Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

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Less and less Ru websites available over here. Now, tsargrad.tv and rg.ru are gone.

[RIA: Europe fears de-nazification]

(DeepL translations)

Moscow, 5 March - AiF-Moscow.
Azov militants have blown up an apartment building in Mariupol, the head of the Donetsk people's republic, Denys Pushylin, has said on air of Channel One.

According to him, the militants detonated a previously planted explosive device in the house at 15/20 Meotida Boulevard. There are 200 people under the rubble in the basement. Most of them are women and children.

The explosion took place on Saturday, when it became known that a humanitarian corridor was being provided for the civilians to leave. A silence regime in Mariupol began at 10:00 Moscow time on 5 March, with evacuations due to start at 12:00 noon. It was reported that humanitarian corridors and exit routes had been agreed with the Ukrainian side.

Pushylin added that the city administration said that a humanitarian corridor towards Zaporizhzhya had been opened. However, due to provocations, it is extremely problematic for the DNR authorities to be responsible for it.

DNR says nationalists refuse to give humanitarian corridor to Mariupol residents

TASS, 5 March. Ukrainian nationalists refuse to provide humanitarian corridor to Mariupol residents. The headquarters of the territorial defence of the Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) said this in its Telegram channel on Saturday.

"The nationalists have refused to provide a humanitarian corridor for the residents of Mariupol," it said. "In their channels and social media groups, the Ukrainian militants are spreading a new statement that the decision to evacuate civilians from the city has not been made," the headquarters added. The DNR noted that the nationalists "demanded that they refuse to leave for safe territory".

Negotiator Kireev killed in central Kiev

MOSCOW, 5 March - RIA Novosti. A member of the first Ukrainian delegation to the negotiations with Russia, Denys Kireyev, was "in fact" shot dead outside a courthouse in central Kiev, blogger Anatoliy Shariy has said.

Earlier, Verkhovna Rada MP Oleksandr Dubinskyy said that Security Service officers killed Kireyev during his detention. There has been no official confirmation of this yet. At the same time, the Strana.ua news and analysis website said that sources in law-enforcement agencies admitted that this information was true. As Dubinskyy noted, Kireyev was suspected of state treason.

"The negotiator at the first Gomel meeting, Kireyev, was actually killed. Right in the centre of Kiev he was executed, with a shot to the head, outside the Pechersky Court," Shariy wrote on Twitter.

The media reported that Kireyev offered to surrender radicals and nationalists in order to save Kiev, Mariupol, Kharkiv and other cities from destruction. According to other information, he wanted to defect to Russia and testify against Ukraine.

That is why he was executed. Previously, Kireyev worked in many of Klyuyev's corporations and worked in Yanukovych's team. He left behind a wife and three children.

The main thing to understand here is that the killing of a member of the delegation is a signal to the President's Office that any agreement in Belarus is not legitimate unless it suits the radicals, who are determined to wage war until the last Ukrainian.
Some news clips from RT
"Kremlin defends harsh 'fake military news' law"

original link -> here


Kremlin defends harsh ‘fake military news’ law
Russia says it was properly responding to the “information war” waged against the country


Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin spokesman, at a press event in Moscow, Russia, February 22, 2022. © Sergey Guneyev/Sputnik

The Kremlin has insisted that making it illegal to spread “fake news” about its ongoing military offensive in Ukraine was a proper response to the alleged propaganda war waged by the West.

The harsh measures were “necessary and urgently needed during these difficult times,”Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for President Vladimir Putin, told reporters on Saturday, citing “an information war waged against our country.”

“Given the state of the information war [against Russia], we had to adopt a law of appropriate severity, which we did,”
the spokesman argued. Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the State Duma, the lower house of the country’s parliament, said the change will help to punish those who have “lied” about Russia’s military actions.

Some journalistic groups and individual reporters condemned the new laws. International Press Institute Deputy Director Scott Griffen accused Moscow of trying to “silence all independent reporting which dares to tell the truth about the horrific human cost of the conflict.”

On Friday, Russia’s media regulator Roskomnadzor blocked access to several liberal news outlets, including Ekho Moskvy radio, Dozhd TV channel, and the Latvian-based Russian-language website Meduza, arguing that they were reporting falsehoods about the Russian campaign in Ukraine. Meduza blasted the action as “censorship.”

The regulator also blocked access to several websites of Western media, including the BBC, Deutsche Welle, Voice of America, and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. The move came after the EU banned RT, as well as Russian news agency Sputnik, citing “information manipulation and disinformation.”

The new law, adopted in Russia on Friday evening, made the deliberate spread of “false information” about the Russian military punishable by up to 15 years in jail and a heavy fine.

Similarly, people found guilty of “discrediting” the use of the Russian Armed Forces for “the protection of the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens” can be jailed for up to five years and fined.
Some news clips from RT
"Hopefully refugees will soon be able to return to Ukraine - Zelensky"

original link -> here


RT • 5 Mar, 2022 09:54
Hopefully refugees will soon be able to return to Ukraine – Zelensky
Ukrainian leader thanked foreign nations for welcoming Ukrainians fleeing military hostilities

FILE PHOTO. Civilians from Ukraine after crossing Ukrainian-Polish border in Medyka. ©Beata Zawrzel / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

The president of Ukraine thanked Poland and other eastern European nations for their support of his country during the Russian offensive, including their acceptance of Ukrainian refugees into their territories. Volodymyr Zelensky said he hoped Ukrainian citizens would soon be able to return home.

Speaking in a televised address on Saturday, he said “I am certain that soon we will be able to tell our people: come home. Come home from Poland, from Romania, Slovakia and all other friendly nations. Return home, since there is no more threat.”

The Ukrainian president extended his special thanks to Poland for supporting his country, including by taking in people during the crisis.“Nobody is asking [refugees from Ukraine] about their nationality, their faith, how much money they have. In fact, we no longer have a border with Poland,” he said.

Our friend Poland, since we are together on the side of the good.”

Zelensky said foreign sponsors like the World Bank have already pledged tens of billions of dollars for an eventual Ukrainian reconstruction effort, and that more money would come.

He also criticized NATO nations for refusing to implement a no-fly zone over Ukraine, a step that would require allies to attack Russian warplanes over the country, potentially leading to a major war in Europe.“Seventy-four percent of Americans support a no-fly zone. Seventy-four! An absolute majority! What else do you need to make a decision?,” he demanded.

The EU estimates that up to four million people may be displaced west from Ukraine due to the ongoing fighting. So far more than half of 1.2 million refugees have fled to Poland, according to UN, while others sought shelter in Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia, and Romania, among other places. Zelensky’s assessment of an all-welcoming attitude contradicts reports from the ground, which said people of color had faced discrimination in Poland.

Zelensky also confirmed Russian statements that the two nations had reached a limited ceasefire agreement for the cities of Mariupol and Volnovakha, to allow civilians out and humanitarian aid in. The president said that Ukrainians who can carry arms should remain in the cities to defend them.

Russia attacked Ukraine last week, claiming that NATO’s informal eastward expansion into the country posed a threat to Russian national security and crossed a red line drawn by Moscow. Kiev and its supporters in the West branded the move an act of unprovoked aggression. Western nations have imposed harsh economic sanctions against Russia aimed at crippling its national economy.
Some news clips from RT
"Declassified papers reveal extend of US military aid to Ukraine - media"

original link -> here

RT • 5 Mar, 2022 11:19

Declassified papers reveal extent of US military aid to Ukraine – media
Washington has gone to great lengths to prepare Kiev “to wage a hybrid war against Russia,” a major US news outlet has said

Ukrainian servicemen move US made FIM-92 Stinger missiles to Boryspil Airport in Kyiv. © AFP / Sergei Supinsky

The US has drastically increased its shipments of lethal aid to Ukraine since late last year, including weapons and gear for urban combat, the Washington Post reported on Saturday, after viewing declassified accounting for transfers and sales.

According to the Pentagon's paperwork, from as early as December Washington had been actively equipping the Kiev government with shotguns, special suits for explosive ordnance disposal and other items useful for combat in urban areas – that's more than two months before the Russian invasion occurred.

And over the past week the deliveries of American arms to Ukraine intensified further, with Kiev getting Stinger anti-aircraft missile systems for the first time and boosting its arsenal of anti-tank Javelin missiles, among other things.

The list has illustrated the great extent to which the Biden administration “sought to prepare the Ukrainian military to wage a hybrid war against Russia,” the Washington Post added.
The delivery of weapons to Kiev is “a continuous process. We are always, always looking at what Ukraine needs, and we've been doing this for years now,” according to an unnamed high-ranking US defense official cited by the paper.

After the Russian incursion, “we have just accelerated our process of identifying requirements and accelerated our consultations as well with the Ukrainians, talking to them daily, as opposed to periodic meetings that we did before this crisis,” he explained.

Some $240 million out of the $350 million in lethal aid that had been approved in late February has already been supplied to Ukraine, according to a senior defense official.
This adds to around $200 million in military assistance that Washington greenlighted for Ukraine in late December, sending M141 single-shot shoulder-launched rocket launchers, M500 shotguns, Mk-19 grenade launchers, M134 miniguns and other gear to the country.

Moscow launched what it called a “special operation” in Ukraine last Thursday, saying that it was needed to stop the genocide in the Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, which broke away from Kiev in 2014.
According to the Russian side, the aim of the operation is to “denazify” and “demilitarize” the Ukrainian government, not to occupy the neighboring country.

Kiev has denied Moscow's justification for the incursion, claiming that an unprovoked war has been waged against it and rallying for international support.

It had also asked the US to impose a no-fly zone above Ukraine on numerous occasions, but the Biden administration has been reluctant to fulfill the request, which would require NATO to target Russian warplanes over the country, potentially leading to a major war in Europe.
Looks to me like the vulture that Peterson has invited 2X is not fooling people.


67% of the people that voted are not fooled.




Feeding the Neocon Deep State mythology spread by this vulture to his audience badly reflects on Peterson's ability to get the facts and understand what is happening. He could not have missed Freeland's lying in 2017 about her grandfather's Nazi past. That should have been a jump off point to research deeper what is the history of Ukraine/Soviet Union in this region.
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From Mikhail Khodorkovsky pumping up the propaganda with false allegations, accusing Russia of Nazi tactic's in Ukraine.


A possible assignation of one of the members of the Ukrainian negotiating team accused of treason in Gomel by the Kiev security services.

And from Webb allegations of secret bio labs on the brooders of Russia.

Ukraine has enlisted Hollywood to support it's agenda of slaughtering it's own people as pure fiction.


Bill Roggio For Dailymail.Com

Putin is NOT crazy and the Russian invasion is NOT failing. The West's delusions about this war - and its failure to understand the enemy - will prevent it from saving Ukraine, writes military analyst BILL ROGGIO

Full article text below. It is a long read:
"This is not a sign of a disorganized, poorly assembled, and failed offensive."

Bill Roggio is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and editor of FDD's Long war Journal. From 1991 to 1997, Roggio served as a signalman and infantryman in the U.S. Army and New Jersey National Guard
Wishful thinking has the upper hand in the battle to shape Western perceptions of the war in Ukraine. Sympathy for the outnumbered and outgunned defenders of Kyiv has led to the exaggeration of Russian setbacks, misunderstanding of Russian strategy, and even baseless claims from amateur psychoanalysts that Putin has lost his mind.

A more sober analysis shows that Russia may have sought a knockout blow, but always had well-laid plans for follow-on assaults if its initial moves proved insufficient. The world has underestimated Putin before and those mistakes have led, in part, to this tragedy in Ukraine. We must be clear-eyed now that the war is underway. Yet even the professionals at the Pentagon are letting sympathy cloud their judgement. Just two days into Russia's invasion of Ukraine, U.S. Department of Defense briefers were quick to claim that failing to take Kyiv in the opening days of the war amounted to a serious setback.

DoD briefers implied that Russia's offensive was well behind schedule or had even failed because the capital had not fallen.
But U.S. leaders should have learned to restrain their hopes after their catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Once again, U.S. and Western officials are falling into the trap of failing to understand the enemy and his objectives.

Allegedly, Putin believed that the Ukrainian government would collapse once Russian troops crossed the frontier and pushed to Kyiv, and that the operation has failed because the Ukrainian government remains in place. Putin certainly hoped for a swift victory, but he clearly was not relying on his opening salvo as the only plan for success. Rather, the Russian military was prepared to take the country by force if a swift decapitation strike fell short.

This kind of plan should be familiar to Americans who remember the 2003 invasion of Iraq. In the first hours of the war, the U.S. Air Force launched its 'shock and awe' campaign in an attempt to kill Saddam Hussein and other key leaders and bring down the government. Saddam survived, but the U.S. military was fully prepared to follow up with a ground assault.
A look at the Russian military offensive demonstrates there was a plan for a full-scale invasion, which Russia is now executing.

A look at the Russian military offensive demonstrates there was a plan for a full-scale invasion, which Russia is now executing.

A look at the Russian military offensive demonstrates there was a plan for a full-scale invasion, which Russia is now executing.

Conventional, mechanized warfare is a time and resource consuming enterprise, and an operation of this scope isn't cobbled together in days. The Russian offensive is taking place on four separate fronts. On a fifth front, in eastern Ukraine, which Putin declared independent last week, Russian forces are tying down Ukrainian troops that are needed elsewhere. The bulk of the Russian forces are advancing southward from Belarus to Kyiv. Russian advance forces, including air, mobile and reconnaissance troops, have been engaged with Ukrainian troops outside of Kyiv since the start of the war.
A massive column of Russian troops, estimated at over 40 miles long, is just 20 miles north of Kyiv, and is likely assembling to surround the capital.

A massive column of Russian troops, estimated at over 40 miles long, is just 20 miles north of Kyiv, and is likely assembling to surround the capital.

If Russian forces can take Kyiv and push southward to link up with forces on the Crimean front, thus splitting Ukraine in two, it would be a major blow to the Zelensky government. What matters more than a handful of setbacks is that Russian forces have pushed 70 miles into contested terrain in less than a week and are on the outskirts of the capital. Further east, Russian forces have launched a broad offensive aimed at Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city, which is now under siege.

In the south, Russian forces, supported by amphibious assaults from the Sea of Azov, have poured into Ukraine from Crimea. On this front, Russian forces have branched out along two main axes, one northwest along the Pivdennyi Buh River, and another northeast along the coast and inland towards the Donbas region, which Russia declared independent shortly before the invasion.

If Russian columns from either southern front can link up with forces further north, they would cut off many Ukrainian troops from reinforcement—one of the two columns has already advanced roughly 160 miles. Russian generals have often chosen to bypass towns and cities that are putting up stiff opposition and isolating them to deal with later.
There are reports that Russian forces have escalated attacks on civilians, particularly in Kharkiv.

At the moment, the artillery and rocket attacks there have been limited, perhaps to send a message to the citizens as a warning of what may come. Putin appears to want to take Ukraine intact, but will not hesitate to increase the level of brutality if needed. The systematic nature of the Russian assault is at odds with speculation that Putin has lost control of his senses. Nobody knows for sure, but Putin's actions appear to be that of a cold and calculating adversary.

Dismissing his decision to invade Ukraine as a form of madness is effectively an excuse to ignore Putin's likely motivations and future actions. Strategically, Putin's advance on Ukraine began well over a decade ago, when he invaded and Balkanized Georgia by recognizing the Kremlin's puppet regimes in the regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
Believing Russia’s assault is going poorly may make us feel better but is at odds with the facts.

Believing Russia's assault is going poorly may make us feel better but is at odds with the facts.

In 2014, Putin occupied and annexed the strategic Ukrainian region of Crimea, which served as a launchpad for the current invasion. Putin paid little price for either action. The United States and Europe imposed limited sanctions but continued to engage with him on the Iranian nuclear deal and other top issues. Today, Putin has calculated that taking Ukraine by force is in his and Russia's interest.

He no doubt anticipated that the West would impose diplomatic and economic sanctions, which U.S. and European leaders threatened beforehand. Putin may have miscalculated Ukrainian resistance and the intensity of the West's opposition, but it doesn't mean he is crazy, or didn't consider the possibilities and chose to invade regardless. It remains to be seen if Putin's plan will succeed or fail, but what is clear is that there was a plan to invade Ukraine in force, and that plan has been executed since day one. Ukrainian troops are putting up a valiant fight facing long odds and difficult conditions. Russia holds most if not all of the advantages.

It can, and has, attacked Ukraine from three different directions. The Russian military holds a decided advantage in manpower, as well as air, naval and armor superiority. It has vast resources to draw on. While Ukraine has the support of much of the international community, which is providing weapons, Ukraine is fighting alone. Believing Russia's assault is going poorly may make us feel better but is at odds with the facts. We cannot help Ukraine if we cannot be honest about its predicament.

Kremlin reveals goal of Ukraine offensive

"Russia’s armed forces have no intention of partitioning Ukraine as part of its military operation into the country, the Kremlin has claimed, as Moscow continues to attack its neighbor."

Gonzalo Lira - the Kiev-hotel guy with glasses - theorized that Ukraine will be split into 4 - four - regions. (video link on his name) The Saker at least was more economical talking about only two: a West-East partition. Syria geopolitics taught us, that Russians are now okay with a Northern Turkey partition and a Southern USA partition of Syria and of course the entirety of Eastern Syria is in USA-Limbo... I figured then that Ukraine will be at least broken in two: Lvov/NW-Ukraine be given to NATO. East-Ukraine will be given to the Russia-friendly population. So this is why this article is breaking news, I think.

Full article text:
Russia’s armed forces have no intention of partitioning Ukraine as part of its military operation into the country, the Kremlin has claimed, as Moscow continues to attack its neighbor. Speaking as part of an interview with Sky News Arabia on Friday, Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov set out Russia’s objectives in the Eastern European nation.

“After the 2014 coup d’état, Ukraine has become influenced by Nazi ideology. We want to free her from this ideology,” he claimed. Peskov went on, arguing that “the presence of NATO infrastructure in Ukraine has increased, which directly threatens the security of Russia.” Moscow has repeatedly called Kiev’s incorporation into the military bloc a “red line.”

“We do not aim to divide Ukrainian territory into parts, but seek to ensure guarantees of our own security,” the Kremlin spokesman stated. Peskov also said that Moscow bore the responsibility for ensuring the safety of civilians in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics after the Kremlin affirmed their sovereignty last month. The two breakaway territories in the Donbass are home to a large proportion of ethnic Russians and are largely Russophone regions. Moscow has issued more than 700,000 Russian passports to people living in the separatist-held republics.

He went on to allege that Kiev had been planning an attack on the two republics, and insisted that Russia had to step in and demilitarize Ukraine to protect them. The broadside from Peskov comes as representatives from Moscow and Kiev are preparing to hold a third round of peace talks. On Thursday, the two sides met in Belarus and discussed creating humanitarian corridors that would allow the evacuation of civilians from cities across the Eastern European nation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine on February 24. According to the Kremlin, the goal of the intervention is “to protect the people [of the Donbass] who have been tortured for eight years by the Ukrainian regime.” It came after requests from the leaders of the republics for assistance in combatting what they claimed was an uptick in “aggression” from Kiev’s armed forces. Moscow has vehemently opposed NATO’s presence close to its borders, and embarked on a mission to obtain security guarantees that would halt the US-led military bloc’s expansion and block Kiev from joining its ranks.


Offensive in Ukraine resumes after ceasefire – Russia

The MoD says its decision to go on with its attack was down to Kiev’s “unwillingness” to “influence” the nationalists
The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on Saturday that offensive operations in Ukraine would resume from 18:00 Moscow time “due to the unwillingness of the Ukrainian side to influence the nationalists or extend the ceasefire.”
“Not a single civilian was able to leave Mariupol and Volnovakha along the security corridors. The nationalist battalions took advantage of the ceasefire to strengthen their positions,” the statement said.

It was highlighted by analysts that Ukraine must plant its crops very soon, or else the world will be starving of famine..
In 2019, Russia and Ukraine together exported more than a quarter (25.4 percent) of the world’s wheat, according to the Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC).
80% of the world's sunflower oil is coming from Russia-Ukraine.. (sources, I read)
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