Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I came across this news yesterday.
I haven't found it in English.


It is said that first part of Israeli's soldiers came to Ukraine on 4th of March
Strange, bit i found only 4 sites that spread those inf.

And here I found those site :

It is said that :
However, Israeli law does have a provision forbidding citizens from joining a foreign military — with a potential punishment of up to three years in prison. This is not applicable if the State of Israel has an agreement with the foreign country in question, though it was not immediately clear if this was the case with Ukraine. Curiously, while it may be illegal for Israelis to volunteer for a foreign military, it is not illegal for a foreign country to recruit people in Israel.

This posted on Southfront. Discussing if Zelensky was drugged or just inebriated, apples and oranges. The thing that struck me was from the into image at the top of the page, was this looks like some created set, and also, the caught image of a military person with a gun. Very ominous.

During the 9 days of the war in Ukraine, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky led the war against Russia online. He gave numerous interviews to the Western MSM, addressed the Ukrainian people and fought against all rumors about him by shooting video appeals on Instagram.

On March 4, several Kiev’s officials claimed that Zelenskiy left the country. According to the State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada could not get to him in Lviv. Now he is in Poland.

Another Ukrainian MP, Ilya Kiva, a member of the Opposition Platform — For Life party, confirmed Zelenskiy’s departure to Poland.
“I have been confirmed that the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky, has crossed the Ukrainian-Polish border and is now safe at the American embassy,” he said.

Later, a video was published on the President’s official accounts in Instagram and other social media, showing him in his office in Ukraine.

Embedded image and video, I can't post, but basically is shows? him drugged or drunk supposedly from the Ukraine in his office, to my eyes, this looked to be photoshopped, again a person off to the side listening.

On the video, he claimed that rumors about his departure are spread almost on a daily basis, but he is in Kiev. Some of his followers questioned the relevance of this video, as he did not address the Ukrainian politicians who allegedly lied about his escape to Poland and he did not say any precise information, but general facts.

Later the office of the Ukrainian president denied the information that he left the country.

“He is in Ukraine. And today there was an appeal from the same hall, yesterday there was a press conference of the world media with him,” the Zelensky administration noted.

The press service of the Verkhovna Rada also claimed that this information was fake.

“That’s not true. The President is in Kiev. He is with his people,” the message in the Telegram account of the Ukrainian parliament reads.

The personality if Zelensky is highly promoted by the MSM, while the population is suffering. On the first days of the Russian military operation he had ensured the international community that he had been designated as the main target, and his family was the second main target.

By the way, his wife is not so active on social networks and does not appear in public. According to some rumors, she was seen in Nice, despite Zelensky’s statements that members of the his family are in Kiev.

Another attempt to idealise Zelensky was made by The Times. A Ukrainian hero allegedly survived three assassination attempts in a few days.

Two of them were reportedly organized by notorious Wagner PMCs, another attempt was made by Chechen security forces. The Times reported that the Ukrainian special services thwarted all attempts thanks to some “FSB officers with anti-war views.”

Such a PR campaign made Zelensky the main “fighter for freedom and liberal values in the world.” This gave him the courage to even accuse his Western colleagues. A few days ago, he demanded that the Europeans prove that they are real Europeans and accept Ukraine into the EU.

President Zelenskiy At War: Facts And Fakes

Today he accused NATO of non-interference in the conflict and unwillingness to unleash a Third World War. He declared his exclusivity and humanity, while his proxy nationalists hide behind civilians in besieged cities. He called on the leading world powers to forget not only about their national interests, but also about the security of the whole world, in order to save his personal status.

On March 4th, NATO decided not to close the sky over Ukraine as the Alliance is not taking part in the Ukrainian war.

“This is self-hypnosis of those who are weak and insecure.” – Zelensky claimed. “All the people who will die, from this day on, will die because of you.”

Zelensky seems to be out of touch with reality, saying that the NATO leader does not understand that there will be no significant consequences of such an intervention.

The world is now divided in its assessment of Russian intervention in Ukraine. As the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh turned into a “drone war”, the Ukrainian case is a vivid example of the use of another weapon, an aggressive informational warfare between the two sides amid the military standoff on the ground. While the online battlefield plays such an important role in the conflict, while the warring parties are trying to win the hearts and minds of civilians on both sides, as well as convince other States, it is not easy to uncover the real facts.

That’s why it’s up to you to decide whether Mr. Zelensky was drugged or “tired” during his recent interview with foreign media:

Another embedded video that will not post, go to the original article if it will post, he is inebriated,

So it seems to me that Southfront, has divided loyalties, to some extent, I guess it depends on who is reporting, but that is the same the world over.
Again from SouthFront

On March 5, member of the Ukrainian delegation for the first round of negotiations with Moscow was assassinated in Kiev.

The Ukrainian negotiator who took part at the first Russian-Ukrainian meeting in Gomel Kireev Denis Borisovich was killed in the center of the capital near the building of the Pecherskiy court. He was shot in his head.

The Ukrainian newspaper UNIAN reported that Mr. Kireev was killed after he was detained by members of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). According to media reports, Denis Kireev was suspected of treason.

Mr. Kireev was close to the former deputy Prime Minister during the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych, Andrei Klyuev, according to the Ukrainian newspaper Country.ua. He worked in the banking sector.

Image of a person demised.

On March 5, member of the Ukrainian delegation for the first round of negotiations with Moscow was assassinated in Kiev.

The Ukrainian negotiator who took part at the first Russian-Ukrainian meeting in Gomel Kireev Denis Borisovich was killed in the center of the capital near the building of the Pecherskiy court. He was shot in his head.

The Ukrainian newspaper UNIAN reported that Mr. Kireev was killed after he was detained by members of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). According to media reports, Denis Kireev was suspected of treason.

Mr. Kireev was close to the former deputy Prime Minister during the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych, Andrei Klyuev, according to the Ukrainian newspaper Country.ua. He worked in the banking sector.

On March 4, the opposition deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Nestor Shufrich was captured by fighters of the so-called territorial defense at one of the Ukrainian checkpoints. He called to stop fighting and to for peace with Russia. His current location is unknown.

Another image, this time with a person with his eyes in black tape the at the end of the article two people, one holding a knife, that could be of middle eastern origin (my impression).
This article from the Unz Review

Zelensky has been lionized in the west and praised for his personal bravery. But—as a practical matter—he has failed to restore national unity or implement the crucial peace accord that is the only path to reconciliation. The Ukrainian president doesn’t like the so-called Minsk Protocol and has refused to meet its basic requirements. As a result, the ethnically-charged, fratricidal war that has engulfed Ukraine for the last 8 years, continues to this day with no end in sight. President Vladimir Putin referred to Zelensky’s obstinance in a recent speech delivered at the Kremlin. He said:

“At yesterday’s event… the Ukrainian leadership publicly declared that they were not going to abide by these agreements. Not going to abide by them. Well, what else can you say about that?” (Vladimir Putin)

Most Americans fail to realize that Zelensky’s rejection of Minsk was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Russian officials had worked for 8 years on Minsk hammering out terms that would be agreeable to all parties. Then—at the eleventh hour—Zelensky put the kibosh on the deal with a wave of the hand. Why? Who told Zelensky to scrap the agreement? Washington?

Of course.

And why did Zelensky deploy 60,000 combat troops to the area just beyond the Line of Contact (in east Ukraine) where they could lob mortal shells into the towns and villages of the ethnic Russians who lived there? Clearly, the message this sent to the people was that an invasion was imminent and that they should either flee their homes immediately or take shelter in their cellars. What objective did Zelensky hope to achieve by forcing these people to huddle in their homes in fear for their lives? And what message did he intend to send to Moscow whose leaders looked on at these developments in absolute horror?

Did he know his actions would set off alarms in Russia forcing Putin to call up his military and prepare them for a possible invasion to protect his people from– what looked to be– a massive ethnic cleansing operation?

Not only in Russia. But the whole world and those not aligned with US domination. To my mind we seeing the prescient view of George Orwells novel, 1984. The constant battle between Oceania and East Eurasia.

That is a massive question left for the historians of the future, will they be able to sift through the monumental troves of lies and propaganda, of the world we are living through at this time.
Ukraine Update: Visa, MasterCard Suspend Operations in Russia
Putin Warns Ukraine as Safe-Passage Plans Descend Into Chaos
Ukraine Leader Tells U.S. Lawmakers to Back Oil Ban, Planes
Railways Helped Drive Russia Off Track and Into Ukraine’s Cities
Shell Says It Bought Russian Oil After Government Talk

So much for the New Green Deal.

By Paul Burkhardt (Bloomberg)
Europe’s surging demand for coal is reviving an infrequent trade lane for shipments from South African mines.

The fossil fuel typically heads east from Richards Bay Coal Terminal, the continent’s biggest export hub. Of the 59 million tons of coal shipped from the South African port last year, only 4% went to Europe and more than 86% was delivered to Asia.

There may have been a shift in that balance since Feb. 20 as a handful of bulk carriers have headed west round the Cape of Good Hope after calling at Richards Bay, according to ship tracking data compiled by Bloomberg. At least two stopped directly at RBCT.

Europe’s key coal price climbed to a record on Wednesday as sanctions and companies’ own decisions to stop trading with Russian counterparties mean traders are trying to buy elsewhere. There are also concerns further sanctions and war could tighten the ability of utilities to source coal from Russia if they need to.

European utilities have “ramped up volumes in the last few weeks” of South African coal, said Bevan Jones, chief executive officer of consultants African Source Markets. There are also notable flows of coal from the U.S. and Colombia to Europe, he said.

Stockpiles at Richards Bay are dropping and coal miners have experienced rail logistics issues on the main line to the port, but it “seems to be coping for now,” Jones said.

By Paul Burkhardt and Julian Lee © 2022 Bloomberg L.P.

By Marianna Parraga and Laura Sanicola
HOUSTON, March 3 (Reuters) – Two oil tankers owned and managed by Russia’s largest maritime and freight shipping company, Sovcomflot, which was blacklisted by the United States last week as part of sanctions against Russia, are rerouting from their Canadian destinations, according to tracking data and marine sources.

The tankers are the first Russian-owned oil vessels to change course after Canada this week ratcheted up pressure on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine by shutting ports to Russian-owned ships and barring them from Canadian waters.

The Liberia-flagged tanker SCF Neva carrying crude oil changed course from Canada’s Saint John port on Thursday and is now headed to the Caribbean, sources and vessel data show.

The vessel loaded crude oil at Colombia’s Mamonal port in mid-February. After stopping at an oil storage terminal in St Eustatius it was due to continue to the Port of St. John in New Brunswick, Canada, according to Refinitiv Eikon data.

A refined products tanker chartered by Suncor, SCF Ussuri, has slowed down on Thursday and is currently floating offshore after rerouting from its Montreal, Canada, destination, according to vessel data and sources.

The vessel loaded at New York on Feb. 24 and was due to arrive in Montreal on March 1.

“It’s incredibly confusing for where these ships go, whether they will be received or not and if ports will accept them,” said Dan Yergin, vice chairman of energy research and consultancy IHS Markit.

Yergin added that as countries impose formal and informal restrictions on Russian vessels, many might be rerouted to Asia.

The Biden administration is considering following Canada in barring Russian ships from U.S. ports, a government official said on Wednesday.

As the SCF Ussuri loaded refined product in the U.S. East Coast, it cannot return to the United States without violating the Jones Act.

Russian-flagged ships represent a very small percentage of U.S. traffic, but barring Russian cargo from the United States would have a dramatically larger impact, the source said. It was not clear if the administration is seriously considering that more drastic step.

(Reporting by Marianna Parraga in Houston and Laura Sanicola in Washington; Editing by Kirsten Donovan and Lisa Shumaker)

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2022.

Seatrade Maritime @Seatrade
In the news today: UK dock worker anger diverts Russian LNG cargoes
http://ow.ly/9UNZ103rP6E #maritime #shipping

With the help of Obama's Netflix connections, Penn unleashes a pro-Ukraine, Anti-Russian Documentary with breakneck speed.

In one of my comments I showed how Israel was supporting the Neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine.

Now I see a tweet pointing out something that happened in 2015
Here is the actual article from 2015. Check out the comments as they have some good historical information.

Anyone notice something not right with these two news stories when considered together ?

Well, if JP has a FB or Twitter account, possibly some of you could write some comments and let him know the score?
Laura, his Bitchut account has plenty of comments pointing directly to where people think his blind spots are. An intelligent person would consider this information and then try to verify/disprove what is being pointed out. Well that apparently is not happening. Obviously I have no clue who he speaks with or how he makes his decisions, but something tells me his daughter is steering him toward people like Kagan. I base this on very limited information of observing her tweets which do not impress me. To appear to not to know about the issues I mention above in Ukraine is inexcusable. The Neo-Nazis are there and have been there for a long time. What these Neo-Nazis do with tacit support of the Kiev government can not be excused. This is on the level of what the Nazis were doing there during WW II.

The following tweet is from two Russians where they show a film FROM A UKRAINIAN fighter, so no way to say this is Russian disinformation. In the clip, the Ukrainian is calling out to his fellow fighters to rob churches !!! The guys sounds just like the people who rode horses on the steppes of what is now Ukraine 200 yrs ago, bandits/robbers. In my opinion there is no way to defend what he is suggesting.

Ukraine is a divide house which no amount of PR will glue back together. But that does not mean that "they" won't try as the Empire of Lies has no problem when it comes to lying.

The following is a good example of "Information Warfare" or as Kagan said "Information Cover", Zelensky is Ukraine's greatest hero.


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On a lighter note to lighten up this thread, this again from a remake of the movie Downfall. The universe will react the way it does, when we laugh in the act of adversity, to destroy the human spirit and mind, then we are truly giving a message to the universe, we are one and will not be part of the drama that is forced upon us.

Maybe a divide between East and West is the best solution

It's how Russia has been keeping itself, they on their side and the West on the other. Linearly it sounds like the solution to everything, but that doesn't work and neither the opting for what the psychopaths do and cleaning them out as they have done with "the opposing side" taking into account the repercussions that play a fundamental role beyond what we perceive, would it be "positive" for the learning cycle established in this corner of existence? Although I think that's a topic for another thread covering "as is below in Ukraine, is above" and "the good must know how to defend themselves" when they come again and again to want to take your life when you don't follow their orders. Russia has established healthy, coherent and objective limitations to coexist in a balanced manner. Neither South Korea nor North Korea can reach a simple agreement because the psychopaths are always sticking their noses in, addition to their historical differences.

It is said that :
However, Israeli law does have a provision forbidding citizens from joining a foreign military — with a potential punishment of up to three years in prison. This is not applicable if the State of Israel has an agreement with the foreign country in question, though it was not immediately clear if this was the case with Ukraine. Curiously, while it may be illegal for Israelis to volunteer for a foreign military, it is not illegal for a foreign country to recruit people in Israel.

They always have to have a back door where they can get around their own laws (laughter) It's just that they're really amazing. Israel is a bad dog, but its leash says: "if I get lost, call Putin".

Israel does not take a position in the Ukraine crisis because of its strategic alliance with Russia.

Spanis - Israel no se posiciona en crisis de Ucrania por alianza estratégica con Rusia

Taking sides could damage its ties with the United States, but above all the delicate balance with Russia in the region, and even condition the Jewish communities that continue to live in Russian lands and Ukraine, another element that makes it act with caution.

Israel has been coordinating closely for years with Russia in the Syrian conflict, even though they are on different sides.

Israel's close ties with Kiev are part of its strategy of building bridges to all sides, but with some limits to avoid Moscow's suspicions. According to local press, Israel has declined to sell sophisticated military equipment to Ukraine or Georgia, aware of these countries' quarrels with Russia.

In the midst of the crisis on the border with Russia, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dimytro Kuleba said this week that there was "close cooperation with Israel in the current circumstances" and reiterated his interest in "deepening cooperation in defense technologies, particularly in air defense", which seemed to be a veiled reference to the precise Israeli Iron Dome anti-missile system.

But this acquisition "was a red line for Russia, because if Ukraine obtains it, it will give it a military advantage", which is why Israel had already agreed earlier not to close this sale, says analyst Klauber.
FWIW I took a look at the comments after the two JBP Kagan interviews and there are a lot of good comments (I liked them) calling out Kagan as a neocon, warmonger and propagandist. So hopefully JBP will read some of them and look into it.
In which movie have I seen this scene before?... it's like when it's sometimes the possibility that it's just a settling of personal scores that has nothing to do with infiltration... Ah! in an American movie where only the bad spies are Russians!

It already seemed too strange to me that nothing was going to happen to damage the negotiations, at least it wasn't a bomb as I thought it would be while they were waiting for the Ukrainian delegation to arrive.

Media: SBU kills member of Ukrainian negotiations team suspected of treason.
According to Ukrainska Pravda sources, a member of the Ukrainian negotiating delegation that met with Russia, was shot dead by the Security Service of Ukraine officers as they were trying to detain him. The man was allegedly Denys Kirieiev, a former deputy chairman of Oschadbank. The SBU had “strong evidence” he was leaking information to Russia.

Alexander Dubinsky said on Saturday that Kireyev was killed while being detained by officers of the Ukrainian Security Service on suspicion of state treason.

Ukraine delegation member shot dead for being Russian spy


  • A member of Ukrainian negotiating delegation was killed by Security Service of Ukraine (SBU): Report
  • SBU suspects that he was a Russian spy.
  • Reports suggest SBU had evidence of Denis Kireev's treason, including telephone conversations.

How scary it must be to hear that hissing sound above your head.

Correspondents hide from Ukrainian artillery shelling
A bizarre event involving two F-35s of the (US Air Force) that were dispatched to give airspace cover over Poland for NATO.
It seems though that the unit had a in flight emergency on the return from the mission.

March 5, 2022 14:16 Updated 16:44 By Maximilian Kiewel and Axel Lier
Excitement at BER on Saturday morning. Two F-35s of the US Air Force landed there. According to B.Z. information, an emergency landing!
According to B.Z. information, both US jets had taken off from the US air base in Spangdahlem.

Their mission: to guard the airspace over Poland for NATO. On the way back, one of the F-35s reported an air emergency. Why exactly, is currently not clear.

The aircraft, built by the US company Lockheed-Martin, is considered the most modern stealth fighter aircraft in the world (Photo: Sven Meissner)
The aircraft, built by the US company Lockheed-Martin, is considered the most modern stealth fighter aircraft in the world (Photo: Sven Meissner)

The fighter jet initiated an emergency landing. The nearest airport: BER. The second F-35 followed shortly thereafter. A common procedure, as both jets were traveling together

A US Air Force F-35 at #BER . Approaching scheduled airliners seem to be in waiting positions. #berlin #schönefeld #usaf #airport #flughafen #f35

On the ground, the Federal Police secures the area extensively. Line machines had to circle above BER.

▶︎ Built by the US company Lockheed-Martin, the aircraft is considered the most modern stealth fighter aircraft in the world. Top speed: 1975 kilometers per hour, supersonic speed.

One of the machines takes off again (Photo: Sven Meissner/ Roland Pogander)
One of the machines takes off again (Photo: Sven Meissner/ Roland Pogander)

Due to its design, the jet can only be located at short distances for enemy radars and guided missiles.

And a better follow-up with far more details on the article above, (with a screen capture below).

Mar 4, 02:58 PM

One again as the session stated, Putin's determination and confidence are very high with ending Ukraine's corruption.


himmelskasper @himmelskasper
Apparently, a high-ranking US representative has landed in Chisinau, the capital of the Republic of Moldova. The Boeing C-32A is used by the Vice President and other representatives. #flightradar #Chișinău #chisinau #usaf

Russia Has Been Hunting Down Ukrainian Air Defenses With Anti-Radiation Missiles (Photos)
The Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) have been hunting down Ukrainian air defense and radar systems using anti-radiation missiles. On March…


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I have already written above about attempts to re-establish Ukraine as a federation, as a possible future of this country. Now, too, about the future, but planned from the other side.

06.03.2022, 03:54
WP: The US is considering the appearance of the "government of Ukraine in exile"

Joe Biden's administration is engaged in planning "in case of unforeseen circumstances" in Ukraine, sources told The Washington Post. Among the possible options, the emergence of a "government in exile" in Poland is being considered.

It is alleged that the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, discussed with officials from Washington whether he and his team should move from Kiev to Lviv. The security of the head of state is ready to quickly transport him, but Mr. Zelensky "still refuses to leave," the newspaper writes.

The United States and European countries are beginning to prepare for how to support the Ukrainian government. According to WP, the previously adopted resolution of the UN General Assembly condemning the Russian military operation "laid the foundations" for the recognition of Mr. Zelensky's administration, even if it does not control the territory of the country.

Sources told the newspaper that the "government in exile" could direct the operations of the resistance forces. Western countries will continue to supply him with weapons. At the same time, the United States and its allies are cautious about openly supporting the Ukrainian resistance, so as not to involve NATO in a direct conflict with Russia, WP claims. Washington allegedly believes that Moscow may regard the support of the "government in exile" operating from Poland as an attack by the alliance.

Russia has been conducting a military operation in Ukraine since February 24 by order of President Vladimir Putin. The parties had previously agreed to create humanitarian corridors for residents of Mariupol and Volnovakha. The day before, on March 5, Moscow accused Kiev of disrupting the evacuation.
WP: США рассматривают появление «правительства Украины в изгнании»

I remind those who are not aware that the fight against Bandera gangs in Ukraine, led and supported by Western special services, lasted more than 10 years after the end of the Great Patriotic War. Civilians have been dying all this time. In terms of time of resistance, but by no means intensity, the Baltic "forest brothers" far surpassed the Ukrainians. It is believed that the last "forest brother" surrendered to the authorities in Estonia already in the 70s, i.e. 25-30 years after the end of the Great Patriotic War.

Выше я уже писал об попытках переучреждения Украины в качестве федерации, как о возможном будущем этой страны. Сейчас тоже о будущем, но планируемом с другой стороны.
Я напомню тем кто не в курсе, что борьба с бандеровскими бандами на Украине, руководимыми и поддерживаемыми западными спецслужбами, продолжалась более 10 лет после окончания Великой Отечественной войны. Все это время гибли мирные жители. В смысле времени сопротивления, но отнюдь не интенсивности, прибалтийские "лесные братья" намного превзошли украинцев. Считается, что последний "лесной брат" сдался властям в Эстонии уже в 70х годах, т.е. 25-30 лет после окончания Великой Отечественной войны.
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