Shared Joy
Jedi Council Member
BHelmet said:I want to chip in here that, regarding diet, there is a fair amount (understatement) of manipulation going on as well that plays a part in all this. There are legions of testosterone inhibitors and synthetic estrogens that have been interjected into the food supply, personal environment and indirectly into the water supply that are a part of this phenomenon.
Veganism, BPA, DES, GMOs, synthetic estrogens and estrogen mimics, endocrine disruptors, thalates (artificial fragrances), benzene derivatives, parabens, atrazine (sprayed on corn and corn-fed products - leaches into water table), all act to both masculinize the female and effeminize the male resulting in lower sperm counts and testosterone production. This dovetails nicely with the population reduction agenda and a populace that is more docile and controllable. A triple win for the PTB when you factor in $$$ profits.
So, it may not all be 'on you'. And it may not be a natural phenomenon except to the extent that it is natural for a male to 'lose interest' when subjected to this massive hidden chemical attack along with all the stress, and mental programming that we are assaulted with.
Hi BHelmet and All,
good observations BHelmet, indeed our food and environment are great contributors to hormone imbalance. However, our society gennerated plenty of drugs to serve whoever needs with a little extra just to "save face".
I'm glad that you have discovered the serenity of being free from such urges, especially from "proving" whatever was expected from us, be it man or woman.
All sane cultures recommended moderation in using our sexual energies, and they were right. Loss of sexual energy is indeed very draining and makes one kind of slow or plain stupid in the long run. I've seen this many times, even a long time ago when biochemical manipulations were not a routine yet. Ancient Chinese literature also advise again loss of this ancestral energy.
So, feel good about it, as you just saved yourself a lot of much needed energy and wisdom.