Predictions and Prophecies

From my time searching in the new age, my favorite explanation of the "hours" of Parravicini's psychographies is this:

Much has been said that the 10th hour was 2010 and the 11th was 2011 and the 12th was 2012...for example. However, this interpretation, which does not follow from what BSP said, tries to reduce BSP's sayings to Mayan prophecies, seeking a convergence of them.

In our reasoning, this is not sought, but we want to find, based on the same BSP sayings, the determination of these hours, which have their 3 times and associate them precisely with what we have seen as well as with the codes indicated as 2000 2001 and 2002 .

Starting from the BSP sayings that the 3 hours bring the 3 times, and they begin in 2000, in the new millennium... we simply associate logically with the fact that 2000 is the first hour that marks the first time of 10 years as we saw ( to be consistent with the 10-year duration of bear times); 2001 is the second hour that brings the 2nd time of 10 more years that would therefore begin in 2010; and the 3rd hour that would correspond to 2002 and that would last another 10 years and therefore would correspond to 2020. So then we would have:

Interpretation of all Parravicini psychographies

The complicated part is understanding whether these codes relate consistently to what we have seen of what 66, 70 and 75 express as CODE.
The first question we can ask ourselves is...why is 10 BSP called time at the beginning of 2000? Or why would it consistently call it HOUR 11 while starting with 2011? Or at the time of 2020 as HOUR 12?

The answer must precisely be sought in the previously obtained codes, and here is the explanation:

2020=75 = HOUR 12
2011 =66
2010=65= HOUR 11
2000=55= HOUR 10
1990=45= HOUR 9
1980=35=HOUR 8
1970=25=HOUR 7
1960=15=HOUR 6
1950=5= HOUR 5

Note how 2000, which is equal to HOUR 10, on the scale of years since 1945, indicates the 55th year since that date. 55 years since 1945….5+5 =10

What happens with 2010 that would be equal to the 11th HOUR?... notice how 2010 is the 65th year since 1945... 6+5 = 11

What happens with 2020, which would be the beginning of the TIME of the 12th HOUR?... Notice how 2020 on the scale since 1945 is the 75th year since 1945...7+5 = 12

But it doesn't stop there, this explanation is consistent with every previous BSP HOUR, with hour 9, with hour 8, etc. Until a particular time: WHICH? HOUR 5!! Which begins in the 5th year since 1945, in 1950. …5 5 5.- A possible explanation of the 5 of BSP totally congruent with the interpretation of the piscos.

Another fact to keep in mind is the following: 20-00 the mirrored 00 is 00…. 2001 20 -01 the 01 mirrored is 10 that is 01/10..2010 =2001 ..and the same thing happens with 2002, 20-02 02 mirrored is 20..02/20..2020.
It is curious that he mention the year 2002. For Parravicini, 2002 represented the beginning of the man he called cerebral or superior and the arrival of the invisible beings. Parravicini said:​

" Invisible beings will arrive. They are pure and will guide man on the path of good. They triumph in 2002 (1952).

"The end of the great test arrives. After the test comes the beginning of the three smokes. Then will be the chaos of the toning waters and the end of endings in peace. It will be 2002.

The sublime being will be in the year 2002. The changed world will boast new lands, new orchards, one language, one Universal government and one God, Christ. The virgin lands that were until the cataclysm giant cosmopolis will be cultivated with the new cement plants that appeared along the seas. Carcos and mangarines will be the foods indicated to be placed in fortification pills. The animals of "carneo", will no longer be, one will live of the sea. Bread and Fish will be said but will be eaten in tablets since gluttony will have disappeared". ( 1938)

So as Paul said, we will be changed or as the Pleidians told Marciniak there will be a new consciousness after the cataclysmic event.

Parravicini spoke of three hours before the end and the first one (at 10:00 pm) before midnight (or 12:00 pm) would be marked by the strange noises that would be heard. Which reminds us of the strange noises that were heard in the sky before 2012 if I remember correctly.

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Parravicini's psychography shows a planisphere held by two beings emerging from underground or from a cracked or shattered ground, which reminds me of the "opening up phenomenon" that the C's told us about. (Opening up would include things like more aggressive solar radiation affecting human genetics and behavior as seen today as gender ideology for example).

So the opening for Parravicini occurred in the tenth hour and what about the others?

"Already the noise deafens man - the falling world- Already the cold freezes him- Already the smoke suffocates him- Already the fog confuses him- The fire is coming! (year 1972)"

"The 10th hour brings the beginning of the end-
The 11th hour the endless end-
The 12th hour the end of the end
To the beginning (year 1971)"

"The superior man - conscious of the hour at the twelfth hour - will preach to the coming child and the child will say with him: It is already Jesus! (year 1972)"

Possibly the eleventh hour is the most terrifying. So the higher man, conscious of midnight, prepares and is changed to receive the christic force in the new world.​
My last post is related with this.

Counting start in 1945, first atomic bomb.
Most predictions are based on some knowledge, be it statistics, historical data, astrological data, visions or tarot cards among others.

The president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, for example, made this prediction recently based on a geopolitical situation:

"We are 3-4 months away from a possible big confrontation. The train has left the station, and no one can stop it. No one is attempting to stop the war. We are getting close to a real disaster." Aleksandar Vucic

On the other hand, Indian astrologer Kushal Kumar made this prediction based on astrology:

“Tuesday, 18 June 2024 has the strongest planetary stimulus to trigger WW3 although 10 and 29 June may have a say as well."

It may be observed here that predictive alert for better care and appropriate strategy involves careful and serious interpretation of planetary impacts while unintended human error or slip cannot be ruled out entirely. So, watch the developing war scenario in hotspots across the globe as days pass by. Kushal Kumar

According to the Daily Star
Last month, the Daily Star reported how "New Nostradamus" Kushal Kumar, who claims to be an astrologer who predicts world events, recently told how tensions would rise between Israel and Hamas, both side of Korea, China and Taiwan and Russia and NATO.​
Although some would say these were blindingly obvious open goals, Kumar used the Vedic astrology chart to do so. For the unaware, the chard is based in Hindu culture, and is supposed to be a “map of our karma” using planetary and star alignment.​

It seems that a major conflict between NATO and Russia is inevitable and in the very near future.​
Q: (Joe) Should we give any credence to the European politicians' talk of Europe going to war with Russia?

A: Some, certainly. Hubris knows no bounds.

Q: (Niall) They really, really, really, really don't want Putin to win.

(L) And they really, really, really don't want Trump to win, and they're really, really, really getting desperate and the reason for their desperation seems to me that there is some big change approaching. Is that part of it?

A: Yes

Again, the war and "some big change approaching"
I consider this type of event to be temporal markers for major events.​

● Prediction
A zoo employee in the United States is eaten alive in front of the crowd when she falls into a cage.

● Event: In Bolivia, a jaguar escapes from its cage and attacks a worker causing his death.

There is inconsistency in the space since it did not happen in the USA but in Bolivia and the worker was not eaten in front of a crowd, however, he got it right that it was a zoo worker in this case it was a bio-park called Play Land.

The major event that accompanies this vision is the civil war and a coup d'état in Mexico​

Now, the next event is a similar case.

● Prediction
Clairvoyant Andreaskdna predicts an attack or massacre on a beach in the United States during Easter or Spring Brake 2024.​

● Event: Cluster munition missile made a massacre on a beach in Sevastopol. Russia holds US responsible

● Predictions
March, month with strong events, I see a lot of water in several nations, very strong wind, similar to what happened in Guerrero... four "winds" come together to form one... disaster in a city.
Mother Nature sends a lot of water after water and now after the fire comes the floods, because of the rainfall... It

● Events: Here what has been reported in the "Crazy Storm Weather and Lightning - Global" thread recently.
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