa colère qui lui donnaient des envies de meurtres sur le chirurgien... Beaucoup plus tard son anus a été remis à sa place mais elle lui en voulait toujours...
C'était une horreur à vivre pour Elle alors j'imagine votre Maman sans sa main (droite ou gauche, quelle était sa main conductrice ?)..
Vous êtes toutes les deux dans mes pensées et prières, je vous embrasse toutes les deux...
Que le Divin Esprit Cosmique étende sa main sur Vous Deux...

Arreis, I was very afraid of your Mom's reaction, how she will feel when she is faced with a fait accompli...
I thought a lot about your Mom...
My Mom had to undergo an artificial anus without being informed, I remember her terror and anger that made her want to kill the surgeon... Much later her anus was put back in its place but she still resented it...
It was a horror to live for her so I imagine your Mom without her hand (right or left, which was her driving hand?).
You are both in my thoughts and prayers, I kiss you both...
May the Divine Cosmic Spirit extend his hand on you both...

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Arreis, j'avais très peur de la réaction de votre Maman, quelle sera son sentiment quand elle sera devant le fait accompli...
J'ai beaucoup pensé à votre Maman...
Ma Maman suite à son cancer a dû subir un anus artificiel sans qu'elle ait été prévenue, je me souviens de sa terreur et de sa colère qui lui donnaient des envies de meurtres sur le chirurgien... Beaucoup plus tard son anus a été remis à sa place mais elle lui en voulait toujours...
C'était une horreur à vivre pour Elle alors j'imagine votre Maman sans sa main (droite ou gauche, quelle était sa main conductrice ?)..
Vous êtes toutes les deux dans mes pensées et prières, je vous embrasse toutes les deux...
Que le Divin Esprit Cosmique étende sa main sur Vous Deux...

Arreis, I was very afraid of your Mom's reaction, how she will feel when she is faced with a fait accompli...
I thought a lot about your Mom...
My Mom had to undergo an artificial anus without being informed, I remember her terror and anger that made her want to kill the surgeon... Much later her anus was put back in its place but she still resented it...
It was a horror to live for her so I imagine your Mom without her hand (right or left, which was her driving hand?).
You are both in my thoughts and prayers, I kiss you both...
May the Divine Cosmic Spirit extend his hand on you both...

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That's alot to handle I couldn't imagine. 😥I told my sister maybe we should learn to use our left hand along with mom. Maybe it'll help??
My concern was why couldn't they at least hold off a little longer and let a psychologist at least talk to her. GRRRRR I think they need more people to just talk to those who are going through such things.
That's very sad to hear, but unfortunately not much of a surprise of what hospitals have become nowadays - a part of the machinations of health industry, where it's just all about processing things as fast as possible. I think it's a good idea if you and your sister train using your left hand along with your mother. It will give her the feeling of not being alone, and that you're standing through this ordeal together with her. And, it will strengthen the bond among you even more.
That's very sad to hear, but unfortunately not much of a surprise of what hospitals have become nowadays - a part of the machinations of health industry, where it's just all about processing things as fast as possible. I think it's a good idea if you and your sister train using your left hand along with your mother. It will give her the feeling of not being alone, and that you're standing through this ordeal together with her. And, it will strengthen the bond among you even more.
I was practicing at work today scanning packages and bagging them. My sister is still here in Albuquerque visiting from OR and she's also using her left hand on her phone. It's challenging. Yet we can still use the other hand . It'll be awhile until mom even gets a prosthetic hand and I've read alot about how people cope with this issue . And I agree with you all about just being there supporting her and being understanding. That's what I definitely will do. And I thank all of you for being here and being understanding. Much appreciated. 🤗🤗
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