Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Thank you for looking into it! So basically the kremlin website, which is our main source for what Putin and co are actually saying and doing, seems to have been permanently hacked and unavailable ever since Putin announced the special operation in Ukraine and gave his empire of lies speech.
Your most welcome! The main government website was down too when I checked. I don't know many Russian domains personally and had to find what was listed on various search engines but a lot of the official sites seemed to be down. I'm more leaning to them taking it down personally because I can't fathom how RT have managed to stay up and implement DDOS protection and the government websites not. Saying that, maybe they have similar funding to the UK's NHS and government websites, then I can completely fathom it! :lol:
This from RT, how to access the website using alternative methods, hope this helps.

If you can’t get news from RT due to government restrictions, here are some alternative ways to access our content

Serious attempts have been made in Western nations to silence RT, following Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine. The EU Commission has given regulators in the bloc’s nations powers to ban the media outlet. If you’ve faced difficulties accessing RT’s content due to those restrictions, here are some steps you can take to bypass them.

1. If you’re reading RT on your smartphone, you can use our Android app, which can be downloaded via this link.

2. On your PC, you can use the Tor browser, which can be downloaded here. RT’s website address in Tor remains the same: www.rt.com. If Tor doesn’t work for you, or is unavailable via regular means, you can resolve this issue by sending an empty email to gettor@torproject.com and you will be sent the necessary link.

3. Another way of circumventing restrictions is to use the Psiphon censorship-bypass tool, which can be downloaded for Windows, Android, and other systems. Alternatively, you can use a VPN service of your choice. (Windows download here, direct Android download here, and other options here).

4. You can also stay in touch with RT through Telegram by subscribing to RT’s soon-to-be-reborn channel there.
Jordan Peterson interviewing Dr. Fredrick W. Kagan from the US, military schools. "Expert in Russian military studies” PhD in Soviet and Russian military history from Yale. About the war in Ukraine.

Kagan’s position is” blame Putin”, Glory to Ukraine, we have to sort out and go after others like India who aren’t condemning Putin. And more. Basically, the west story in a nutshell. Nothing mentioned about the Minsk or NATO agreements.

For Peterson's part, I never heard him say yes, I agree, or buy in to the perspective, but he did give a good airing of Kagan's viewpoints to his millions of followers around the world.

I'm reminded that during his first tour, I believe it was in Holland, that he said “my son gave me some advice, he said, if I stick to the things I “know” I’ll be ok, so that’s good advice and I plan on doing that” (food for thought)

27 minutes long.

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“Give an order to our fighters to seize Kharkov, Kiev, and all the other cities quickly, accurately, and efficiently,” he insisted.
“Comrade President, Comrade Supreme Commander, I have said more than once that I am your infantryman, I am ready to give my life for you,” Kadyrov insisted. “But I cannot watch how our fighters are dying. I beg you turn a blind eye to everything and let them finish in a day or two what is happening there.”
According to Kadyrov, “only this will save our state and people.”
“I ask you to give our fighters the opportunity to prove themselves to the fullest, to give them the opportunity to use all their possible and impossible force in order to finish this once and for all,”
he pleaded.
Wolves disguised as saviors... another worst-case scenario. With that superhero vision, he could even act on his own and make things worse. Totally out of line with the strategies being pursued from Russia. Seems like the kind of guy impatiently looking for probation from the ultimate leader and even possible traitor who is least expected!
Wonderful 6m explanation just found on french telegram channels, it was translated to french with sub-titles but it's english, the guy speaks loudly/clearly and did a wonderful summary. Kind of video to send to anyone who support the mafia ... PTB ... sorry, Ukraine ;-D

I did not find the original, but this should be translated to other languages and spreaded, i mean, i wonder what someone who blindly support Ukraine and the occidental countries could answer after this !? Of course, i'm not dreaming, I assume many will succeed to deny this embarrassing "summary" rapidly, but for many, it's gonna seriously bug in their head.

This is a CDIM (just coined the term) : Cognitive Dissonance Informational Missile (manufacturer : "STO & Co") :lol:

Edit: wanted to add : I support Russia, i support Russians, and simply : THANK YOU ! 🥰
Another good video from this channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheKremlinStories/videos


Currently, a catastrophic humanitarian situation has developed in most of the territory of Ukraine, which, unfortunately, is rapidly deteriorating. The most difficult situation in Kiev, Kharkov, Sumy, Chernigov and Mariupol, as well as in a number of other settlements. In these cities today there is practically a humanitarian catastrophe, Chief of the National Centre for State Defence Control, Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev reported on Friday. "Despite all our calls, the Ukrainian Nazis block thousands of Ukrainian citizens, as well as a large number of foreigners, and do not let them out for evacuation to safe places. The terrorists of the national battalions continue to use civilians and foreign citizens as 'human shield," he added. Today there are more than 7.5 thousand foreigners forcibly held as hostages in various settlements of Ukraine, including: in Kharkov - 3,189 citizens of India, 2,700 citizens of Vietnam, 200 citizens of Jordan, 30 citizens of Egypt; in Sumy - 576 citizens of India, 121 citizens of China and 100 citizens of Ghana, as well as 60 citizens of Egypt and 45 citizens of Jordan. "Firstly, the Kiev regime has almost completely lost the ability to manage the administrations of the regions and districts of the country. Secondly, civil law administrations in cities and towns of Ukraine are deprived of the right to deal with the civilian population, they are not able to solve elementary issues of a social and domestic nature. Thirdly, in most cities and towns, national battalions of the so-called territorial defenсe are rampaging, and in fact they are Nazis and mercenaries who joined them, terrorists and bandits, including those of foreign origin." General stressed.

A little bit of humor. Don't count me cynical.
Let's defend the legal rights of Russian cats with the whole world.

RIA Novosti: China will take revenge on the West for sanctions against Russian cats
The Chinese edition of the Global Times published an article that talked about new restrictions on Russia from the West. Sanctions against Russian cats have caused a violent reaction among netizens, Dmitry Kosyrev, a columnist for RIA Novosti, reports. A lot of Chinese people began to resent that restrictive measures affected cats. Some wondered why the West has not yet imposed sanctions against the Siberian wind? And others noted that Washington is now making an analogue of Ukraine from Taiwan, as it sends its weapons to Taipei. According to Kosyrev, Western sanctions act on Chinese residents like a red rag on a bull. In addition to the fact that they have affected sports events and creativity with their sanctions, which do not relate to politics, so now they have also reached cats. "Sanctions fun in the Russian direction consolidate Chinese (and in fact, not only Chinese) society in, to put it mildly, hostility to the West as a whole. And they are pushing this society, followed by the political leadership, to support Moscow - the one that is technically possible," Dmitry Kosyrev concluded.
РИА Новости: КНР отомстит Западу за санкции против российских кошек

Маленькая капелька юмора. Не сочтите за цинизм. Всем миром отстоим законные права русских кошек.
Is this event at Zaporizhzhia Power plant some kind of idiot test? It appears on the surface to be an extraordinarily desperate and poorly executed false flag. Just my gut reaction along the lines of 'who benefits'. Not much information available yet except statements from both sides.
Obviously, who benefits from this, definitely NOT Russia. At the Zaporozhye NPP, a training center was on fire, which was set on fire by saboteurs. This training center is located OUTSIDE the perimeter of the NPP itself.
Today there was an interview with a physicist from Russia, he said that the margin of safety of Soviet / Russian nuclear power plants is such that they can withstand a direct collision with an aircraft without any serious consequences for the reactor. - Что грохнет Запорожский реактор? Пожар - ничего, самолёт — выдержит, астероидом - возможно

For some reason, everyone writes that this is a Ukrainian nuclear power plant. Geographically, yes, but ALL Ukrainian nuclear power plants were designed and built under the USSR. Ukraine only serves these nuclear power plants, which she got free of charge from the USSR. VVER-1000 reactors were designed and built in Moscow/Leningrad, generators and turbines were made (and are being made now) in St. Petersburg (Leningrad).

Facebook was officially blocked in Russia today and Twitter's turn will soon come. They also introduced punishment for fakes in social networks and for calls to rallies against the war.
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