From another thread:
This is how I see it:
Some keys you need to keep in mind: stay open, have all possibilities open, be sincere, mean no harm, do not anticipate.
But if you pray, and you have a fixed belief that this praying will get you where you want without any personal input, and you keep on suffering on your present situation, Then yes, you would be raping the maiden of the well. But if you pray, you Work and see your life continuously as a challenge, then there is nothing wrong with that.
It's not necessarily about how you say a certain thing, like do I say ''pray'' or ''thanks'', it's about the source, who is it saying and is the intent pure?
You could be thankful of your home situation, but at the same time, if you're too fixed about this, you might close opportunities to grow your home situation into something even better. So the main key always is to be open. You could be thankful, pray, and at the same time see everything as a challenge, and have the desire to grow.
So for example you could ask "DCM, could you help me with finding a good job?" and during this time you are not necessarily unhappy about your money situation, because it is what it is, and you see it as a fun challenge, and at the same time you look for any vacancies on the internet or outside that you can apply yourself for. You just ask for a little push, if DCM thinks you might need one.
You could see DCM as someone who is learning with you. I find that this quote by Ibn Al Arabi describes this nicely:
Bluestar said:What is wrong with efforts to send love and light, the achieving of the goals of world peace or personal prosperity? What is wrong with wanting a return to God, or higher consciousness or any of the touted experiences that are guaranteed to initiate a person to whatever they desire? The problem is anticipation. When you seek any of these things by holding the thoughts in the left-brain in anticipation of making it real, you are raping the maiden of the well.
What if you are just trying to believe it is now? Belief is a function of the left brain; it blocks the manifestation of creativity because the creative right brain is also the empirical half of the brain that observes the dichotomy between the belief and the reality.
Desire is anticipation. Anticipation is read by the right brain as in the future, therefore not right now, and the right brain can only create now. When we desire, we have a future object in mind. The right brain only knows now.
If we desire to love God, we have a concept (left brain) of the future goal of loving God. It can’t exist now. Therefore we experience struggle to constantly love God, against the ongoing now of not loving God.
If we desire to win the lottery, and produce in the left brain future image of money flowing into our life, it isn’t now. So now continues moneyless.
If we desire happiness, and create the concept in the left brain, we have future happiness in mind. And the right brain reads it as unhappiness now, and this can manifest in thousands of unhappy experiences.
By the same token, if we send love and light to any directed recipient, we are holding a concept of future fixing that signals a state of brokenness now to our right brain, and the repercussions are felt in our life. In a larger sense, we may be signaling the collective right brain that a future state of peace is desired, and therefore, now is not peaceful. And so the right brain creates now. The perception of linear time constantly projects rewards into the future, blocking access to the present, like a donkey chasing a carrot for all eternity.
This seems to me to be right on. When I first read this in the Wave it gave me much to think about. Though I find myself trapped in the left brain wishful thinking. Now bringing this back to light for me I will trust that I can work on making the change of how I think about things. Determined to feed the progressive side instead of the entropic side. Getting tired of running in place.
So for example instead of praying for well being and health, we give thanks for our well being and health or instead of praying for money, we give thanks for the ability to afford all that is needed for what is needed?
This is how I see it:
Some keys you need to keep in mind: stay open, have all possibilities open, be sincere, mean no harm, do not anticipate.
But if you pray, and you have a fixed belief that this praying will get you where you want without any personal input, and you keep on suffering on your present situation, Then yes, you would be raping the maiden of the well. But if you pray, you Work and see your life continuously as a challenge, then there is nothing wrong with that.
It's not necessarily about how you say a certain thing, like do I say ''pray'' or ''thanks'', it's about the source, who is it saying and is the intent pure?
You could be thankful of your home situation, but at the same time, if you're too fixed about this, you might close opportunities to grow your home situation into something even better. So the main key always is to be open. You could be thankful, pray, and at the same time see everything as a challenge, and have the desire to grow.
So for example you could ask "DCM, could you help me with finding a good job?" and during this time you are not necessarily unhappy about your money situation, because it is what it is, and you see it as a fun challenge, and at the same time you look for any vacancies on the internet or outside that you can apply yourself for. You just ask for a little push, if DCM thinks you might need one.
You could see DCM as someone who is learning with you. I find that this quote by Ibn Al Arabi describes this nicely:
He who knows himself knows his Lord. This Lord is not the impersonal self, nor is it the God of dogmatic definitions, self-subsisting without relation to me, without being experienced by me. He is the he who knows himself through myself, that is, in the knowledge that I have of him, because it is the knowledge that he has of me. . .
- Ibn al-'Arabi (1165 - 1240)