Predictions and Prophecies

Given recent events I think the astrologers, seers and remote viewers were correct in mentioning that July would be remembered. Joni Patry for example mentioned that it would be a dark period and that was unleashed during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

Here is this video of a French family watching the pitiful spectacle. Possibly many people awaked to see this corruption. They accessed another level of veil as Don Harkins wrote:

View attachment 99011

Not finished yet, we are just warming up

In recent days the seer Andreas published a video at the "insistence" of the public who asked him about the next president of the USA. He said that he had said it before, that there is going to be a female President in the United States. This also seems to be suggested by Joni Patry in her reading of the Kamala Harris chart. Now, Andreas also said that he actually saw the former wife of a president (Michelle Obama) but that this may have been symbolic, but the time had come for a female president. It looks like Trump wins the election but because of a legal issue or fraud he does not make it to the White House. On the other hand, Patry suggests a new health emergency that prevents elections.

The following are Andreas' new visions which highlight a terrorist attack during the Olympic Games, perhaps as the main event from this set of predictions

July 24, 2024

" A very intense fire in Mexico, something that had not happened before, there are victims, it could be in Mexico City, Michoacan or Zacatecas. It is a paper company... it is something very ugly.

Cuba is at the center of a conflict, ships from Russia and the United States begin to arrive, they intend to make a change in the country but there is an ulterior motive. Cuba wants to join Mexico.

Earthquake in the north of Mexico, Chihuahua M4.8 or M5.5 nothing serious.

In Mexico there is an internal war, this will be soon, there is going to be a lot of bloodshed in the country. I have already mentioned that there will be a curfew, especially in the north of Mexico.

In the Olympic Games that are taking place in France there is an attack, very strong, there will be Mexicans affected.

The war in the Middle East is escalating and it has to do with elections around the world. Literally the world is turning upside down, very strong things are coming and it is scary.

Hacker reveals photos, conversations, and videos of celebrity believed dead"
Also Clif High saw July 15, which was pretty darn close.
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