Predictions and Prophecies

@RAFL : Thank you for the transcription! !! I was watching Birgit Fischer for a while, too but stepped back then. Don't know why. I really prefer written text to videos. There are too much other things that come through. I guess. But this does not go for Lauras Videos (just to mention that!!)
If the aliens are STS it would be difficult to have a coffee, since the being's selfishness would be overwhelmingly noticeable, but if the alien is STO it would surely be very interesting.

I have always been more comfortable and at ease with people older than me, since there was not much to listen to in people my age.
I didn't understand this very well.
Does this mean that you consider all other-dimensional beings (aliens) as enemies?
To me, this statement sounds like you said: I would certainly never want to drink coffee with a human being here! Unless it's to keep the enemy closer!
What I mean is the C's said they don't have our best interest at heart. That there will come a time - or many people are hoping the will be a time - when aliens and UFO's will come to 'save' people of our planet!
Especially the New Age peeps and those who have been abducted and had positive screen memories inserted into their psyche!
So the chances of an STO alien are pretty low - why would they abridge our free will?
This is a schoool hospital - we have to make our own choices and learn our own lessons!
Prediction: GenX will clear the deck, mop the mess and end the mayhem and foolishness. GenAlpha will take over while the Milenials will be busy counselling GenZ.
Funny! But my genZer may end up counseling my millennial who thinks the world can and should be saved and brought into an idyllic harmonious state. My GenAlpha granddaughter will clearly be running the circus at some later date.
A (Birgit): you don't have to ask when they will come, but when we will drink a cup of coffee together.
My comment on this (and it includes all of your comments until now):
It wasn't only the fact that Rober Fleischer interviewed her, but also this sentence that cought my attention. It shows a kind of fearless she has when contacting other beeings. I guess it is because she can see things since childhood, and therefore it is normal to her. In this interview she also mentioned that when you try to block these sensetions, they will become even stronger.
She also mentions how different all these alien races are. There are beeings that don't have emotions, they don't even understand what a emotion is. From the energetic side, she says, that emotions are like a very heavy load on you. Many of the alien races wouldn't be able to handle that.
In addition to that you have to understand that she had many teachers.
On her website you can read:
My trainings & teachers:

- Various mentors from Arthur Findlay College:
Colin Bates, Bill Thomson, Pauline Silver, Andy Byng, Steven Upton, etc. (Mediumship, otherworldly contacts, trance, trance healing, trance speaking, teachers, demonstrations, mediumship in the present day, etc.)
- Annual training in otherworldly contacts and sensitive mediumistic reading
- Annual training in trance and evidential trance
- Personal training in trance and teaching according to English spiritualism
- THE TIME: Annual training in DEMONSTRATION
- As a highly mediumistic person as well: the spiritual world and the galactic energies
Now do you remember Laura saying: "This a kind of a jungle out there"?
I'm trying to not to judge in all these things, and that's why her view fascinated me? Maybe.
Question to you all: Why do you think that most of other entities are bad (STS)? [I think you don't, but the coffee sentence shows up something {else}...]
You all know that we are STS, we can be STO oriented. Why do we judge about other STS beeings? They may be similar to us...
@Jacques[posted a predictions of this lady called Izabela who uses crystal, dice, tarot card on the Trump assassination attempt thread. She predicted assassination attempt on Trump and there will be another attempt. I haven't watched her before to have opinion of her track record.

If found it to be interesting and ended up reading transcript ( 37min video) and it is in line with what C's were saying. In short, Kamala won't be there long and her seat will be vacant, there may not be elections , another attempt to kill trump during air travel, but he will escape due to delay , Financial market will go down, but money will come back without central control, pedo's at high places will be exposed, unrest in many cities in USA, army gets involved, Clintons, Obama won't be able to come back, secrets of the West distributed to the rest of the world, Rest of the world will look down on the West, There is a Volcano activity in US or Alaska or North America, the light at the end of the tunnel. This is a practice for people to help each other, neighbor to neighbor.

short edited transcript.
I watched this last night and she seems fairly on the mark. I appreciate her warnings about taking these visions with a grain of salt and to understand that some things may be symbolic. Out of curiousity, I watched a few more - the only red flag was her video on the messages from "The Ancient Ones".. it did seem similar to what the C's have said about the recent meeting of the Quorum, however the Ancient Ones said a decision was made in the meeting to ERADICATE the parasitical beings because they have infected so many people on this planet that they are in danger of destroying humanity. So, of course that dog doesn't hunt, but I am trying to decide if this is a manifestation of her inability to conceive that the positive and negative realms each have the right to exist...or if this is a result of a source that is of a lower vibration - or maybe some of both.

So, I think she's interesting to listen to for additional input, but remain aware - as with most of the other predictors that the sources may be biased.
Funny! But my genZer may end up counseling my millennial who thinks the world can and should be saved and brought into an idyllic harmonious state. My GenAlpha granddaughter will clearly be running the circus at some later date.
Running the circus! 😂 You are so right! I have two hyper sensitive Clown Milenials who counsel eachother and two GenAlpha atomic monkeys roaming around and the youngest, 2, is commands all the adults.
My comment on this (and it includes all of your comments until now):
It wasn't only the fact that Rober Fleischer interviewed her, but also this sentence that cought my attention. It shows a kind of fearless she has when contacting other beeings. I guess it is because she can see things since childhood, and therefore it is normal to her. In this interview she also mentioned that when you try to block these sensetions, they will become even stronger.
She also mentions how different all these alien races are. There are beeings that don't have emotions, they don't even understand what a emotion is. From the energetic side, she says, that emotions are like a very heavy load on you. Many of the alien races wouldn't be able to handle that.
In addition to that you have to understand that she had many teachers.
On her website you can read:

Now do you remember Laura saying: "This a kind of a jungle out there"?
I'm trying to not to judge in all these things, and that's why her view fascinated me? Maybe.
Question to you all: Why do you think that most of other entities are bad (STS)? [I think you don't, but the coffee sentence shows up something {else}...]
You all know that we are STS, we can be STO oriented. Why do we judge about other STS beeings? They may be similar to us...
Because we have read everything that the C's and Laura have written about. Have you read all The Wave books and understand the context of the advice and warnings that Laura and the transcripts give us?
If so you may also have overlooked the fact that this lady's 'training' that you have just shared seems to be focused mainly on TRANCE mediumship. Which we here know that gives any entity an open door to enter your psyche as the medium has no control over who enters into her body once they take over control of her speech - and possibly a lot more! And by evoking an entity in this manner she has also given her free will away for that to happen, regardless of what 'protection' she has asked for. There are very few safe environments when trance can be done, even with supervision.
Plus at Arthur Findlay College I doubt they insiston the rigorous study of mediumship within a group as a pre-cursor to attending any course, seminar.
Here we have the Medium's Book, by Allan Kardec as one of our recommended reading books. Plus there is in-depth online guidance of the study of this book on utube :

I have already been part of this couse every Saturday for 2 years now - and we are still studying!!

So in short 'evoking' spirits, without any prior knowledge and supervision, can be a prelude to much more than you bargained for as it is truly a jungle out there.
So I am not surprised that she has attracted so many 'aliens'.
Once upon a time in the nineties, Let's have a coffee, was THE thing to do, when you wanted to relax, feel good and have a great conversation on a shoe string budget. It was also the best place when you wanted to know more about someone. Equal footing, unassuming, friendly but no strings attached.
If I’m being honest, in the 90s it was a beer, a shot, or a Bloody Mary depending on the time of day. Coffee came with sobriety some time later. But in the 90s I drank alcohol on an Olympic level. 😄
What I mean is the C's said they don't have our best interest at heart. That there will come a time - or many people are hoping the will be a time - when aliens and UFO's will come to 'save' people of our planet!
Especially the New Age peeps and those who have been abducted and had positive screen memories inserted into their psyche!
So the chances of an STO alien are pretty low - why would they abridge our free will?
This is a schoool hospital - we have to make our own choices and learn our own lessons!
Just a quick note, those who shout; "Hail saviors" and those who shout "Shoot first then ask questions" come from the same place, which is the position of the victim, and the victim always attracts the abuser.
Since @RAFL brought my attention to Birgit Fischer again I watched her prophecies for August. I transcribed a passage that might be helpful to know. The video can be watched with the youtube translation modus. Personally I was only interested at Minute 22:25 where she talks about a loud boom.

This is the translation via deepl from the transcript I made from the video:

"At the end of the month something shows up, or rather I heard it clearly. I heard a really loud bang and this really takes me into the last week of August. And I heard a loud bang in Europe. It's a loud bang. Apparently also from an earthquake. This bang is as if it is also happening in the sea, more like the Mediterranean, and then also brings a big wave with it. You could probably also call it a tsunami. But dear Edgar at these Trancespeakings also said that people will be warned. "

I don't know who this Edgar is she is speaking of but it is not important to me . . . . . . .

This is the link to her August video
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