Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

When China is accused of censorship, there are ways to bypass their internet firewalls. So, it would be the same to bypass American attempts to block information, it would seem.

So, we could get Russian news through China or India, or any other country who isn't blocking Russian news.

If you can get a VPN/IP Tunnel/proxy in a country not blocking russian ip space/enetworks you will still be able to reach russian sites, yes. Technically you cant compare the china firewall to removing russian network space from ISP (Internet Service Provider) border routers.
Oh wait:


In St. Petersburg, a man ran into the Ulyanka shopping center, shouting "Glory to Ukraine!", and began shooting at others with a traumatic pistol. He was neutralized by the guards of the center and handed over to the police.




What a coincidence!

I wonder if this code to awaken a Newbaumed assassin?

I ask myself, what isn't a code here?. From that point, it could be "you have a green light" to whoever has been there as an infiltrator for a long time and make it look like a natural. Zelenski did the same by "asking for help in the world" to anyone who wanted to help Ukraine against Russia and it was obvious that the code was for mercenaries and there are the consequences and it looks like a countermeasure.

Putin is not disqualified or mislabeled as a Tsar because Russia is not starving as in the time of the Bolsheviks. He is cutting off the heads of psychopaths as Caesar did in his time, this is why he is historically known as a bloodthirsty man. So to be killed by his people, I doubt it, but by a Russian, it makes more sense, someone from the inside. But not that far away, because through sanctions they are strangling the Russian people to focus their annoyance on Putin, like the Bolsheviks.

We'll see what happens and with what blow will finish the dragon (China) that so far is "only watching". These people are fighting at different levels.
The Twitter account of the diplomatic mission in Mexico became a trend on Twitter for its response to a reporter.

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The person in charge of the social networks of the Embassy of Ukraine in Mexico sparked controversy by responding to a citizen with a publication that was described as racist and classist:

“You still don't react or respond to our proposal. And you're still spreading Russian propaganda without ever visiting Ukraine. So we have a question for you, Mr. Journalist: do they pay you in rubles or in tamales?”

The mexican Tamal is a popular cooked corn cake liked among the working class, the poor and the indigenous.

The journalist Gabriel Infante had written: “It is pertinent to point out that the Ukrainian government closed down opposition media outlets; three TV channels: 112 Ukraine, ZIK, News One and sanctioned the digital medium Strana Ua”

This provoked the anger of the person in charge of social networks of the Ukrainian Embassy

How Russia Will Counterpunch the U.S./EU Declaration of War​

19315 ViewsMarch 04, 2022 71 Comments
By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted

Only self-sufficiency affords total independence. And the Big Picture has also been keenly understood by the Global South.

One of the key underlying themes of the Russia/Ukraine/NATO matrix is that the Empire of Lies (copyright Putin) has been rattled to the core by the combined ability of Russian hypersonic missiles and a defensive shield capable of blocking incoming nuclear missiles from the West, thereby ending Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.)

This has led the Americans to nearly risk a hot war to be able to place hypersonic missiles that they still don’t have on Ukraine’s western borders, and so be within three minutes of Moscow. For that, of course, they need Ukraine, as well as Poland and Romania in Eastern Europe.

The reason why the West is waging an information war is because that's all they have left. See analyses by Scott Ritter and Andrei Martyanov (two dudes who seem very much to know what they're talking about) for further discussion of the impotence of the American military industrial complex.

In Ukraine, the Americans are determined to fight to the last European soul – if that’s what it takes. This may be the last roll of the (nuclear) dice. Thus the next-to-last gasp at coercing Russia into submission by using the remaining, workable American weapon of mass destruction: SWIFT.

Yet this weapon can be easily neutralized by rapid adoption of self-sufficiency.

With essential input by the inestimable Michael Hudson I have outlined possibilities for Russia to weather the sanction storm. That didn’t even consider the full extent of Russia’s “black box defense”
– and counter-attack – as outlined by John Helmer in his introduction to an essay that heralds no less then The Return of Sergei Glaziev.

Glaziev, predictably detested across Atlanticist circles, was a key economic adviser to President Putin and is now the Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU). He has always been a fierce critic of the Russian Central Bank and the oligarch gang closely linked to Anglo-American finance.
His latest essay, Sanctions and Sovereignty, originally published by expert.ru and translated by Helmer, deserves serious scrutiny.

This is one of the key takeaways:
“Russian losses of potential GDP, since 2014, amount to about 50 trillion rubles. But only 10% of them can be explained by sanctions, while 80% of them were the result of monetary policy. The United States benefits from anti-Russian sanctions, replacing the export of Russian hydrocarbons to the EU as well as China; replacing the import of European goods by Russia. We could completely offset the negative consequences of financial sanctions if the Bank of Russia fulfilled its constitutional duty to ensure a stable ruble exchange rate, and not the recommendations of Washington financial organizations.”

De-offshore or bust

Glaziev essentially recommends:
– A “real de-offshorization of the economy”.
– “Measures to tighten currency regulation in order to stop the export of capital and expand targeted lending to enterprises in need of financing investments”.
– “Taxation of currency speculation and transactions in dollars and euros on the domestic market”.
– “Serious investment in R&D in order to accelerate the development of our own technological base in the areas affected by sanctions – first of all the defense industry, energy, transport and communications.”
And last but not least, “the de-dollarization of our foreign exchange reserves, replacing the dollar, euro and pound with gold.”

The Russian Central Bank seems to be listening. Most of these measures are already in place. And there are signs that Putin and the government are finally ready to grab the Russian oligarchy by the balls and force them to share risks and losses at an extremely difficult for the nation. Goodbye to stockpiling funds taken out of Russia offshore and in Londongrad.

Exactly how this 'reigning in the oligarchs' will play out in Russia's domestic politics will be fascinating to behold. It will be fascinating, but only if we are able to see it, which is in doubt due to the media blockade.

Glaziev is the real deal. In December 2014 I was at a conference in Rome, and Glaziev joined us on the phone. Reviewing a subsequent column I wrote at the time, between Rome and Beijing, I was stunned: it’s as if Glaziev was saying these things literally today.

Allow me to quote two paragraphs:
“At the symposium, held in a divinely frescoed former 15th century Dominican refectory now part of the Italian parliament’s library, Sergey Glaziev, on the phone from Moscow, gave a stark reading of Cold War 2.0. There’s no real “government” in Kiev; the U.S. ambassador is in charge. An anti-Russia doctrine has been hatched in Washington to foment war in Europe – and European politicians are its collaborators. Washington wants a war in Europe because it is losing the competition with China.”

“Glaziev addressed the sanctions dementia: Russia is trying simultaneously to reorganize the politics of the International Monetary Fund, fight capital flight and minimize the effect of banks closing credit lines for many businessmen. Yet the end result of sanctions, he says, is that Europe will be the ultimate losers economically; bureaucracy in Europe has lost economic focus as American geopoliticians have taken over.”

Gotta pay the “tax on independence”

A consensus seems to be emerging in Moscow that the Russian economy will stabilize quickly, as there will be a shortage of personnel for industry and a lot of extra hands will be required. Hence no unemployment. There may be shortages, but no inflation.
Sales of – Western – luxury goods have already been curtailed. Imported products will be placed under price controls. All the necessary rubles will be available though price controls – as happened in the U.S. in WWII.

A wave of nationalization of assets may be ahead. ExxonMobil announced it will withdraw from the $4 billion Sakhalin-1 project (they had bailed out on Sakhalin-2, deemed too expensive), producing 200,000 barrels of oil a day, after BP and Norway’s Equinor announced they were withdrawing from projects with Rosneft. BP was actually dreaming of taking all of Rosneft’s participation.

You can imagine the Western media if nationalization occurs - Putin goes full commie! There's nothing that the parasites hate more than nationalization, ie., any nation state preventing the financial elite from feeding off of their local industries and resources.

According to Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, the Kremlin is now blocking asset sales by foreign investors looking to divest. In parallel, Rosneft, for instance, is bound to raise capital from China and India, who are already minority investors in several projects, and buy them out 100%: an excellent opportunity for Russian business.

What could be construed as the Mother of All Counter-Sanctions has not yet been announced. Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev himself hinted all options are on the table.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, channeling the patience of 10,000 Taoist monks, still expecting the current hysteria to fade away, describes the sanctions as “some kind of a tax on independence”, with countries barring their companies from working in Russia under “huge pressure.”

Lethal counterpunches though are not excluded. Apart from completely de-dollarizing – as Glaviev recommends – Russia may ban the export of titanium, rare earth, nuclear fuel and, already in effect, rocket engines.

Very toxic moves would include seizing all foreign assets of hostile nations; freeze all loan repayments to Western banks and place the funds in a frozen account in a Russian bank; completely ban all hostile foreign media, foreign media ownership, assorted NGOs and CIA fronts; and supply friendly nations with state of the art weapons, intel sharing and joint training and exercises.

The world of globalization, ruled by the IMF, World Bank, and Transnational Corporations, and enforced by economic hit men, is looking like it is finished. Countries without domestic ability to produce enough energy and food to keep their population fed and warm will suffer. Countries that do have this capability, but don't have a political elite that has the sense to produce energy and food for their populations, will also suffer. Eventually, the domestic political elite of these kinda places will also suffer as a consequence, at the hands of millions of cold, hungry, and angry citizens. I think that the Russians can only remain a scapegoat for so long. We may see authentic, internal regime-change across Europe as a consequence of these war sanctions when people realized that their elite sacrificed their economies, their lives, and their livelihoods.

What’s certain is that a new architecture of payment systems – as discussed by Michael Hudson and others – uniting the Russian SPFS and the Chinese CHIPS, may soon be offered to scores of nations across Eurasia and the Global South – several among them already under sanctions, such as Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, the DPRK.

Slowly but surely, we are already on the way to the emergence of a sizeable Global South bloc immune to American financial warfare.

The RIC in BRICS – Russia, India and China – are already increasing trade in their own currencies. If we look at the list of nations at the UN that voted against Russia or abstained from condemning Operation Z in Ukraine, plus those that did not sanction Russia, we have at least 70% of the whole Global South.

So once again is the West – plus satrapies/colonies such as Japan and Singapore in Asia – against the Rest: Eurasia, Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America.

The coming European collapse

Michael Hudson told me, “the U.S. and Western Europe expected a Froelicher Krieg (“happy war”). Germany and other countries haven’t begun to feel the pain of gas and mineral and food deprivation. THAT’S going to be the real game. The aim would be to break Europe away from U.S. control via NATO. This will involve “meddling” by creating a New World Order political movement and party, like Communism was a century ago. You could call it a new Great Awakening.”

The BRI already has the scope, and is developing the diplomatic and operational capacity, to become this new order. Time will tell whether or not it will be thoroughly ponerized, and used as the basis of the Great Reset - or if it will actually follow through on its promises of win-win cooperation, mutual development, peace and prosperity. It will be one crazy tight-rope walk to maintain that vision with a dying Empire raging in the midst of an incoming Ice Age.

A possible Great Awakening certainly will not involve the NATOstan sphere anytime soon. The collective West is rather in serious Great Decoupling mode, its entire economy weaponized with the aim, expressed in the open, of destroying Russia and even – the perennial wet dream – provoking regime change.

Sergey Naryshkin, the head of the SVR, succinctly described it:
“Masks have dropped. The West is not just trying to enclose Russia with a new ‘Iron Curtain’. We are talking about attempts to destroy our state – its ‘abolition’, as it is now customary to say in the ‘tolerant’ liberal-fascist environment. Since the United States and its allies have neither the opportunity nor the spirit to try to do this in an open and honest military-political confrontation, sneaky attempts are being made to establish an economic, informational and humanitarian “blockade”’.

Arguably the apex of Western hysteria is the onset of a 2022 Neo-Nazi Jihad: a 20,000-strong mercenary army being assembled in Poland under CIA supervision. The bulk comes from private military companies such as Blackwater/Academi and DynCorp. Their cover: “return of Ukrainians from the French Foreign Legion.” This Afghan remix comes straight from the only playbook the CIA knows.

I had no idea Poland was the launching pad, nor the numbers of mercenaries.

Back in reality, facts on the ground will eventually lead entire economies in the West to become roadkill – with chaos in the commodities sphere leading to skyrocketing energy and food costs. As an example, up to 60% of German and 70% of Italian manufacturing industries may be forced to shut down for good – with catastrophic social consequences.

I don't know if I can really understand what this means. It's so big. The analyses I've been reading are suggesting that Europe will de-industrialize. Now, the West was already de-industrializing and turning into a 'service-based' or 'knowledge' or 'gig' economy, offshoring production, etc. And then there was little investment in domestic infrastructure as the bank accounts of the financial parasites ballooned. In other words, the West was already deteriorating. And that's not even mentioning the moral degeneration. But that was all more or less by design.

Is this wave of looming de-industrialization (a tame word for it) also by design? The Great Reset presupposed a controlled demolition of the economy, yes. But I think that this situation is out of 'their' control, much in the same way that Sars-COV-2 escaped earlier than they expected, triggering a scenario for which they may not have been fully prepared for.

Russia has already shown that she is willing to play by a very different role than what is cast for her in the official script. Rather than the expected 'minor incursion' (to quote one of Biden's slip-ups), we have the total de-Nazification of Ukraine, begun by mass destruction of air and naval power, continued with careful land-based movements, leading to what we have now - the cauldron of Nazis in the Donbass, as well as the circling of major cities, a strategy reminiscent of laying siege to medieval castles. I'm thinking of Caesar at Alesia. Anyways, it seems clear that this is a lot more than the psychopaths bargained for. They're not used to people who they cast as victims to stand up and be heroes.

Similar to this military surprise, an economic one could hit the West when it comes to Russia's economic response.

The unelected, uber-Kafkaesque EU machine in Brussels has chosen to commit a triple hara-kiri by grandstanding as abject vassals of the Empire, destroying any remaining French and German sovereignty impulses and imposing alienation from Russia-China.

Meanwhile, Russia will be showing the way: only self-sufficiency affords total independence. And the Big Picture has also been keenly understood by the Global South: one day someone had to stand up and say, “That’s Enough”. With maximum raw power to back it up.

Edit: clarity
Is Vladimir Putin following the Just War Theory of Christianity?

The just war theory is a largely Christian philosophy that attempts to reconcile three things:

▪︎taking human life is seriously wrong
▪︎states have a duty to defend their citizens, and defend justice
▪︎protecting innocent human life and defending important moral values sometimes requires willingness to use force and violence

The theory specifies conditions for judging if it is just to go to war, and conditions for how the war should be fought.

Although it was extensively developed by Christian theologians, it can be used by people of every faith and none.


The principles of a Just War originated with classical Greek and Roman philosophers like Plato and Cicero and were added to by Christian theologians like Augustine and Thomas Aquinas.


There are two parts to Just War theory, both with Latin names:

▪︎Jus ad bellum: the conditions under which the use of military force is justified.

▪︎Jus in bello: how to conduct a war in an ethical manner.


The reason why the West is waging an information war is because that's all they have left. See analyses by Scott Ritter and Andrei Martyanov (two dudes who seem very much to know what they're talking about) for further discussion of the impotence of the American military industrial complex.

Exactly how this 'reigning in the oligarchs' will play out in Russia's domestic politics will be fascinating to behold. It will be fascinating, but only if we are able to see it, which is in doubt due to the media blockade.

You can imagine the Western media if nationalization occurs - Putin goes full commie! There's nothing that the parasites hate more than nationalization, ie., any nation state preventing the financial elite from feeding off of their local industries and resources.

The world of globalization, ruled by the IMF, World Bank, and Transnational Corporations, and enforced by economic hit men, is looking like it is finished. Countries without domestic ability to produce enough energy and food to keep their population fed and warm will suffer. Countries that do have this capability, but don't have a political elite that has the sense to produce energy and food for their populations, will also suffer. Eventually, the domestic political elite of these kinda places will also suffer as a consequence, at the hands of millions of cold, hungry, and angry citizens. I think that the Russians can only remain a scapegoat for so long. We may see authentic, internal regime-change across Europe as a consequence of these war sanctions when people realized that their elite sacrificed their economies, their lives, and their livelihoods.

The BRI already has the scope, and is developing the diplomatic and operational capacity, to become this new order. Time will tell whether or not it will be thoroughly ponerized, and used as the basis of the Great Reset - or if it will actually follow through on its promises of win-win cooperation, mutual development, peace and prosperity. It will be one crazy tight-rope walk to maintain that vision with a dying Empire raging in the midst of an incoming Ice Age.

I had no idea Poland was the launching pad, nor the numbers of mercenaries.

I don't know if I can really understand what this means. It's so big. The analyses I've been reading are suggesting that Europe will de-industrialize. Now, the West was already de-industrializing and turning into a 'service-based' or 'knowledge' or 'gig' economy, offshoring production, etc. And then there was little investment in domestic infrastructure as the bank accounts of the financial parasites ballooned. In other words, the West was already deteriorating. And that's not even mentioning the moral degeneration. But that was all more or less by design.

Is this wave of looming de-industrialization (a tame word for it) also by design? The Great Reset presupposed a controlled demolition of the economy, yes. But I think that this situation is out of 'their' control, much in the same way that Sars-COV-2 escaped earlier than they expected, triggering a scenario for which they may not have been fully prepared for.

Russia has already shown that she is willing to play by a very different role than what is cast for her in the official script. Rather than the expected 'minor incursion' (to quote one of Biden's slip-ups), we have the total de-Nazification of Ukraine, begun by mass destruction of air and naval power, continued with careful land-based movements, leading to what we have now - the cauldron of Nazis in the Donbass, as well as the circling of major cities, a strategy reminiscent of laying siege to medieval castles. I'm thinking of Caesar at Alesia. Anyways, it seems clear that this is a lot more than the psychopaths bargained for. They're not used to people who they cast as victims to stand up and be heroes.

Similar to this military surprise, an economic one could hit the West when it comes to Russia's economic response.

Edit: clarity
Interesting analysis, fairly accurate I'd say. I was really taken aback by all the different companies pulling out operations from Russia, and watching all the Russian assets being seized illegally - the West only plays by their rules when it's in their interests, otherwise they are cast aside, usually in the shadows - but this hypocrisy is out in the open for all to see. I don't think people right now recognize how damaging this will be to the economies of the West that rely on products and materials from the East. These pathological idiots have no sense - throwing away their entire setup that benefits them - as they seethe and rage over Putin and Team for not backing down, not giving in, not submitting.
⚡️ Finland open to discussing joining NATO in parliament - President Sauli

When questioned on Fox News if the Nordic country would join NATO, President Niinisto said it would be up for debate in the Finnish Parliament.

A recent YLE poll showed, for the first time, over 50% of Finns support joining the military alliance.

A similar poll in neighboring Sweden found around the same percentage want to join NATO.

via RT
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