Predictions and Prophecies

Es werde Licht
Egon Fischer: Let there be light
On an energetic level, things are getting lighter and lighter. On the 3D level, it becomes darker and more destructive in the short term.

Message from 6.10.24
Good day,
In the last few weeks (almost) everything negative and destructive has worsened. Conflicts are escalating and many people who raise their vibration are feeling worse and worse.

A brief energetic review
As far as the German-speaking world is concerned, not much has changed energetically. Some people may have hoped that the elections in some of the new federal states in Germany would bring about a positive energetic change. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint this hope. Even before the elections, my intellectual colleagues said that the elections would have a political impact, but only a minimal energetic impact. The elections would only have a major energetic impact if the election results were to bring about an inner change for the better in many people. But this is not to be expected. The elections in Austria will not change much in the short term either, but in the medium and long term they will change a great deal. Our spiritual colleagues announced some time ago that the election in Austria would be a milestone in the further development. In the article “The energetic octave change” from August 2, 2024, I quoted colleagues who said at the time: “The next National Council election is a national funeral.” What they meant was that the upcoming National Council elections will mark the beginning of the disintegration of Austria's ability to govern and the decline or decay of state power. We will see.

Only the USA, Israel and England have experienced really big energy changes. According to the latest information from the energy world, the USA and Israel are now energetically dead and England is on its last legs energetically.

Another solar eclipse took place on October 2, 2024. It was not a complete eclipse, but only a ring-shaped one. But from an energetic point of view, something very decisive changed during this eclipse. The Water Woman has written a report about it, which I am allowed to publish. As I wrote in my last post, things will be extremely turbulent until around March or April 2025. Events will come thick and fast and many people will fall into fear and panic. But my spiritual colleagues keep emphasizing that there is no need for fear and panic in German-speaking countries. You just have to stay with yourself, concentrate on yourself and not focus on external events and resonate with them. There will not be a third world war, even if the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East continue to escalate and there is a major military conflict there.

The significance of the solar eclipse on October 2, 2024

As I already mentioned, shortly before the solar eclipse, the Water Woman received what I consider to be very important information from the spiritual world. She wrote a short report about it, which I am allowed to publish in this article.

Dear Egon,
I haven't been in touch for a while. This was because I was in a really bad way and this condition has lasted for two years. Normally I know what I can do to make myself feel better. But for two years now, everything that usually helps me doesn't seem to work very well any more.

For a long time I didn't understand what was going on. I was desperate. I was constantly trying and doing everything I could to make myself feel better. But no matter what I've been doing for two years now, none of it seems to be doing me much good. At least not in the long term. It has an effect in the short term, but then I end up back in my old ways.

Whatever I do, the process repeats itself: slowly and with a lot of effort, I build myself up a little again. At some point, I really do feel better and just before I reach the point where I'm almost back to my old self, the next event comes along that throws me back and brings me to my knees. Sometimes it's my body that cries out and develops symptoms. I have to mention that until two years ago I was physically very stable, fit and healthy.

But even more often, unforeseen events come from outside that affect me or affect me. Most of the time, they don't just affect me, they literally destroy me. Before I even get to the top in a good state, I'm already back on the floor and everything starts all over again. Again and again I pick myself up, I try to strengthen myself and recover and again and again it throws me back.

No matter what I try or how hard I try, I can't escape this cycle of experience. Now I've had to cut back on my working hours because I'm no longer as resilient and can't do as much as before. In addition, this constant attempt to stabilize and build myself up is also very time-consuming. I was becoming increasingly desperate. Especially this week, when I was once again completely unexpectedly attacked and beaten up from many sides.

So once again I was lying on the floor. I was exhausted and had no more strength. I didn't want to go on, I couldn't go on and just wanted to give up. And I know such impulses well enough and also know how dangerous they are. Following these impulses would only mean that I would enrich my personal field with this information. And underpinning the whole thing with a high intensity of despair. This would anchor it in myself and make my situation even worse as a result. I had probably never been as desperate and powerless as I had been recently.
The only way out seemed to be to withdraw a little from this world. But not even retreating helped. It went on, the next catastrophe came. All I wanted was peace and quiet, I wanted to recover, but that didn't work either. I failed with all my attempts and didn't understand why other people were doing so much better than me and all those who were trying to move on.

Yesterday I received information from the spiritual world that I am incredibly grateful for and would like to share with you. It is about the personal and collective field and about the solar eclipse.

Everyone has their own personal field. A field full of information that comes from our history, thoughts, feelings, experiences and beliefs from this or past lives.

This was not new to me. But what I hadn't considered and what I was reminded of: This field also carries within it all the information that has accumulated in our field. This also includes information that does not come from us. For example, where others have directed negative feelings, thoughts or intentions towards us.

Now this field contains not only negative but also positive information. I am writing about the negative side because it is currently being activated a lot.
The information went on to say that this field has been activated again and again and that this solar eclipse is the last time the negative information in this field is activated in this old form. This refers to the deeper vibration and therefore the expression on the negative side.

The whole thing not only affects the personal field, the earth and every country also has such an information field. This means that what happens with or after the solar eclipse affects everything. If such a field is activated, its contents, or more precisely those contents that resonate with this vibrational tone, are activated. At present, the negative contents are preferred.
This can now lead to various reactions, I was told. If we have such activations, we can become destructive ourselves and harm ourselves. However, it can also lead to the body picking up on this destructiveness and taking it over, which leads to physical symptoms. Even if we do not express these impulses ourselves, they are still effective. They can also be absorbed and expressed by our environment or brought to us by external events.

I also learned that if the information is given a form, i.e. an expression, then it can be released. When information is expressed, it is no longer stored in the field. Nevertheless, I was advised not to work with this field now, in the phase of the upcoming solar eclipse. Because even if I had had a different intention, it would only have strengthened the field and its actions. It is also important to note that the information only relates to external content, i.e. information that has entered my field through other people or through manipulation. Our own information and patterns remain in our field until we dissolve them ourselves.

Somehow it was relieving to hear all this, as it corresponded exactly to my experience. It explained to me why I could change so little and why I kept struggling with these things. Perhaps you or your readers have had the same experience.

The good news from the spiritual world is that the coming eclipse will put an end to this negative and destructive phenomenon. According to the information from the spiritual world, the negative contents of the personal field, which are not actually our own, will be activated one last time in their old form during this solar eclipse. And then the terrible spectacle that has driven many people to despair and to the brink of self-abandonment in recent years will come to an end.

The central message from the spiritual world is that from the coming solar eclipse onwards, many destructive, energetic “patterns” and “fields” that are in the personal energetic shells will be removed or deactivated. These patterns and fields have previously been activated by cosmic rays, particularly during (solar) eclipses or other solar activities. These activations had extremely negative effects on the people affected.

This activation took place for the last time during the solar eclipse on October 2, 2024. The next solar eclipse in March 2025 should definitely not be as destructive.

I also asked my spiritual colleagues about the subject. They just said: check what you have tried in the last few months and what the results were. Well, I have tried numerous techniques and self-experiments, especially in the last few weeks. My colleagues have shared a few energetic techniques and methods with me on how to protect myself against energetic attacks and influences. Although I often spent half a day doing different energetic exercises, I often only felt good for a few hours afterwards and then I crashed again and I had no idea why.

Now there is a big difference between being attacked from “outside” and something external having an energetic effect on you, causing destructive patterns and fields to form in your own energetic shells. It makes almost no difference energetically whether these destructive patterns and fields have come into my own shells through other people or through external influences. You can protect yourself to a certain extent against destructive patterns and fields entering your own energetic envelope through other people or external influences. But once they are in your own energetic shells, it is already too late and they take effect.

What was activated the last time during the last solar eclipse
The Water Woman received the information from the spiritual world that destructive information and energy formations that come from outside can no longer be activated with the solar eclipse.

Every person has several energetic shells. These shells contain constructive or destructive information and energy formations. These information or energy formations may have been generated by oneself or infiltrated into the shell from outside (by external beings/people or environmental influences).

First of all, I would like to clarify the question of how destructive information and energy formations are brought into a human energy shell from outside. The best known form is cursing or imprecation. Through a curse or an imprecation, a very destructive energy pattern can be “implanted” into a person's energetic shell against their will. This is a special topic that I do not want to go into here.

There are also very subtle ways in which very destructive information and energy patterns can be “infiltrated” into a person's energetic shell.
In my opinion, the most important types are general energy and info fields as well as (3D) info media, such as mainstream media, films, videos, podcasts, but also books, blogs and other written works.

As I described in earlier posts, there are very destructive energy and info fields that cover huge areas in practical terms and can trigger all kinds of destructive things in people (such as thoughts of fear and suicide, feelings of depression or aggression). If you are exposed to such destructive energy and info fields too often and too intensively, traces of these destructive energy and info fields seep into your own energy envelope. And these seeped-in destructive energy and info fields are activated by certain cosmic irradiations. But these energy and info fields can also be consciously and deliberately activated through certain measures and technologies. And this has been done frequently by the dark side in recent years, but particularly intensively in the last few months. Especially during solar and lunar eclipses and on portal days, because a very strong energy is generally available here. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to escape these influences. It is not really possible to protect oneself against such influences, especially when a solar storm and the resulting cosmic rays are raining down on the earth.

When I receive information from the spiritual world or from other mediumistic people, I always try to clarify it for myself and - as far as possible - check it out. Very often, conversations with mediumistic acquaintances come about by chance, where the acquaintance has coincidentally experienced the same thing.

It was the same with the last solar eclipse. Coincidentally, on the day of the eclipse I had a long phone conversation with a very psychic friend, Ms. Margaretha Brunner, coach and soul guide, Home | Margaretha Brunner. We talked about September and what we experienced and what we noticed. Then she told me that the evening before, the day before the solar eclipse, she perceived strange dark energy fields. At the same time, she also saw that someone or something was trying to activate these dark energy fields, but it wasn't working. The dark energy fields did not move and remained passive. This corresponds exactly to the information that the water woman received from the spiritual world and what my spiritual colleagues described to me. But the way in which each of us received the information was very different. Depending on the person, the way the information is conveyed is completely different. The symbolic representation can sometimes be so different that you don't even realize at first that the same phenomenon is being represented. Only when you discuss and talk about it do you realize that it is actually the same phenomenon.
How to protect yourself against external influences

As already mentioned, the topic of “energetic protection” is complex and I will briefly describe the most important energetic basics in this article. In further articles I will describe some of the energetic modes of action in detail. This is because these modes of action are generally valid and of great importance if you want to become more conscious. To make the explanations easier to understand, I will only go into the most important modes of action here and not into all the details and special cases.

The higher your own vibrational frequency, the less susceptible you are to external influences
A generally valid rule is that intense higher vibrational frequencies dominate or cancel out lower vibrational frequencies. If someone has a very high vibrational frequency, external energetic attacks simply bounce off. In extreme cases, even toxins and other harmful substances have practically no effect on the body. A number of analyses and studies have been carried out in which very advanced Eastern “saints” have taken drugs and harmful substances. The result was that these substances had no and only minimal effects on the physical body.
Now, however, it is practically impossible for a person living in Western civilization to achieve such a high vibrational state in the long term and in a stable manner.

The energetically stronger one wins
In addition to the vibrational frequency, the intensity / strength of the vibration is also of great importance. A person with a low vibrational frequency who has a very strong energetic intensity can very easily and simply cause energetic damage to a person with a very high vibrational frequency who is currently energetically weak. Unfortunately, many people who are in the process of changing to the next higher energetic octave are currently experiencing this, because in the transformation phase people are very often energetically weak and unstable. This is why our spiritual colleagues are currently recommending time and again: take care of your surroundings. Avoid situations where there is intense destructive energy, avoid people who are destructive. Withdraw when you are energetically weak and go out into nature. Or surround yourself with people who are on the same path as you.

The upward connection is crucial
If you want to raise your vibrational frequency and increase your energetic intensity, you need a strong and stable connection to higher vibrational energetic levels. It sounds simple, but it is not.
Details on this can be found in the second part of the article.

Fear - the most effective factor in keeping you energetically isolated and weak
The strongest factor that hinders or prevents a good and strong connection to a high vibrational level is fear.
In October 7 the moon continues in Scorpio but has passed into Nakshatra Anuradha ruled by Saturn and it is a day to contemplate what we need in the future. It is a day of intense passions. The moon is in the center of Scorpio, conjunct the fixed star Antares and in opposition to the fixed star Aldebaran and this can deal with violence and this can deal with breakouts, in intensity and violence and anger. So I might stir up some things around the world concerning the war so be aware of what is going on in October 7.

It seems that Israel has already made its decision and is determined to bring the end times to Earth. There is talk that in the next few hours it would be attacking Iran.

Netanyahu resorts to biblical discourse to attract the attention of Christians, mainly in America, and declares that Israel is now at war with seven fronts/nations.

Clearly an allusion to Deuteronomy 7 which many consider a prophecy and the promise of victory for the people of Israel.

"When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you— 2 and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy...
...The Lord did not set his affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. 8 But it was because the Lord loved you and kept the oath he swore to your ancestors that he brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt...
...If you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them, then the Lord your God will keep his covenant of love with you, as he swore to your ancestors. 13 He will love you and bless you and increase your numbers. He will bless the fruit of your womb, the crops of your land—your grain, new wine and olive oil—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you

October Surprise: time to move forward​

October 8, the Moon is in Scorpio and passions continue. The moon continues in the Nakshatra Jyeshta which is about manifesting passions and power, where you can really manifest what you desire. The moon is in opposition to Jupiter which brings optimism and emotional freedom but these emotions are exaggerated. Jupiter is exactly trinining Mercury which indicates it is time to move forward.

October 9 the moon is in Sagittarius and is about expressing the truth, also the moon is in the Nakshatra Moola which is about cleaning things and destroying things, to start new plans and ventures.
Nakshatras are specifically used for predictions...Moola nakshatra is associated with the end of life, a precursor to the new beginning. It is also known as the root or the base. As we know that no plant can nourish without the presence of root, in the same way, favourably every happening in the world is associated with some reason. Nakshatra Moola

October 10 the moon is in Sagittarius and in opposition to Mars, there is a lot of contention and anger in the air so it is not a time to rock the boat, but to avoid confrontations. The moon is in Nakshatra Purvashadha which is about finding the truth and being truthful and finding out what is going on in the world emotionally.

On October 11, the moon is in Capricorn and in the Nakshatra Uttarashadha which along with Purvashadha is about truth finding, proclamations and declarations. The declaration of war may be present, things could get warlike, in fact from October 9 to 11 because the moon in Sagittarius along with Purvashadha and Uttarashadha increase anger and frustration.

The Moon is also in Pluto, a difficult planet dealing with major changes and transformation, but also with emotional and heartbreaking issues, it is time to let go of attachments and bad habits.

On October 12 Jupiter cast a trine to the Moon and Sun and is about progress and moving forward. The moon is in the Shravana Nakshatra. The word Shravana means "Hearing" and the symbol is "the Ear" because of which we hear. Shravana Nakshatra is the star of listening and learning.

On October 13, the moon has shifted to Aquarius and is in the Nakshatra Dhanishtha ruled by Mars. Not a good Nakshatra. Things get a little heavy and serious. It's time to trust your intuition, or to follow your gut feeling.

On October 14, the Moon is conjunct Saturn and Mars is squaring the Sun. Moon in Saturn means a serious day. The Moon is in Nakshatra Shatabhisha and is about healing and world leadership. In the world something will shift, something big will shift in the US presidential election and the world will talk about it.

Joni Patry says: "This will be the day where something will turn over, something will shift and change in this presidential election, mark my words."

Shatabhisha can deal with difficult situations, health, difficult to cure diseases and mental illnesses. People can find themselves out of their mind so be careful.
Comment: NYT says Trump may be suffering "cognitive changes" due to his age. They are already pushing the narrative that Trump is ill​

In October 15 Uranus opposes Venus and Uranus is the planet of changes or unexpected events. In the second week of October things will heat up and this will become more acute towards the end of the month.

Comment. An alleged illness of Trump would be an explosive revelation.​
A: Not now! You have enough for now. Explosive revelations and events coming!


What's next?​

TPTB seem to have followed the script perfectly. We already witnessed the event they called "China flu" in their plans. Right now we are in a "small war in the Middle East" whose outcome would be a nuclear detonation as explained by Bill Ryan in 2010. All this before the geophysical event.
The video OMA is talking about was published in 2010 under the title The Anglosaxon mission
What our 'source' reports is this:

● There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological. Our 'source' believes that this is on track to be initiated within the next 18-24 months.

●It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran. Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos - all carefully engineered.

●The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that.​

Is a nuclear event possible in the short term?

Both geopolitically and predictively this is a possibility. Joni Patry explains in the video the astrological aspects that may influence this event in the near future.

Patry analyzed the astrological charts of Netanyahu, Israel, Iran and Ali Khameini and saw something disturbing. She mentions

● During the month of October last year Ketu crossed Netanyahu's moon which was in Virgo which placed the Israeli leader in a difficult situation emotionally. This situation was repeated again with the eclipse of last October 2 but now also with Mercury present in his chart. Mercury rules his eighth house which deals with death, but not his death. (Politically correct Joni does not mention it but one can assume Netanyahu's encouragement to cause the death of others). So, basically Netanyahu has had an emotionally unstable year.

We have already spoken of Ketu and Rahu as agents of chaos and especially of Ketu as the god of destruction. On this side we have an emotionally unstable leader in possession of an atomic arsenal.

● In Israel's chart, its Moon is at 11⁰ Cancer and retrograde Mars will station there in December. This retrograde Mars representing war and violence would cause Israel major pain and major damage. All hell could break loose in December.

● Iran's moon sits at 13⁰ from Pisces right where Rahu is and Jupiter sits at 9⁰ from Cancer, while Mars retrograde, as mentioned will be at 11⁰ from the same sign (why 9-11 always means danger or emergency) Iran will be under siege or attacked. Pluto sits at 25⁰ of Virgo which is significant because in the US chart Saturn sits at 24⁰ of Virgo which is detrimental for both nations.
The return of Pluto.

Pluto is the planet of major transformations and takes 244 years to transit the twelve zodiac signs. Pluto returned this year and this means for the US a return to the principles by which it was built and it is going to undergo transformational changes. I have already talked about corruption being revealed. Deep and dark things in this country are going to be revealed and this will cause the economy to go down. Mars is a great trigger and it will be retrograde on December 7, 2024 and we are going to see Martian behaviors, calamities, anger and rage, as well as a great split and a lot of craziness.

● Pluto rules nuclear war. Pluto was discovered when atomic energy was discovered (Both in the 30s) Pluto sits on Saturn in the US chart and since Pluto is an agent of major transformations the possibility of a nuclear event cannot be excluded.
Saturn transit

Saturn is going to be in Aquarius until the end of March 2025 and leadership and government are going to be under extreme duress and trouble. Saturn is the planet of karma and it is something we cannot escape. There may be some major endings concerning the leadership in the US and there may be something very drastic like someone being taken out. From August 26 to October 20 of this year Mars will be retrograde in Gemini. Then in 2025 from January 20 to April 2 it will happen again. Things will start to heat up in these two periods but in the second period things will be worse because Mars remains stationary and its intensity is at 100% and it is more powerful. Mars stationary on the Sun between February and March could be a catastrophe. Violence, weapons and assassination attempts and this will happen around the end of March. 2025

● Ali Khameini chart is connected to Netanyahu's. His Mercury sits at 12⁰ of Virgo while it is opposing 12-13⁰ of Pisces. So Khameini is enraged, will attack and will be attacked and this will involve the US.
"In February 2025 Mars will station on the Sun of the U.S. chart and it is violence, violence towards the leader of the nation, the president. Mars will station between 11 and 12 degrees of Cancer and countries that have this particular marking will be involved in war and there are many of these such as China, Russia, [Ukraine, Iran, Israel] and Japan with which the US has karma. I see serious things happening and I say we will see signs in July, around the US elections, October and November are going to be hell. I hope I am wrong"

Patry mentions that astrology warns us, gives us clarity of what we need, to prevent what we need to be aware of. "I hope that people who are in our defense know this and use the power of astrology to prevent chaos and destruction" she mentioned.


Karma strikes tonight with the Hunter Moon​

The Hunter moon this October 17 is at 0⁰ of Aries in the Ashwini Nakshatra of Vedic astrology which is about dynamism, fast movement, pioneering ideas and activities. Ashwini is ruled by Ketu which marks the beginning of something big.​
Ashwini (meaning the Knights) are the heralds of Usha or the dawn. Dawn brings with a very special energy, the promise of a new tomorrow while still attached to the mysterious night. Ashwins are the link between the darkness of night and the brightness of day, and express the mysterious quality of the new morning, full of anticipation and uncertainty. The new day ends the darkness. Ashwins bring new light and awareness to the incarnated soul while connected to the karma of old actions. Nakshatra Ashwini

The Sun being at zero degrees of Libra deals with economic crises and the full moon marks the beginning where things previously hidden come to light, come to fruition. The Sun at 0⁰ of Libra aligns with the star Spica which deals with things changing overnight. Much information will be released. Possibly with reference to health. Saturn has retrograded to the Nakshatra Shatabhisha which deals with health and with Ketu in Virgo a virus, health scare or an uncomfortable flu season could be revealed.​
Shatabhisha Nakshatra is also known as the ‘veiling star’ and it involves the common characteristics of spirituality and secretive vision apart from healing. An ‘empty circle’ is the symbol of this star which represents that this Nakshatra pertains to the realm of imaginary perception or as the Hindi term goes ‘Maya’. In addition to this, it also indicates the ability to explore mysteries and unknown philosophy. Nakshatra Shatabhisha

Shatabhisha also deals with things coming from space. It is possible that information will be released regarding life outside of Earth, with aliens, or the increase in UFO sightings.
Comment: Andreas also spoke about the increase in UFO sightings:​
What follows is rare, France, New York, Tokyo, Italy and Mexico City, very inhabited places where people will be able to observe a very large UFO, it will happen at night. Some will think that it is a weapon from Russia or that it has to do with Russia, it seems that this object takes pictures of these places. Like what happened recently with the Chinese spy balloon that was shot down. It happens at the end of next month
In recent days the Pentagon revealed that UFO drones were spying on military bases in the US military chiefs think the drones are Russian or Chinese.

Mercury is in Libra and this also means that there will be leaks of information, things could get worse before they get better. Karma is being paid, it is simply the law of cause and effect, what you do comes back to you and no one escapes. Karma is going to be in action.
I watched some last videos of future forecasting group on youtube. It is like snips of readings because it seems you have to be subscribed for full content. They looked in the future about the price of silver in the next two years and that it will spike to 600 dollars. Russian central bank also started accumulating silver.

Some readings say they saw very wealthy manipulating markets and exchanges, markets and funds to capture more resources then leverage to make even more, and they are not in it for the money but addiction to the power to manipulate and pull the strings, meeting among people that are arguing. Big disagreement, they have to work out something but have trouble with it, shouting, deal not being made, planned destruction and markets colliding, no diplomacy anymore, some walking out. Turbulent fall of silver to the bottom then big rise again, 8 9 partners that have established group relationships and all being about monetary power and influence and them having global plans, feels like an silver alliance, free peak in 2 years, earthquake not in literal sense probably economic, guy with empty pockets feeling a sense of loss, lines of sad people, depression, deflation, currency havoc, loss of value and into oblivion, these people have insider information making sure the time is right and have inner circle and it is motivated by greed and being selfish, contraversial event unexpected to some that are affected negatively and they made a crash or collapse event, inflation, private economy that is massive and that level of investment is not directed at the public, underground economic system different rules, world is changing and this is going to be part of the change - migration, economic collapse, changes in how everything is done, people will not be able to afford to live, lose everything they got, there is going to be depression and nobody will be buying anything which leads to deflationary spiral where economy is screwed.

In second part they talk about danger of talking if you have silver and gold at house. Danger of lotting and people coming after you. If you sell more of 1000 dollars worth of silver you have to report it under taxes, etc..

So more or less what we know that the economic collapse is coming and while I think having some gold and silver can help you in short term do not think it is a good longterm solution, better to have food, land, defence, community because not everyone would barter for them and gold will have probably too high value, small silver coins worth being better for everday small price barter, and if there being a digital currency you could not exchange it if not being a part of the system probably and under the boot. Cs said that money will become worthless and I remember Laura saw something happening after Christmas and how the things are going it could be close by.
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There is a lady Nadezhda Koroleva in Russia, she is the owner of an online school of superconsciousness :umm:, either an astrologer or a psychologist, or maybe she can remotely read information. I still did not understand how she makes her forecasts, most often political and economic. She claims that her predictions come true 80% of the time. For the most part, they seem to me to be the usual view of an informed person, but sometimes she does say some predictions, as possibilities for the development of events in the future.

She has repeatedly stated that in the fall, the Pacific coast of America is waiting for volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis.

In a recent video, she gave a forecast for the next 2 months:
A man-made disaster is expected in the south of Poland, possibly an accident on a gas pipeline.
Deepstate uses the conflict to bring down financial markets.
Israel will not receive military assistance from the United States.
The closure of the straits will lead to an increase in oil prices.
The conflict with Iran and Israel for the collapse of markets.
An attempt on Netanyahu to escalate the conflict.
Mutual shelling between Israel and Iran is possible in December.
It will be unsafe in the Emirates for the New Year due to possible shelling.
Erdogan may become a target for assassination attempts because of his policies in December.
Explosions at Christmas markets are possible in Europe due to the aggravation of the Muslim issue.
Events may be delayed by a month.
I think having some gold and silver can help you in short term do not think it is a good longterm solution
I think it may be the other way around: While there is chaos, it is not a good idea to use your gold and silver (because you make yourself a target). Gold and silver are one of the ways to keep your savings through the currency collapse phase until the situation stabilizes. That is of course assuming that the situation will improve at some point.

Food, land, defense and community are more important, as you said. If you have savings left after setting all of that up, that is where gold and silver can be considered, in my opinion.
Gold and silver are one of the ways to keep your savings through the currency collapse phase until the situation stabilizes. That is of course assuming that the situation will improve at some point.
This is how I see it as well. Convert the paper to metals while it still has purchasing power as a way to preserve your wealth. On the other side of the calamity it will help to rebuild. Gold is getting ready to be revalued and will continue to rise. Its already moved out of reach for a lot of people but silver is still affordable at the moment.

Superforecaster says World War III is about to begin and US will 'collapse by 2032​

Martin Armstrong has made the stark claims using AI-powered computer named 'Socrates' that he programed to monitors the world news feeds and looks for fundamental news events that correlate behind the global trends.

Armstrong, who used Socrates to predict Japan's 1989 real estate crash and Russia's 1998 financial crisis, now believes the current conflict in Ukraine will cascade into a wider international conflict, based on the latest data analysis.

The conflict in Ukraine will go global next year and will not end until 2027. Armstrong said the situation in Ukraine would "heat up" in 2025 and "it will probably end in 2027."

Armstrong also believes that the current government system will collapse in 2032 — based not on the 8.6 year cycle of boom and bust, but on a larger cycle.Now with 2032, what the computer's been projecting is that roughly every 300 years, we go through cycles where governments change forms,' he explained.

'It doesn't matter what form of government we choose; there's always corruption, and they basically die from economic suicide. The last time this happened, it was with monarchies. The United States had a revolution against the monarchy, and then you saw it spread to France like contagion.'

'2032 will be the end of the Republic,' he predicted.

A nuclear detonation in Ukraine's future?

The Cs have long warned us of a chemical or nuclear explosion in Ukraine and recently they have warned us of explosive events. The seer Andreas published last October 11 a vision he had about Ukraine:

"First I want to give a context, when I was little child I heard screams or a buzzing in my ears that woke me up, they were roars, until now I still do not understand, I was terrified to sleep because of the screams, the noise. That happened to me again yesterday so I looked at the sky and in the vision that came to me I heard alarms like war alarms, like when there is going to be a bombing or a danger, I also saw a yellow color in the blue of the sky. Is it Ukraine? I hear the sound (of his childhood) and I see the green color (the seer's eyes get wet, maybe he holds back tears, his anguish is noticeable, he does not say it openly but there is no doubt that he saw a nuclear explosion) it is like in Hiroshima... no, I do not even want to think about it or imagine that it is something similar...".

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One person commented on the video: "your face says more... and I understand, I also feel your anguish, thank you for sharing and from my heart I wish it doesn't come true. A hug".

Other people commented that they had similar dreams, also that they heard roaring in the sky or trumpets.

Will we hear roars in the sky? Tens of thousands of years ago, the Earth's magnetic field flipped and now, scientists have recreated the haunting sound it made during that cataclysmic event.

Scientists recreate sound of Earth's magnetic flip 41,000 years ago​

Approximately 41,000 years ago, Earth's magnetic field briefly reversed during what is known as the Laschamp event. During this time, Earth's magnetic field weakened significantly—dropping to a minimum of 5% of its current strength—which allowed more cosmic rays to reach Earth's atmosphere.

Scientists at the Technical University of Denmark and the German Research Center for Geosciences used data from ESA's Swarm mission, along with other sources, to create a sounded visualization of the Laschamp event. They mapped the movement of Earth's magnetic field lines during the event and created a stereo sound version which is what you can hear in the video.

The soundscape was made using recordings of natural noises like wood creaking and rocks falling, blending them into familiar and strange, almost alien-like, sounds. The process of transforming the sounds with data is similar to composing music from a score.

The Laschamps excursion is just one of many occasions when the Earth's magnetic field has reversed. This flip of the magnetic poles is believed to have caused extreme weather, possibly leading to the extinction of Neanderthals along with a host of large mammals. It took about 1,300 years for the magnetic field to return to its original strength and tilt, and during that time the auroras strayed to near-equatorial latitudes where they are typically never seen.

In a video prior to the nuclear explosion vision, Andreas warned that these last 3 months will be marked by major events, major earthquakes, extreme weather, madness unleashed, "we will need bunkers in 2025 and to some it will seem like Judgment day has come. In the middle of 2025 a new disease arrives for which there will be no cure until after one year" he said.

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Superforecaster says World War III is about to begin and US will 'collapse by 2032​

A nuclear detonation in Ukraine's future?

The Cs have long warned us of a chemical or nuclear explosion in Ukraine and recently they have warned us of explosive events. The seer Andreas published last October 11 a vision he had about Ukraine:

"First I want to give a context, when I was little child I heard screams or a buzzing in my ears that woke me up, they were roars, until now I still do not understand, I was terrified to sleep because of the screams, the noise. That happened to me again yesterday so I looked at the sky and in the vision that came to me I heard alarms like war alarms, like when there is going to be a bombing or a danger, I also saw a yellow color in the blue of the sky. Is it Ukraine? I hear the sound (of his childhood) and I see the green color (the seer's eyes get wet, maybe he holds back tears, his anguish is noticeable, he does not say it openly but there is no doubt that he saw a nuclear explosion) it is like in Hiroshima... no, I do not even want to think about it or imagine that it is something similar...".

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One person commented on the video: "your face says more... and I understand, I also feel your anguish, thank you for sharing and from my heart I wish it doesn't come true. A hug".

Other people commented that they had similar dreams, also that they heard roaring in the sky or trumpets.

Will we hear roars in the sky? Tens of thousands of years ago, the Earth's magnetic field flipped and now, scientists have recreated the haunting sound it made during that cataclysmic event.

The Laschamps excursion is just one of many occasions when the Earth's magnetic field has reversed. This flip of the magnetic poles is believed to have caused extreme weather, possibly leading to the extinction of Neanderthals along with a host of large mammals. It took about 1,300 years for the magnetic field to return to its original strength and tilt, and during that time the auroras strayed to near-equatorial latitudes where they are typically never seen.

In a video prior to the nuclear explosion vision, Andreas warned that these last 3 months will be marked by major events, major earthquakes, extreme weather, madness unleashed, "we will need bunkers in 2025 and to some it will seem like Judgment day has come. In the middle of 2025 a new disease arrives for which there will be no cure until after one year" he said.

Well given life expectancy, in the western world, diminishing everyday. I guess at my age, if MAID does not interfere with my life life path. It will be something for the younger generations wonder, at the wonders of the universe. I hope I will be alive to witnesses the show. And the younger generation can pass on to the next generation...History in the making. And the absolute of ANY MORAL VALUES, TO USE SUCH A WEAPON
This is a follow-up to Joni Patry's latest predictions.

● Prediction october 07
On October 13, the moon has shifted to Aquarius and is in the Nakshatra Dhanishtha ruled by Mars. Not a good Nakshatra. Things get a little heavy and serious. It's time to trust your intuition, or to follow your gut feeling.
On October 14, the Moon is conjunct Saturn and Mars is squaring the Sun. Moon in Saturn means a serious day. The Moon is in Nakshatra Shatabhisha and is about healing and world leadership. In the world something will shift, something big will shift in the US presidential election and the world will talk about it.

● Event. Third attempt on Trump's life.
A man armed with guns and false press and VIP passes was apprehended by authorities at a campaign rally in California on Saturday being held by Donald Trump.

The suspect, identified as Las Vegas resident Vem Miller, was intercepted by police at a checkpoint about a half-mile from an entrance to the rally in Coachella Valley, California, soon before it began, police said on Sunday.

Indeed, the world talked about the third attempt which helped Donald Trump close the gap with Kamala Harris in voting intentions. There was a shift. Aljazeera published:​
Kamala Harris is losing ground to Donald Trump with less than a month to go until the election for president of the United States, a series of polls suggest.

Harris’s lead over Trump has narrowed or vanished outright as the race for the White House approaches the final stretch, according to three polls released on Sunday.

● Prediction, October 17
Mercury is in Libra and this also means that there will be leaks of information, things could get worse before they get better. Karma is being paid, it is simply the law of cause and effect, what you do comes back to you and no one escapes. Karma is going to be in action.

● Event, Israeli military plans leaked.
The FBI said Tuesday that it is investigating the unauthorized release of classified documents on Israel’s preparation for a potential retaliatory attack on Iran.

White House national security spokesman John Kirby said Monday that the Biden administration is still not certain if the classified information was leaked or hacked but that officials don’t have any indication at this point of “additional documents like this finding their way into the public domain.”

Megatron vía X

Possibly with these events the timeline was changed. On the one hand, another attempt was prevented and Harris' lead over Trump (if it ever existed) was shortened and today Trump is in the lead. On the other hand, the leak of Israel's military plans would have prevented an imminent attack on Iran, possibly delaying a larger conflict (WW3?)

The third one wasn't really an attempt, though reporting it as such may have helped Trump.

Yes. Initially the world was told through the mass media "hey look there was another attempt" which was later refuted on social media but apparently the mass media mostly did not. If you Google for example, Vern Miller, you don't get an article on Las Vegas resident, you have to associate him with Trump and then most of the results talk about a third attempt or the fact that he was arrested for his suspicious attitude. Some of the messages disproving the event come from anti-Trumpers but one way or another the world talked about a "third attempt."

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