2.6 Atlantis And Lemuria
By 85,300 BC, the Lyrans gained more control of this solar system, and a team of human-like ETs were sent to Earth around 85,300 BC, and their base was established in Perth, Australia. Their priority was to harvest the genetics and soul essence of lifeforms on the planet to feed into their own genetic experiments. Shortly after, it seems that the Lyrans started a colony in the Basque region of Spain. Post this period, we see the more allied ET civilizations settling on Earth, resulting in the formation of Atlantis and Lemuria.
Atlantis and Lemuria were ET colonies during the implementation of some of the earlier human hybrid civilizations. They were created by ET refugees who were escaping their home worlds to avoid persecution. Both were civilizations that consisted of multiple ET colonies, each occupied by a mixture of different ET races. Lemuria was formed around 71,933 BC by several ET races, and today it lies under the Pacific Ocean and the South-Western half of the Indian Ocean. It consisted of a large portion of the former continent of Austra, which included Africa, Antarctica, and South America. The races occupying Lemuria included those from Lyra, Sirius A, Pleiades (primarily Taygeta and Merope), Ursa Minor, and Nibiru. However, shortly after, the Pleiadians got annoyed, and they left due to a misunderstanding. They eventually returned by 57,600 BC to found Atlantis, which currently resides under the Atlantic Ocean. They are accompanied by races from Nibiru, Aldebaran, Antares, Hayades, Sagittarius, and the Andromeda galaxy.
The lands of Lemuria were occupied by the Sasquatch for many millions of years. When their creator races returned and created settle ments in Lemuria post 71,933 BC, the Sasquatch and 5th advanced human hybrids of the time lived amongst them as loyal servants. Other versions of human hybrids that were not technologically ad- vanced roamed the lands in between the Lemurian cities. The Neanderthals were one of them that existed between 128,000 BC and 38,000 BC. Unlike what we are taught, the Neanderthals were a peaceful race that was deeply connected with nature due to their heightened psychic sensitivity. They were probably killed off like many other intermediary hybrids before them, not by the current mankind as human researchers claim, but by the ETs who needed to free up space for the next iteration and prevent reverse-breeding. The Atlanteans and the Lemurians lived peacefully for thousands of years. Nevertheless, after some time, a faction of star people based in Atlantis fell into the temptation of power and greed. After winning battles against the reptilian and insectoid hybrids created by the Draconian empire, and succeeding in pushing back invading forces, they claimed ownership and dominion over Earth. The Atlanteans were more technologically capable and thus they felt that they deserved the sole right to this world. Their claim was denied by the Lemurians and thus a faction of them rebelled and banded with the invading forces they had been fighting against.