It seems that was predicted on the sixth of July, and we have this news item from the 19th:06 07 2021 - I see a barrage break in China
Two dams in China's Inner Mongolia collapse after torrential rain
Two dams in China's northwestern region of Inner Mongolia have collapsed after torrential rain, the water ministry said on Monday, highlighting the safety risks posed by ageing infrastructure during the summer flood season.
It could be a hit. However, there has been speculation on alternative channels about the possible collapse of the Three Gorges Dam in China for a while, so maybe she just picked that up from there. Other predictions of hers could have also been picked up from similar sources, like the cases of blood-clotting for vaccinated people. Doctors critical of the covid narrative have been talking about that for months.
Overall, the impression I get is that she is picking images from a number of possible futures, some of which may happen but not all of them, at least certainly not within the short timeframe she speaks of. That's assuming she isn't simply making things up. Also, the timing of events appears to be the hardest to get right when real psychics or other 'higher' sources make predictions, so I wouldn't count on anything big necessarily happening before October. I do hope the whole covid/vaccines charade collapses soon though!