Programs.. and how to get rid of them

The Work, as I understand it IS the struggle involved with identifying, observing, and unifying these multiple "I"s that keep hijacking each other and the SELF. They are sent by "The Other", The Powers That Be, to keep us so busy that we become too scattered to connect to and anchor the SELF.

I read and taught Homer's Odyssey for many, many years, before I understood that each of Odysseus's adventures - the stops along the way HOME and the beings that he meets on each one is simply a mirror of his own level of BEING. The mutinous crew - those are the many "I"s of Odysseus that he has not mastered.

As he evolves in awareness, he is given directions to the underworld, (symbol of rebirth), where he sill be given instructions on how to proceed IF he can master his fear. After he performs the necessary sacrifices, this is what is unleashed:

"Now the souls gathered, stirring out of Erebos
brides and young men, and men grown old in pain,
and tender girls whose hearts were new to grief;
many were there, too, torn by brazen lanceheads,
battle-slain, bearing still their bloody gear.
From every side they came and sought the pit
With rustling cries; and I grew sick with FEAR"
Book XI, lines 40-45

Well who can blame him? All these howling, bloody ghosts descending on Odysseus
as though to devour him. Now think, what would happen if he gives in to his FEAR, or DOUBT - if he says to himself: "Damn, there's that program again. I'm such a failure. I worked so hard going to all these islands, and now that I at last have the possibility of finally getting to the one I really want to go to here's the same old tape as always," would he ever get home?

I don't think so.

Now the text reports that he does experience FEAR, but look at what he does next:

"But presently I gave command to my officers
to flay those sheep the bronze cut down, and make
burnt offerings of flesh to the gods below -
to sovereign Death, to pale Persephone.
Meanwhile I crouched with my drawn sword to keep
the surging phantoms from the bloody pit
till I should know the presence of Teiresias. (Teiresias is the blind prophet).
Book XI, lines 47 - 53

Okay so he's fills sets out a meal of blood for the hungry ghosts, but he keeps them at bay with his sword until he speaks to those he seeks. Despite his FEAR, he takes control of the situation. He has been given the knowledge by the witch Circe, and he has the presence of mind to remember it.

Now Odysseus can do this because he has a powerfully strong AIM, and his total BEING is in service to this AIM. It's not about himself anymore; his BEING is in SERVICE to something higher than himself.

Okay, so he passes this test, and he gets to speak to Teiresias among others shades. Agamemnon fills him in on the past. His mother brings him up to date on the present. But the future is open. Teirisias holds the key, and these are the words Odysseus needs to CREATE THE FUTURE THAT BEST SERVES HIS AIM:

"Great captain,
a fair wind and the honey lights of home
are all you seek. But anguish lies ahead:
the god who thunders on the land prepares it,
Book XI lines.

Let's press the pause button here to take stock of what is going on. Odysseus is standing by
a pit filled with blood; he's holding off nations of ghosts famished for blood, he gets the information he seeks and what does it say? It says, "Hey buddy, I know you want to go Home, but there's its the sea god, you know the one who controls the waves your ship is sailing on, and he's really mad at you."

In other words, now that Odysseus has come far enough to stop running his program, he learns that he is up against a god!!!!!

How can he overcome this obstacle? There is only one way:

"One narrow strait may take you through his blows:
denial of self, restraint of shipmates."
Book XI, lines 18 - 19.

Here are the key words: Denial, self, (with a small "s"), and restraint.

He's sure going to need them when he gets home, need them more than ever. And so will we all.

Now my programs keep running all the time. Just this weekend I dealt with a really insidious one. Did I follow the instructions Teiresias gave to Odysseus? Of course not. I did not pass the test. But I didn't fail the course either.

So what do I think I got of this horrible experience? I think I understand what precipitated the event, and I think I have the awareness to prevent that tape from being set off by that particular trigger. If I have the restraint, I won't know until the situation happens again.

But if I can keep my judgment program shut down, I can show understanding and compassion for others who are experiencing the same trials, and for myself when and f it happens again.

The text I used was the Fitzgerald translation of "The Odyssey".
With relatively minor programs, I don’t strive to stop them in any way, just notice when program runs or started to run, fix that moment with a loud laughter, let the program stay where it is, and focus on cultivating its opposite instead of ‘fighting’ it in any way. Like often when I notice sloppiness, greet it, and focus on being more neat; then stop to evaluate how critical was sloppiness there, and what damage it has done to what i was doing at the moment.
But then, there is self-importance in its zillion facets, all attached to a peacock tail of ego. And self-importance is practically everywhere, there is no place where it isn’t – like, there are no cracks in that artificial installation of ego, no way to get inside that perfect spherical honeycomb of ego. NO idea what to do with it. It’s just everywhere. Actually I do (not DO) something here, but don’t know, whether it what is to be done.
Self-importance, as I see it, is quite attached to results, it anticipates a feedback from others, it asks for attention from others. So I do something, put where is belongs, and let it go. Focus on next thing to do. Do it, put where it belongs, and let it go.
Then, when painting anything, self-importance retires in a natural way, because when you paint something, you don’t separate an object from its environment, like when you are attached to getting an attention from others as a separate entity; but when painting, you connect object with its environment, connect the lines, you draw horizontal, vertical, and inclined lines, you connect. When painting, you shut up your left monkey dualistic hemisphere where opposites always fight, and find a path to your right creative hemisphere, which 'thinks' in images and merges opposites.
Lately I’m much into learning sumi-e and haigu-ing, minimalist, expressive form, which lays bare essentials and doing it perfectly fits spherical honeycomb of ‘me’ now. (not ready to put any of it here, as much is intimate, sorry, guys!)
When I see my monkey mind fixed on self-importance, try to shut it up with paradoxes. And with a loud laughter.
Insofar as any of it will produce results… No idea whether any of it would be helpful in a long run, but do anyway.
Funny, my kid, who is three, still relates to himself, not as ‘I did it’ but ‘[name] did it’ as if ego wasn’t him, which is true, it’s an artificial automatic installation. There is his photo framed hanging on the wall, and several days ago he asked me to raise him, reached his portrait, embraced it, and started to admire himself. That was something to observe! That probably was the day when a Narcissus was born in him. Ego jumped.
Thanks for all the info.

I will go back to just observing and identifying the "I's" and discontinue trying to "stop" them. Perhaps it is as was suggested, that the terrible problems I seemed to have trying to "stop" the programs, was a program. Especially since there was so much emotion involved.

SAO, that was an incredible dialogue. I have spoken to people that weren't that bad, but you did walk away shaking your head.
Whats amazing is that people get caught up in it.

Many thanks to the forum members. Tarri
Here's a shot of a figure inside the central choir of Auch Cathedral - it might help to put this all in perspective. It's a little dark, but hopefully you can make it out... (seems that to 'hold the predator (programs) in check' there must be an 'I' to do it - but notice that the predator doesn't disappear, it is just 'under control', as it were...)

Thanks a lot for your replies. This is helping.

I really thought I'd have to fight the programmes and I fought with all my strength.
Now it is getting clear w h y it could not work.

I thought about how my misunderstanding came about.
It arose out of the whole STS-STO matter.
Learning about all those manipulations not only surrounding us but also within each of us. Then firmly deciding to not ever let myself be played with anymore. Studying attacks many forum members and I have experienced. Getting the idea that only fighting helps, added to knowledge. Keeping in mind what the C's said to Laura when they talked about her abductions, which, en grosse, failed,
because she w a s f i g h t i n g it (!).
And, without noticing, I applied it to the matter of programs.

I have learned a lot through your posts. Not only concerning this topic. Also how priceless it is to share, exchange and ask on a platform like this. Before, I've only read about the statement that networking was essential. Now I know from own experience. Great difference.
Thank you!
Another thing I think is interesting is that the universe is kind of "programmed" aswell, every action you take has consequences. Without that predictability of things, we could do nothing, and when you think about it, its why there may be 4D STS beings who use us - the people who are programmed - because we are predictable. They would rely on it, just like we rely on a hammer to knock nails into wood. Its like we can rise out of the programmed world into the un-programmed, or the *self* programmed, almost like a mini-god (or mini-devil if you're that way inclined).

Oh yeah, forgot to say, although there is a predictable side to the universe, theres also the side of it we can't predict. At the moment I think most people look at the quantum world like that. But who knows it could be predictable, and we just can't fathom it ;) But I think the more you progress, the more you could empower yourself in the future, and at the point where the power becomes so great, a connection is drawn between you and your future self, and the "two" work together. In the sense that, the future can influence the past to change timelines in the future etc (going a bit far now but you get the picture I think?).
Anart wrote:

"...but notice that the predator doesn't disappear, it is just under control as it were."

This realization is a strong motivation to always stay vigilant, awake and informed. The predator doesn't disappear: when it seems absent, it may be that it has simply morphed into a different form.

In addition to internal programs, there are the societal ones that put whole cultures to sleep. Someone from another value system can come in, quickly assess weaknesses and exploit them. Some people may be awake enough in the invaded culture to see what is happening, and try to wake up the others.

But if those clear-sighted people are in thrall to their own internal programming, they may not have the energy to sustain the effort.

Awhile ago, before I began to post on this forum, I read an article written by Laura which described how she caught her own program reacting to other people's programs that caused them to be critical of her work.
She was brutally honest in conveying this process, one I recognized in myself, and so courageous in revealing
that its power was so strong that she almost allowed it to sabotage years of work.

After she realized how close she had come to being sabatoged by her own program, she also understood that her program was reacting to other people's programs, - that there was no real "I' in either side of the equation at all - and that released her to be able to feel empathy for both herself and the others while most importantly, continuing with the Work which may ironically in part be to expose the others' programs.

This insight resonated powerfully inside of me.

When I've surrendered to these programs, I can feel myself slipping away, and part of their power of them is that I feel absolutely justified in allowing myself to do so.

One of the signs that helps me realize what is happening and thus offer me the opportunity to resist is that I am beginning to recognize certain physical poses, certain facial expressions, certain breathing patterns that are hallmarks of each invasive program. Sometimes counteracting the physical manifestations helps to switch off or at least cut some of the current from the predatory program.
Thanks for the great thread, seems like there are quite a few people here who are in a similar position in terms of finding or observing their programs as I am. I think I've made the mistake as well of trying to 'change' to quickly, and that I probably just need to slow down and observe a lot more... from the sounds of it anyways. I have noticed though that *most* of the time when I am in a position I don't like because it seems so obviously STS I can spot it quickly and observe it, although I can rarely change whats happens. Maybe I just won't say anything to the people around me, and just see what they do. However when I am alone I find it much much more difficult to spot my programs because it seems like there is nothing to compare to or reflect on others thoughts to see differences or similarities with what you are doing and others are doing osit.
I also don't really talk about it with anyone either-- the only thing that ever comes up are political discussions here, but I almost always try and stay out and just observe the programs going on with the endless arguments about it that really go nowhere... sometimes I'll get asked what I think and I'll usually speak my mind - carefully - and it almost always gets a negative reaction like "why would you think that?" but they never follow up on it, they simply stay asleep and dream about how Obama is going to save us! (laugh). Mainly I don't speak because most people just don't care, and I definitely figured that one out the hard way for sure...
Also the dialogue that SOA presented was very interesting as well, it was presented in such a way to make it so obvious, yet it wasn't over the top because it really IS what they do...
Anyways, I know I don't post very much but this thread was very insightful and a good way to reflect on the growth(that I think I've had) over the past year(s), and just seeing how much I HAVE changed, even though as each day goes by it doesn't seem like much...
as Henry said: "So one step at a time."
Thanks to everyone on this thread...very insightful. And special thanks to SAO fo the link to the Cass glossary, which I had no idea even astounds me the amount of info that the Sott/Cass team has put out Thanks!
webglider said:
Awhile ago, before I began to post on this forum, I read an article written by Laura which described how she caught her own program reacting to other people's programs that caused them to be critical of her work.
She was brutally honest in conveying this process, one I recognized in myself, and so courageous in revealing
that its power was so strong that she almost allowed it to sabotage years of work.

After she realized how close she had come to being sabatoged by her own program, she also understood that her program was reacting to other people's programs, - that there was no real "I' in either side of the equation at all - and that released her to be able to feel empathy for both herself and the others while most importantly, continuing with the Work which may ironically in part be to expose the others' programs.

This insight resonated powerfully inside of me.
Hello webglider,

which article exactly are you talking about? Could you please provide a link or its title? I'd really like to read it.
Essence wrote referring to my most recent, previous post:

Hello Webglider:

Which article are you talking about? Could you please provide a link or a title? I'd really like to read it?

Dear Essence:

I've spent about an hour trying to find the source you asked for, but without success. I had read so much on the site before I wrote my first post, before I ever intended to post at all, that I didn't even think to stop and take notes. I was literally gulping down information; I was so hungry - starving for the information - that I barely finished reading one article or series, before I rushed to read another.

You're certainly right to ask for the source, and I feel now that I shouldn't have made the reference without checking to see if I could find it first.

The reason I mentioned it here on this particular thread was because it has given me such hope for myself. I was so overwhelmed first to find this site, then to encounter such a high level of scholarship and writing on so many subjects and then to realize that the person who was able to do all this had experienced similar obstacles as myself. The fact that she was able to transcend them and that she was so generous in describing the process liberated something in me.

I too want to move beyond my own personal obstacles and her process serves as a guide and an affirmation that it can be done. She would never would have inspired me to the extent that she has if if she hadn't shared that part of her journey.
Ominous said: a program could possibly be physically attatched to your being, & cause physical pain when you go against it?
Gurdjieff said:
It is illusion to say our movements are voluntary. All our movements are automatic. Our thoughts and feelings are just as automatic. The automatism of thought and feeling is definitely connected with the automatism of movement. One cannot be changed without the other. So that if a man's attention is concentrated, let us say, on changing automatic thoughts, then habitual movements and habitual postures will interfere with this new course of thought by attaching to it old habitual associations.
from In Search of the Miraculous
rise said:
However when I am alone I find it much much more difficult to spot my programs because it seems like there is nothing to compare to or reflect on others thoughts to see differences or similarities with what you are doing and others are doing osit.
Same here. A strong program for me has been to keep myself aloof from others, in 'splendid isolation', and at the same time to think that I am actually working on myself. That could even be my 'master program' which ensures that all the other programs are not detected. I even got myself into a life situation (staying at home, caring for a family member) where that has been my reality for seventeen years.

Observing the program, being honest with yourself about its effects, and always asking yourself what your AIM is, and how the program contributes (or not) to your aim, is very important. This eventually leads, in its own time, to DOING, based on one's understanding of the program and its effects.

The example from my own life is that having been run by this program for many years, in three days I am starting a new job which involves working with people, which I am sure will bring many opportunities for self-observation, external considering and Work. It took me a year to find a job that was what I wanted, and now I have to live up to my expectations. I don’t expect it to be easy!

Webglider, thanks for the post about Odysseus; it really touched something in me. I find that reading G and other 'technical' and 'wordy' descriptions of the work are very helpful – I'm not denigrating them at all - but the mythological imagery of something like the Odyssey can really bring the process alive for me.
webglider said:
Awhile ago, before I began to post on this forum, I read an article written by Laura which described how she caught her own program reacting to other people's programs that caused them to be critical of her work.
She was brutally honest in conveying this process, one I recognized in myself, and so courageous in revealing
that its power was so strong that she almost allowed it to sabotage years of work.

After she realized how close she had come to being sabatoged by her own program, she also understood that her program was reacting to other people's programs, - that there was no real "I' in either side of the equation at all - and that released her to be able to feel empathy for both herself and the others while most importantly, continuing with the Work which may ironically in part be to expose the others' programs.

I've spent about an hour trying to find the source you asked for, but without success.
Dear webglider: thanks anyway for taking your time to look for it.

Does anybody else know what article webglider is talking about?
just wanted to thank everyone for all the posts They are very helpful and insightful in regards to my own "work".
I'm so glad this forum exists. It's literally like a light in a world of darkness(ignorance).
rise said:
However when I am alone I find it much much more difficult to spot my programs because it seems like there is nothing to compare to or reflect on others thoughts to see differences or similarities with what you are doing and others are doing osit.
Like mada85, I've found the same. Yet social interactions can be a fantastic environment wherein you can observe yourself and your programs. I admit that sometimes when talking with someone or even posting on this forum, I'm worried that a program might slip through and take control, but then again that is the whole point! If we never interacted with others (in real life or in this forum), we wouldn't even know these programs existed. When you think about it, it's absurd to try to resist it if you don't even know what it is you're resisting yet. Our social interaction provides the perfect situation for observing programs.

Cassiopaea Glossary: 4th Way
The 4th Way [...] seeks to simultaneously develop all three sides and to do so in the environment of ordinary life ...
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