Predictions and Prophecies

In the following video from the Future Forecasting Group they show some of the visions that the remote viewers had. Two of them saw a temple, chapel or church burning. "Some iconic or prominent temple"

The first image shows a church burning and the second possibly firefighters trying to put out the fire. Both people saw a building related to a religion burning.

View attachment 100867

View attachment 100869

The vision was accurate.

Now one of them mentioned that they saw a large industrial explosion in what appears to be Pennsylvania in the Pittsburgh area and a large cloud fill the sky and cover it in black.

View attachment 100871

The above reminded me of Andreas' vision of the darkening of the sky in the US.

Another remote viewer spoke of an attack on the U.S. with "improvised explosive devices" (IEDs). The viewer draws a freeway where bombs explode. He mentions that it would be like a situation where you are driving down a road in Baghdad and suddenly boom the bomb explodes on the road.

View attachment 100872

Which also reminded me of the following prediction

Another mentions seeing an explosion on a train or Subway. He sees people screaming and an explosion in what appears to be a metropolitan area.
View attachment 100874

Another vision shows a person receiving palliative care in a hospital or hospice. He does not know if it is King Charles, but it is a Caucasian man. (Possibly Biden?)
View attachment 100875

Finally it is mentioned that Trump falls ill and off campaign for a while
View attachment 100876

Naim's (Sp) drawing of the man on hospice looks the George W Bush to me
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