Predictions and Prophecies

In the following video from the Future Forecasting Group they show some of the visions that the remote viewers had. Two of them saw a temple, chapel or church burning. "Some iconic or prominent temple"

The first image shows a church burning and the second possibly firefighters trying to put out the fire. Both people saw a building related to a religion burning.

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The vision was accurate.

Now one of them mentioned that they saw a large industrial explosion in what appears to be Pennsylvania in the Pittsburgh area and a large cloud fill the sky and cover it in black.

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The above reminded me of Andreas' vision of the darkening of the sky in the US.

Another remote viewer spoke of an attack on the U.S. with "improvised explosive devices" (IEDs). The viewer draws a freeway where bombs explode. He mentions that it would be like a situation where you are driving down a road in Baghdad and suddenly boom the bomb explodes on the road.

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Which also reminded me of the following prediction

Another mentions seeing an explosion on a train or Subway. He sees people screaming and an explosion in what appears to be a metropolitan area.
View attachment 100874

Another vision shows a person receiving palliative care in a hospital or hospice. He does not know if it is King Charles, but it is a Caucasian man. (Possibly Biden?)
View attachment 100875

Finally it is mentioned that Trump falls ill and off campaign for a while
View attachment 100876

Naim's (Sp) drawing of the man on hospice looks the George W Bush to me
Hold on to your seat. As the session indicated, we are in for some challenging times as David chimes in what may lie ahead on the Big Blue Mable.

Is this on YouTube? Every time I try and pull up the link on X it says there is an error.

I looked at his YouTube channel but it looked like the most recent video, I’ll double check, was like 12 days ago.

The last Trump shall sound. Shocking facts about September lunar eclipse.​

A partial lunar eclipse will occur on September 17 and an annular solar eclipse will occur on October 2, 2024. Joni Patry mentions that this period of eclipses brings out the hidden things, things we didn't know both personally and globally. And this is good because it brings healing and lets us know what we need to work on.

The September 17 eclipse occurs when the moon is very close to Neptune (alignment), in Pisces and in Rahu and the Sun in Virgo and in Ketu. The following images from the Solar System Scope app show the positions of the planets and constellations.
Screenshot_20240915-151922_Solar System Scope.jpg
Screenshot_20240915-152513_Solar System Scope.jpg

"Moon, Neptune and Rahu is something intense. Neptune deals with things we cannot see, it is indicative of something very deep being revealed. Neptune also indicates disease or pandemic, epidemic or health concerns for the world that are going to come out in this period. It could start now and will take care of things that are going to happen in the next 6 months after the eclipse season."

Ketu is in Virgo and Virgo is the sign of health and Mars is in square with Ketu and midpoint with Rahu. So this is a period when something hits and happens that makes us wake up to what has been going on in health matters.

Mars will be in the Nakshatra Ardra whose symbol is the teardrop and this is serious, there is sadness, something we must pay attention to.​
Ardra means the power to attain gains by working hard towards it, and Ardra nakshatra stands for transformation and destruction! The nakshatra depicts few unmet desires of the past life being carried forward to the present life embodied in our subconscious. Nakshatra Ardra

The Deity of Nakshatra Ardra is Rudra which translates as "the Terrible", the "howler" or the "roarer". He is associated with the wind or the storm, the Shiva moniker originated as an epithet of Rudra.

Saturn is in Aquarius and this indicates a crisis that could happen. The US should be concerned about being hit by something, whether it is a type of biological warfare or literally a problem with war. Eclipses intensify all of this.
Comment: October 7 marks the beginning of another phase of the Israel-Hamas war, one week before the annular solar eclipse. So it is almost one year since the Israeli genocide against Palestine and the next annular solar eclipse will be on October 2nd which coincides with the Feast of Trumpets. The last trumpet shall sound said the Cs.​
Q: (L) Well, before we jump off the topic of Trump, these people wrote to us. They call themselves the Leo Network. They were saying something about Donald Trump being the ruler of the "lower world" or in other words this world, and referred to him as some sort of trumpet…

(Joe) Trump-ets of the apocalypse. Trump, Trumpets… of the apocalypse...

A: Well, that is a bit imaginative, yes? However, we do find some humor in the expression: The last Trump shall sound!

Continuing with Joni Patry she mentions that Rahu and Ketu represent a kind of destiny and the Sun, which represents leadership, being in Ketu means loss around a leader. Possibly we will see attempts or assassinations so people of power or running for president around the world must be protected.
Commet: This video of Joni Patry was uploaded before (Sep 14) the latest attack on Trump on September 15. In fact in a previous video she talked about the danger Trump is in.​

For the rest of the people, this is a period in which we must take care of our health and take care of ourselves spiritually.

Seer Andreas had some visions.​

Andreas visions sep 14, 2024

Very intense forest fire in Chile.

Turkey, a new earthquake shakes the country, M7 but this time it is not so severe.

The devices of a brand of cellular phones and other electronic devices show failures around the world. It is a well-known brand with S.

Earthquake alerts in Mexico City are activated but no tremor occurs. The earthquake occurs days later.

Europe, missiles start flying, powers attack each other... Something devastating is about to begin.

Comments: On August 3, Andreas spoke of a missile attack on Russia.

Attacks or missile explosions in Russia will be very strong, at the beginning of next month.

Hopefully not, but it doesn't take a prediction or vision to know that there may soon be attacks between Russia and NATO. On the other hand, Israel's recent attacks on Lebanon using cell phones and other technologies show us how easy it is to hack all these devices. Could Samsung devices be next?

Andreas visions Sep 17, 2024

A historic building collapses, falls to pieces, dust, darkness and light...bells are heard, it is not an accident, it is not natural, it is provoked. It happens in Americas possibly Mexico..El Salvador..It is a church that is knocked down.

A plane disappears, it does not land, it does not fall, it simply the case of the missing plane in Asia.

Mourning in the royal family. A woman leaves.
Do we think that a faraday cage bag or the EMF protector cases for phones would stop them from exploding? We’re going to be blasted back into using landline phones. Which is great but not if your cellphone blows up in your face first.

I was just thinking it probably wouldn’t matter, because if you are out or around anyone they won’t have the same type of protection anyway.

That is terrifying in any case. When will the Israelis just be done already?! Stop torturing everyone you aren’t the chosen people.
If anyone can mess with small electronics they can mess with pacemakers as well and surely they can mess with much, much more. I wonder whether this was a test or a warning. Did anyone claim this 'mass malfunction'?
I was wondering why attack Samsung. It happens to be the second best selling brand around the world.

Smartphone Market Share Worldwide (2024)​

As the number of smartphone users worldwide increases year after year, it’s no surprise that mobile commerce sales are also reaching all-time highs. That said, knowing certain mobile usage statistics can come in handy when crafting a digital marketing strategy.

Smartphone market share: Table

Smartphone brandMarket share (as of July 2024)
1. Apple27.75%
2. Samsung23.56%
3. Xiaomi11.80%
4. Oppo5.86%
5. Vivo5.40%
6. Realme3.64%

Pagers and walkie-talkies have already been used to attack the Lebanese (they say IPhones as well) and this is bound to create a state of panic. "People in Lebanon fear for everyday devices after the two attacks," a Middle Eastern journalist told CNN

Do we think that a faraday cage bag or the EMF protector cases for phones would stop them from exploding? We’re going to be blasted back into using landline phones. Which is great but not if your cellphone blows up in your face first.
Since many daily items emit frequencies that can be detected and influenced by different devices... you don't need a Faraday Cage. Use a cookie tin to keep your phone, credit/debit cards, wallet, and automobile key fob's in at home, at work, or in your car when traveling. (After you have eaten the cookies, of course. 😉 🍪)

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