Psychic Attacks

hi ninas, nice to see you on the forum again, don't worry about that - we have all ( or most of us) been there and got the t-shirt :)
My primary interest in this group, for the moment, is to add what I know about psychic attack. There is much written here that has valuable information and interesting points of view. What I would like to add is from my many years of experience within not only psychic attack, but "physical" psychic attack.

I have decided to reach out to victims of psychic attack because I have run into the mindset occasionally that basically blames the victim. I my case, I was attacked by one of the first people I ever met who works in the spirit realm (I am choosing to use commonly understood words). This person viciously attacked me by attaching a "demon" she works with because I graciously declined to become part of a small occult group in which she claimed she wanted to "teach" us. I said no. I had a funny feeling about it, plus, I was a single mom working and going to school full time. It was the furthest thing from my mind, really. At 24 I was a very good person, working hard, dedicated to being the best mom I could be, kind and loving to everyone. It would take too much space here to write the full account. I am trying to let people see what can happen to even the most innocent person.

In my search for information and, sometimes assistance, I have come across some who simply write off victims that have not been able to fend off their attackers. I would say my attacks are on the lines with dealing with a sociopathic thug who threatens to attack family and friends if it does not have it's way with me. That is a pretty powerful hold to have over someone, and believe me, when this happens, you ARE going to be afraid. That's what these beings want: to feed on fear, anger, helplessness, struggle, etc. There are levels of psychic attack that can and do overwhelm the victim. THIS IS NOT THE VICTIMS FAULT, NOR IS IT NECESSARLY UNDER THEIR CONTROL. I am writing this for that reason. There are healthy people who insist that their good fortune with health is due to their actions. It is a matter of luck, except for those who deliberately sabotage their health with bad habits, maybe.

It is not karma, it is not because they are weak, or because they are psychotic. I am still in awe of my attackers facility in working in other dimensions. Not many people are so developed that they can fend of such an attacker. I am one tough gal, I can assure you, but it has taken me 27 years of research and learning from others to figure out all that has happened. And the nature of my attachment is that I have to be the one to try to banish this attachment. I've had many wonderful people help me the best that they can. I am fortunate to have the support of the Pagan community where I live.

So, to conclude, I am starting to reach out to victims of psychic attack because I have the experience and knowledge to put a light on this (plus suggestions of how to actually fight back and not worry about whether or not the have perfect minds) that they may need, as humans, to survive these horrible experiences. The last thing victims of any sort need is to have judgement heaped on them. We have progresses as a society to where it is frowned upon to say, blame a woman for getting raped. I think we owe it to fellow earthlings to give them the same consideration. I know that people might point out that some people are mentally unwell, or other such reasons to judge a person. Certainly there are people who may be confused, or weakened by a mental condition. But that may make them vulnerable, not to blame.
I assert that those whose experience with psychic attack has not been serious, that they are simply lucky. If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone.

I feel that some who purport to know that the victim is causing it to themselves somehow do not fully understand the scope of such attacks. Reminds me of a friend who says to me when I have a knockout sinus infection well, I go to work with the sniffles. See the sanctimonious nature of such comments?

I truly am just trying to lend support to victims of psychic/physical attacks. I do not intend to offend anyone. In fact, I have suggestions that I have not seen anywhere else that may help. I am not writing this for myself at all. I am secure in my understanding of my situation.

Thanks for reading, and please be compassionate to those who are sick from psychic attack (PA).
Hi QuestforWisdom, have you had a chance to read the Wave Series yet? It might help you develop a broader understanding of such issues.
anart said:
ziggystarlust said:
You can bet that I have some kind of emotional attatcment to this thread or I wouldn't have posted.
Yes, you've made that obvious.

I'm afraid that your perception of my understandings, intentions and motivations is quite mistaken, and as far as your rather in-depth interest in my personal life, suffice it to say that things are constantly changing and the future is open.
Sorry Anart for going into this, but Ziggystarlust was saying that you, at one time were hoping to move to Canada. I am curious on what your thoughts are regarding how bad things will get. I have a feeling that We in Canada will be in it almost as bad as the states. The only reason i ask this is that i have tried seeking this answer a few times before with no luck. Sorry for going off topic. If it is a lot of trouble to move this to another thread, please let me know, so that i do not make this mistake again.
davey72 said:
anart said:
ziggystarlust said:
You can bet that I have some kind of emotional attatcment to this thread or I wouldn't have posted.
Yes, you've made that obvious.

I'm afraid that your perception of my understandings, intentions and motivations is quite mistaken, and as far as your rather in-depth interest in my personal life, suffice it to say that things are constantly changing and the future is open.
Sorry Anart for going into this, but Ziggystarlust was saying that you, at one time were hoping to move to Canada. I am curious on what your thoughts are regarding how bad things will get. I have a feeling that We in Canada will be in it almost as bad as the states. The only reason i ask this is that i have tried seeking this answer a few times before with no luck. Sorry for going off topic. If it is a lot of trouble to move this to another thread, please let me know, so that i do not make this mistake again.

Davey, you've been asked in three different threads now why you keep responding to posts that are over 4 years old. Please reply to that. Also - are you using any 'substances' at this point? I only ask because you appear to be completely unaware of your posts and the responses to them.

Regarding moving - it doesn't matter where you are, what matters is who you are and what you See.
Hi Anart. Yes, i did reply to that one four year old post. Didn't realize that this one was almost a year. I didn't realize there was a time limit. :-[
davey72 said:
Hi Anart. Yes, i did reply to that one four year old post. Didn't realize that this one was almost a year. I didn't realize there was a time limit. :-[

There is no time limit, Davey. The point is that you respond to these posts as if the person who wrote them is still having the same issue they were having four of five years ago or even one year ago. That is almost always not the case. It shows a lack of awareness on your part. In some cases, you respond to an early post in a thread that is four or five years old without even reading the entire thread to find out the issue was resolved four years ago. You've mentioned that you are using (occasionally) drugs again and I just want to make sure that you understand that we strongly request that you not post on this forum while you are high or otherwise impaired. Thanks.
Black Swan said:
Bruce said:
Psychic Attack Psychic attacks involve related but stronger influences than these and involve more energy and direct pressure. The energy involved can generate various types of paranormal phenomena; the degree of phenomena experienced is stronger if the victims are mediumistic, thereby providing a source of energy to power the phenomena.
Typically, people under attack will first experience nightmares and other such nocturnal sleep disturbances, plus anxiety attacks and symptoms of stress...Telepathic and psychic sensitivity increase during sleep, as does hypnotic suggestibility. This makes sleep the prime time for Negs to interfere with humans, to insert core images (real life traumas, bad experiences and painful unresolved issues or implanted ones), to form attachments, and to insert posthypnotic suggestions... They (people under attack) can also experience a variety of unusual ailments such as dietary intolerances, sudden illnesses and infections, stomach and bowel disorders, muscular cramps, pricking and jabbing pains (especially in the feet), depression, plus misfortune and bad luck in just about everything. Typically, the lives of people under strong psychic attacks start to fragment and come undone.
Psychic attacks always include some form of influence. Peculiar, unhealthy, or socially detrimental urges are common. Preexisting weaknesses will be exploited and magnified often to obessional levels...Direct attacks normally happen inside buildings. They are far more likely at night because Negs are always more active at night...Typically, psychic attacks will start with some kind of nocturnal interference, like obsessive looping thoughts, nightmares, waking paralysis, cold shivers, and "things that go bump in the night." The incidence of phenomena like astral lights and pings, strange noises, and unpleasant atmospheres will increase. Seeing frequent shadowy movements in one's peripheral vision is a sure sign something is wrong... Public places such as movie theatres and malls are also more likely to contain roaming Negs.
Direct attacks can be temporary affairs, especially if victims are only briefly exposed to Negs. But even short exposures can be exhausting; Negs can drain sensitives of vitality in minutes. Victims of circumstancial direct attack will often be tagged and targeted for future Neg invasion. In a way, it could be said some Negs memorize the psychic scents of new victims so they can be tracked down later.

FWIW I'm glad this thread got bumped, because I have been feeling very odd for the last month and the thought of being psychically attacked crossed my mind. I've been trying to down play it, but something has happened to me to cause almost all of my health problems to suddenly reappear. Problems sleeping, anxiety, depression, eczema, arthritis pain, acne, digestion problems, sudden weight loss, headaches, muscle cramps/aches and symptoms of hypothyroidism have all just popped back up in my life within the last few weeks. I feel like all the good health I have worked so hard to attain has been swept away in a current regardless of my efforts.

I know going down to my local "occupy" gathering on the weekends has been draining, but I just don't understand how it all could deteriorate just like that. I remember driving home from the meeting the first week and wondering if something had attacked me, because I felt SO drained and not just the tired feeling one has after working all day. I convinced myself that I was imagining things and I must not have had enough food or water since I lost a lot of weight that weekend. But I even ate and drank more than I usually do! I just can't believe how these conditions have come back full force and have degraded my quality of life in just a manner of weeks. Now I get to fight everything all over again. It's amazing.

Edit: I have just ordered Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook, The: A Survival Guide and think it could really help me out. Thanks for this thread.
Hello Anart, Thanks again for pointing this out. No, i do not post when i am high, but you have shown me that doesn't seem to matter. Although i have put myself in check, and quit again, it is good to know how i am affected even when i think that i am sober. I am glad that someone has gotten something from this, though. Other than me, that is.
quest for wisdom, i recently have experienced aN ATTACK, having trouble getting over it, does the mind ever go back to normal?
loza842000 said:
quest for wisdom, i recently have experienced aN ATTACK, having trouble getting over it, does the mind ever go back to normal?

Hi loza842000,

We would be glad if you could post an introdution in the Newbies section, just telling a bit about yourself, how you found us, etc.

Regarding the attack, can you explain how are you experiencing it?
Also glad this post got bumped. I'm having similar experiences recently, not so much as a perceived attack but an energy drain(actually having one right now).

For the past couple of months i've also become much more sensitive to... well everything, and this is the second person i feel that is sucking my energy.
The first time i felt this i was under the influence of marijuana(experimental), and i felt my brother sucking my energy to such an extent that i couldn't look at him directly. I had to put my had in front of my face and felt like my soul was being forced to vomit, after he/i left the room the draining subsided. I didn't know what to make of it at first but after two more incidents, i decided to bring it up in conversation with him and lo and behold the energy draining subsided (at least i'm not aware of it but i'm also avoiding spending much time near him).

A couple of weeks after this I made an arrangement (despite many hints that i shouldn't have) with my current roommate to allow her boyfriend to stay with us for a month until she moved out to live with him (10 more days and i'm free!!). And just as he moved in i've been experiencing the same energy drains and just generally feeling low energy and miserable. Now i'm not 100% sure it's him, and i've refrained from making any hasty decisions, but i can't even look at the guy. And aside from avoiding him, i actually freeze when he walks in through the door (in case you get he wrong idea, he is so not threatening it's laughable). At first i thought we just didn't vibe but i'm beginning to think my body wants to just get away, like yesterday. Also I feel the energy being drain in his direction at the moment. This is a relatively new sense(/skill/psychic ability?) i'm beginning to notice so i'm not too sure he's the cause, so I'm refraining from judgements... although it's probably those damn lizzies at it again :evil:

I've tried several techniques (shielding, rejecting the drain, non-reactivness, uhh could you lend me a hand jesus??, etc.) but nothing seems to work. Interestingly enough i'm noticing that I get these drains whenever i feel my frequency raising… hmmm.

I've read the wave series, Ra material, bringers of dawn, in search of the miraculous, several other/loads of info on this site, and aside from raising my own frequency (knowledge protects) i haven't found any way of countering this drain… Oh and from getting rid of the person (10 more days!!)

Anywho i'd thought i'd share and if anyone has any advice or comments or constructive criticism, feel free. Oh and i haven't read this entire threat since it's late and i need to sleep, i will read it tomorrow after work.
Zarcos said:
I've read the wave series, Ra material, bringers of dawn, in search of the miraculous, several other/loads of info on this site, and aside from raising my own frequency (knowledge protects) i haven't found any way of countering this drain… Oh and from getting rid of the person (10 more days!!)
There are threads that helped me realize I should make a stand for myself - though within reason, and not to act out a drama unaware of what's behind it. Cutting ties could help to recharge and understand past dramas with a more objective view. Waiting for the person to leave sounds right as far as I got from your situation. Then reflect, but not necessarily ruminate (Timothy Wilson).

It seems like nothing in particular brought up these feelings in you, that you can describe? Have you considered that you feel this way about these people for no reason? That it is your decision? That may or may not be true, I do not know your history with these people.
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