Predictions and Prophecies

People in the comments on YouTube were saying it was a year old BUT they also said Clif reposted it. So, maybe there’s a chance he feels like it will be this fall instead and felt it was worth uploading again.
I think Clif does not post videos on Youtube, only on Substack. There are a few Youtube channels that pretend to be his and confuse people by posting old interviews as "new".

Agents of chaos​

Patry's reading told us of the danger to world leaders in this period.
Continuing with Joni Patry she mentions that Rahu and Ketu represent a kind of destiny and the Sun, which represents leadership, being in Ketu means loss around a leader. Possibly we will see attempts or assassinations so people of power or running for president around the world must be protected.

For the time being there was a second attack against Trump and of course the assassination of the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, which is going to change the world scenario a lot in the coming days.

On the other hand, not so accurate was the prediction of the seer Andreas when he mentioned the death of an Asian political figure dying of old age.​
In Asia a political figure dies, it seems to me Afghanistan or thereabouts, the president or the head of state dies of old age.

I wonder if what the seer saw was Nasrallah's funeral, with his followers surrounding him, a photograph of the leader and then concluded that he died of old age. Given that the turban is common in the region he was not sure if this was Afghanistan or the surrounding area. Possibly he saw something like this:

Polly mentioned something very interesting in the "Israel-Palestine War" thread.
What if the gaza conflict is a "black magick ritual" on a global stage?
What if global events are global rituals, with the opportunity for as many "global-eyes" to behold and give their attention and response to forming an unwitting covenant? Is this not the foundation of black magick as the coven (covenant) increases its power? People are tricked into participating with their energy and attention as an unknowing coven.

The question arises as to whether Israel is harnessing these cosmic energies. An annular solar eclipse occurred on October 14, 2023 one week after the Hamas attack on October 7. Now an annular solar eclipse will occur on October 2, 2024 and the week before Israel bombs Lebanon and assassinates the leader of Hezbollah. Is this done to obtain "the favor of the gods"? With Rahu and Ketu, the agents of chaos, present in the cosmic environment according to Vedic astrology?​
Are favors from the gods (STS 4D) not given to those prepared to believe and reply to requests with the prescribed actions? This is what forms a covenant.

What happened in Gaza was extremely diabolical and in Lebanon it is happening. Rahu and Ketu are demons and according to Vedic mythology the symbol of the success of their evil is eclipses.

There is no astrological energy more complex and feared than those also known as "shadow planets". According to myth, millions of years ago, the almighty god Vishnu promised the lesser gods the nectar of immortality. During the delivery of the elixir, demons from all over appeared to try to taste the divine concoction and one of the evil ones managed to drink from the cup. The sun and the moon recognized him and alerted Vishnu, who with a blast cut off his head. But the demon had already drunk the elixir, so he did not die.​
Therefore, the head alone was called Rahu and the body Ketu and both, in revenge against the sun and the moon, chase them in the skies and from time to time manage to eat them, generating the eclipses.
Rahu and Ketu agents of chaos

Or are they just coincidences? What is a fact to the best of our knowledge is that Israel has been giving the hyperdimensional lords a feast, a sacrifice to Moloch, for a year now.


Things are coming out of the dark​

October 1 we have the moon in Virgo and that is where the eclipse will fall. It's a new moon with either Rahu or Ketu, it's where the sun and the moon come together. Before the new moon we have a very dark moon and when the moon is dark it is ending its cycle, it is not a day to make new ventures or projects, it is a time for introspection and lay low, it is a day to organize, clean closets.

October 2 is the day of the eclipse and the Sun and Moon are together at 15⁰ of Virgo which has to do with Health and healing and being in Nakshatra Hasta whose symbol is the hand, it is a time for writing and healing works with the hands. With the Moon in Ketu it is a period for reflection and deep introspection. Reflecting on physical, mental and emotional health.

Venus is in Libra during this time which gives direction to the healing of our relationships. Jupiter is projecting a trine and good things will come out of this eclipse. In global affairs things will come out of the darkness, things that we misunderstood. This will be a very powerful eclipse.

October 3 the Moon is still in Virgo and crossing over the fixed star Spica, which invites us to express ourselves creatively. Moon Sun and Mercury are in trine to Jupiter so good things will prevail but the moon is Nakshatra Chitra known as the Lonely Star, it is also a period to take wise decisions and actions in the right directions. In the evening the Moon will shift into Libra.
Screenshot_20240929-142225_Solar System Scope.jpg

October 4 the moon is in Libra and in the Nakshatra Swati which deals with communications, its symbol is the sword and it is an auspicious day for negotiations, not yet a good day to initiate projects.

October 5 the Moon and Venus will make exact conjunction in Libra and will be in the Vishakha Nakshatra which means victory and success and this will be extremely strong. People who have this Nakshatra do not give up and get what they want. It is a time where you have the power and strength to achieve much more. It is not yet time to move forward but it is a good time for relationships and communications.

October 6 the moon is in Scorpio and still in Nakshatra Vishakha. In Vedic astrology the moon weakens when it is in Scorpio and people and the world become more emotional and jealous so we must be careful of our own feelings and what we say.

In October 7 the moon continues in Scorpio but has passed into Nakshatra Anuradha ruled by Saturn and it is a day to contemplate what we need in the future. It is a day of intense passions. The moon is in the center of Scorpio, conjunct the fixed star Antares and in opposition to the fixed star Aldebaran and this can deal with violence and this can deal with breakouts, in intensity and violence and anger. So I might stir up some things around the world concerning the war so be aware of what is going on in October 7.

Anuradha nakshatra dictates the cosmic heavens above with balance, harmony, and honour. It extends to the realm of Scorpio and is governed by Lord of the Rings [Saturn]. Striking a melodic nexus with ‘Vishakha Nakshatra’; Anuradha Nakshatra derives its divine strength from its ruling deity – Mitra. Nakshatra Anuradha

The traditional name Antares is from the Ancient Greek Άντάρης, which means anti-Ares, or the rival of Mars, because of its similar color to the red planet
...considering the decidedly martial and malefic nature of the star. It causes malevolence, destructiveness, liberality, broad-mindedness, evil presages and danger of fatality and makes its natives rash, ravenous, headstrong and destructive to themselves by their own obstinacy.​
According to tradition, Antares is of violent character and is credited with being significant for a violent death, either in battle or by the process of law. On the other hand, danger may come about by fire, weapons or machinery. Fixed Star Antares

The traditional name Aldebaran derives from the Arabic al Dabarān meaning ‘the follower,’ because it seems to follow the Pleiades. Among the Persians Aldebaran was one of the Watchers of heaven.
Alvidas states that it is similar to Mercury, Mars and Jupiter conjoined. It gives honor, intelligence, eloquence, steadfastness, integrity, popularity, courage, ferocity, a tendency to sedition, a responsible position, public honors and gain of power and wealth through others, but its benefits seldom prove lasting and there is also danger of violence and sickness. Fixed Star Aldebaran

Barring other opinions, next week's eclipse will provide a six-day period to reflect on the direction the world is taking. A period to communicate, to negotiate peace, for the healing of our complex body, mind, soul individually or collectively. On the seventh day the decision has been made which will either lead us to a responsible position or plunge us into deep conflict.

One has to wonder if the three tweets are interrelated 🤔

One of the tweets mentions that an FBI whistleblower recommended stockpiling food for 3-4 months. In a video posted yesterday the psychic Andreas mentioned that he had a vision of a very severe winter and recommends storing medicines to treat the respiratory tract since there will also be a great shortage as well as a generalized rise in prices. He mentions that there will be overcrowded hospitals and lines of people waiting to buy. He also mentions that there will be something strange in the drinking water, much of it frozen because of this severe winter. He saw that the northern hemisphere looked like Antarctica, he even saw snowfall far to the south, in Mexico where it is not very common in the central zone. It is a clean up that Nature is doing he said, which will bring great mortality as it had not been seen in a winter.

(As I write this I feel a daja vu 🤔)

We know from what the Cs have told us that this is going to happen, an ice age in our lifetime, but people outside our circle don't know, Andreas and many others don't know, and most of the time when one mentions on social media the possibility of an ice age, one is ridiculed, because the widespread perception is that the planet is suffering from warming.

They are not aware that global warming is a stage prior to the ice age and that what governments say is a vile fairy tale. The Cs predicted that while we are in the midst of a Global Revolution (which may as well be a Third World War) an ice age is unfolding.

I wasn’t sure where to put these and decided here was a good start due to their predictive nature. I found them rather interesting in light of the noticeable differences in the weather in my area over the past several years, as well as elsewhere around the globe. I continue to watch the videos from this YouTube channel with a skeptical eye.

One of the tweets mentions that an FBI whistleblower recommended stockpiling food for 3-4 months. In a video posted yesterday the psychic Andreas mentioned that he had a vision of a very severe winter and recommends storing medicines to treat the respiratory tract since there will also be a great shortage as well as a generalized rise in prices. He mentions that there will be overcrowded hospitals and lines of people waiting to buy. He also mentions that there will be something strange in the drinking water, much of it frozen because of this severe winter. He saw that the northern hemisphere looked like Antarctica, he even saw snowfall far to the south, in Mexico where it is not very common in the central zone. It is a clean up that Nature is doing he said, which will bring great mortality as it had not been seen in a winter.

(As I write this I feel a daja vu 🤔)

We know from what the Cs have told us that this is going to happen, an ice age in our lifetime, but people outside our circle don't know, Andreas and many others don't know, and most of the time when one mentions on social media the possibility of an ice age, one is ridiculed, because the widespread perception is that the planet is suffering from warming.

They are not aware that global warming is a stage prior to the ice age and that what governments say is a vile fairy tale. The Cs predicted that while we are in the midst of a Global Revolution (which may as well be a Third World War) an ice age is unfolding.

Speaking of a severe winter, my friend and I were just discussing this because moose have started to be spotted in our area. Sightings by trail cameras over the summer and now one was just spotted running through a neighborhood.

Moose don’t live here normally, I mean we don’t even have elk here. And I mentioned to my friend that I wonder if they’re moving further south because the winter is going to to be harsh. So Andreas’ prediction is furthering my theory.

There’s a video that goes along with this sighting but it’s only on Facebook.
I continue to watch the videos from this YouTube channel with a skeptical eye.
As was already mentioned recently in the new session thread, Ben Davidson's (Suspicious0bservers) micronova theory has been discussed here in other threads. There was also this in the August 27th 2022 session:

(LQB) Does our Sun micronova about every 12,000 years as suggested by Ben Davidson?

A: No

Q: (LQB) If not, how did fission tracks appear in the glass beads brought back from the moon?

A: Other events can cause this.
FWIW, predictions from a Nico Cost

In the short term (2025-2029) I see a decrease in the world population. In the medium term (2100-2200) I see the world population growing to 10 billion people and in the long term (2500-3000) to 14 billion people. By then, we will also be getting older and an age of 140 is possible.

The next few years, however, will be intense for the Earth and life on it. We will have to deal with cosmic energy through which our Sun in particular will cause various changes. I see volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and wild seas. I also see a meteorite coming down in the sea that will cause changes. It will be violent, but I can see humanity surviving this well. The positive side of these events is that man will begin to realize again that he is tiny and can best live in surrender and harmony with nature.

The next seven years through 2032 are all about Awareness of Being Human. We are experiencing a unique moment in time where humanity has the opportunity to take a substantial step in consciousness. Every human being could begin to feel this right now, in the body and in the mind. We are being encouraged and helped from different dimensions to take that step, but must then embrace a loving intention en masse ourselves in a still rough world. More new age children will be born who will form an energy bridge between our “old” world and the “new” world ahead.

Thank you for posting. Many beautiful reminders in dark times, strengthening hope and faith.

The flip side is that human beings are resilient and always eventually work their way out from under repression. It is during the darkest days that we are challenged the hardest so we experience the greatest learning moments and the most growth in consciousness. Without valleys, there are no mountains. When we, as spiritual beings, do not allow ourselves to be placed in the middle of the hassle, but observe what is really happening, we can transform ourselves and the whole into a more just world. It is easy to be tempted to hate, but know that only love can make the world a better place. Don’t point the finger at someone else when you experience too little love in the world, but create more love yourself in the world you envision.
I leave here this for your consideration, the destruction of Notre Dame Church in Canada and the Orchestra Man prophecy.​

Prediction Sep 17, 2024
A historic building collapses, falls to pieces, dust, darkness and light...bells are heard, it is not an accident, it is not natural, it is provoked. It happens in Americas possibly Mexico..El Salvador..It is a church that is knocked down.

I think what the seer Andreas saw was this event.

It is interesting that through different messages in social networks it is emphasized that it was a historic building.

This prediction belongs to the set of predictions which talks about the disappearance of a plane in mid-flight and the mourning in the Royal House.

Is Trump Parravicini's One Man Band?

After the attempts on Trump's life, a 1939 psychograph by Parravicini known as "the one-man orchestra" came to light again.

I Asked ChatGPT: "Parravicini spoke of Trump in his visions?"​
Yes, Benjamín Solari Parravicini, the Argentine seer, is often interpreted as having made predictions that some believe relate to Donald Trump. His prophecies include themes of political upheaval, divisions within society, and the rise of powerful figures, which some have connected to Trump's presidency and its impact.

However, interpretations of his visions can be subjective and vary widely among followers. While some see clear connections, others may find the messages too vague to definitively attribute to specific individuals or events."​
Benjamin Solari Parravicini warned in his psychograph: "The beginning of the end! The North American Orchestra Man will be killed". It is believed that the prophecy would refer to Donald Trump.

This is one of those vague prophecies. It is thought that given Trump's domineering character and leadership as well as the resemblance of his surname with trumpet or a Trumpeter make him the ideal candidate for Parravicini's prophecy about the Orchestra Man.

However, there is no denying that Trump is navigating very murky waters. This morning the following video was released.

Parravicini later wrote a prophecy that is associated with the Orchestra Man whose death brings the rise of a single government:

"The social classes will rise, they will fight wars, the world will bleed and the dictators will dominate, but they will be killed. The world marches towards a single government".
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