Predictions and Prophecies

Is it really the pastor dude or is he a tool being fed info from 4D STS? Isn’t part of the Quorum’s job to keep track of prophetic programming propaganda synchronicity? (For proper suggestiveness?) As it was said, they do tell the truth when it serves them.

This dude plays well to both the doomers and the Bible thumpers.
Good point, it could be useful for the SAS forces to create a "prophet" so that the message can be spread with "chariots of fire" as can be adapted to the book of revelations but I suppose that perhaps it does not have much reach and has not created that popularity with such a large energy collective if the objective is that there is fear and submission to a Monotheistic God.
On the other hand, if it is part of a SAD channeling (since the man said he spoke with God), what would be the purpose of spreading it or for the prophetic message to be heard?
The man is a believer and he believes in the scenario of the second coming of Jesus
unless the Christian Jesus thing is true but something is not right at least from my perspective when I had encounters in dreams with certain beings that I have considered positive they never wanted to be exalted or seen as deities...they were dreams I am skeptical but what I lived in front of someone like that, it doesn't need an introduction, you just recognize it, there isn't even verbalization in some cases, but you never know how things really are.
Is it really the pastor dude or is he a tool being fed info from 4D STS?
Windmill knight posted a similar assessment here:
Many people, especially the old souls, have resolved to support the “ascent” or octave change in this life and have subjectively paid a high price for this in some cases. Many have not been well for a long time and many are just struggling through life.
I feel like that's been me for a few years now.

Many old souls are now very tired and are perhaps asking themselves: Should I put myself through the next few years?
Not sure if I'm an old soul and maybe it's just 3D fatigue, but I've been wondering how much longer we have to hold on. The Grand Finale is just getting started?
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